Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Rhetorical Appeals in Language

Topic: Rhetorical Appeals in Language
Essential Question/Focus: How might we examine an author's use of rhetorical appeals in developing Big Ideas in a resource?

As we build on an author's use of Rhetorical Appeals to convince an audience, consider the resources below. Use the note-catching/note-making tools (Four Square note catcher or Cornell Note document) to capture Big Ideas as you explore the resources to build knowledge.

Consider CHOOSING ONE of the texts as your main focus:

How might you summarize the BIG IDEAS?
What rhetorical appeals does the author utilize?
To what extent are the appeals useful or effective in developing the BIG IDEAS?
Is the author's credibility enhanced through the use of the rhetorical appeals you outlined/discussed above?


 Is Too Much Technology Bad for Students?

How Your Smartphone Affects your Brain and Body

Your Task:
Having created your original blog based on the resource you have chosen, edit your blog to ensure that it is free of basic errors.  In preparation for your blog to be assessed, please review our blog rubric to make adjustments to your work.

Please do not forget to post anonymously, but kindly identify yourself for peer assessment.


  1. Alexander Malena-We can summarize the Big Ideas of the text "Is Too Much Technology Bad for Students?" because this text refers that technological advancements have made lives easier for us compared to what we had to face before in our previous generations and that now we live in a world where there's a overdose of technology and we depend on technology like computers, cellphones, tablets, and more to help us in our daily lives. but its becomes very excessive and addicted that we lose focus on our important things in our lives but its also stating that excessive technology can not be considered a bad thing it may have its flaws but it cant never be considered bad. This text summarizes that too much technology can be beneficial and hurtful towards others which is shows the pros like technology can open to new learning experiences,it has apps that take care of people's needs and research is easier and cons like cyber bullying, mental and physical problems, and disconnect from the real world.Rhetorical appeals the author utilizes is Ethos and Logos because the author appeals using Ethos to the audience or character of the audience who's reading this text of how well they know or believe this in which they are able to learn about too much technology being helpful in their daily lives and then becoming a problem in their active lives as well and utilizes Logos by giving reasoning and information showing that online learning can open the doors for personalized learning where students can learn anything they want and there are apps that take care of their daily needs and showing that technology can lead to someone being bullied online and developing mental problems forcing them to do something as a sin.The rhetorical appeals are useful in developing the big ideas because it appeals to the audience like its persuade someone to agree or disagree on your points in writing or in a text in which they better understand why you wrote this and they connect it to what they do in real life and apply it to their work or daily lives like in this text when the author was developing his big ideas he utilized rhetorical appeals like ethos and logos to convince the audience on the pros and cons of too much technology in our daily lives. I believe the author credibility enhanced through the use of rhetorical appeals because i believed he used Ethos and Logos effectively to convince us the audience that too much technology leads to learning new things that want to learn and apps can help with our daily lives and researching becomes easier and too much technology can lead to cyberbullying, mental problems and disconnects us from the real world.

  2. raleek brown
    I choose resource 1 that too much technology is bad for students. Well i believe that too much technology is not bad for students because students rely on technology almost everyday. Technology is very important in the lives of students. Many technology students use are phones, laptops, computers, tablet,iPad, iPod, gaming systems, and more. BUT ALL THESE OBJECTS ARE IMPORTANT TO US. For starters students rely on the internet. As said in the article the internet is very important for research, information, and to learn about anything. Also online learning is very popular and requires technology. Heck even adults use lots of technology. Many colleges uses online learning and many teens and adults uses this technology to get their education. After reviewing all this information i think the author is appealing to logos because the author is trying to persuade the audience by the use of arguments that are logic.

