Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Resources on Video Games and their impact on individuals

Examine one or more of the "Resources on Video Games and their impact on individuals" below to help build or refine ideas for your final draft.

Feel free to blog with your classmates about your take on any of the resources: 

1. Which do you find MOST useful in extending or strengthening your claim?
2. Which is MOST controversial or challenging to your position on the topic?
3. Why is this topic of importance to people?

As always, remember the guidelines for blogging and remember to respond/react to at least two other classmates' blog posting.

Happy Blogging!

Resource #1:

Seven Ways Video Games engage the brain

Resource #2:

Resource #3

Resource #4:


  1. Daniel Mohamed
    Resource number one(1) was the most useful because it talked about how video games actually improves the mind.This is true because because many who indulge in playing games seems to be more focused and alert in their surrounding.Like for instance in the video,Tom Chatfield talks about one compelling aspect of video gaming: its measurability. Parceling out rewards at carefully calibrated percentages, games collect reams of data about what humans truly find rewarding, and precisely how hard we're willing to work for a win.Many people may find this true because base on our surrounding many may boast about their accomplishment they achieve when playing games. The most challenging idea is that many people may play games and get bad influence to do wrong actions,like in the article,one stated that some kids showed altitude to their teacher/adults.This topic is important because gaming may have a great reward for someone but if they can't control their limitations then they may follow the wrong path.

    1. Alexander Malena- I disagree with what you said about how video games can actually improve the mind because with the amount time that children and teens spend playing video games it damages their mind into believing that the world around them is a hostile environment and that its dangerous out there and video games can turn people into aggressive individuals leading to fights and arguments. and but I agree that video games can be rewarding but I want to add on that as much video games are rewarding people need to know the consequences that come with playing video games for a long time.

    2. Dante Watson - I disagree with this statement. I don't believe video games improve the mind. I actually believe video games make the mind worst. playing video games make the people that plays it lazy , more distracted , less focus , more aggressive and also it make them lack socializing skills.

    3. Alliyah Jennings -I disagree with your position,I dont believe that video games can improve your mindset.I believe that it can be a setback from what’s important such as school, being easily distracted & their future career and responsibilities .Video games take kids away from people street knowledge and they don’t have a strong socializing skills .However,it tend to become more aggressive will make it harder for them to be social.

    4. Aziera Khan
      I disagree with your statement. Video games are really toxic and bad for children these days. It can affect you mentally,physically, emotionally which lead to long term problems. Long term situations that are hard to come out. Children these days should be focusing on school and stop getting distracted

    5. Sebastian Marte
      I agree with Daniel that resource number one is the most useful. I also agree with you on that gaming is important because gaming may have a great reward for someone and that if they cant control their limitations then they may follow the wrong path.

    6. I disagree with your Statement. video games can distract children and teens from the outside world. even though they play games with friends they can get distracted from playing outside, lose communication skills with the real world,and distract them from school work and from doing their homework which can impact their grades at school.

    7. Matthew Smith-I disagree with your statement video game snot only distract kids from school but are as addictive as gambling

    8. Ivan Lara

      I disagree with you because video games have been proven to become an addiction that effects peoples school work, their social skills, their mental health and their physical health

    9. Anthony Bruce- I disagree with you because, video games can affect you in many different ways. It can make you lazy, and it can mess up your health. Also games can change your personality on how you look at your family.

    10. Jalen Jones- I disagree with your statement because video games have been proven to impact an individual negatively. For example in Resource #2 Stephanie Kucharski points out that "today's young are entering school struggling with self regulation and attention skills necessary for learning". This shows that video games are causing the children of today's generation to be unengaged in school which would eventually hinder their ability to lean in school.

    11. Ryan Sookraj- I disagree because video games can lessen your communication skills and make you lazy. Also it can affect your mental health.

    12. Dimitri Laroche- I disagree with your statement because proven in resource #3 the use of video games influences a prolonged addiction where the brain challenges are only being used in the virtual world, while as you stated "indulge in playing games seems to be more focused and alert in their surrounding" the sensory details would only be configured to be alert in the virtual world, and the addiction to video games will effect the average teenager to see the world as a game instead of the actually reality of things

    13. Bernaldo Scudder

      I agree with you that resource #1 is the most useful and also that video games also can help improve the mind. I also agree with your statement that when kids play video games it helps improve their awareness of their surroundings.

