Monday, May 6, 2019

Period 6 Reflection on Marking Period 2

CLICK on the following link BELOW to get to your class's Padlet page. Read the writing directions for the padlet to see how you must respond.

1. After you have completed your written response on the padlet, you must read at least 2-3 students' reflective thoughts.

2. You must return to this blog page to post your thoughts on ONE student's padlet post. You should use the guidelines below to fashion your response to your peer. Your response would be graded using the Blog rubric.

a. Whose reflection strikes you as most thoughtful or reflective such that you were able to connect to parts or all of the person's thoughts?
b. Quote at least 2-3 specific lines/ideas of the person's reflection that made you like the padlet post.
c. What connections can you make between what the person (you have chosen) wrote and your own ideas? That is, what comparisons do you see between the person's post and your own reflection or goals? Did they motivate or re-motivate you to reach your own goals? 
d. Is there anything you would change differently about how you have been thinking about your own goals?  If so, what and why?

Please remember to write your name in the blog post before you respond. Also, please hit "anonymous" to send your post so as to avoid the post being lost and no grade being assigned.


  1. Anthony Bruce- Walisha reflection surprised me the most because i was able to understand all her thoughts.What made me like her post was when she talked about how achieving her goal made her understand the meaning of text better. Also, i liked when she talked about why authors uses rhetorical appeals and the purpose of it. Me and walisha both share some connections because both of our goals was to improve our annotating skills and at the end we both achieved our goal. In addition she motivated me to reach my own goal with her image because it makes me push my self and to never give up because i am a winner.

    1. Jalen Jones- I agree with Anthony's assessment on Walisha's post.I like how you quoted from Walisha's post where she says " achieving her goal made her understand the meaning of text better" because utilizing the skill of annotation can give you the reassurance of delving into a text without feeling lost or confused about it.I like that you included the connection between you and Walisha's post which is mastering the skill of annotating. I also liked that you included how she motivates you to reach your own goals because of the uplifting image she used.

  2. Dimitri Laroche- I find the most striking reflection of their grades to be Aziera Khan because by actually viewing the hard work she does on a daily basis and the interaction she has with Ms.Joseph to increase her grade really inspires me to become better in my ability to become a better persuasive writer. Similar to Aziera I struggle with fully mastering the three rhetorical devices ethos,logos and pathos descriptively in my writing but I seem to be better verbally with reading more books like Aziera said "I would like to dig deeper on literature around society. I would like to gain insight then use toward entering the real world" In addition to my future career in engineering I feel as if I can explore other careers such as being a broker or lawyer in order to use the rhetorical devices; logos,ethos and pathos. Her devotion and energy motivates me to get better in my annotations and my writing

    1. Alexander Malena- I agree Dimitri on what you said that mastering ethos, logos, pathos can come a long way in become a better writer but also can benefit in the long run in life and future careers and options you may and also I agree how you stated from Aziera's reflection that digging deeper on literature around society can help you gain insight into towards using it entering the real world and in addition can help motivate you in your career to use these skills to improve now and master them later on.

    2. Kimberly Bueno - I agree with Dimitri regarding Aziera's padlet response, in the sense that exploring literature around our society would help us students fully understand ethos, pathos, logos, and other rhetorical strategies. I also agree with the idea that working harder each day will help students become better persuasive writers/thinkers. For this activity, analyzing other's achievements is inspirational and it motivates us to do better each day.

  3. Alexander Malena-I found that Walisha reflection striked as most thoughtful or reflective such that i was able to connect to parts or all of her thoughts because the more i looked and read and thought about the more i realized i was able to comprehend what she was saying (thought process). Her reflection made very much sense in terms of what her goal was before, how she improved, her academic focus next year, and professional goal or career in mind. What i liked about her post was when she "My improvement on my annotating skills didn't just improve my grade overall but it helped me understand the text that was assigned... I was able to bring out the messages the author was trying to share to his readers" i liked this because she stated that learning and improving this skill helped her not only improve her grade but helped her now and possibly for a long time in English how to understand a text whenever its given to her no matter how short and long detailed it is.Also, what i liked about Walisha reflection was when she said "Mastering several different writing techniques will also help refrain from the use of colloquiums when it comes to developing speaking skills" I liked what walisha stated here because she said the truth that learning and soon or later succeeding and mastering techniques will help when it comes to academic seminars or presentations which helps develop speaking skills because alot of people have a problem speaking in front of others especially myself including which here she's stating that this is the opportunity she needs to take now to develop her skills. The connection me and walisha have based on our reflections is we both want to build our careers by taking a step back and taking the opportunity now to develop our skills to help us improve in school but in life and mastering them at the same time and our career goals are the same into becoming computer engineers in which our skills will come in and help us achieve in college and in our future career.What walisha wrote in her reflection made me remotivate myself to reach my goal by like i said before develop and master my skills so i can become more successful in the future. In addition she motivated me to reach my own goal in her image and push myself through any obstacles that come my way. What i would change differently about my own goals is getting the support that i need to improve as an individual and always going to my teachers for guidance because if i want to become successful i need to listen more to what my teachers have to say because what they say matters no what and there here to look out for me and i'll never know if i dont do it now.