  3. jalen hiers-after reviewing the two resources the video 'how your smartphones effect your brain and body" and the passage "is too much technology bad for students" iv'e come to a conclusion that i feel like the passage is more efficient in using the rhetorical appeals to get the message across to readers. in the passage it talks about how the internet has the biggest impact on our lives more than ever they take care of every students needs, visual or hearing learning it makes research easier and you can learn anything with the amount of apps created today.But the internet has cons such as kids becoming addicted and mental issues.It cause kids to disconnect from the world. the rhetorical appeals the author utilizes is ethos and logos. he uses ethos by appealing to the readers character,talking about how technology is helpful in everyday activities. and also how its very dangerous to have to much technology in your life with can cause physical and mental health. the author uses logos by giving information and reasoning to back up the pros and cons of to much technology, it open the doors to a new way of learning for kids apps that are created that helps kids in different subjects and areas they don't excel at. technology also distracts kids from the world which can lead to kids having physical and mental health. the rhetorical appeals ethos and logos were a major part in developing the big ideas brought out in the passage. using pros and cons to help us agree or disagree with to much technology is bad for students it also gives us a connection to the passage. and logos giving us information on the pros and cons. i believe the author credibility is definitely enhanced through the use of ethos and logos he does a very nice job of convincing the readers that technology is good for students it helps learning better and more fun for kids. and also to much technology can cause mental and physical problems.

    1. Alexander Malena- I agree with you Jalen that the passage is efficient in using rhetorical appeals to get his point across to us the readers. and you talk about that the internet has a impact on our lives that it takes care of every students needs, visual and learning and it makes research easier you can learn anything. But also has flaws in which they become addicted to it causing us to be disconnected from the world. I also agree that you said the author utilizes ethos and logos because he appeals to the readers character talking about technology being helpful in our everyday activities and becoming dangerous to physical and mental problems and logos by giving information and reasoning to back up his argument. And I agree that you said the author used these rhetorical appeals effectively persuading us on how too much technology can affect us.

    2. Matthew Smith- I agree with you Jalen the internet has many benefits to students but i feel like with anything too much is never good for you. But i feel that the benefits far out weigh the drawbacks.I also agree with you that the author uses ethos and logos. I feel like this can be seen when he talks about cyber bullying and all the evidence the author provides appeals to logic. I also I agree that you said the author used these rhetorical appeals effectively persuading us on how too much technology can affect us.

  4. Anthony Bruce- I feel that resource 2 provided the most information to me. The big idea presented in resource 2 is that technology is bad for students.To much technology is bad for students because it can harm your brain, which makes you not understand stuff to the fullest, not making you remember anything you learned during the day. Also to much technology can change your mood overall, it can make you very depress. The more time you spend on your smartphone the higher chance of you being depressed. The rhetorical device that the author uses in his video is logos. The reason why i say the author uses logos is because throughout the whole video the author was stating facts about how technology can effect you. This rhetorical appeal is useful in developing the big ideas because he used it to persuade us that technology and smartphones can really have a bad impact on you in your life. Also he gives us so much information and facts too make us have no choice but to agree with him. I believe that the author credibility did enhance through the use of rhetorical appeals because he used logos to make me strongly agree with him that technology can harm us students. To sum it technology can dangerously hurts us in many different ways that can effect us in our everyday lives.

    1. Alexander Malena- I agree what you said that technology has its flaws and problems that it can harm your brain, which makes you lose focus and understand fully and not making you remember everything. technology can lead to depression the more you spend on it the higher chance of you getting depressed. I also agree that the author based on the video utilizes logos using and stating facts and giving reasoning to his argument and that he develops big ideas because he used it to persuade us that technology can have a bad impact and his credibility enhances because logos was used effectively to show technology can harm students.

    2. Gavin Seebalack- I agree with you that technology is very harmful to the users brain, and it can lead to you losing focus and not making you very effective. Technology can also lead to depression if you are using technology too much. I also agree with you that the author uses logos and uses facts and statistics in his argument to develop the big ideas that technology can have a very bad impact on the users.

  5. Matthew Smith- The big idea that come out in resources number 2 is that Cellphone sand technology is general very bad for you especially at night.The evidence the video gave for this was that the light your self phone gives off tricks your brain to think that its day and this keeps you up, another reason they gave was the blue light is very damaging to your eyes. The rhetorical appeals the author utilizes are pathos and logos.These appeals are effective in developing the big idea because they are persuasive appeals.Logos is the appeal to logic or reason.This can be seen when he gives statistics in the video for instance at the begin of the video the author gives aqe statistic showing how many people on average in a certain age range fall asleep with their phones this seems to not mean much until he revels the consequences of doing so, While pathos is the appeal to the emotions of the audience and this can be seen when he talks about how students who spent more time on there cellphone tended to be more unhealthy this statement is supposed to encourage you to get to get of your phone.The author's credibility is enhanced through the use of pathos and logos because this shows that he is educated but his credibility is also enhanced because of the fact that he links the sources of his research in the video description.