    14. Akeem Olakunle

      I agree that Resource #1 is the evidence for game doing good because it show the skills that can be developed from games and show we can use video game mechanics outside of video games to benefit us.


  2. Sebastian Marte
    I find that the most useful detail about the first resource that would help me extend or strengthen my claim is that video games bring to people a intense emotional reward and whether it might be to an individual or collectively. Also another important point coming from the first resource is when he says that videogames are very powerful because it gives the player great powers. It satisfies the player ambitions and gives them the pleasure to experience something that it is most likely out of there reach.
    I believe that the most challenging part to my position on this topic and showing people that playing video games does not have an affect on the general amount of people. While also being acknowledging that there are some people that have been affected by this.
    This topic is of importance to people because many people love and enjoy video games. Video games give people the enjoyment to explore another place and just enjoy themselves.

    1. Alexander Malena-I disagree that videogames are powerful because it gives the player great powers because videogames present itself as a problem to children and teens out there because playing video games for too long lead to lost of focus and forgetting your responsibilities and lacking the skills you need to in the real world than you get from playing a video game and violent video games can turn people into aggressive individuals and no harm can come more than from playing video games frequently.

    2. Daniel Mohamed
      I agree with your statement because video games quite be rewarding for the brain and can help improve one's mind because of the different aspects of life it teaches us.Once again it's all up to how the kid monitor their game play.

    3. Juan Reyes
      I agree with some of your points on how video games can be rewarding but i also want to add that although they can be emotionally rewarding they can also be harmful because a weak minded person can become addicted or worse. Video games should be an occasional pleasure or a reward.

    4. Malikiya Richards- I disagree with your statement because that intense emotional reward when playing games can affect the player mentally and physically. It takes away time from family their social life if they are playing it all day. It will cause them to take away time from their schoolwork.

    5. Sean Yeribo - I agree with this statement that video games bring joy and pleasure to many people based on the info from Resource #1 because that happiness can be displayed outside of gaming.

    6. Dimitri Laroche- I disagree with this statement sebastion because the sense of pleasure shouldn't be behind the screen, but in real life and if you condition your mind to have only rewards behind a screen then your mind won't be configured to go harder in real life

  3. Alexander Malena-Resource#2 was the most useful in extending and strengthening my claim because in the video Stephanie Kucharski talked about how children want to escape from school, homework, parents,and society through video games it can relieve stress temporally but with continued use of playing video games it can cause a vicious cycle of continued game playing leading to more pressure in school. This is true because playing video games continuously creates a negative impact of children wanting to play video games all day not wanting to care enough for doing their schoolwork in which leads to them failing and slacking off in school and having to make up the work they didn't do which puts even pressure on them. Also another important detail from in the video of Resource#2 was Stephanie stated that with the growth of videogames and technology it becomes impossible for children and teens to keep up and focus on their studies especially with new video games coming out frequently at a rapid pace which leads to a downside that children and teenagers lack real skills that they need with their studies like social interaction, and being inquisitive. This also is true because with some many new video games coming out frequently children and teens lose focus on their studies and never get the chance to develop and learn real skills they need in life like interacting with others and having a curious mindset. Third detail stated in Resource#2 was children playing video games can cause physical changes in their brains that can lead to attention and behavior problems. This is true because when children play violent video games they see a lot of what is shown on their screen and they start to believe that real world is just like the virtual world and they behave as aggressive and violent individuals as they do while gaming. The most challenging part to my position on this topic was being able to and show people that playing video games has an affect on the amount of people that play it day to day which is indeed a lot because people might feel video games can be used as a learning tool to teach kids teamwork, hand-eye coordination, and more. Like in Resource#3 it states "positive impact is that video games may help children improve their manual dexterity and computer literacy. Which this shows that people do feel video games help a child improve in many areas or skills they need. Also stated in Resource#3 "When a video game is pro-social and rewards players for building a town or helping others, children tend to show more empathy and helpfulness in their daily lives. this is important because it adds on to the challenging part of my position being able to say video games does have a negative affect on children and teens out there when their are some positives. This topic is importance to people because people all over the world love and enjoy playing video games but what they don't realize it Video Games creates a negative impact that can be potentially be irreparable because it leads to people seeing the world as a hostile place to be cautions about and it changes the mindset of individuals and turns them into aggressive people leading to arguments and fights anywhere and people can't seem to focus on their studies or on anything else besides playing video games. So this is important to know the dangers of playing video games