  4. Akeem Olakunle

    The padlet post reflection that strikes me the most is Kimberly's post. This is because she explains in detail how she feels about he goal and the issues she comes across with it and she says what she learns and how she has improve in these two marking periods will help her in the future. Things that she had said that I found interesting is when she talks about using ethos, pathos, and logos to her advantage in college work. She then gave an example of these rhetorical tools from the text "No Paine, No Game" that we had to annotate and find where the author uses ethos, pathos, and logos. Finally the part where she talks about how she needs to improve her communication skills. This idea is the one that I can mostly relate to since I also have problems communicating when doing work or doing philosophical chairs. I never speak up or I barely take part in philosophical chairs even when I have something to say. Another connection is where in her post. just like mines, she talks about doing better at annotations. If there is anything I would do different because of reading Kimberly's I would add the fact that I too also have trouble with communication when doing work.

  5. Keon Graham- I think that Sean reflection was the most thoughtful to me. I say this because he highlighted what his goals were for this semester and if he tackled them. I liked when he talked about the progress he made towards annotations. He said before he use to simply underline and circle words, provide a few definitions and not question, but now he goes into more detail in his annotations like adding more questions and more analyzing. Sean's goal is like mine. We both wanted to improve on annotating and we did so I felt like we connected with that. Another thing that I liked is his goal for 12th grade. He wants to better his understanding in computer science. I think with the current education he has right now in that field, he would be able to get to a good college for computer science.This goal motivates me to do better in my goal which was annotating. Seeing my AVID peer succeed makes me want to work harder. Even though I finished my goal, I think here is still ore room for improvement.

    1. Alexander Malena- I agree Keon on what you said on Sean reflection help bring a personal connection with your own reflection based the things he highlighted like his goals for the semester and he tackled them. I also agree that you stated you and him have a similar goal you and Sean both want to improve on annotations and that's how you and Sean connected that way. and I agree that his ogal motivates you to better your goal in annotating more instead of just underlining and circling words and providing a few definitions but now go more advanced in detail lik adding more questions and analyzing a text more. and I like how you stated your avid buddy success make you want to work more harder.

    2. Alliyah Jennings -
      I also feel l like Sean reflection was thoughtful and we both has the same mindset to accomplish that goal.I feel like his reflection was a very motivating and detailed to the progress he had with annotating

  6. Matthew Smith- I found Kevin's post to be the most thoughtful because while reading it i completely agreed with what he said that he wants "to be able to accomplish my goals of improving on my writing skills. Accomplishing this will help me in fields that require me read and write."And i also think that all the skills you learn in English class are skills that are transferable to any carer path we take as young adults. In addition he motivated me to reach my own goal because by pushing my self and to never giving up i will be able to get into the college of my dreams.

    1. Jalen Jones- I agree Matthew on what you said on Kevin's reflection because accomplishing a goal of improving your writing skills can be an essential goal later on in life when your applying for a job. I agree with you when you said “ i also think that all the skills you learn in English class are skills that are transferable to any career path we take as young adults” because common question asked among our peers is how can we apply the skills we learn to our everyday life so I like that shed light on how these skills can be used to our everyday lives. I also like how you incorporated your connection to Kevin’s post and how he motivates you to reach your own goals.

  7. Juan Reyes
    The post that stood out the most to me was Sebastian Marte's. This post stood out the most because i found myself agreeing with and sharing the same goals as him. For instance Sebastian's goal for the end of the marking period was to accordingly annotate any text. This was very similar to my goal as my goal was to effectively annotate. Another similarity between our post is that Sebastian says he accomplished his goals and will now move on to other things. I also feel like i accomplished my goal, but reading Sebastian's goal motivated me on moving onto learning other skills that can help me on a AP level. Now i will consider venturing into other topics and skills.

