Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Marking Period 3 Blog Posting for June 2020: What motivates us to want or fight for change?


1. You must develop an ORIGINAL post responding to the task (This must be an extended paragraph of approximately 8-10 sentences)
2. You must read as many of your classmates' posts as possible to develop further insight on the topic and to gauge others' perspective on the topic
3. You must respond to at LEAST 2 of your classmates' posts. This response must develop beyond a mer "I agree" or "I disagree." YOU MUST rehash what the person's main thoughts or arguments are to show general understanding of the person's position and then you must counteract that position with a different viewpoint OR support it by adding one of two additional thoughts to strengthen it.
4. Please edit your work to correct BASIC spelling and grammatical errors before submitting.

AS USUAL, you must finish your post fully, post as anonymous in order for your post to show up on the right platform of the blog. Review the rubric attached to guide your response for assessment.
Happy Blogging.

Remember to write your first name and beginning letter of your last initial at the top of each response so that you can be credited.

Blog Task:
1. Refocus on the earlier quote we had examined about how Literature is a society's mirror.

2. Take a look at this video entitled: How to raise a black son in America.
3. As you pay attention to the "Big Ideas" that reflect on our current social climate in our country, think about how the books we read and the media we engage in points to current affairs in our society but also helps to shape or reshape the way we think and therefore motivates or drives us to act.

4. Consider even how Danticat uses the novel "Breath, Eyes, Memory" to drive us to action in changing society's or cultural status quo.

Blog Question: 
Should we be driven or motivated to take action only by what we read in books or what we see in the media? That is, at what point should individuals want to see change or call for change? Do books and the media motivate us at all to want change?
As you respond, you may use evidence from the video resource but you must also draw at least ONE piece of evidence as connection to what Danticat hoped to do or what change she hoped to bring about in Breath, Eyes, Memory.

Please be guided by the blog rubric below.


  1. Sebastian Marte
    I don't believe that we should ONLY be driven or motivated by what we read in books or see in the media. I understand that the media and books are able to reach a bigger audience, but I believe also that what we see in our communities should be included in this topic. I do agree that books and the media motivate us to want change but it should not be only thing that does it. I believe that individuals should call for change, as soon as they have to act differently to be safe.In the video Clint Smith speaks about how he was playing with a water gun with his friends at nigh and how as soon as he's father seen this, he pulled him away because he was worried. I agree with his point that people of color shouldn't be afraid of there kids playing with a water gun because at any minute someone might confuse it for a real gun and kill that kid.The idea of a change can be seen in Breath,Eyes,Memory as well. Danticat brings to light how there needs to be change in the Haitian family culture of "testing" there daughters. I think this book really connects with the blog question because if I have never read this book, I would have never known of this tradition in there culture and by us getting to hear Danticat experience with this and how it really damaged her, it makes us want to stop this from further going on.
    So I agree that books and the media motivate us to want change. Another point that I want to speak about is our current condition. People from all parts of the world have seen the news and they are tired of having to see constantly that a black people person is killed by a police officer. By people hearing about all of this situations in the media, it makes them want to create change. That's why we have seen so many people go on protest to want to see change in police departments.

    1. Mahadev Basdeo
      I Agree with you Sebastian, because what you said was well said and I definitely agree with you when you said " I believe that individual should call for change as soon as they have to act differently to be safe." because this brings to light the current situation where people believe that it's time to change the police department rule and stop the police from killing or harming people of color. I also agree with the fact that you mention that the Danticat novel brought changes to the societies where the people in Haiti believe that testing adolescences females for virginity should stop at the generation where the novel speaks about the younger children that have there children.

    2. I agree with Sebastian that the book really connects with the blog question because these are the types of books that advocate positive change

    3. Alexander Malena-I Agree with you, I believe that individuals should be allowed call for change as soon as they have to act more responsible this sheds some light to the worldwide situation we face today where people believe that it's time to change our justice system and police cruel brutality on people of color. I also agree that Danticat novel purpose was to bring about change where Traditions of Haitians believe that testing Haitian women for virginity should end where the novel speaks about the younger children that have there children.

    4. Anthony Bruce- I agree with you that we shouldn't only be driven or motivated by what we read in books or see on the media because you really never know what is real or what is fake. I also like the point that you spoke about whats going on in the world right now.

    5. Matthew Smith
      I agree with you that people hear about all of these situations in the media and it makes them want to make a change.The media in the long run doe form a sort of mob mentality

    6. Nailiya Johnson
      I agree with you when you state “I believe that individual should call for change as soon as they have to act differently to be safe." I say this because many people watch and read about everything that is going on but never expect to be put into that type of position where you have to protect yourself or be in a life or death type of situation. I feel when a person experience something like that they would now want to voice their experience and speak on it to protect anyone else from having to go through that . At this point everyone will now push for a change in the world .

    7. Shon Mack Jr

      I agree with you that people hear about all of the current and past events in the media and automatically expect change. In the long run, I believe that if people aren't careful and only believe what they hear, they will be blind and lost to the truth. Great response.

    8. Nathaniel Rodriguez
      Sebastian, I agree with all of your points. Media and books can be motivating for us but ALL of our motivation shouldn't only come from media and books. We should be able to motivate ourselves. I also agree with you on the fact that the book by Danticat helped us be motivated to want change in the Haitian culture. And its true that the media helped a lot when it came to the real world situation that we are currently going through.