    1. Kimberly Bueno - I agree with Matthew that technology is harmful to people's health (regarding blue light) because it tricks the brain that it's actually daytime when it's not. Logos was also very prevalent in the article that I read, and it makes the author's claim stronger. Good job explaining the rhetorical strategies and how they were used in resource #2.

  6. Matthew Smith- The big idea that comes out in resource number 2 is that Cellphones and technology is general very bad for you especially at night.The evidence the video gave for this was that the light your self phone gives off tricks your brain to think that its day and this keeps you up.Another reason they gave was the blue light is very damaging to your eyes. The rhetorical appeals the author utilizes are pathos and logos.These appeals are effective in developing the big idea because they are persuasive appeals.Logos the appeal to logic or reason can be seen when he gives statistics in the video for instance at the begin of the video the author gives aqe statistic showing how many people on average in a certain age range fall asleep with their phones this seems to not mean much until he revels the consequences of doing so, While pathos is the appeal to the emotions of the audience and this can be seen when he talks about how students who spent more time on there cellphone tended to be more unhealthy this statement is supposed to encourage you to get to get of your phone.The author's credibility is enhanced through the use of pathos and logos because this shows that he is educated but his credibility is also enhanced because of the fact that he links the sources of his research in the video description.

    1. Jalen Jones- I agree with you Matthew, the use of technology can be very bad for you. I also agree with the author's use of logos throughout the video by relying on facts and statistics which adds reasoning to his argument and persuade his audience that technology is bad for you. I also like how you opened my eyes to the use of pathos in the video by targeting the audience emotions when he discusses how students who spent more time on there cellphone tended to be more unhealthy which would encourage the audience to take a stand to this issue. Lastly, I like how you validated the author's cedibility by stating that "he links the sources of his research in the video description".

  7. Aziera Khan- Reviewing these two resources. The most useful one was Resource #2. The big idea that come's out in resource number 2 is Technology is very bad and affects you severely in the night. In the video the rhetorical appeal the author utilizes is Logos. Logos is an appeal to logic, and is a way of persuading an audience by reason. This fully matches up with the way he persuades. He uses logic when he gives statistics in the video like the author gives aqe statistic showing how many people on average in a certain age range fall asleep with their phones and also when he uses a percentage to tell audience how technology can give you a vision disorder. The author's credibility is enhanced through the use of logos because this shows that he is knows valuable information about how technology is very bad for you and also he also says his sources where we can refer back to , to show he does research.

  8. Juan Reyes-After carefully reading and watching both of the resources provided i feel like resource 2 uses rhetorical appeals more efficiently than resource 1 and in response delivers a clearer and better message that cellphone and technology use generally affects your brain in body in a negative way. To deliver this message the author uses logos and makes us come to reason and think he does this by giving us the consequences of using technology (cellphones) to often. Another example of the author using a rhetorical appeals is his use of ethos were he gives us everyday scenarios that most of us experience therefore increasing his credibility. The use of these appeals allow the author to slowly but surely persuade the viewer and ultimately deliver his point. These rhetorical appeals also take a big role in helping the author develop his big ideas because the allow him to gain emotional and logical support from the viewer and at the same time build up his credibility by giving us examples such as statistics, charts, and etc... , which is key in successfully delivering a big idea.

  9. Kevin Martinez- The big ideas can be summarized in "is too much technology bad for students?" because the ideas that are expressed in this article is that there are pros and cons to the impact technology has on students. One of the pros to technology is that without technology students would not have access to information in their home or even at public places when they want to access certain info. Also with the help of technology people can be more exposed to whats happening in the outside world like politics or threats that are occurring in your area. On the other hand, technology can also have a negative impact on people. This is because it will cause people to disconnect from the world and wont have any connection to any one if all they're doing is be on the internet.

    1. Kimberly Bueno - I agree with Kevin's post since I also chose resource #1 (article), and felt that it clearly stated the positives and negatives of technology. Maybe expand on how the author used rhetorical strategies to make your post even stronger.

