Friday, March 20, 2015

The Revision Stage of the Writing Process-Period 1

Click on the link below to examine some tips on the Revison Stage of the Writing Process.

Having taken notes on the major ideas that you gained from the resource, identify and write about ONE point from this resource that can really benefit students as they revise their writing.

Explain fully, what the point is by providing examples on it and then explain how the point can benefit writers into becoming better revisors of their work.

As usual, you must respond to another classmate's blog after completing your original post of approximately 6-8 sentences.

Follow the Blog rubric to help you in maximizing what you produce for this activity.

Happy Blogging. Reemmber to include your names in the blog and remember to edit before you post your blog.

Document on the Revision Stage of Writing


  1. Kaya Peterson
    When you revise your work your have to see what you need to keep and then what you need to take out. You can use the strategy ‘’ARMS’’ to help you ‘’ARMS’’ stand for ‘’Add, Remove, Move and Substitute. By using this strategy you can see how to change your words around take out words and exchange them for other words your can also add words that what make your writing sound better. That’s why you should use ‘’ARMS’’ when you revise your work to make it better.

    1. Abraham Young,
      I also agree with the statement that the method 'ARMS' is a great way to revise your work and make your work better.

  2. ~Junior Rodriguez~
    When revising your work you need to go over it plenty of time.To really see the errors you have done.Reading you story once is nothing but after you read it 2 or 3 times you'll see your errors. Using the "ARMS" strategy will help you lot. The "ARMS" strategy stand for "Add,Remove,Move and Substitute. This gives you the opportunity to fix your work, and pass with a good grade.

    1. ~Adriel Alvarado~

      I totally agree with you the strategy of arms is really useful .It can help one spot many errors and fix their passage .A.R.M.S. helps you make your essays smoother ,it helps spot grammar errors, it helps fix sentences.

  3. Angel Ayala
    when you want to revise your work you want find the errors you did and fix them.If you use the "ARMS" strategy it could help you. "ARMS" stands for "add,remove,move and substitute.if you use this strategy you can fix your work and make it better.

    1. Imran Khan
      i agree what you saying because "ARMS" strategy is great way to revise the writing. which will help the writer to "add,remove,move and substitute" the ideas and make the ideas relevant to the topic.

  4. imran khan
    when you revising the most important thing you need to know is that "figure out what are you trying to argue, analyze, evaluate or even try to apply the reading top another situation''. The basically the main thing you need to care about your topic sentences. What I mean by that is to make sure all the details are relevant to the topic.

  5. ~Adriel Alvarado~

    When it comes to revising ,many factors come to play .To start off I will show the basics of revising .First we have to know what revising is. Revising is the adding of words so the reader can see your ideas clearly;remove words that repeat themselves;move sentences to keep your essay run smoothly;substitute words for ones that fit better. This is called the A.R.M.S. strategy that I use .

    1. I agree with your claim and I find the arms strategy very helpful while in the revision stage because it helps with the clarity and helps the reader understand your work. In addition this is also the strategy that I use because I find it relatively easy

    2. Barrington Spooner

  6. Mohammed Uddin
    When it's time for revising.We have to Know what does revising means. Revising means to reread work done previously to improve one's knowledge of a subject. Then we have to
    Add,Remove,Move and Substitute.This gives us the opportunity to fix our work, and pass with a good grade.

  7. ~Barrington Spooner~
    During the revising stage it isn't about the spelling or grammar error its about the errors in the ideas. The "Arms" strategy can be very helpful when it comes to revision because it deals with adding, removing, moving, and substituting. If you complete this strategy it will help make your work more relevant and understandable. The "arms' strategy is my favorite because its easy to do and not much of a challenge.

    1. Michael Watson,
      I agree, with Barrington because he too used the revising strategy and agree that the ARMS strategy is a good way review your work

    2. Kaya Peterson
      I agree with Barrington because he is saying that "ARMS" strategy is a good writing method when it comes to reviewing your work

  8. Michael Watson,
    When revising it not about checking your spelling and grammar and so on. Revising is reviewing your work and looking at what you have just did so far. The "ARMS strategy is a good way is to review your work. The "ARMS" strategy basically deals with adding , removing, moving, and substituting. The "ARMS" strategy is my favorite because it is easy to understand.

    1. Kaya Peterson
      I agree with Michael because the "ARMS" strategy is a easy way for you to know how to "ADD" details you need in your work, how to "REMOVE" words in your writing that you would not need, how to "MOVE" around words in your writing to make it sound better, and how to "SUBSTITUTE" words in your writing that you may not need. So this strategy is easy for you to revise your work when needed.

  9. Justin Mills:
    When revising you have to know the meaning of the revision stage not just a strategy. Revising means to reread the work you have done to improve someone's knowledge of the revision stage,then you remove the words and replace it to make your ideas clear. A strategy you can use to make your ideas clear is A.R.M,S. The A.R.M.S strategy means to add,remove,move,and substitute. This strategy gives us the opportunity to make corrections on your work and get a passing grade or get an even better grade.

  10. Rodelvis rosario: the revising simply means to look again we revise to improve upon our ideas,evidence and organization.trying to argue analyze evaluate or even try to apply the reading.the revising is to try to accomplish another goal. They are 3 key to remember is to find a main point,identify your readers and purpose and switch from writer work to reader centered. when'd you revising use the time wisely to do the process.

  11. Perry Housey- during the revision stage its not to fix your grammar and punctuation its about removing and adding ideas. if u read your paper there can be to much details in one paragraph but the strategy i use is the Arms its use to add ideas and remove ideas and also to move ideas around in the correct spots that will make your paper better. overall the revision stage is the most important one because that improve u as writer and your paper.

  12. Abraham Young,
    When revising it isn't about checking your spelling or grammar its about rereading your work and making it better by exchanging words. There is a strategy that is use best for revision and it is 'ARMS'. 'ARMS' stands for add, remove,move, and substitute .This method helps you make your ideas clear for the reader to understand. this strategy just helps you to make corrections on your work to get a good grade.

  13. Julio Soto
    During the revision stage it isnt about checking for spelling or grammar it is about rereading your writing and removing and adding ideas. There is a good strategy that you can use when Revising it is called ''ARMS'' This stands for add, remove, move, and substitute, . This method will help you make your ideas clearer to read . Further more, This helps improve your writing and yourself as a reader

  14. during the revision stage its all about writing without going over your work. i have learned that revising and editing is very important while doing your work because when you dont revise and edit your work properly you can make make simple mistakes and not even realize. the ARMS strategy is very useful because it teaches you how to add, remove,move and substitute. i find this method very useful and easier to use because it helps you improve your writing and help make you a better writer - Brendan Orr