  2. Mahadev Basdeo
    Honestly I don't believe we should be driven or motivated by what we read in books or see in the media cause it's not all time true.Although the media and books are able to give us information that we might not on a specific scene but sometimes the media can be fake and the books can be friction but we must look at the topic in reality from our streets point of view to be more specific about the changes, but I do agree that books and media motivate us in our communities to want change at some point when situation get over the top and humanity are all look at unequal or not being treated equally so I believe that's the time to look for changes where society can make themselves heard in the rightly manner and the most secure way in their community. In the video of " How to raise a black son in america by Clint Smith '' where he states that "he was playing with his white friends and his father came and embarrassed him and took him away". But then he realize that he was a person of color so his parents was worried about him being on the streets late so they give him rules to follow in order to survive and be home safe then he also said that he feel that people of color should not be afraid of being at certain place and also he spoke about how a colored person have to act when they are in public so that they don't get attacked by the authorities which many people believe should change in today's world. But according to "Breath, Eyes, Memory by Danticat." It highlights that the tradition of the people in Haiti should change where the family testing for virginity in the females should be changed because as the society changes the people tend to view certain traditions to not be modernized so they rather it to change and need certain things to stop in their culture. So I agree that the book and media motivate people to want the changes. Also The current situation that is going on right now is not only an American situation but it is a world wide situation where the people saw what took place in America and how the police violating people of color and causing them to lose their life so many people are standing up for themselves and all others to say that there should be a change in order to stop police to brutally, harm or kill a person of color, these information was place on the media where they sought to fight for the change in the rules for the police.

    1. Sebastian Marte
      I agree with you that people should not be motivated by books and the media because sometimes it can be fake or not telling the whole truth. I also agree that we should look into our communities behavior and want change to come because of the actions that we are seeing. Your evidence was right on topic and really helped us understand why people of color feel that they have to act differently in certain environments. Lastly I agree with your point that the current situation has wide spread, it's not only an issue in the United States, but it's a global issue as well.

    2. Juan Reyes
      I also agree with you as not only can some books or medias lie but they misinform people for their gain. I also agree with you last point and would like to add that many media sources are trying to make the victim look like a bad man to mislead us.

    3. Reanna Rampersad- I agree with you're claim that people should not believe everything they see on the media and read in books. I also liked how you made it clear that racism is not only happening in America but it is world wide.

  3. Sebastian Marte
    I agree with you that people should not be motivated by books and the media because sometimes it can be fake or not telling the whole truth. I also agree that we should look into our communities behavior and want change to come because of the actions that we are seeing. Your evidence was right on topic and really helped us understand why people of color feel that they have to act differently in certain environments. Lastly I agree with your point that the current situation has wide spread, it's not only an issue in the United States, but it's a global issue as well.

  4. Juan Reyes
    I think we should use good judgement to determine if we should believe / apply what we read in books and the media. There are many books and media outlets that do not necessarily advocate good and positive ideas. For instance, some news media outlets do not share news to inform but to just be popular. Or many times they may share racist content. However, there are others that do share positive and inclusive content. For example, Danticat uses his book not only to entertain but to advocate positive change in Haitian culture. He uses Sophie's experiences to highlight the horrible experiences young women endure in a masochist society. Doing so he is bringing awareness to these problems not only in Haiti but around the world. I think we should be very cautious when it comes to content we read. We have to be very careful and selective to pick material that will educate us.

    1. Therefore I believe that the right books and accurate media could motivate us to make a positive changes in our society.

    2. Alexander Malena-I agree with you Juan we should look into our communities behavior and use good judgement to want change to come because of the actions that we are seeing. You really helped us understand why people of color feel that they have to act differently in certain environments because of how books and the media portrays us to be that way and they give off incriminate and racist content that doesn't make things any better but also for Danticat's book i agree it helps us to advocate change for ourselves the same way it advocates positive change in Haitian Culture.

    3. Nathaniel Rodriguez
      Juan, I completely agree with your point. We should be motivated by other things other than books and media. We should be able to see things with our own eyes and it should motivate us. And I agree with your point when you said that the media can be lies and racist.

  5. Alexander Malena-Based on my extent, we shouldn’t be driven to what we read in books or based on what social media and news reports say about us, because most times they give off inaccurate information .In our modern generation, we know that the books,novels, and the media are able to give us information that we might not be able to comprehend in the outside world. but we must turn back to the reality from our background point of view to be more in debt about the changes that are going on in our society today. I do agree that books and media can help create a positive impact in our communities to want to make changes, humanity at this point in time is negatively abused and controlled by our own government, Justice system, and more. This is only the beginning to bring about and embrace change where human beings can have a voice in their community. In the video of " How to raise a black son in america by Clint Smith '' he states that "he was playing with his white friends and his father came and embarrassed him and took him away". He knew that he was racially divided from his friends so his parents were worried about him being on the streets and gave him instructions to follow in order to survive. He felt that racially colored people shouldn’t be afraid of being at a certain point in time. He spoke about how not only African Americans but other minorities have to act when they are in public so that they don't get attacked and abused by the authorities or get portrayed by how the media wants them to be which should change. "Breath, Eyes, Memory by Edwidge Danticat" highlights the traditions in Haiti should change with the purity testing for virginity in females because as our society changes our people tend to view certain traditions to not be modernized so certain things can stop in their culture. So I agree that the book and media motivate people to want the changes. The worldwide situation with George Floyd showed how the police abusing and discrimination towards people of ethnic color. Which is why many people are standing up for themselves in order to stop the police and our Justice system from brutally harming a person of color portrayed on the media where they sought to fight for the change in the rules for the police.

