Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Argumentative Essay Rubric and Task-My thoughts and Evaluation for Next Steps

Now that you have done work on the argumentative essay and the corresponding rubric, write a 6-8 sentence reflective/evaluative paragraph in which you address the questions:

Copy of the CCLS Argumentative Rubric

What are the main areas of strength observed in completing the Argumentative essay?

What are the areas of weakenesses observed?

How can we, as a class, continue to address these weaknesses and build on these strengths?

In your response, make a determination as to where you think we need to do more work on this unit.

Your ideas to build the paragraph will come from your reflection on your essay as well as the essays (s) you have assessed for your peers.

As usual, you need to edit your response before posting and then respond to at least two classmates' responses.

Remember the blogging rubric used for assessment!

Happy blogging! 


  1. A strong claim which is in depth and directed to the claim is needed. The evidence must be relevant and cited from the text. The organization of the essay, must be coherent and understandable. There should be no errors with: grammer, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. Some weakness tend to be, a weak claim which does not answer the claim.The claim might also answer the question, but it could go deeper. In addtion, there may be a little or no cition from the text. For example, many state the Text state, however the reader would not understand which text your talking about. Organization also consder while writing. After, every piece of evidence stated. there should come an explantion after. The explantion helps the reader develop the connection between the claim and the evidence.As, a class we could practice the use of citation. By reading articles and practicing different ways the evidence could be stated. We could also practice the explantion after the evidence. Check over your work for any errors. Teresa S.

    1. I feel like you just explained the rubric.you didn't state any strengths or weaknesses observed. despite that i like the idea for how we as a class can continue to address these weaknesses and build on these strengths

      Noah H.

    2. I agree with Teresa.Things such as organization,punctuation,spelling,etc are points in literature that lead to strong claim.And I also have to agree with Noah that it is like you just wrote out the literature rubric.Next time,just try using more of your own words,but overall,you did a great job!
      Brandon B.

  2. After grading a peers work i realized that they had very strong citation and evidence. according to the rubric the person achieved a level 6 in all criteria because the had a strong well organized essay with very little errors. this person mad e me realize that my essay was weak my essay had no citation whatsoever and very little evidence. i used on a few texts but not all.
    we as a class address these weaknesses by creating a checklist upon which we can check all aspects that make an argumentative essay excellent.
    Noah H.

    1. You did not fully respond to the questions asked. I think your response is vague and you should try to make it more in-depth.However, i think you did well on stating what we as a class can do to improve our argumentative essays.- Narinedra Tejsingh

  3. The main areas of strength observed in completing the Argumentative essay are the introduction of the claim, analysis of the text, organization of ideas and evidence.
    Areas of weakness are the usage of fewer texts then what is required, and the citation of information form the texts, and grammatical errors.
    We as a class can address these weakness by practicing on worksheets that help and give us examples on how to cite textual evidence, proof read our work and have someone else proof read it as well, and practicing on papers/essays the required us of to use more than one text for information. Too build on the strengths we need to, as a class give each other tips and pointers so we can make improvements where they are needed. I say we need to work on more in the citation of in information of textual evidence.
    - Jomi Frances

  4. One of the main areas of strength observed is the claim. The claim has to be reasonable and the writer has to support it with evidence from the available sources. Another main area of strength is the evidence. The writer should provide a variety of evidence that thoroughly support his or her claim. One area of weakness is the control of conventions. Writers sometimes use improper grammar or punctuation and thus they get a lower grade for these simple mistakes. Another weakness is organization. Writers have a reasonable claim but don't provide the right evidence and thus the essay is confused and unorganized with multiple ideas instead of one. We as a class can work on writing claims first then move on to supporting the claim and keep on going the parts of a well written argumentative essay. As a class I think we should write more argumentative essays about topics that the class actually cares about and will enjoy doing. That will be a great way to practice and students will definitely improve from this exercise. Dakuan R.