  10. Travis Turner - We can summarize the Big Ideas in the text "Is Too Much Technology Bad For Students?" because the text demonstrates that over the past years technology have been more advanced making our everyday lives more easier. The use of technology could be very addicting if we use it excessively and that cause people to lose focus and be lazy at times. Also, technology is useful for many variety of activities such as Research, communication and etc... without the use of technology there wouldn't be smart phones, video games, laptops and other technologies that we like to use.Rhetorical appeals the author utilizes is Ethos and Logos because the author appeals using Ethos to the audience or character of the audience who's reading this text of how well they know or believe this in which they are able to learn about too much technology being helpful in their daily lives and then becoming a problem in their active lives as well and utilizes Logos by giving reasoning and information showing that online learning can open the doors for personalized learning where students can learn anything they want and there are apps that take care of their daily needs and showing that technology can lead to someone being bullied online and developing mental problems forcing them to do something as a sin.

  11. Bernaldo Scudder

    After reviewing these 2 resources I believe that the 2nd resource is the most useful. The big ides that I found in this video was that Cellphones and other technological devices can be very harmful to the human body if used during the night unsafely. In this resource, the creator uses Logos and Pathos to connect with the audience that watches the video. The use of Logos was useful the overall meaning of the video because it showed that everything that they were saying was factual and had scientific proof to prove their points. The use of Pathos used in the video was to show empathy to the audience to show that it is very common to use their devices while they sleep. I believe that the authors credibility is greatly increased due to his/her use of these rhetorical devices because it shows that the author took the time to look up the important and factual information to give to the audience.

    1. Jalen Jones-I agree with you Bernaldo, the use of technology excessively can cause harmful effects to the human body especially. I like how you broadcasted your understanding of the big idea conveyed in the video.Secondly, like how you stated the author use of logos throughout the video in which he provides factual evidence to support his stance on the use of technology. Thirdly, I like how you opened my eyes to the use of pathos throughout the video in which the author plays on the audience emotions to convince his audience by empathizing with the audience that its very common for people to use their devices while they sleep but I wish you would have elaborated more on how this point in the video motives the audience to fix this issue. Lastly, I like you validated the author's credibility by explaining that he took the time to look up the important and factual information to give to the audience .

    2. Ryan Sookraj-I agree with you.I like how you explained the use of the rhetorical devices logos and pathos throughout the video.Also, i like the way you stated that the use of rhetorical devices helped enhance the credibility of the author.

  12. Daniel Mohamed
    After analyzing the two resources that were given,the most useful one to me was resources #2.The big ideas that came out form this is that cell phones are bad in general and its usage should be limited and if your not limiting yourself,it would have a negative impact on your body.Based on the video,logos was use to provide logical interpretation on why cell phones are bad and pathos was use to appeal to the audience the consequences cell phones can do to your body.The video specifically talks about on cell phones affect the mind at night.It states that those who use their phones at night can have sleeping disorders,having problem with digestion and affect your studying which is really important.Statistical data was used to compare does who don't use your phone before bed and those who do.it favor those who were more limited.The video help appeal to the audience why cell phone is bad by using pathos and logos

  13. Jalen Jones- After reviewing these two resources, the most useful one is resource #2.The big idea that comes out in resource #2 is that people have an unhealthy obsession to technology which can cause harmful effects that might be irreversible. In this video the author uses the rhetorical appeal known as logos . This specific rhetorical appeal relies on the use of logic and reason to convince an audience of your specific augment. Throughout this video, the author uses logos buy relying on the use of accurate statistics to persuade his audience on his argument that people have an unhealthy obsession to technology which can cause harmful effects that might be irreversible. For instance, in the video he says “when 2,000 people were interviewed about the reason for their vision problems, 55% admitted that their eye discomfort most probably stemmed from their habit of spending too much time including the dark on their smartphones”. This shows that the use of technology can cause vision problems which can affect your health if prolonged.The author’s credibility is enhanced through the use of logos because he uses the art of persuasion to convey to his readers his argument while also using factual evidence such as statistics to drive home the reliability of his statements. He also links resources he uses in the video description box which shows his dedicated research on this topic.