  8. Daniel Mohamed
    Dimitri's reflection strikes me the most because i too can relate to his post.I say this because he mentions his weak areas and how he needs to strengthen them.i like how he planned out his steps to achieve his weak points and what he can do to tweak his performance.He stated how his argumentative skills have been better due to more reading,but he also stated that he needs to work on managing his time and participating more.I can make a connection to him because i too need to work on these areas.One idea i can take from his post finding something that can help me with my weakness and make time for it.After reading his post,i fell more motivated to push to accomplish my goals.

  9. Matthew Smith- I found Kevin's post to be the most thoughtful because while reading it i completely agreed with what he said that he wants "to be able to accomplish his goals of improving on my writing skills". "Accomplishing this will help him in fields that require me read and write."And i also think that all the skills you learn in English class are skills that are transferable to any carer path we take as young adults.If there is one thing i would change about how i approach my goal is that i would like to put more time into it by working on it while at home. In addition he motivated me to reach my own goal because by pushing my self and to never giving up i will be able to get into the college of my dreams.

  10. raleek brown
    i found Jeremy post most thoughtful because his goal was to expand on contextual evidence and my goal was somewhat similar because i want to expand on my evidence and to add to be able to use explanation to help better present my evidence better. one thing we have similar is to be prepared to go to college and expand our learning using skills we learned in our avid ela class and other classes.

  11. Jeremy Moronta

    Seon's Post stood out to me because me and him basically wanted to improve on the same things. We want to get better at organizing evidence.In his post Seon stated "Before, I use to get 65's on all my articles but now I get Nothing less than an 80." He also states "I still need to focus more on gathering more evidence and organizing it way better because there's always room for improvement." I agree with this because no matter how good you are you can always get better.Some comparisons I see between Our post is that we both want to improve on organizing evidence so we can be ready for 12th grade. Seon did re-motivate me to get better and take an extra step to do better on achieving my goal.One thing I would change about the way I think about my goal is that I settle and from now on I will do more so I can get a better grade in the class.

  12. Davi.G- Kevin.M post drew my attention because he focused much more on his goal on improving his writing skills and even to go to college he needs to acquire certain skills to become a better person.

    1. Nathaniel Rodriguez
      I agree with Davi's point about Kevin because he shows that he really wants to improve on his writing skills. Not only that but this also shows that he wants to be a better person in the real world, not only in school

    2. Ryan Sookraj-I agree with Davi's post because Kevin's post shows that he not only wants to develop his writing skills but to further develop overall as a person and to get new skills that will help him.

  13. Sean Yeribo- Jeremy's reflection seemed to be the most thoughtful to me because I connected to the things he spoke about. For instance, when he said "I've grown specifically in organizing textual evidence and understanding the passage" and "I annotate the passage to the best I can and that makes it easier for me to find my evidence", I liked those quotes because I was able to connect to them and relate to what he was saying because I had a similar goal in my padlet that I was able to achieve. I feel that as students we were able to grow academically and that is motivating to me and hopefully other students.

  14. Kimberly Bueno ~ I found Travis' post to be the most thoughtful/reflective to me and my own goals because I related to his achievements in annotating and understanding rhetorical strategies. He stated that "One academic strength I gained that I never had before is the use of rhetorical appeals devices such as Ethos, Pathos, and Logos." I agree with this statement because I learned that by using credibility, strong emotions, and facts/statistics, I can make my responses and essays stronger than they might've been before. He also said that his "writing and reading skills will help me to speak more professionally" which I agree with, since I want to go to college, having a professional tone of writing is super important. I would add to my response what career I plan to study in the future and how that impacts my current decisions.

    1. Dimitri Laroche-I find that Kimberly's reflection of Travis's reflection is the most thoughtful to me because I too have learned the use of credibility and emotional expression to make my argumentative writing the most content and stronger compared to other writers and inflict readers to better understand my point of view

    2. Ryan Sookraj-I agree with Kimberly's reflection on Travis' post because it shows that he is developing new skills to use in arguments and I too have gained the strength of using rhetorical appeals.