    1. I Akeem Olakunle agree that the fact that video game can have a negative and a positive on people but I would add on to what you said about children devolving violent behavior due to video games. People who do or mostly likely to gain mental issue due to video game a mostly already are on a "mental edge" or going though strong mental stress from other other sources and and it also depends on the game they are playing and how much there parent care enough to check on their child's activity these factors along with games can push a people to do bizarre things.

    2. I disagree with the claim that video games are an escape from school work because it can motivation to do your homework so that you can you then play video games. I also AGREE with the fact that playing video games can increase your empathy because by being rewarded you would want to do more in life to get rewarded.

    3. Kevin Martinez^^

    4. Gavin S- I agree that video games can have negative impact on society because when children play violent video games they can develop violent behavior and become aggressive individuals leading to fights and arguments. and also people are most likely to gain mental issues due to video games and with video games they ant focus in school or study and end up failing in the process.

  4. Davi Gurcharran- Resource #2 was the most useful to strengthening my claim because, it states how video games is a negative impact on kids. Study pressures lead to game playing and continued game playing leads to more pressure in school. Another downside to this is children lack the real skill they need such as social interaction and being curious. In the video Stephanie states "Children who spend to much time staring into electronic screens can cause them to have physical changes in the brain that can lead to attention and behavior problems". Video Games tend to cause stress and mixed emotions also you could become lazy and obese. Resource #4 is a challenging to my position because, Micheal Rich states "they are arguably the best teaching tools we have". I disagree with him only because video games isn't the best way to teach your kids there are other ways like school! Video games could lead to aggressiveness and it could also be a huge distraction to kids who go to school.

    1. Matthew Smith-I agree with your statement i feel like excessive video gaming cause you to slack in school then your pressured get stressed and play video games to cool down and relax which then increases how much your slipping in school its a cycle

    2. Nathaniel Rodriguez- I disagree with this statement because video games can increase awareness and it can keep kids off the streets.

    3. Ryan Sookraj- I agree with you because video games can make kids more distracted and focus less so they won't do homework and neglect some of their responsibilities and as a result their grades will drop in school

    4. Bernaldo Scudder

      I disagree with this statement because i believe that when children play video games it helps them improve many things like hand-eye coordination and their awareness of their surroundings. This allows kids to be able to transfer these new skills that they acquire to the real world for things like sports and other things.

  5. Alliyah Jennings- I believe that resource #2 is the most useful to strengthen my claim because in the video it shows how video games have such a negative impact on children.For example, study shows how kids will want to avoid homework,school & family to go play a game which puts lots of pressure on them, which causes them to not have a social life and a stressful one.However, Stephanie Kucharski explains how kids who spend too much time on video games will have some physical changes in their brain that can cause many attention problems and behavioral problems. That shows how video games can be irreparable and can cause some physical issues.Another thing which strengthen my claim was how it can affect them physically is their health they are starting to become obese.Then, in resource #3 it states "However, studies also show that video games with violent content are linked to more aggressive behavior in teens. This is a concern because most of the popular video games contain violence." I agree with this statement because they can see violence in a video game which might make it tempting for them to try it which cause school shootings and hurting themselves or others.The studies also found that aggression is found more in the school year than the others who don't play video games.These 2 resources have made me strengthen my claim because it shows how damaging video games can be to kids and how games lead to physical issues that can cause them to be lazy and distract then from school.

    1. Dante Watson - I agree with what you said about video games having a negative impact on kids. Video games create negative impacts that can potentially be irreparable. Something I like about your statement is you used strong evidence to support your claim. Another thing I like about it is you fully elaborate on every evidence you gave. The last thing I like about this statement is you stayed on topic and not only that you also didn't make it to long or to short , your length was just right with all the required information.

