Monday, May 6, 2019

PERIOD 5 Marking Period 2 Reflection and Next Steps for May 6th, 2019

CLICK on the following link BELOW to get to your class's Padlet page. Read the writing directions for the padlet to see how you must respond.

1. After you have completed your written response on the padlet, you must read at least 2-3 students' reflective thoughts.

2. You must return to this blog page to post your thoughts on ONE student's padlet post. You should use the guidelines below to fashion your response to your peer. Your response would be graded using the Blog rubric.

a. Whose reflection strikes you as most thoughtful or reflective such that you were able to connect to parts or all of the person's thoughts?
b. Quote at least 2-3 specific lines/ideas of the person's reflection that made you like the padlet post.
c. What connections can you make between what the person (you have chosen) wrote and your own ideas? That is, what comparisons do you see between the person's post and your own reflection or goals? Did they motivate or re-motivate you to reach your own goals? 
d. Is there anything you would change differently about how you have been thinking about your own goals?  If so, what and why?

Please remember to write your name in the blog post before you respond. Also, please hit "anonymous" to send your post so as to avoid the post being lost and no grade being assigned.


  1. juan almonte
    genesis, you said that "I made this choice because getting into college is a big step in life in which is hard to accomplish but is not impossible." i also believe this to be a good reflection, choosing college is one of the most important choices yet. i believe i shouldve said this on my post too. i dont think i want to rearrange my goals after this but i believe your ideas are good.

  2. Alexis Ramirez
    According to Alexis post he mention about improving on his writing skills while he still need to improve in vocabulary and other part of his writing skill. I think that he need to keep working at a paste so he can be able to achieve his goal. As he mention his after school aim is to go to college which is NYU in order to seek a major in which he wish to decide after high school.

    1. Alexis Ramirez
      According to Alexis post he mention about improving on his writing skills while he still need to improve in vocabulary and other part of his writing skill. I think that he need to keep working at a paste so he can be able to achieve his goal. As he mention his after school aim is to go to college which is NYU in order to seek a major in which he wish to decide after high school.
      Done by Mahadev Basdeo

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  4. Mahadev Basdeo
    According to Mahadev's post, he mentioned that he improved on his annotation skills but also wrote on his post of what he has to improve on his discussion skills.Which in my opinion, he has to ask help from his teammates or his teachers in order to improve.After when he pass his high school years, he wrote that he would join the MTA for electrical.So, in order to do that, he would have to improve in order to achieve his goals.(Alexis Ramirez)

  5. Jordan Moses

    According to Mahadevs post, he stated that he improved on his annotation and discussion skills during the second marking period which i have done as well.He also stated that he wouuld like to get into the MTA after school and so would i.

  6. Genesis Sanchez
    Juan very good ideas , i also agree with you on your ideas next time just make sure you start your sentences with capital letters other than that you did a very GOOD JOB!!

  7. Derek Keyes
    Vitto I also agree with your statement you can do the work all you need to do is to just stop playing around

    1. I agree with Derek because i need to improve in all of my work and handing it in and cooperating with my classmates and teachers as well

  8. Erique Lema
    According to Erique's post, he stated that he improved his essay skills and writing skills as well. But in my opinion,I think he has to improve a little more on writing his essay, like for instance he has to provide valuable information about the article or document. Most of all, he tried his hardest to past his english class and passing his ELA regent.(By:Felix Ramirez)

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  10. According to Genesis post I noticed that she mentions that she wanted to work on becoming a better reader and writer. Also, said she wanted to become better at annotating. I can make a connection with her because i also have the same goal as her.In addition she states the her next year goal is to keep her grades up to help her get into a good college. This motivates me because I see that im not the only one with the same goal. But i do not think differently on how i think about my own goals.
    Tafari Hall

  11. Genesis Sanchez
    I like when you said: "Getting into college is a big step in life in which is hard to accomplish but is not impossible" "I want to focus more on getting into a good college and passing all my regents with a good grade". I strongly agree. Connections I made was that Genesis and I both want to go to college and succeed in life and pass regents with a good grade. Genesis re- motivated me to push harder to reach my goals. There is nothing i would change about my goals.(Quianna Mongol)

  12. According to Edward Pena post I noticed that he achieved hes main goal which was pass the English regent with a good grade.In addition he want to improve in annotation.
    Erick LemA

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  14. Edgar Rojas
    As Edward Pena said: "I achieve my goal which was to pass my regents" Which it means that he is being focus in class, doing good and that what I have to do in order to pass my regents is to follow this same steps he did.

  15. According to Guilluga's post he stated that his annotating and analyzing skills has improved, but I think he has to improve some more on his annotating skills because when he graded my essay he aint annotate good enough.But the important part is that im proud of him for passing his rela regents and english class[Tavius LOftin]

  16. Angel Rodriguez
    In Edward's post he says "I achieve my main goal which was pass the regents,I think that's all I needed from this class" and i agree with him because one of my main goal was to pass the regents and i did. And now all I need to focus on is improving my skills.

