Monday, July 27, 2015

Summer Blog #3:"The Fundamental Principle of a Republic"-Text Analysis

In preparation for your discussion of techniques used in writing and in preparation for successfully completing your writing on the Common Core piece "The Fundamental Principle of a Republic" use the links below to research key concepts relating to techniques in writing.

As you research, take copious notes that you can use for your blogging, for your group's discussion, as well as information you can draw on as you prepare your three paragraph textual analysis response.

Task for Blogging: Having concluded your research, write a short paragraph response in which you make a claim as to which technique is MOST readily used by Shaw in her writing. Provide at least one example from the piece as to where this was used and explain how effectively Shaw uses this technique in her writing.

The links are below. You are expected to research at least SIX links before you begin to blog. Every student must also read and take notes on the link entitled "Mandatory Article on Text Analysis."

Write your first name and last INITIAL at the end of the blog BEFORE you post it. Unnamed blogs would not be regarded for further comments and assessment!

Structure and Parallel Structure

Video on Structure

Rhetorical Question in Language and Literature

Differences between a Metaphor and an Analogy

Analyzing Devices of Metaphors, Similes, Analogies etc

Syntax and Diction

Theme Analysis

Mandatory Article on Text Analysis