Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Marking Period 3 Blog Posting for June 2020: What motivates us to want or fight for change?


1. You must develop an ORIGINAL post responding to the task (This must be an extended paragraph of approximately 8-10 sentences)
2. You must read as many of your classmates' posts as possible to develop further insight on the topic and to gauge others' perspective on the topic
3. You must respond to at LEAST 2 of your classmates' posts. This response must develop beyond a mer "I agree" or "I disagree." YOU MUST rehash what the person's main thoughts or arguments are to show general understanding of the person's position and then you must counteract that position with a different viewpoint OR support it by adding one of two additional thoughts to strengthen it.
4. Please edit your work to correct BASIC spelling and grammatical errors before submitting.

AS USUAL, you must finish your post fully, post as anonymous in order for your post to show up on the right platform of the blog. Review the rubric attached to guide your response for assessment.
Happy Blogging.

Remember to write your first name and beginning letter of your last initial at the top of each response so that you can be credited.

Blog Task:
1. Refocus on the earlier quote we had examined about how Literature is a society's mirror.

2. Take a look at this video entitled: How to raise a black son in America.
3. As you pay attention to the "Big Ideas" that reflect on our current social climate in our country, think about how the books we read and the media we engage in points to current affairs in our society but also helps to shape or reshape the way we think and therefore motivates or drives us to act.

4. Consider even how Danticat uses the novel "Breath, Eyes, Memory" to drive us to action in changing society's or cultural status quo.

Blog Question: 
Should we be driven or motivated to take action only by what we read in books or what we see in the media? That is, at what point should individuals want to see change or call for change? Do books and the media motivate us at all to want change?
As you respond, you may use evidence from the video resource but you must also draw at least ONE piece of evidence as connection to what Danticat hoped to do or what change she hoped to bring about in Breath, Eyes, Memory.

Please be guided by the blog rubric below.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Collaborative Blog Posting: Discussion on Teen Vaping for 3.23.2020

1. Read and take brief notes on the two articles on "Teen Vaping." Copies of the article are attached to this blog posting below:

As you read and take notes on the articles, consider Big Ideas/main ideas that the authors express about teen vaping. Begin with a clear definition of vaping and then capture some of the main points expresses about the effects of vaping. Your notes will begin to shape your position on the topic below:

Why do some e-cigarette smokers consider the technology a safer alternative to smoking? Do you agree? Disagree?

Your Task: 

1. Based on your position on the topic above, explain, in detail WHY some e-cigarette smokers consider the technology of vaping a safer alternative to smoking.
2. Drawing on your thoughts as well as using evidence from any or BOTH of the articles, discuss some of the effects or some of the considerations of vaping that deems it harmful or otherwise
3.Capture your response in an original post of 1-2 paragraphs. 


4. After your original post, you MUST read at least three of the other students' responses. You can respond to anyone on the blog posting. You are NOT limited to only the students in your class. This is a COLLABORATIVE blog session between both AP Lit and Composition classes. 

5. YOU MUST RESPOND TO AT LEAST TWO OTHER STUDENTS' POSTINGS. In your response to other students' postings, you must do the following:
a. Rehash the main point or position the person has taken in his/her response
b. Explain why you agree or disagree with the person's position or main points 
c. Provide additional support to build on what the person has said while keeping and/or strengthening your position.

Your original post and your response to at least two other students' posts will be graded using the blog rubric below. Please review/examine the rubric below to guide your progress.

Blog Rubric
The understanding is that you will take two days to complete this task. Please reach out to your teachers or each other as you successfully complete this task.

Happy Blogging!

Monday, January 13, 2020

Literary Criticisms in Breath, Eyes Memory by Edwidge Danticat in preparation for Peer collaboration in Google Classroom

Having been exposed to the tenets of the Feminist and Psychoanalytical criticisms in Literature, review some of the guiding questions that reflect these thoughts. (Handouts attached below for easier reference)

Feminist Criticism in Literature

Psychoanalytical Criticism in Literature

Build your initial discussion around which literary criticism can best be applied to any of the main characters from Danticat's "Breath, Eyes, Memory." 

Your class blog has been set up as your INITIAL place of "information gathering." Your blogs would be done individually to get your thoughts out and then you may use your blog findings to determine your collaborative/work partner for completing this task in our google classroom.

Topic: Which Literary criticism can best be applied to your chosen major character in the novel?