  6. Dante Watson - Out of all four resources I think resource number 3 was most useful for strengthening my claim. The reason I said that is because resource number 3 had information about the effects of video games that I didn't know. some information resource number 3 had that I didn't know was that part of the increase in aggressive behavior is linked to the amount of time children are allowed to play video games. Also children who play violent video games in the beginning of the school year are most likely to be more aggressive than the other students throughout the school year. I didn't know any of that. Knowing that now helped me strengthen my claim. Even though resource number 3 was very useful there were other resources that challenged my position. The resource that was most challenging to my position was resource number 1. resource number 1 talks about how video games improve the mind. Resource number 1 also talked about how playing video games make people more focused and aware. I disagree with that. I feel as if video games doesn't improve the mind it actually makes the mind worst. It makes people less focus , more distracted , more aggressive , and more lazy. The topic of video games is very important to people. The reason the topic is important to people is because a lot of people love to play video games but don't know the negative effects it haves on people. Video games creates negative impacts that can potentially be irreparable.

    1. Walisha Williams- i agree with your position that video games have a long term effect overtime because of the evidence you gathered in resource #3 where the amount of time a child might play video games can also contribute to behavior from one point in time to another point in time.

    2. Aziera Khan
      I fully agree with your blog, Not only because you support my claim as well, but if i was didn't know nothing about video games and how they affect, i would definitely be persuaded. You gave good examples and wrote your evidence persise.

    3. Daniel Mohamed
      i disagree with your claim because playing video games can be limited.It's the parents fault for not watching over their kids and taking actions on their kids behavior if they are making such actions.

    4. Ivan Lara

      I agree with your position and the fact that video games are connected to aggressive behavior.I also agree that the damage caused by video games is irreparable because no matter what you do to try and fix the damage caused by video games an addiction is hard to break no matter who you are or how mentally strong you are.

    5. Matthew Smith-I agree with you that video games can cause irreparable damage to a child and it also has a strong link between aggressive games and agressive behavior.

  7. Walisha Williams - As I analyze the resources provided, resource # 2 was most helpful because not only did it support my claim but it extended, enhanced and made my argument stronger here’s why; Video games have the ability to affect children and adults long term, video games have become an addiction which affects the brain drastically. Video games have put a limit to basic life skills such as concentration as well as social skills. According to resource #2 it explains, the world is becoming so technological when students encounter unbearable study and at home pressures, children tend to play video games as an outlet to relieve stress temporarily. Little do kids and parents know that the act of playing video games is an unhealthy habit to develop, that relieves stress just because school is becoming a little challenging to a child. The habit of playing video games will make it more difficult to keep up with their studies. Video games will also cause physical changes in the brain that shortens a child’s attention span and it also changes a child’s behavior negatively. Moving along, resource #4 challenged my position because Micheal Rich brought up a very valid point where he explains that video games are good teaching tools today because children are being exposed to concepts in games where there are active roles that requires them to think and make decisions that will change the direction in a particular conflict. In other words this means that children have now engulfed themselves in virtual realities where children are required to behave in certain conditions that are asked by the game play, whereas if your performance is really well you’ll get rewarded. I agree to disagree because even though this is true, that it can be a teaching tool for children, video game producers that produce violent video games can also teach and demonstrate behaviors that require using a weapon which can cause violent tendencies. This is of importance to people because as a teen in today’s society video games are one of the most talked about topics amongst my pairs. Yes it is entertaining but it’s also good to be aware of how it can affect our bodies.

    1. Alliyah Jennings-I agree with your statement,video games does negatively affect people lives.I like how you use evidence to support your claim it.

    2. Jalen Jones- I agree with your statement, video games does impact an individual negatively and might cause irreparable damage. I like how you cited evidence from the resources to support your position on the topic. I also liked how you explain the evidence your cited from the resources to strengthen your claim.

    3. Anthony Bruce- I agree with you that resource number 2 was most helpful, also i agree that "the habit of playing video games will make it more difficult to keep up with your studies" because when you give the game all your attention you forget about other things and you wouldn't be focus on your school work.

    4. Davi.G- I agree with you because, video games could be very unhealthy to a persons mind and body. Also, it will make you slack from your studies.

