Monday, March 9, 2015

The Drafting Stage of the Writing Process for Creative Writing

Having brainstormed at your tables, choose one idea from your brainstorming activity to develop a 6-8 sentence paragraph that shows one version of your first draft.

Before you do this, explore and take notes on at least 2 of the links below to examine the Drafting stage of the Writing Process.

What is the Drafting Stage?

How to develop a Draft?

Steps in the Drafting Stage

Audio Resource on Tips in Drafting

Use your notes from the resources above to prepare your first draft paragraph.

Having written your paragraph and having placed a topic at the top so your fellow bloggers know what you are writing about, read at least two other original blogs and as usual and respond to the students' drafts by making suggestions for improving.

Happy Blogging!


  1. Julio Soto
    For a person to become successful you need to work well with others. You have to be respectful to others and their opinions. You should have a positive atitude and never a negative toward people.Think positive and your goals will be accomplished.

  2. GeJuan Kee
    In order for a person to be successful, they must treat with respect as they want others to respect them. When someone is respectful to another, they are showing integrity. Aside from respect, a successful person takes responsibility for something that is done. For example, if someone gets hurt and you weren't supervising or watching, then that person will take responsibility for the actions. A successful person is someone who motivates his or her team members to do better or keep up the good work. For example, when someone in the group is falling off, then that person who is the leader of the team will motivate them to do better. This is what a person needs to do in order to be successful.

    1. Barrington Spooner, I agree with your statement but I think you can add on to your draft and give more details instead of examples. For example you could of said in order for a person to be successful then they must always respect their fellow classmates, teachers, or workers. On the other hand I agree with your claim.

  3. Barrington Spooner,
    A successful student must always be a hard worker.

    Students who are hard working end up to be the most successful in the end. Hard work leads to being acknowledged or noticed. The connotative meaning of hard working would be someone who always do their best at all times. Without hard workers all we would have is slackers and people who can barely get through their work. Also it is important to have hard workers because it sets high standards and great examples for other people. In addition we can't get what we want without working for it and some people may want what you want more than you do. Furthermore it is important to be a hard working because success and true respect comes from those who earn it and not who buys it and that's why a student must always be hard working.

    1. imran khan
      i agree with you saying, because there is no gain without pain. if you want to earn or gain something you must need to go on hardship. all the people you will see out there they had done lot more hard work to gain their knowledge and scholars, degree, diploma etc. the other people who didn't work hard they are not getting or earning that money as other people. there hard worker will be always successful.

  4. Justin Mills:The most important part to me on my final list is to be on top of your work. When your on top of your work you can be a successful student. For example when you go to a job interview or a interview for a college, they look at your grades. If your grades are good you will have a better chance of being accepted, but if your grades are low your chances of being accepted are lessened. In order to be on top of your work you have to do classwork,homework,pass your test and what ever else is required to be done to pass the class. Another quality that plays a big role in being successful is having a positive attitude. For example if your having a bad day you still have to walk in to class and be expected to do your work. Therefore to be a successful student you have to be on top of your work.

    1. Barrington Spooner, I think that you did a great job on this response to the question being asked. I agree that in order for you to be successful you have to be on top of your work because if your are not then your work will start to pill up on you. If your work begins to pile up on you then eventually you will get stressed and stop to do stuff wrong and incomplete. Furthermore I stand by your claim

  5. imran khan
    A hard worker student always will be successful.
    if a person worked hard he will be succcessful in his life because if a person just sleep all the time he woun't beable to earn any money or any food, to be successful the person must do work. As an example we can look at the a doctor or engineer or other peoples life, who worked hard to get their degree and their education, they had to wake up early they had to do their task and all other stuff. a person can never be perfect in one day. he keep working and working and become successful by hard working. After all his hard work he got his or her job and earn money and become successful. so therefore a student must work hard to successful in their life.

  6. Kaya Peterson

    What makes a successful young person is their attitude because for you to work around others and have a positive attitude makes others around you feel good and they also would have a positive attitude. When you don't have a positive attitude that makes people not want to be around you because you would just be bringing them a negative vibe and people don't want to be around someone like that. Especially when you are in a work environment you cannot have a nasty attitude with you teacher or your boss because than they would not want to work with you or talk to you at all because they see your attitude is nasty and also they would tell you something about that because they would not want others to be around you. Therefore to become a successful young person you would need to have a positive attitude so you would be treated with respect and also you would treat others with the same amount of respect they gave you.

    1. Devon Anderson, I agree with Kaya because to be a successful student you must have good attitude while working with other people.

    2. Kimari Mcmillan, i also agree with kaya beacuse you cant have a nasty attitude. No one will want to work with you. If yopu have a good attitude you can work with others

  7. Successful students are always respectful Devon Anderson
    Successful students know how to focus on their studies when it matters while also taking breaks when they need them. They can manage their time wisely, stick to meaningful study schedules, and make the most of their time in the classroom. In the process, successful students also know how to have a good time, and love gaining knowledge as much as they enjoy getting stellar grades.
    Successful students know how to succeed because they’ve made their studies their top priority. Though it’s important to make time for friends, family, extracurricular activities, and even some solo down time, you should never neglect the time you need to spend studying. If you have a big exam coming up and don’t feel prepared, then you should probably skip the big party two days before it.