  14. Gavin Seebalack
    After reviewing the two resources, the most useful to me was resource #2. The video's big ideas is that excessive use of cell phones and other technology is bad for you, especially during then night. Using technology too much can case very harmful effects that may irreversible. The video explains that the blue lights on our cell phone screens, TV's, monitors, and tablets can harm your brain by tricking the brain into thinking its day time thus keeping you awake during the night. Also the blue lights can damage your eyes, and too much technology can change your overall mood, which can make you very depressed. The rhetorical appeal that the author uses in the video is logos. By implementing logos, the appeal of logic or reason, he uses a lot of statistics to make his argument better. For example, in the beginning of the video the author says that 63% of people ages from 18-29 fall asleep holding their smartphone. This shows that from the start to the finish of the video the author uses the rhetorical appeal logos. By using logos, I believe that the author's credibility through the use of rhetorical appeals. He used logos to make me strongly agree with him that technology is harmful to not only students, but everyone that uses it.

  15. Sebastian Marte
    After using resource #1 (article) i can summarize the big ideas as technology being bad because of it lends people to become disconnected from the real world and can become too overwhelming to some people. The other big idea in the text is that technology is good because it has made our life easier than those of our ancestor. It also is an important tool because anything that they want to learn about, can be found in the internet. The author of the article, Ethan Miller, uses logos to convey us this information. The rhetorical appeal is very effective in developing the BIG IDEAS because by using logos, Ethan Miller uses evidence and logic to create the BIG IDEA. The evidence makes the reader change their mind and persuade them towards the author point. So yes the author credibility is enhanced through the use logos.

    1. Ryan Sookraj-I agree with you that technology causes people to be disconnected from the real world.I like how you stated that the author uses logos to develop the big idea.Also, I like how to said the authors credibility is increased because of the use of a rhetorical device.

  16. Kevin Martinez- The big ideas can be summarized in "is too much technology bad for students?" because the ideas that are expressed in this article is that there are pros and cons to the impact technology has on students. One of the pros to technology is that without technology students would not have access to information in their home or even at public places when they want to access certain info. Also with the help of technology people can be more exposed to what is happening in the outside world like politics or threats that are occurring in your area. On the other hand, technology can also have a negative impact on people. This is because it will cause people to disconnect from the world and wont have any connection to any one if all they're doing is be on the internet. Another negative impact is that it basically helps those people who like to bully over social media (cyber bullying). The Rhetorical appeals the author utilizes is Ethos and Logos because the author appeals using Ethos by connecting to readers by using something that could have happened to them or someone around them. The author also utilizes Logos by giving reasoning and information showing that online learning can open the doors for personalized learning where students can learn anything they want and that there are apps that take care of their daily needs. Rhetorical appeals can be effective in developing big ideas because it can help people connect to the reader via text or video by persuading them in to believing in what the text is talking about using emotional appeal or using statistics and facts. I do believe that the authors credibility is enhanced using Rhetorical appeals because he used Ethos and Logos effectively to convince us the audience that too much technology leads to learning new things and that technology exposes us to apps that can teach us many things.

  17. Nathaniel Rodriguez- After reading both resources, I have decided that the second resource was most helpful to me. The second resource was most helpful because it shows that there are pros and cons of technology but the cons outweigh the pros. The author uses logos to appeal to his argument. He uses logos by using facts to prove his argument that technology is bad. Technology is bad because it makes people more lazy. It doesn't make people want to be active. This is another reason why there is such a huge problem with obesity. It also damages your vision when you are constantly on your phone at night. It also messes up the social lives of a lot of people because they would just want to be at home on their phones. They don't want to spend time with other people. This is why a lot of people are introverts. This can also be the main cause of cyber bullying because a lot of people bully each other on social media. Rhetorical appeals are helpful because they can strengthen a person's argument. It can help a person connect with the other person they are arguing with or persuading. The author's credibility is enhanced because it helps him to persuade us that technology can harm us and it can have a lot of cons.