    1. Sebastian Marte
      I agree with you Alex that that we shouldn't only be motivated by what we read in books or see in the media because that information can be misconstrued but that we should see what is going around us and take action upon that as well. I also agree with you that in the book "Breath,Eyes,Memory" Danticat does show us some tradition in the in the Haitian culture that need to be change because things are not the same as they used to be.

    2. Anthony Bruce - I agree with you that books and the media motivate people to want a change because this is true, when people see stuff online they are more interactive and try to find ways to get into it. I also agree with you that the police are abusing people and not treating them the right way.

    3. Reanna Rampersad- I agree with you're claim Alex, I liked when you stated that we are humans and we have a voice. I also agree that polices are out here abusing people and not treating them like they are humans and not tolerating them the way that they are supposeto be treated.

    4. Nailiya Johnson
      I agree with you that the book and the media are able to give us information that we might not be able to comprehend in the outside world. I also agree with what you stated about the situation that is going on with George Floyd and the people now speaking their voices and fighting for a change .

  6. Anthony Bruce- I feel that we shouldn't be driven or motivated to take action only by what we read in books or what we see in the media because books and the media could switch around there story to make things look acceptable. In the days that we live in, we cannot go by what we read or see around media because it is not always true of they can just fool people head to make them believe anything we see or hear. I do agree that books and the media encourages us where we live to fight for changes when things get wrong. For example in the video Clint states that his friends parents moved him away from clint because he seen him playing with a water gun. I understand this thought because at the end of the day you never know what Clint could be influenced by or be thinking. Us people should want a change when things start to get out of control around the world. In addition we should call for a change when people dont get the justice and freedom we should. For example when cops kill our people that when we have the right to fight for a change. We should only do this when it is necessary. Books and the media does motivate us to want change because anything that goes around in the world people read about or see it online. This is a big factor to why people fight for changes and protest because of things going around all over. Clearly books and the media has a big effect on what goes on around.

    1. Matthew Smith
      I agree that books and the media does motivate us to want change because anything that goes around in the world people read about or see it online at least to a certain extent. I also agree that in the days that we live in, we cannot go by what we read or see around media because it is not always true of they can just fool people head to make them believe anything we see or hear.

    2. Pierre Theophan - I agree that we cannot go by what we read or see around media because most of what is said isn't the whole truth.

  7. Malikiya Richards- In my opinion, I don't believe that we should be driven or motivated by what we read in books or see in the media. I feel as though as an individual as a community and nation should stand up for what we experience and see with our own eyes that human life is not something that should be taken away lightly and without mercy. As far as I’m concerned we shouldn’t wait for the news and social media to make a difference. We all know that racism was, in fact, still happening in our community; we knew how our presidency would affect our nation but there will still people who had vote for Donald Trump after all the statements he made for disrespecting woman, calling people of color names, and targeting the LGBTQ community. The way I see things is that people of non-color should see them as regular humans and nit because of the color of their skin and how they anticipate them we all bleed the same color and we all live once. I do agree that books and the media will motivate us to change as well but at the same time, they should take the time for themselves to really understand true African American history. They’re books and media that give out false information because they’re coming from a white person’s point of view. For example, those who don’t know the history or is blinded by the truth will think that NASA to reach the moon and another successful accomplishment long ago was only accomplished by the whites when also the work of people of color who was put aside for all calculations that made NASA successful. In the video, Clint Smith speaks about how worried his father is for his child to play with a water gun knowing how the world works he didn’t want his son to be seen because he would’ve been portrayed as a threat to others, similar to an incident where a young African American was killed for mistakenly holding what SEEMS to be a weapon. I agree that people of color should not be seen as a threat and should be free to have equal rights to live on this earth without being portrayed as something else. The idea of a change can be seen in the story “Breath, Eyes”, by edge denticat as well. Danticat brings to light how there needs to be a change in the Haitian family culture of "testing" their daughters. And they should break free of what has happened in the past and guide them with a different and harmless perspective on how the girls to safely keep their virginity.

    1. Matthew Smith- I agree with you that your opinion shouldn't solely be based on what we read or see in media. I also agree that Danticat brings to light how there needs to be a change in the Haitian family culture of "testing" their daughters. Breaking free of this tradition will help there children grow in a healthy environment.

    2. Krishion Blair- I agree with your opinion especially the part where you said people should not always believe the news on everything because they have been proven wrong and found guilty in lies before and they get paid even if the news is false....

    3. Jeily Antigua
      Malikya, I like how you used real-world examples of why we shouldn’t solely depend on the book and media we consume for motivation. By focusing only on the side of “history” that is told we remain ignorant of the whole truth and things in our system, whether that be the testing of daughters in Haiti or how America treats its very own citizens, that need change.