  15. Jalen Jones- The padlet post that strikes me as the most thoughtful is Nailiya’s post because I was able to connect to her achieving an understanding on the important use of annotating and citing evidence . For instance, she stated in her post that “I have improved in annotating and citing evidence by breaking a text down piece by piece for an better understanding, finding the importing facts, the theme as well as making notes with highlights”. I agree with this statement because I learned the necessity of annotation by using this same process when writing essays or answering a short response. Breaking the text down piece by piece can allow you to grasp an understanding of the text so that it's easier for you when completing a written task as well as citing evidence which can support you ideas of that text. Another thing she said in her post that I was able to connect to is “For the rest of the school year I want to continue to take these steps with every task I receive along with my journey throughout college”.After I also agree with this statement because I think using these tools throughout the rest of our lives can be beneficial in the long run. In addition, she motivates me to reach my own goals because her willingness and dedication to reach her own goals at such a young age gives me the courage to push myself harder to reach my own goals.

    1. Kimberly B - I agree with your analysis of Naliya's post because I relate to her accomplishments aswell and feel that she used specific examples to demonstrate her growth. Annotating was a helpful skill when reading difficult articles and it helps us break down the meaning of every paragraph and it also our reading comprehension skills.

    2. Alliyah Jennings
      I also agree with Nailiya's reflection as a eye opener and most thoughtful because I can relate to her goals and accomplishments,she was very specific on how she improved herself and why.

  16. Gavin Seebalack- I find the most striking reflection about their grades to be Aziera Khan because she shows hard work and how much she wants to grow and learn. She has had a similar goal to mine which is to be able to cite evidence in the text and being able to comprehend what is happening. Aziera says, " I haven't full mastered the use of Rhetorical Devices in a essay, connecting the text, connecting yourself and etc". I can relate to Aziera because I also haven't fully mastered the rhetorical devices ethos, logos, and pathos in my writing. If i could fully master these devices, my writing and arguments would be better. Aziera also says , " I want to gain more strengths in literature, a higher level of insight" and I can relate to this because when I move up in grades In want my education to excel and learn more things such as to gain more strengths in literature. There is nothing i would change about my goals, maybe after I accomplish my current goal I shall set a new academic goal.

    1. Nathaniel Rodriguez
      I agree with Gavin's point because I too had similar goals to Aziera. I want to master the use of rhetorical devices and appeals just like Aziera did. It shows that she really cares about being better in arguing a point across.

  17. Nathaniel Rodriguez- I find Travis reflection on his grades the most striking because I said similar things in my reflection. For example, when he was talking about being better in using the rhetorical appeals ethos, pathos, and logos, I said the same thing. This would help me to be better in arguing my points. He was also talking about getting better at annotating and I said the same thing because this is also my struggle.

  18. Aziera Khan- Reading all the padlet reflection, the most striking reflection would be Dimitri's. It was the most striking in my opinion, because its connects to me as well. In Dimitri's padlet he says 'marking periods is to aim for 90" this one really connects to me because I set a bar of 90% or higher just like him. Further down his padlet, one huge point that connects to me in a huge way is when he says "I need to grow on breaking down the text and managing my time to hand in assignments on time in order to get the highest grade as possible". This statement connects to me because I face the same problem as in handing in work on time and receiving the highest grade as possible. I also need to learn how to break down the text very quickly to draw more conclusions just like Dimitri said. Reading Dimitri padlet It has motivated me to assign myself more goals to achieve myself so I can master literature in every stage.

    1. Kimberly Bueno - I agree with your reflection of Dimitri's post because we have similar goals and struggles. Achieving a high grade in this class is something to work towards and handing in work on time will help that goal. Time management is a very important skill that many of us struggle with but setting up deadlines and reminders will help us prioritize certain tasks more efficiently. This padlet activity motivated me as well.

  19. Kevin Martinez- Nathaniel's reflection strikes me as the most thoughtful and connects to me the most because we had similar goals as in wanting to improve on analyzing. Analyzing is a very important goal you need to accomplish if you want to be a good reader and writer. One specific part of his post that I connected to was when he said he was to make more text to life connections, this is also very important in analyzing the text and writing an essay or any form of writing piece. Another line I was able to connect with is when he stated that he needed to improve on his level 3 questions. I also struggle finding level 3 questions to write. Better understanding the text will help me finding deeper questions to write down and then be able to answer those questions. Nathaniel has motivated me to become better at analyzing my text to better my level 3 questions. One thing I would have changed about my goal is that I would want to elaborate more on what I would I want to improve and explain why it would help me.