  18. Ivan Lara-after watching and reading both resources I summarized the big idea as being technology is bad for students the cons outweigh the pros. The resources showed that technology among students leads to an unhealthy obsession to technology which can cause harmful effects that might be irreversible. Technology leads to laziness and a lot of it which in turn leads to obesity, that can turn into life threatening problems. People don't want to leave their homes because everything they need is online they can even order food to their house using the internet(uber eats). Technology also lead to cyberbullying which is horrible for a student because that bullying doesn't just stay on the internet it carries on into real life and it will affect schoolwork grades,attitude,and much more in the students life. Another con is that using technology can turn into an addiction and it will continue into school.For example when they don't understand the work or they get frustrated with the work they'll go on their phones instead of asking for help or actually trying to understand the work.The resources use logos to appeal there arguments.

  19. Walisha Williams-Resource 1 was the most helpful resource so I focused on collecting the big ideas while I read the article. The overall big idea of the article “Is Tooo Much Technology Bad for Students” is that despite the good qualities students can get out of technology , the use of technology can be put to a bad use as well due to the fact that technology have made it easier for students to learn but on the other hand students also get bullied over the internet.Another big idea that stuck out is that since technology became apart todays societies daily routine to the point where schools and programs feels as if its necessary to incorporate to help get students engaged. The rhetorical appeals that the author utilize is logos because as I was read the article the author provided both sides of the argument with facts. I did not feel like the author was trying to persuade me into picking a particular side. Based off of what information the author provided I chose my side based off my personal feelings. The authors use if logos was useful but it wasn’t that effective because the the author left it up to the readers to decided whether we think too much technology is bad for students or not. The use of logos did not enhance the authors creditibility because the author use very strong points For example the author stated "Online learning has opened doors for personalised learning where students can learn anything and everything under the sun at their own pace from the comforts of their home. Video-based learning, flipped learning, audio podcasts etc., have provided engaging platforms of learning for students. Computers, projectors, and even, calculators have helped in evolving education to fit the needs of students of this generation.” Online learning is a big way of learning today which made me feel like students students have enough technology in their lives to deal with. On the other hand the author stated a key point that "Since most tech tools have a visual interface, there is a risk of eyesight-related issues associated with it. The growing rates of obesity, hypertension, and diabetes are a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle powered by the addictive nature of technology.” Too much technology can hurt a persons eyesight, weight or just their health in general. This is very valid point which cause me to think deeper about what I truly feel and believe in what which made come to the conclusion that their should be a balance between a students use of technology because their many benefits and effects that comes with the use of technology.

  20. Seon Vaughn- after reading and viewing both articles, the cons definitely outweigh the pros on technology. The big idea that comes out of resource 1 is that Technology can be very harmful and can affect you both mental and physically. In the article the rhetorical appeal the author utilizes is Logos. Logos (appeal to logic) is a way of persuading an audience with reason, using facts and figures. He uses logic when he provides information on how many people disconnect from the real world and rise in mental and physical health problems. The author's credibility is enhanced through the use of logos because it gave us tons of information on how technology can affect you in good and bad ways and shows us where else we can go to gather more information.

  21. Alliyah Jennings
    After reading and viewing the articles about the impact weather technology is good or bad,I found resource 1 as the most helpful resource."Is Too Much Technology Bad For Students".I feel like this article was more efficient by using the rhetorical appeals to inform the readers.The authors digs into logos because they used a lot of information and facts to support their position.But other wise that the author had valid points to persuade the readers to pick their side.The author stated how too much of technology can cause obesity,diabetes their health in particular and always cause bad eyesight.This was very important points that was used because it shows how technology can weaken us and the non-beneficial things too much technology has.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Akeem Olakunle

    The source of information that explains the withdraws and benefits of using technology too much better for me is Article because it explains how technology helps people learn and find things much easier and effectively but con have negative effects if not careful of your actions. For Ethos the author uses Google and other fact sources like Wikipedia, Thesaurus.com, Encyclopedia.com to explain well known websites the people use to learn and research. For Logos the author explain excessive use of technology can effect our sight and brains. Lastly for Pathos in the article the are two quotes in a red text box the show how different people feel about the subject about is too much technology bad for students. The use of rhetorical devices did enhance the author's credibility because the audience/readers will feel like this is someone they can trust because the author uses examples of well known site people use everyday to support the pros, uses logic and reason why not to stay up very long with the phone because of how it can effect our physical health and finally got a hold of what other people this about the subject.