  8. Matthew Smith
    Should we be driven or motivated to take action only by what we read in books or what we see in the media?Of course not because often what you seen in books and the media is distorted and not the whole story so we should form our own opinions based on research.Another reason not to base your motivation on books and media because more than we would like it stigmas, bias and stereotypes effect what is portrayed.Our opinions should always be based on judgment and research because this is one of the few ways to find the truth out. In Breath Eye Memory Danticat conveys the struggles of A woman in a time where the woman's role was more rigid instead of flexible(An example of this in the book can be seen how the women in their society most stay pure and learn specific things like cooking and clean in order to get a man.How their parents will test their child to see if they are a virgin. This can be seen with ow martine test sophie even though she know how much she hated it as a child.).Danticat isn't without her own bias though as in the story the supporting cast of men are barely pervelant and don't contribute much to the plot until the end where they gain some prevalence.This can be seen with how for a chunk of the story Joseph is written out of it. This can also be seen with how the men don't offer the correct support to the women with their disabilities instead leaving the women to figure it out.This doesn't necessarily mean though they provide no help to the women they do just not enough for someone who deeply cares for their partner.While the bias in writing weak male supporting characters could be used as means to invalidate the message that this story is trying to convey it doesn't and after the conclusion of the story with Sophies moving past her bulimia. The story can actually be used to motivate the reader into fighting for women's rights and for proper treatment of people with mental disabilities.People should want to see change when someone else is being gated from living their best life due to the constraints or treatment that they receive from their society.

    1. Krishion Blair- I agree with you Matthew because people should not blindly follow everything the media says, people should be able to form their own opinions on a situation.

    2. Jeily Antigua
      Matthew, I liked how stated that we should form our own opinions based on reason instead of forming it based off of what is portrayed in the media. By stating that we should instead do our own research you acknowledged that if we dont, we are not forming our own opinions but instead adapting the stigmas, bias, and stereotypes that plague the books we read and the media we consume into our own persona.

    3. Pierre Theophan - I liked how you said that People should want to see change when someone else is being gated from living their best life due to the constraints or treatment that they receive from their society. It really expresses how nobody would want to feel restricted or caged from having a good life style.

  9. Krishion Blair
    I’m my opinion we should look to books and the media to motivate us but to a certain extent for example some media outlets can be one sided and you would not be able to get the full story and on the other hand if it wasn’t for social media and the news we wouldn’t be able to see what’s really going on around the world, for instance look at the George Floyd situation, if we did not have social media him dying would not have been a big deal, it would have just been another dead black man, so because of social media people can now see what’s actually going on in the world and the people are demanding change. On the other hand I don’t think people should really rely on books for motivation because books are notoriously known for not giving the full story about what really went on in history. I feel like this topic correlates with the book “Breath, Eyes, Memory” by Danticat because in the book it talks about how it is a common thing in Haiti for the women to be checked regularly by a parent to make sure that they are still virgins. Even though this is traditional for them I feel like it should be changed because it could leave a negative impact on a child and the rest of society and readers of this book would probably see this as abuse of power by the parent. I’m the video “ How to raise a black son in America “ by Clint Smith he makes a good point when his father came grabbed him away from his friends and gave him “THE TALK” about being black in America and how we don’t have the same luxury as others and around that time parents would have to give that talk to their kids because social media wasn’t going to show them the truth and with the current events that are going on right now kids would not be able to grow up blind to what is going on in the world because on every social media site I have been on in the last couple weeks I have seen at least one thing about injustice and how African Americans are being treated differently.

    1. Tafari Hall

      I agree with Krishion becauseI also believe that we should look to media to a certain extent because many things posted and published are one sided, biased or just plain out incorrect.This can also effect how people few the things they see because then they would not know if what they are reading is truth and worth believing or not.

    2. Kimberly Bueno -
      I agree with you Krishon on how the media brings to light cases of injustice such as the George Floyd case and how people wouldn't have known otherwise. I also agree with your opinion that we should not base our opinions only on one source of information since bias exists. The media is good in some aspects and not so good in others. It is good to take everything with a grain of salt and form our own opinions.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. darlene R
      I agree with your opinion about the George Floyd situation , the media has help us reveal many unfair things going on in society and also your right about books not giving the full story I never thought of that. I also agree with you that kids this generation are not gonna grow up with the same mindset.