  8. Jalen Jones- I found that Resource #3 was the most useful for extending / strengthening my claim because the article gives you both the negative and positive impact on video games, gives you helpful tips on managing your media consumption and goes into details on how games are rated based on the content of the game. For example , one of the major points that stood out to me in this article that I can use to strengthen my writing piece is from Resource #3 when the author says “Gentile & Anderson (2003) state that playing video games may increase aggressive behavior because violent acts are continually repeated throughout the video game. This method of repetition has long been considered an effective teaching method in reinforcing learning patterns” . This stood out to me the most because one of the arguments I stated in my claim in regards to this topic is that violent video games effects the way individuals deal with their issues in their everyday life because if they are used to seeing violence in their favorite violent video games they might want to implement violent approach as a way to deal with their issues with others which would eventually result into death. Another , major point that stood out to me the most that I can use to strengthen my writing piece is from Resource #3 when the author says “Research has also found that, controlling for prior aggression, children who played more violent video games during the beginning of the school year showed more aggression than other children later in the school year. (Pediatrics, Nov. 2008)”. This stood out to me the most because it shows that the prolonged use of violent video games can result into individuals being more aggressive towards each other .The most controversial argument to my position on the topic is that their parents might be at fault because they don’t monitor their child when they are playing their video games . For example in Resouce #3 the author states “Monitor all of your child's media consumption—video games, television, movies, and the Internet”. This shows that if parents monitor their child’s activity while they are playing their video games and other electronics this would prevent children from playing games that would impact themselves in a negative way. Another example , that can be used to support this argument is in Resource #3 where the author states “Know the rating of the video games your child plays”. This stood out to me the most because most parents don’t know about the rating system for video games which wouldn’t benefit them because they don't know what games are appropriate for a certain age group or type of games they should purchase for their children . For instance, a 10 year old shouldn’t be playing a game that is rated M for Mature but if his or parent doesnt know what the M rating stands for then that allows the child to retain the negative content in which the game consist of. In conclusion, this topic is of importance to people because many people enjoy playing video games in their everyday lives but don't know the impact is has on their overall well being.

    1. Walisha Williams- I agree with what Jalen's claim regarding the impact video games might have on a child's behavior because it is proven that students catch attitudes and display aggressive behavior.I like the details you provided that helped strengthen your claim.

    2. Kimberly Bueno - I agree with your claim on video game impact and like how you used examples straight from the text, and explained it in your own words afterwards. Resource #3 was a good source of credible information and it provided statistics on both sides of the argument. Good response!

    3. Malikiya Richards- I agree with your statement that resource #3 was most helpful because it provided me with personal experiences from other players and percentages and facts to show how video games can affect us mentally and physically

    4. Travis Turner-I agree with your statement because of the text to world examples you provided strengthening my argument, which also illustrates the aggression teens have their mind configured for in real life

  9. Aziera Khan
    I found Resource Video #2 more useful and beneficial to me. Not only did it support my claim but it makes my argument stronger and give strong evidence. In video #2 , Stephanie gives out good evidence on why videos games are so toxic to children in society today. Stephanie Kucharski explains how kids who spend too much time on video games will have some physical changes in their brain that can cause many attention problems and behavioral problems. This shows playing video games everyday , can have a badly affect on children, changing the way they think, act , and observe .Video Games tend to cause stress and mixed emotions making children become lazy and obese. They usually sit down and just eat playing video games and gain weight and become not fit. The resource that was most challenging to my position was resource number 1. Resource number 1 speaks about how video games improve the mind. Resource number 1 also talk's about how playing video games make's players more focused and aware. I fully disagree with that. In my position, It makes people less focus , more distracted , more aggressive , and more lazy. Gaining these certain skills in today society, is terrible. Video games takes a big toll in a person's body: mentally, physically, emotionally and etc .

    1. Sebastian Marte
      I disagree with you on the position that you have chosen but i do agree with you that resource number 2 is the best resource for someone with a same opinion as you. I also disagree with you when you talked about resource number 1 and how you said you disagree with the content but didn't even decided to take into consideration the valid and good points that were actually in the resource.

    2. Nathaniel Rodriguez- I disagree with your statement because video games have a lot of benefits. Video games can increase awareness and it keeps children off the streets. It also encourage kids to play sports.