Follow all blog guidelines and our blog rubric in order to complete your blog and prepare for your next level of work.

Remember to respond to at least two other classmates' postings.
The blog rubric is attached for reference: Blog rubric 

Monday, December 9, 2019

Blog Posting on Character Analysis in "The Story of An Hour" by Kate Chopin for Week of December 13th, 2019

"The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin

Considering the work we have done so far on claims and evidence, review your annotations on the story to address the prompt below: 
What claim can you make of the text, “The Story of an Hour” relevant to the two main characters: Mrs. Mallard as well as her husband?
As you prepare your blog discussion around the claim and evidence from the text, consider whether you might consider the narrator’s account of each character to be a reliable one as you form the analysis of your CHOSEN character.
In layman's terms, HOW would you analyze either Mrs. Mallard or her husband, considering the author's treatment of the following concepts: values, beliefs, biases, cultural norms, assumptions?

As you prepare your original post to the blog question/prompt, remember to adhere to the rules regarding the conventions of written English. Also, kindly keep the blog rubric in mind as you self assess or as you respond to your peers' posts. 
Remember you must respond to at least TWO other classmates' postings in order to complete your blog session and DO NOT FORGET TO IDENTIFY YOURSELF IN THE BLOG BEFORE CHOOSING "ANONYMOUS" IN THE DROP DOWN MENU.

(You will find an additional copy of the story here as well as some additional ideas and hyperlinks for greater insights into the story)

Note: If you find an image or other enhancements that you would like to include to enhance your blog post relevant to the analysis of Mrs. Mallard or her husband, please feel free to do so in this post.

Happy blogging!

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Goal Setting Period 2 for Sept 2019

CLICK on the link below. It will take you to our padlet page where you will house your SMART goal. Each SMART goal will be review periodically, particularly during Academic Check In days in order to conference on how well you are measuring towards achievement and what adjustments you need to make.

After uploading your SMART Goal, please find and upload an image that represents your POSITIVE  attitude towards reaching your goal. You may consider a tiger for its strength, a lion for its aptitude and prowess, a ladder to demonstrate stages, etc.

Here is the link:


1. Click on the "addition or plus" sign at the bottom right hand corner of the page
2. When the dialog box opens up, write your first and last name in the box
3. In the "write something" section, type in your approved/Revised/edited SMART goal into the space. Check and correct grammatical errors
4. Find and upload an image below the space where your goal is written.
5. You are ready for additional feedback and assessment! 

Now that you have written your SMART goal, please revisit the Padlet page above. Read and briefly note-take on at least two of your classmates goal postings.  

Based on your notes, choose ONE classmate's post to comment on in this blog.

To comment on a blog, 
Scroll to the bottom of your page where you see the dialog box that says "Comment"
Write your first and last names in the box BEFORE you begin to comment
Begin to write (in standard English, free of basic errors) about your classmate's post. 

1.  Name the classmate
2.  Summarize what the person has written
3.  RESPECTFULLY react to it (what you like about the person's post, why you have chosen to respond to this PARTICULAR post, what are the strengths of the post or why it resonates with you, and finally any suggestions you might have for the person to improve his/her post). 

Note: Your suggestion MUST be something constructive that would help the person; for example, you may say "While your SMART goal has most of the qualities of a SMART goal, you could have included the conditions under which your SMART goal will be achieved, because not including this makes the goal vague to your reader."

Remember to take a look at the Blog rubric BEFORE you begin so that you can be reminded on how your blog will be assessed for this activity!

Happy Blogging! 

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Adobe Spark Video Final Project

Write your name  and class period and post "anonymously" as usual before your put in your link.

Please paste your copied adobespark video link of your final digital narrative project into this post.

Thank you.

Enjoy the rest of your summer

Best of luck for 2019!

Thursday, July 25, 2019

How to Write a Narrative

Click on the two links below to explore HOW to write a narrative.  Having examined the resource, use loose sheet paper to write your own narrative about:

"A time when my experience taught me lessons in life"

Follow the steps in the resources to write your own narrative.

Note: This is your ONLY EXTENDED piece of writing, so it needs to be good. Create a 3-4 paragraph narrative around the prompt above. Parts of your narrative writing will be used to help with putting your narrative slide show together towards the end of this week.

Here is the link where you will get some ideas and a plan to write about.

How to Write a Narrative?

Writing your own narrative