  10. Jeily Antigua
    No matter how distorted this image of society might be, the books that we read and the media we consume are a mirror of society itself. A reflection that includes the many biases society tends to hold. Therefore, while it is essential that we, as active members in society, take into account the message the books we read and the media we consume shows us, they should be regarded as ‘tools’ that will help us educated ourselves and even grow as people. They are not things that we should wholly be dependent on. I believe that instead of taking the media and books we consume at face value, we should reflect on the message that it is trying to deliver. By doing this, we will be able to not only educate ourselves but see how these messages fit in our lives and the actions we take because of them.
    Nonetheless, taking the media we consume at face value is not something that always occurs in our day to day lives. More often than not, people tend to place their full confidence in the media and the many biases it shows. Something that has become very apparent in how America ultimately treats the citizens that they find don’t fit the status quo. As more and more people of color find their lives being threatened and even taken by “police and vigilante,” it is essential that we take into consideration what the media is telling us. However, while taking it into account, we should not become wholly influenced by it. This allows for us to form our own opinions and fight against injustices that make it so people, regardless of color, can be “afforded the luxury of making” mistakes, instead of being persecuted for it. In “Breath, Eyes, Memory” by Edwidge Danticat, the author uses her writing as a tool to open the eyes of readers to the horrors many females in Haiti-and in developing countries-find themselves facing. Danticat uses the experiences of Sophie, the protagonist, to not only paint a picture of the adverse effects of cultural practices such as testing but also to motivate the readers to bring change upon practices such as these. All while exploring Sophie’s journey to reconciliation as Sophie travels back to her birthplace to find out exactly why the females in her family must bare the experience of testing. Something that has left Sophie deeply traumatized and with the need to attend a “sexphobia” group to help her. But, it is when Sophie finally confronts her grandmother that Sophie truly understands why these acts are done to the women in their family--in their culture. They are done to placate the men, as Ife states, “From the time a girl begins to menstruate to the time you turn her over to her husband, the mother is responsible for her purity. If I give a soiled daughter to her husband, he can shame my family, speak evil of me, even bring her back to me.” Through this, Danticat was able to ultimately show what exactly she wishes to change and what she wants her readers to fight against. As readers, alas begin to understand the role women in society are in and its harmful effects.

    1. Kimberly Bueno -
      I completely agree with you Jeily when you say that we should take into account the messages we read and what they are telling us. The media is biased in many ways, and it is up to us to do our own research and come to our own conclusions based on multiple sources. I liked how you tied in your response with Danticat's story and how Sophie's experience allowed readers to better understand women in society and their struggles.

    2. Shon Mack Jr

      I agree with your POV on the situation at hand. The Media is very biased and will let you see only what they want you to see. Due to this, it is up to us to educate each other and realize whats happening in the world. The way that you tied the novel and Sophie's struggles to women's struggles. Good Job

    3. Jalen Jones- Jeily, I agree with your argument that we as millennials need to actively pay attention the messages that we take away from these media websites and books as some sites alter a story to fit a narrative for their audience. But i think we shouldn't plague all media with the same narrative because a select few report the news as is while bringing awareness to certain issues . On the other hand, you response allowed me to view the argument in a new light as you stated very stong points to validate your even stronger argument! Good job

  11. Media and Books are very important to our education on the world events that is indeed happening. But, at the same time what we see or hear in the media outlets can be half told or even messed with often misleading a person if they are not careful. There has been countless times that widespread media like Facebook and Twitter that is popular with teens and adults put out false information or half told reports to shape how we view things. An example would be the case of George Floyd which we seen with our own eyes of how he died. But on Facebook and Twitter, there were false reports of him dying of Coronavirus. Also, in addition to that, there were other reports on his background that were released after the tragic event to ruin his overall image. With this being one of many examples, I believe that Media and Books is an amazing way to educate ourselves with current and past real life situations but we need to be careful with which ones we trust. We as well educated people need to look at the media source as a whole and determine if the "facts" that we are given is reasonable and does it make sense. So we shouldn't fully depend on media and books to shape our thoughts on society. Media is often shaped around stereotypes, popularity, and what the government wants to be public or not. If half of the shootings, protests, or any other life changing events weren't recorded or taped, I believe the reports would shift in a whole different direction. On the other hand books is a great way to see whats happening in the world. Literature is a great way for people to express themselves and address their issues whether its within themselves or worldwide issues. A perfect example is the novel "Breath, Eyes, Memory" which is a novel written by Edwidge Danticat. In the novel, we read about of four Haitian women who struggles with the worldwide view of beauty and Haitan Culture. Danticat uses the novel to bring awareness to the mistreatment of women in her homeland and how the traumatic events can have a lifetime effect on a woman. Bringing this awareness to the light from literature gives people more of a connection and a need to change the way society because of the way its portrayed. Certain words and situations makes us feel for the characters and make connections to real life. Novels like this is what can motivate people to become better. Music also plays a big part in literature because both speak on current events. Books have meanings and so does music. Music doesn't always mean sex, drugs, and money. People who make music are also called Artist because they have ways to make listeners enjoy the track, but at the same time sit back and listen close to the true message behind the lyrics. Songs like "Wishing for a Hero" by Polo G, " The bigger Picture" by Lil Baby, "Riot" by XXXTentacion, and "This is America" by Childish Gambino all show different injustices that happen in America by using their popularity as a Mainstream musical artist and personal insight to portray the message. On the other hand Beyonce has a classical song called Run the World which gives emotional power and Mental Strength to women across the world. So Music is a great way to show awareness to certain situations that others are either afraid to speak on or ignore. It's better for people who has been through the struggle to speak on it in their own way, rather than the whitewashed media who hasn't felt the pain nor struggle that our people go through on a daily.
    Shon Mack Jr

    1. Malikiya Richards- I agree with your statement on false information that happens on the media, because the world we live in today everything is all technology based and our generation lives on the internet and they're even negative aspects on black history making becoming a trend for others to use as a joke.