  5. I agree that evidence should be citated from the text. How was your essay weak? What are some of the strength and weakness of your essay. What strength and weakness is needed in arugmentive? I agree that using a check list could make our argumentive eassaty stronger. The check list will help us see what key parts is needed in the essay. And how the essay could be made stronger to get a level 6. -Teresa S.

  6. The main area of strength observed in completing the Argumentative essay was command of evidence. I think this is the strength because everyone used good evidence to support the argument they were using. In the paper i assessed my peer has good evidence to support his argument. The area of weakness observed was content and analysis. I think that the content and analysis was an are of weakness because i think most people just give accurate analysis and not a more in depth analysis. The paper which i graded had good evidence but i think the person could have developed his argument by using in depth analysis. I think we can do more practice on the way to analysis a piece of evidence in depth and insightful analysis.I think the area in which we can develop as a class would be content and analysis. - Narinedra Tejsingh

  7. The main areas of strengths in completing the argumentative essay was identifying a precise claim and backing up the claim with specific details from the passage.The main areas of strengths for grading were also identifying the claim the person has stated and identifying the details they've presented because the claim is the text, meaning without the claim being put into the essay there will be no argumentative essay. So the most important part is the easiest to recognize. The areas of weakness in writing the argumentative essay was supporting the counter claim because i didn't want to out do my claim by providing details that out weight my claim. This will make the reader to chose the other claim over mine, so i wanted to include details that i knew wouldn't be better than the claim i support. Giving an exact grade based on the students work is what i think we need to improve on for grading the essays. For the essay part think we need to improve on balancing the details for our claim and the counter claim.
    ~ Jamill Moody

    1. I agree with you Moody. I had the same problem. One of my weaknesses was supporting the counterclaim when your'e supposed to state and refute it but as i built up this weakness, i learned to strengthen it as well. I also agree on balancing the details between the claim and counterclaim. We as a class should go over this to build up on it and improve. Levi G

  8. With the papers, the main areas of strength I observed in completing the argumentative essay is the ability to make a claim. For me, it wasn't difficult to make a claim when you have read and analyzed all four texts. Also the essay I assessed, I seen a strong claim that represents what they have read also. In my essay a weakness I have observed was finding the evidence. This was difficult because you had to get evidence from all four texts. When finding more than one evidence in one text, you had to decide which one is best to use since you aren't able to use all. For the essay I assessed, a weakness I encountered was the organization. I noticed that the paragraphs were mixed up. The writer puts two evidence paragraphs, acknowledeges the counter claim then introduces another counter claim. This messes up the thought train of the reader and just males them confused. As a class, we can continue to address this by focusing on what males a strong claim and we could also look at how we should organize ideas throughout a text and why it is so important that we have to keep our ideas organized. In this unit, we should do more on using evidence. We should look at how we take evidence from a text to support our claim. We should also work on organizational skills and look at where do we put things throughout the essay.
    - Tyrese S.

    1. I think you did a really good job at explaining the weakness and strengths you observed in your peer essay but yours also. You also stated where we as a class can work on which is organization skills and making a strong claim. - Narinedra Tejsingh

  9. While completing the argumentative essay I observed several strengths and weaknesses. The main areas of strength I observed while completing the argumentative essay were in presenting and introducing a claim, presenting ideas, and demonstrating proper citation. The weaknesses i observed are in exhibiting skillful organization, establishing and maintaining a formal style, and demonstrating control of conventions. As a class we can work together to help each other address these weaknesses and build on these strengths. It would be a good idea to work together because where one person is weak another person would be strong.

    1. I think you could of gone more in depth about how we could work on our weaknesses so we wouldn't struggle in those areas. You of also talked about how we could develop ways to make sure we would always be strong in the areas we are not lacking in.
      - Tyrese S.