  8. Kimari McMillian

    To be a successful student you will have to be cooperative. When one shows that they are cooperative they all so show that they can work in teams or groups. When one is cooperative they have to show that they can take others ideas and use them for the greater good. In the word today o umustr be able to work with peolpe. If you dont work with others things would be hard. no one wantsc to work with someone that does not know how to work with others. It will also make you know in your filied of work. that could help you get up there in life. Big jobs might even start to take intrest in you.

    1. Kaya Peterson
      I agree with Kimari because if you don't be cooperative with others they wouldn't want to work with you they would just think that you don't want to be their and whats the poiny for them to work with you and when it's time to share and you don't want to here their ideas they don't want to be around you anymore.So I agree.

  9. Mohammed Uddin
    Successful students are always respectful. When one is respect one has to show integrity that is that person must prove that he or she can be trusted.People think your honest if your respectful. Respectful student are always prepared foe anything.showing respectful by remaining and attentive when some else is speaking.Respect Build connections and relationship to an successful students

    1. Kaya Peterson
      I agree with Mohammed because when one person is respectful to another they get that same respect back, but when one does not show any other respect they would not get respect because they did not give any, but u also have to show it to.

  10. - James Williams

    There are many ways to becoming a successful young person. Dressing appropriate, Listening carefully to the advice being given, Be on top of every obstacle that comes etc. The one trait that a young person MUST have while becoming successful is a positive attitude. Have a positive attitude would make people want to be around you more, and some people will motivate you and some will try to bring you down but if you stay positive and surround yourself around positive people then eventually you will become young and successful. Having a positive attitude will help you to become successful.

    1. Michael Watson,
      I totally agree, with James because you cant go to a job interview trying to get a job and looking unappropriated because they wont employee , you have to dress appropriate.

  11. - Perry Housey- to become a successful person in this world once u receive a job u must be on top of on a time frame you need to have your work done signed sealed and deliver. Also time management is very important to being a successful person because every time you are assigned particular project your deadlines is very short so that basically sum up being responsible. You must have manners where u go so that’s being polite learning to be respectful to people having manners can put in a lot of good places having manners brings out your personality and how people view u as a person when you at your job u cannot disrespect your boss or you would be fired on the spot , so using manners the boss will notice that u are a very respectful person and you get your work complete in a timely manner then you might get a bigger job position. So being respectful and responsible can make you a successful person in life so u can become wealthy and provide for your family.


    1. Adriel

      I totally agree with you Perry Housey on what makes a student successful. Having time management skills is very important because that way you can give all work on time. I also agree with you because manners can mean many things to others around you .Having manners can ,as you say, show respect to others and may help you promote to a higher position in your job .Also ,you said in your concluding sentence that when a person is successful in life they tend to always live a life that isn't that bad and can also support a family, with this also agree .

  12. - James Williams

    I totally agree with you Mohammeed Uddin. Not only because you said reaming attentive when someone is speaking but you also stated that you must show respect and integrity in order to be successful.

  13. perry housey- i totally agree with james because listening to people who know what they talking about can put you in higher places maybe becoming a boss

  14. Michael Watson,

    What makes a successful young person?
    I think that a successful student is respectful and responsible. To be responsible shows that a good student is on the path of success and to be respectful shows that a student has to have respect for his/her self and others. When your respectful to people such as family members, class mate, teacher etc ,people would love to work and be around you. When your respectful to others it can help you in the long run because when you go to get a job and you don't have respectful for your employees, they can report you to your boss and you can get fired. I believe respectful goes a long way and I learned that growing up but, if someone don't have respectful for you then you don't have to have respect for them because respect goes both ways. When your responsible and when your older and your working if your boss sees that your responsible he/she would trust you to do important projects for the company.

  15. Arrin George
    To be a successful student you must to your best. When a student does their best they succeed. For example if you play a sport and you do your best you will get hang of it and get better at it. Also if you do your best in your classes and the teacher sees that then the teacher would give you extra credit for trying your best. Other example is if u do your best your mom amd family would be proud of your hard work.

  16. Matthew Neptune
    What make a successful young person?
    To be a successful young person you must first show respect to other people and for yourself also you must stay consistent on your road to success and you must always stay positive. Also u must get good grades in school and have a good attendance and dress professional in important cases such as job interviews.

  17. Adriel Alvarado

    Topic:What makes a student successful

    Many factors come into play when one is trying to decide what makes a student successful. One factor that makes a student successful is that they have good ethics. When a student has good work ethics they can perform the required level that they are required to to perform. For example when a student has good work ethics such as good time management the can always have to time to do after school activities without falling behind .Another example would be that if a student was very responsible ,then teachers can always count on those students tasks that others won't be able to do. Another example would be if a student has good leadership skills as one of his good ethics ,then a teacher might put him in charge of a group of students to assist. This shows how having good work ethics make a student successful. therefore if a student wants to be successful they must have good work ethics