  12. Reanna Rampersad
    Do you believe everything you see on the media or read in books? Well I strongly believe that you shouldn't. The reason being is because people post things on the media as rumors based on what they heard from others or what they believe is going to happen but not all the time it is 100% true. In the video "How to raise a black son in America" Clint Smith stated "My father came outside, grabbed me by my forearm and led me into our room with an unfamiliar grip...Looked me in the eye fear consuming his face and said " son I'm sorry, but you can't act the same as you're white friends" This states that racism is a big thing in America. For example, white people has more say over colored people. Too add on, George Floyd was a African American man who was killed by a white police during an arrest in Minneapolis. Although I don't believe that you should believe everything on social media, we would of never knew this situation had to do with racism, we would of though it was another death of a black man. On the other hand, you should not believe everything on social media because of fake news. For example, when new iPhones are coming out there are rumors about how the new phone will look. In addition to false media, I believe that you should not listen to everything you reading in books because the author may not tell the full or true story. The author might switch up the story to make it more interesting for the readers. In the book "Breath, Eyes, Memory" by Edwidge Danticat, it talks about a tradition to females in Haiti being tested often to see if they are still virgins. The book allows readers to fight for women rights and comfort. Lastly I strongly believe that books and the media should not motivate us to take action.

    1. Mahadev Basdeo
      I agree with you Reanna where you stated that the "People post things on the media that are rumors" because in today's society the use of technology on making many different software that allows people to post things on the media that can be both true and fake.Then I also agree on how you approach the current case of racism and then further explain how the novel " by Edwidge Danticat" can influence people to change their tradition where in Haiti the testing can change in the female's for the future generation to come.

  13. Pierre Theophan - In my opinion we shouldn't be driven or motivated by what we read in books or see in the media because often times the full story isn't provided and there would be twists and turns to try make the story somewhat acceptable. I agree with the fact that our viewpoints should be based on research and judgment since this is one way to understand the full story and find out the truth. In the novel Breath, Eyes, Memory Edwidge Danticat highlights the traditions in Haiti and what women have to go through as well as what the author wishes to modify/change. At that time period women were looked at as nothing more than people who bring nothing to the table so certain rules were made to better themselves and to prevent being judged by others. To prevent this women would have to learn things like cooking or cleaning and would test their child to see whether or not they are a virgin. This relates to Sophie's case with how Martine's would also check her hymen even when she didn't like it which had affected her mental state in a negative way. At this point the story is shown to motive us into fighting for women's rights and to fight for change in their tradition. People would want to see change when trapped from having a good life style due to restrictions or treatment from society.

  14. Tafari Hall

    I believe that we as people should not only be influenced by the things we read in books and the things we see on social media. In fact, We should also be influenced by the urge and want of a better environment for generations to come in their family. Books have always had an impact on society with the things and knowledge that can be compacted into 1 book. But over the years technology has become more advanced. This leads to social media being one of the most popular things in people's everyday lives. Many things that we see on these platforms can alter our way of thinking and the way we approach our days. Individuals should want to see change when there is a clear display of unfair treatment and dehumanizing someone. In the video,”How to raise a black son in America”, at the duration of 1:11 it states,” No one can be authentically human while he prevents others from being so.” This shows that if you are trying to prevent someone of their human rights and human rights and privileges you aren't doing your job as a human. This type of trend in society can lead to a call for change. For example, in the novel “Breath, Eyes, Memory” by Danticat, Sophie has gone through a very dehumanizing and traumatizing experience that has been passed down through generations in her family. Based on her experience, she realizes that this is a very terrible type of practice to have in a family. So she will most likely break that cycle of that experience being passed down in her family. She made the call for change and made the change happen for herself.

  15. Nathaniel Rodriguez
    I don't think that books and media should be the only thing to make us want to desire changes. I thinks we should be able to motivate ourselves. When I say this, I mean we should be motivated by what we see with our own eyes in our communities. Growing up, we see a lot of injustice in our communities. We shouldn't have to rely on our television or books to see that we need change in our communities or around the world. But the media and books can be a big help at the same time. According to the book "Breath, Eyes, Memory" by Danticat, we see a problem with Haitian culture. And this problem is females being tested for their virginity. This can cause them to grow up with social and mental problems. If it wasn't for this book, we wouldn't know about these problems in Haitian culture. This motivated us to want a change in their culture for the better.The media can be a big motivation at times as well.An example of this can be a real life situation that actually happened. Here in the U.S an unarmed black man named George Floyd was killed by a police officer when the officer had his knee over the neck of Floyd for over 8 minutes. And this ended up killing the innocent man. This caused immediate and understandable outrage by people of all different races and backgrounds. And because of the media, people around the world heard about and saw the death of George. This caused immediate protests and riots of people that are desperate for a change when it comes to police brutality and racism. And this motivated everyone to want the same thing. When the media isn't lying or being racist, it can me very helpful and it can motivate everyone. So in my opinion, media and books can motivate us to want a change, but they aren't our only motivation. We should be able to do our own research and we should be able to see things with our own eyes in our own communities and neighborhoods.