    3. Gavin Seebalack- I agree with you that video games are toxic to children in today's society because many children are spending way too much time in the virtual world rather than the real world. I also agree that video games can cause physical changes in the brain and cause many problems

  10. Juan Reyes
    After analyzing the resources provided resource number 3 has been the most helpful in showing me how to strengthen my claim because it provides me with accurate facts that support my views. I believe that video games can become a worrying addiction in children's lives if not managed properly. For example in resource number 3 it states "Because of the popularity of video games, completely eliminating them from your child's life might be difficult" this is an example of how video games take control of a child's life and can negatively affect them. The most challenging resource to my position is resource 3 because it discusses the potential benefits of playing video games. For instance it states in the video that playing video games can help improve a person's teamwork and although this is a valid and good argument I can assure you that developing an addiction far outweighs the benefits. This is a very important topic because just by doing a little research you can realize that video games have become a very worrying trend in youth. For instance i personally know people that skip school to stay home and play a video game, and when they do end up going to school they leave early to go play again and this to me is a great example of an addiction.

  11. I agree with the prompt that video games tend to mentally and physically effect children. I say this because children are young can get effected by games faster than teens. Playing video games as a child can quickly change the way a child think and a child's emotions. I found that resource video #2 was the most useful and beneficial to my position. It talks about how children are negatively impact by video games and technology. In the video by Stephanie Kucharski she talks about how children tend to lack concentration. I agree with Stephanie because when children play video games they loose concentration from homework and other things like school. Another thing that i found most interesting was that Stephanie mention social interactions. I agree with the fact that social interactions are important. Social interactions are important because social interactions play a role in learning as well as peer learning, meaning it can hence their ability to work with their peers. One last thing that supports my claim was that children tend to become lazy and gain weight. children can just play games and eat and sleep and can lots of weight which can hence their ability to play outside. One resource that i found challenging was resource number . i found this challenging because it talks about how video games can help with children minds. i disagree with that because video games can block the mind from the outside world meaning children only want to play games which is very unhealthy. video games can negatively effect children and make them loose control over their weight, minds, and abilities.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Matthew Smith-To extend on what i also said i feel like video game also take up a lot of time which could cause children to ignore bonds and favor a more shut in type of life also video games can cause a child grades to drop in school

    2. Juan Reyes
      I agree with you on how video games can sometimes offer something appealing that can make them get hooked or addicted on something that has no real value. I also would like to add that this is why playing video games should be a occasional supervised thing especially when dealing with young children who are not wise enough to see the scam.

    3. Matthew Smith-To extend what i said ;There is also a correlation between Aggressive behavior and aggressive video games that's because if you already have a aggressive personality you will be influenced negatively and become more aggressive

  13. Nathaniel Rodriguez- I believe the most helpful source for me was source four. This source was most helpful for me because it strengthens my claim that video games are not bad as people are making it seem. First of all, video games help with strategy. It helps people become advanced thinkers when it comes to developing strategies in a game. For example, if someone is playing a game where they have to kill their opponent, it is a possibility that the user may die. But this will help them to develop strategies to beat their opponent the next time. Moreover, it helps game users want to join a sport in school. If someone is playing a basketball game that they like, they may want to try out the sport in real life. This gets rid of the argument of the other side of this claim because many of them say video games can make you lazy. But on the contrary, video games can encourage game users to play sports in real life. According to Michael the speaker, he states that playing a soccer game can help you develop soccer strategies in real life. Furthermore, video games can also make you aware of your surroundings and it helps you to stay alert. Resource four also tells me that playing video games can help people to develop manners. If a kid wants a new game from their parents, it pushes them so speak with respect and to help their parents as much as possible. This topic is being brought up a lot nowadays because researchers are trying to find the cause of bad behavior in children. But they don't blame it on worst thing such as phones and social media. There are worst things than video games such as gang activity. And video games can help keep these people off the streets.

    1. Kevin Martinez- I agree with the point that video games can help improve thinking because video games require you to multitask and to have quick thinking. Also I agree with your point that playing sports related games can cause more interest in actual sports in real life

  14. Ivan Lara

    I believe the most helpful source for me was video number2. I believe that this is the most helpful resource for me because in the video the woman has a lot of good points of why video games negatively affect children, but also included why they might be helpful or positive (her counter claim) and proved why that was wrong or not entirely true. For example the woman in the video said that a lot of kids have problems going on in their life and video games are there way out and help them relive stress but this leads to a bigger problem, pressure from school leads to more game playing but more game playing in turn leads to more stress in school and the cycle keeps repeating its self until the child is worse then where they started from.The new generation is smothered in technology so it is hard for children not to be attracted to playing video games but this then becomes an addiction that affects their grades and school work. Video games also effect children from learning actual social skills, not talking to people from the game. Children staring at a screen for a prolonged time will eventually cause attention and behavior problems.Video games relieve your pressure and make you want to return and keep coming back until it becomes an addiction and no longer a relief.Video games block out the real world and make you become invested in the virtual world to the point where that is their real world.This is why I found video 2 most helpful in how video games negatively effect individuals.