  17. Devin Genao

    In juan post i agree that in this marking period i have improved in my writing and reading skills also my annotations.

  18. Tristan Mighty
    I agree with your post. I too feel like I have not been my best self in this class. I also agree on your first sentence of your post about the goal you have set which was "My initial goal that I set was for me to work on being focused on completing and turning in my work" I have not been as focused either but I am working on doing better. I should have thought differently towards my goal about this class, I should had a more confident, serious attitude towards my goal. (Judy Cozart)

  19. Mahadev Basdeo
    According to Alexis post he mention about "improving on his writing skills while he still need to improve in vocabulary"and other part of his writing skill. I think that he need to keep working at a paste so he can be able to achieve his goal. As he mention his after school aim is to go to college which is NYU in order to seek a major in which he wish to decide after high school. In his statement he said that he wish to do better in ELA which I have to do the same as him in order to achieve my goal in the ELA class in order to be ready for my career.

  20. According to Tavius he wants to "improve his essay writing skills" . I agree with his goal because both of our goals are very similar in that we both want to improve on how we write essays. but the difference in our goal i want to improve my editing skill. Another goal he mentioned was "annotation skills" he says that he wants to improve it for the " 12 grade year so he can be successful ". I agree with this also because everyone should want to improve their annotation skills , because our essays can use help at the level that we are at in high school. Tavius's long term goal is to be a vet I feel that this feel of work is good and similar to one of my dream, jobs of wanting to be a Zoologist/ Marine Biologist.But in the end I feel that you can achieve your goal tavius just keep improving day by day. (Devonte Garraway)

  21. According to Genesis post I noticed that she says "Throughout this marking period i have grown as a better reader and as a writer." Also, she said wanted to become better at annotating. I can make a connection with her because I also wanted to become a better reader,writer and better at annotating.I feel like these things will help me a lot in the future. In addition she states "As I move on to the 12th grade I want to focus more on getting into a good college." This motivates me because I see that Im not the only one that is pursuing this goal. But I do not think differently on how I think about my own goals.
    Tafari Hall

  22. According to Andrew's post I noticed that once he changed his attitude towards his work, he started to gain more knowledge and improve his writing and reading skills. I agree with his goals because it's pretty clear and easy-going once he stays focused and committed. In Andrew's post it stated "After looking back and reflecting on the past things I have learned and done. I have noticed that this marking period I have carried my own weight and been able to improve in my English writing skills". Your post is similar to mine because we both focused on improving our writing skills using the same tactics and aspects of ELA.
    Guilluga Phillip

  23. Mahadev Basdeo
    According to Mahadev's post, he mentioned that he improved on his annotation skills but also wrote on his post of what he has to improve on his discussion skills.Which in my opinion, he has to ask help from his teammates or his teachers in order to improve.After when he pass his high school years, he wrote that he would join the MTA for electrical.So, in order to do that, he would have to improve in order to achieve his goals.After reviewing Mahadev's post, i am still not thinking of changing my goals because it's not something of what i want to do.So I'll stay with the same goal I still have in my mind.Which is being a Game Designer and a Manga Author.(Alexis Ramirez)

  24. Genesis Sanchez I think that you did improve in your writing but you still need to work harder to achieve the goal that is going to a good college because you felling down in your grades in other classes so you need to put a little bit more effort in order to achieve that goal.your goals and mines don'
    t have a lot to do with each other but we both have the knowledge to achieve our goals (Edward Pena)(LA Leche).

  25. Edwin Rivera

    I agree with Juan Almonte post because I also have improved with my reading, writing, and annotations skills. what I mostly like from Juan's post is as he stated that "As I move to the 12th year; my academic focus is pass all my classes with at least a 90. My professional focus is to go a good college and study civil engineering or architecture and a minor of business. I have made this choice because I have the dream of making my own construction company and a build my own dream house." this is a big comparison of me and Juan because we both wants to have a high GPA and go to a really good college to study for civil engineer, because we both have the same dream to make our own construction business and build my own dream house.(Edwin Rivera agreeing with Juan's post)

  26. Erique Lema
    According to Erique's post, he stated that "I improved my essay skills and writing skills as well". But in my opinion,I think he has to improve a little more on writing his essay, like for instance he has to provide valuable information about the article or document. There was also another goal that he have accomplished and is that "I have passed my ELA regents and that made me excited".In my post I also stated that I was truly proud of myself that I past the ELA regents. Furthermore, I claimed that I have improved my CEC skills due to the ELA prep.But most of all, he did tried his best to past his english class and passing his ELA regent. I praise him for reaching that type of goal and makes him succeed in his future.(By:Felix Ramirez)