  24. Sambahv Banstola
    The big idea that comes out of the resource number two is how the cellphone disturbs our natural cycle of sleep, diet and our health in general. We naturally stay active during day time and rest during night time, but when you use your phone during night time your brain gets confused thinking it's day time because of the light that's coming out from your cellphone. The video also gives out statistical evidence saying, how 63% of people from 18 to 29 and 30% of people from 30 to 64 fall asleep holding their smartphone. The narrator in the video uses logos by stating statistical evidence to make his argument better. I think that the author’s credibility is enhanced through the use of logos because of how he uses the art of persuasion to convey to his readers in the argument as well as using factual evidence such as statistics to drive home the reliability of his statements.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Kimberly Bueno - After analyzing the resource "Is Too Much Technology Bad for Students?", I might summarize the main ideas as the pros and cons of using technology. For example, the internet has made research much easier and technology has opened new possibilities of learning. This makes life easier and promotes educational growth. For example, back in the day, if you wanted to learn something, you had to pay for tutoring or have to walk to the library to obtain that information. Now, with the tap of you finger you can have millions of search results from home. The article states “Online learning has opened doors for personalised learning where students can learn anything and everything under the sun at their own pace from the comfort of their home.” Now even students from low income families have an opportunity to learn just like everybody else. On the negative side though, technology can lead to social media addiction and cyber bullying. This has been especially prevalent in younger generations, where kids throw tantrums if their electronics are taken away. You don’t see as many kids playing outside, since they’re stuck indoors playing video games (which is good, but in moderation). An example of logos from the article is “Apart from physical health issues, there has been a steep rise in cases of depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder, thanks to the overuse of mobile phones, laptops, social media, and the internet in general.” They based their claim on research which makes their argument more substantial. The author used many rhetorical strategies such as ethos, pathos, and logos. They used facts/statistics, credible claims, and appeals to emotion to discuss the benefits and negatives of using technology. Their appeals are useful to a great extent, in developing big ideas since they are used to persuade the audience and make them think a certain way... The author's credibility was enhanced through the use of the rhetorical appeals discussed above (ethos, pathos, logos) because they are used to sway the audience (readers) to think a certain way. They are strategies of persuasion and make any argument stronger and more credible.

    1. MALIKIYA RICHARDS- I agree with your statement that technology have its pros and cons.YOU stated how back in the day children had to pay for tutoring or walk to the library to obtain that information, Now their is unlimited technology everywhere that you can access to online with a tap of your finger

  27. MALIKIYA RICHARDS- The big idea that came out was resource number 2 "How Your Smartphone Affects Your Brain And Body" Is teens and adults have an unhealthy obsession towards their phone or any screen device. It clearly specify the pros and cons on how technology affects teens. It gives us not only how it affects teens but for adults as well; Stating how 63% of people from 18 to 29 and 30% of people from 30 to 64 fall asleep holding their smartphone. The rhetorical appeal that the author uses in the video is Pathos and Logos. Logos appeals to facts and evidence to convince a reader or listener of the strength of your argument, it is shown when the author uses accurate statistics and reasoning in the video. As shown in the video It claims how being on your phone too much can cause vision disorder can lead to almost blindness. They state how 2,000 people were interviewed about their reasons for their vision problems, And 55 people admitted that their eye discomfort stemmed from their problem for staying on their which phone too much especially at night. Another appeal shown in the video was pathos. Pathos appeals to the emotions of the audience and elicits feelings that already reside in them. The videos shows pathos for the audience understand the emotional effects towards teen and adults. In the video shows a picture of a woman depressed. It wants to show the audience that staying on your phone can change your mood. People become Irritable which can cause them to be depressed. The Appeals are a great way to for the reader and audience to develop these big ideas to make the audience or reader feel and think a certain way about the topic.

  28. Ryan Sookraj-After looking at both of the resources I found that the 2nd resource was the most useful.The big idea that came out in this resource was that technology is bad for you, especially at night.The rhetorical appeals that came out in this resource was logos and pathos.They used logos by providing factual evidence and statistics to back up their claim of technology is bad.Pathos was used to try and encourage people to get off their phones because it's harmful to your body.I believe the authors credibility is enhanced by using rhetorical appeals because it shows they researched the topic to give the audience factually correct evidence.