  10. While grading and analyzing one of my classmates paper i've seen a few main strengths such as a good claim and excellent supporting details.
    as i was reading i only noticed one weakness and that was not introducing a strong claim. As a class we can continue to address these weaknesses
    and build on these strengths by doing more peer assessments and do more argumentative essays. In my opinion i think that we need to do more
    argumentative essays .
    Darron Panchoo

  11. Over the break, our class completed an argumentative essay and the topic of this essay was "Should the U.S bid to host the Olympics. I think that I did good in this argumentative essay but there were some weaknesses in that essay that I need to go over. One of my strengths in writing this essay was that I followed the format of an argumentative essay. I wrote the introduction, I gave my claim and supported it with evidence, I stated the counterclaim and I refuted the counterclaim and gave my conclusion. That was one of my strengths in this essay. Another strength that I had when completing this essay was that when I gave my claim to whether or not the U.S. should bid to host the Olympics, I backed up my claim with sufficient evidence from the text. I also used evidence from 3 different texts out of 4 to support my claim. While doing this essay, I also had weaknesses. The only weakness I had when doing this essay was on the rubric, I tried to push for a level 6 on the essay which is the highest grade. At a level 6, you had to demonstrate in-depth and insightful analysis of the texts and also distinguish the claim from alternate or opposing. For me, I think that I deserve a level 4 on this because i did introduce my claim and counter claim but i needed to be more in depth with my claim and counterclaim. - Levi G

    1. Also, I think that in class, we can go over these weaknesses by discussing the weaknesses that all of the students have and also building up on them. One way we can do this is by reading a text and applying methods to these texts so that all of our students can get a higher level grade. -Levi G+

  12. The main area of strength observed in completing the argumentative essay is a claim, you must have a precise and insightful claim, as directly by the task.Your claim must be clear,reasonable and it has to supported with available sources or specific details from the passage.The author should provide the reader with variety of evidence which is connected to his/her claim.One of the weakness that is often times observe is the grammar,punctuation,capitalization and spelling. These simple criteria is often the main promblem kid struggle with and it causes their grade to get lower.We as a class can continue to address these weakness and build on these strength by contine to formulat claims and work on supporting them .Inadditional we as a studentcan individual leaern how to correct our own grammar, and i will have a positive impact on our essay

  13. The main area of strength observed in completing the argumentative essay is a claim; you must have a precise and insightful claim, as directly by the task. Your claim must be clear, reasonable and it has to support with available sources or specific details from the passage. The author should provide the reader with variety of evidence which is connected to his/her claim. One of the weakness that is often times observe is the grammar,punctuation,capitalization and spelling. These simple criteria are often the main problem kid struggle with and it causes their grade to get lower. We as a class can continue to address this weakness and build on this strength by continue to formulate claims and work on supporting them .In additional we as a student can individual learn how to correct our own grammar, and i will have a positive impact on our essay. In additional as a unit we need to learn how to organize our ideas more thoroughly and furthermore display the ideas in our essay more effectively, If we all work together as a unit we can strengthen each other weakness, and the only can will be use to describe us is success. Bryan kidd

  14. During the Spring Break,my class was given an assignment to complete during this period of time.This assignment was an argumentative essay whose topic was "Should the U.S. Bid To Host The Olympic Games?"In my response,I fist stated that I believe that the U.S. shouldn't bid to host the Olympic Games.I believe that my main areas in strength in writing this essay included being able to what side of the argument I was more more representative of.Also,I used strong words to support my claim and I decided to cited evidence from the 4 texts to back up my claim as well.So while I had a few strong areas,I also had a few weak areas,and these include citing my evidence from 4 different texts,finding a sufficient claim,and finally,how to put my argumentative essay together.However,I feel that I did a good job in backing up my claim.I believe that as a class,we can address these weaknesses by practice using more argumentative texts and we can build on on a current strengths using the same method.However,I believe that this practice would be most useful in the area of citing sufficient evidence from the text to back up our claims.

  15. The main strengths observed in completing the arguementative essay on whether the U.S should host the olympics or not is the claim and evidence to support the claim. Some weaknesses that have been spotted as well isa claim that isnt backed up by sufficient and relevant evidence. We as a class can build on our strengths and address these weaknesses by making sure our essays are organized , have a claim that is clearly stated and making sure that our evidence supports our claim and are relevant and sufficient. What I need to do more to make sure I pass this unit is to annotate more and make sure my work is organized.
    -Carnell Phillips

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