  16. Nailiya Johnson
    I believe that we shouldn’t be driven by both books and social media because Although they both can give motivation and boost our confidence to share our voices and stand up for a positive change , if done the right way . The media and books both inform us on information about a lot of things we don’t know . Also the social media push for us to come together and help one another make a change for the better. Although that may be all good the media doesn’t always give off positives ways of how to handle certain situations. The media can lead us on thinking one thing but . The media can paint a picture in our minds thinking it’s okay to do something but it’s really not and you can get into big trouble . For an example in the Video Clint Smith bring up a time when he was having a water fight with his white friends using water guns and his dad came out and grabbed him by his arm. He states “ Fear consuming his face , and said son I’m sorry but you can’t act the same as your white friends , can’t pretend to shoot guns in the dark you can’t hide behind cars ...“ He was scared and worried for his son safety because he can’t do the same things his friends are without being looked at differently, Taking for doing something wrong when only having fun with his friends. Also in the book “ Breath , Eyes , Memory “
    Danticat brings in a lot of unknown information about haiti culture that I never knew about , Testing of the daughters to see if they are still whole , thought out the book the character Sophie push for a new change in tradition giving her experience with her mother testing her and it being an uncomfortable situation for her . There for books and the media can open our eyes to a lot of things . Giving the view of everything that is going on now with the riots , you can see people doing a good thing and chanting and walking together to finally get peace and recognition that there should be justice for people of color. At the same time most of these people have been put into a situation where they will fell to need to be in that crown and voice their own experiences and fight to make a change .

    1. Jalen Jones- Although I disagree with your stance , I like how your argument as it supports your claim. I also like how your posting you shed light on both arguments as you mentions how social media can both help and hurt the way we receive information when it comes to reporting facts vs reporting biases.

  17. Jalen Jones
    In my perspective, I believe that we should only be driven or motivated by what we read in the books or what we see in the media to an extent. Based on the current atmosphere of today, I personally think that the media played and continues to play a vital role in bringing awareness to a serious injustice that plagued us for generations, while books add context to the situation to justify why we feel the way we do but it all depends on what the person takes away from what they read . As we all know the media is no stranger to biases and distorting the truth to fit a narrative but we can’t deny the fact that the media reaches thousands of people across the world causing reactions to be instantaneous. As seen first hand through the tragic death of George Floyd, social media can be a powerhouse to push for change. Honestly speaking if it wasn’t for that woman who videotaped the tragic encounter of George Floyd, there wouldn’t have been calls for justice around the world through several acts of peaceful and sometimes violent demonstration, open letters to the mayor and attorney generals and several petitions . There also wouldn't have been an outpour of support for the Floyd family to seek justice. Systematic racism has been in place for years and the fight for change would always land on deaf ears as nothing would get done to fix the situation. But now with the introduction of social media, things such as trends or hashtags can simply inform the public about what’s going on in the world. For example, in the video, Clint Smith recants a story about how him and his friends (who were white) was playing with a water guns at night in the parking lot of a hotel and how as soon as he's father seen this, he pulled him away because he feared of his safety as a black man growing up in America because he isn’t viewed the same way as his friends in the world. Now god forbid “Karen” did call the cops on him and reported this situation without any content and he was confronted by a corrupt police officer, you can guarantee that somebody is going to be outside with their phone capturing the moment in real time and uploading it to social media to inform the public about it. This can also be applied to the book “Breath, Eyes Memory” where main character Sophie experiences the inhumane tradition of the testing to see if she was “pure”. To add some context, this form of testing is a tradition that is passed down from generations in the Haitian culture, as it was a mother’s duty to stick her fingers in their daughter’s private part to see if she isn’t a virgin or not. Failing this test is almost seen as a slap to the face as the mother has “failed” at her job of protecting her daughter. We see this play out through the story as Sophie purposefully fails the test to prevent this from happening as it always left her in excruciating pain. She was later forcefully kicked out of the place she called home forcing her to move away with her future spouse at the time.This shows us that even though she didn’t have full knowledge on what this for a testing was she still found a way to push for a change to prevent what was happening to her at that moment. She would later return to Haiti to find closure for her unanswered questions where she learns through her grandmother what the testing actually represents to a mother and daughter in her culture in where she later vowed that she wouldn’t put her daughter through that pain as a result breaking that continuous cycle that plagued them for years. In short, we can’t deny the impact of social media as well as news reporter we just have to evaluate and take in what exactly you think is beneficial to your stance to push for change.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. walisha williams
    In today’s society our minds aren’t being used in the most authentic way possible instead the media like the news and social media like facebook has a constant effect on our minds each day . I believe that we shouldn’t be driven by the things we see on social media or on tv or even the things we read but we should use one or two pointers that stick out sometimes and analyze and use it to shape our own minds to determine what we really believe in , to bring out the truth behind false advertising of information a creator might want sway one's mind to believe. This will prove that your mind isn’t being brainwashed and that you as a person are able to have your own level of thinking. Not all books we read and not all things we see on the media is fake but some of these resources may be use to spread positive message abroad for example the media is being used at this time to spread the message on how minorities lives matter when it comes to the justice system and we deserve to be treated equally regardless of the color of our skin. When it comes to the “how to raise a black son in america by clint smith he states that "he was playing with his white friends and his father came and embarrassed him and took him away". The fact that racism already exists and that his father reacted the way he did in front of his white friends made him feel like he’s the odd one out and he couldn’t get a fair shot at being able to hang outside because he had to constantly look over his shoulder. His father's motive was to protect his son from being targeted and attacked by the authorities but it also proves that racism still exists today and it has come to a point where all minorities all need to act in a certain way for survival. The tradition in “Breath eyes memory” of testing females to make sure they are whole have caused all females to act a certain way when it came to their families and men. They were all raised to be a “woman” to man which consisted of being a man's wife where she constantly cooks and cleans to prove herself rather than having a little more freedom to do what she wants to do with her family like a man because she may be seen as a slut . This tradition of tests have changed the way women think of themselves as well as mentally and it has also changed the way they act , they can never really be themselves or who they want to be. change can go in a positive direction or a negative direction it all depends on how strong our minds are.

