Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Blog #2 July

Choose ONE of the options below. Your response should not be a one sided view. You should choose any part of the video resource OR the statement made in the second option and write a 6-8 sentence response in which you explore why the statement you have chosen means anything to you. Although you are free to include some personal experiences (if you wish), DO NOT include anything TOO personal that you do not want publicized or that would make you uncomfortable. Use the resource MAINLY as your source/impetus for your paragraph response. Be respectful of everyone's views and use language that is constructive and educational. Remember that your blogs are assessed/graded using the Blog rubric.

You must use a minimum of one paragraph (6-8 sentences) to highlight the issue; remember to include details around the three areas of the writing rubric: Focus, Organization and Elaboration 

You must write your first name and first initial of your last name for grading purposes (e.g Patricia J). You must respond to another student's blog posting by agreeing or disagreeing with some or most parts of what the student has posted. Be respectful. All Blog Posting MUST be written in Standard English (no expletive, no vernacular-no matter how passionate you feel about the subject! Failure to do so will result in no credit for the activity! Happy blogging!

Option 1 

Choose an aspect of this video that you find interesting or enlightening.

Option 2: 

Read and respond to the quote below:

"Lately, it has been drawn to my attention that music is no longer the way it was. To be honest I believe that is just muffled and hidden inappropriate messages with a catchy tune. It distracts people( mainly children and young adults) and makes them uncivilized and barbaric. It gives people an unusual rage, and it influences them to carry the weight of the world upon their shoulders. But I often wonder why? Back in the day, music had the opposite effect, it was to lift your spirits and calm your anger, not enhance it."