  20. Ivan Lara-Dante's reflection is the most striking one to me because he was trying to improve his annotations same as me and used to get low grades and couldn't improve. He is now getting great grades and is still trying to improve on the annotations. For example inn his post he wrote "As time went on I notice that my annotation grades increased from a 65% to a 92%"He also wrote that annotating helped him improve in other areas such as his Cornell notes and short responses. I can relate to that because annotating more helped my responses, I was more aware of all of the the text so my writing got stronger.

  21. Walisha Williams- After reading through my classmates the reflection that struck is my fellow classmate Akeem. Akeem's reflection was the most striking because as student that also attends ms Joseph's English class we share the same goal. Now knowing that Akeem and I share the same goal Akeem and I can now converse on how to make our annotations better to further over achieve our goal. as I read Akeem's post Akeem stated "My goal before was to achieve 80% high on annotations/cornell notes and my average for this class, my new goal is to do better peer editing because it is an important skill need to give you and your peers feedback in order to do better in the work.” Akeem make it clear that he has accomplished his goal of annotating and he’s on to his next goal of peer editing. I can relate to this goal because peer editing is a very common skill we utilize in class. Without this skill your avid buddy cannot revise his or her work properly because of poor feed back. Another important skill Akeem pointed out is "The areas that will be my academic focus is peer editing and responding to other students work for the sake of giving the best feedback to my peers so the will understand what they did wrong, what they could of added, and what they should continue using.” To add on to what I previously stated Feed back is an academic message that I look forward to when it comes to my writing. I as a student will always ask my avid buddy for feedback to enhance my writing to the best of my abilities To tell the truth its best for a secondary person to look over your writing or work for you because you can’t see all the mistakes that you made . Therefore being able to give good feedback is a skill you would wanna work on to help out your classmate and yourself as well. Between Akeem’s reflection and I we shared and achieved the same goal when it comes to annotating we gained the same knowledge pertaining to rhetorical devices (ethos,pthos,logos). I wouldn’t say that Akeem’s post motivate me but it reassured me that I’m on the right track in class and that I’m not behind in my class.

  22. Alliyah Jennings
    Throughout reading my classmates reflections I found Nailiya's own as the most thoughtful and connects with me the most.We both have a similar goal in common which is annotating,she mentioned how by this marking period she improved in annotations and so I have.She pointed major things that is needed to build your annotations skills which is asking questions,finding the important facts,breaking down the story for better understanding .Nailiya also explained that how this will help her accomplish her goal and how it can help her in the future for her journey in college.Which I agreed annotation will be the most helpful in.

  23. Seon Vaughn- I found Jeremy post to be the best one and connects to me the most. We both want to become better at organizing evidence and I can use this as an advantage because instead of working by myself on my goal, we can work together and achieve it together.

  24. Trayvion Adams
    After taking a glimpse through the all the padlets the one that stood out to me the most was Sambhav Bonstola's padlet. This was because he was honest and admitted that he hasn't completely achieved his goal. In one of his first sentences he states, "The reason that I think I haven't fully accomplished my goal is". This to me shows a clear understanding of the fact that he isn't at his full potential when it comes to the skill he's set out to improve.
    In the same sentence he states, "because I haven't developed my annotation skills up to my expectations, I have developed but not up to my own standards that I have set for myself". At this point he shows the initiative to set yourself on a pedestal to not undermine your efforts of improving said skill. The main piece of evident that stood out to me was his next sentence where he said,"the reason I think I have developed my annotations is because my annotations went up from 60-70% to 80". From this Ive gained an understanding of his drive to do better, he decides not to settle for an 80% and go beyond that. Also in one of his closing sentences he states he got rid of a bad habit of his which effected his grade significantly but now it hardly moves him.I believe this is a great goal and you should strive for excellence.

  25. Sambhav Banstola
    I find Anthony's reflection strikes me as most thoughtful because as i was reading through his padlet I agree with him with him the most where he said "my goal for this class which was to develop my annotating skills, by underlining important details, and summarizing each paragraph of a text." I believe that to be able to annotate a text properly and keeps things simple and organized those are one of the best ways to do it. Instead of having your paper full with annotations to the point that you can't even see what's going on in the paper, annotating the important parts and summarizing the text's paragraph is the best way to keep things simple. Because of his padlet now I know what should I do to improve my annotations as well.

  26. Ryan Sookraj-After looking through all the padlets Sean's post stood out to me the most. It stood out the most because he talked about he improved from what he used to do. He talked about himself barely using questions and only underlining but now he can further analyze and dissect a text and use the Costa's levels of questioning. I can relate to his goal as well because he has the same goal as me to further develop annotation skills.