  20. Kimberly Bueno Romero -
    Literature is society's mirror. It (Books and media) often reveals and motivates us to change and open up our minds to situations that are going on worldwide. Even so, we should always double check our resources and not base our facts on only one outlet. If you were looking to publish a book, you wouldn't just go to the first publisher you came across. The same goes for the media, but it also depends on the context. Individuals should call for change the moment when they've seen that things aren't getting better or aren't as they should be. In our country, we are led and represented by a racist president who values items over human lives. The man posts "When the looting starts, the shooting starts" on Twitter, during a national outrage as a result of the murder of George Floyd, another black life taken away by the hands of the police. If the people we are supposed rely on to protect us are the ones hurting us, what does that say about our country? Year after year, peaceful protesters have fought for change, and year after year, the same narrative repeats itself. The media seems to focus on the negatives such as looters even though the economy can rebuild itself, yet lives can't be brought back. Immigrant children are being separated from their families by I.C.E and are conglomerated in a small space or locked up in cells like animals. Nothing is being done to stop or reform this. Seeing such injustices brings people together to push towards equity and justice. In the novel "Breath, Eyes, Memory", Danticat brought to light struggles that women go through after traumatizing experiences such as rape. For example, Martine's life was never the same after being abused in Haiti and she could never stop those nightmares from haunting her. Danticat also touched on the topic of Haiti's corrupt government and how people such as Louise immigrated to the United States in hope of a better future. People are stronger in numbers and knowledge is power. If more people realize the crime, oppression, and discrimination going on, change is bound to happen.

    1. I agree when you mentioned that the media seems to focus on the negatives such as looters, instead of shedding light on the positive aspects.

  21. Darlene Rodriguez
    Many people are motivated to take action by what they see in media and books specially in this generation because they mostly get all there information from social media. I believe that people should not be motivated to fight for society just based on the media and books because even though sometimes the media reveals prove of videos of situations it also has alot of false information. In addition you be motivated because you want to do something to change society not because you see other people doing it. Based on the video "How To Raise A Black Son In America" it reflects on how alot of colored boys are raised with a scared mindset , like in the video the speaker said how his dad prevented him from using water guns with his white friends because it could of ended in a wrong way, this is a example of why people who grow up like this should be motivated to fight for change because they know how the fear feels. The Book "Breath,Eyes,Memory' reflects on this topic because it demonstrates how in Haiti many woman are tested for their virginity because is a cultural thing and society has followed this believe.

    1. I agree that the media can show a lot of false information, it happens quite a lot!

  22. In my opinion, the books and the media spread more awareness and shines more light to a bigger audience on the problem that occurs constantly in not only this country but around the world. Does it motivate us to want to cause a change? Yes, but should it be the only thing motivating us? absolutely not. As people of color, and being part of what's considered a minority, we see first hand the inequality and injustice that occurs in our community and that alone should be more than enough motivation to stop it and cause change. The Media and books are also not always on our side. We live in a world where a lot of false information can be advertised and where we can look like the bad guys in situations where we are victims. In Breath, Eyes, Memory, Danticat shines light on the Haitian culture of checking women's hymen. This is an action that is clearly wrong, and it only takes one person to speak out to address the issue. In the video "How to raise a black son in America", he speaks on a sensitive issue, which in my opinion is part of some people's culture. How? Well just how women are taught to check their daughter's hymen, I think in some cases, white people are taught to be racist. Nobody is born a specific way, some things are learned since young and in their head, is what they think is normal.

  23. Aaliyah Benaine

    On this topic I am conflicted on where I stand with the media. Most times often the media, books, newspapers etc does not always portray the whole story therefore I do not believe that we should jump on the media's bandwagon and take action based on their version of the truth because in all reality there are three sides to every story that is broadcasted your opinion of what happened , the media's portrayal and what actually transpired. Although with recent incidents that have been transpiring the media have played a vital role in keeping the public informed about the recent spike in police brutality and also the continuous hatred against people of colour and the fact the systematic racism has been in place for decades and is still a thing today. Some people and or news outlets are using the recent riot outbreaks as fuel to the fire that continues to blaze to paint a bad picture of black people who are simply just tired of being suffocated and silenced by white supremacy and white privilege in this continued cycle of racism, police brutality and oppression. In the novel breath eyes memory the author sheds light on the traditions in Haiti and how sophie wants to break the cycle of purity testing for virginity in females because as our society changes the views of people do and certain traditions to not be modernized for the impact it has is detrimental. As you go on through the book you notice the effect that the testing had on sophie as it deeply affects her sexual relationship with her husband and to find closure and understanding Sophie travels back to Haiti to confront her grandmother. This trip enlightened the views on men that the caco women had and connecting back to the generations of curses with men and in some way or form could be similar to the generations of black children who had to have their childhood stripped away because of societal opinions.

    1. Malikiya Richards- I agree with your statement on how the media doesn't show the true side of the story and how u mention the different aspects on media.

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