    1. Keon Graham- I see what you are saying but, for some kids school is a disaster for them. Some Kids get bullied so video games are a escape from reality.

  15. Anthony Bruce- The most useful resource is video number 2. I feel that this is the most helpful resource for me because it made my argument stronger, and also gave me more ideas to why my claim was the right option. It talks about how video games have a negative impact on kids because it makes them forget about there school work, which is true. It is a distraction to them. Also resource 2 talks about how the video game can make a physical change to your brain. Resource 4 was a challenge to my position because the author states that video games can make kids learn better. This is true but i disagree with him because teens do not use the game for teaching they just use it for fun and for entertainment. This topic is important to people because video games has been a big distraction to kids and it is effecting them in a bad way, also it can lead to stress and can change your emotions on how you feel on things. Clearly people make video games bad when the spend more than enough time on it.

    1. Davi.G- I agree with you because, video games tend to distract you from school and things that actually matter in your everyday life. Also, I agree that it could lead to stress and a change in emotions.

    2. Seon Vaughn-I disagree with your statement about kids not learning anything from video games. Video games can help you improve your IQ, learn how to multitask, and work on your social skills.

  16. Sambhav Banstola

    I find video #1 the most useful in extending my claim. Tom Chatfield talks about how video games are actually good for you because of the imagination that people can use inside the virtual world to build up thing that might be worst thousands of dollars in real life, he also talks about how people who play video games are more focused and determined for something that they want to achieve or a goal they want to reach. Due to the determination that they have people are tend to work hard to get to the goal that they are aiming for. Or just like it says in the video Description that "Tom Chatfield talks about one compelling aspect of videogaming: its measurability. Parceling out rewards at carefully calibrated percentages, games collect reams of data about what humans truly find rewarding, and precisely how hard we're willing to work for a win.". Or when someone is getting a lot of work for example you have one task where you have to a assignment that's due tomorrow and have to work with your friend with a project along with couple more tasks that you have to finish quickly, people break thing down into calibrated slices that people can choose and do in parallel to keep then engaged and that you can point them towards individually beneficial activities. I think that resource #4 was the MOST controversial or challenging to your position on the topic because Michael Rich the director of the Center for Media and Child health talks about how you become what you grow up around and how the rating system in video games are not done properly or it's underrated and it's easy for kids to get the games that they aren't suppose to play. This is a important topic because there are billions of people who play video games regularly and everyone's job to keep video games in check, video games have potential to change the world upside down positively or negatively.

    1. Trayvion Adams- I disagree with you saying that video games have a positive impact on individuals. I understand what you mean when you quote Tome Chatfield saying, "video games are actually good for you because of the imagination that people can use inside the virtual world to build up thing that might be worst thousands of dollars in real life". Certain people still spend thousand of dollars in games such as virtual currency. Also these games encourage kids to gamble which will effect their future. They'll go to the casino and think of that nostalgic feeling of gambling they had on that video game that they played.

  17. Malikiya Richards - The most useful resource for me was Resource #3 "The Impact Of Video Games". Resource number 3 showed me how video games gives entertainment and encourage players to be apart of the script. It gives them a feeling like they're in the game and a joy of making their own character and teaming up with others. It takes them to a world where they will be competition and to use their brain for tactics. But it gave me knowledge on how players will need to pay constant attention to the game, which provide more strengths on why video games affect players today. The article provides with negative and positive details on the impact of video games. This resource will also strengthen my claim by using personal experiences in the text. In the resource it states "gentile and Anderson (2003) state that playing video games may increase aggressive behavior because violent acts are continually repeated throughout the video game".This is a method call repetition for an effective teaching method in reinforcing learning patterns. The most challenging about this topic was not taking both sides of the argument. In my opinion video games can help teach us and provide entertainment while it can harm us physically and mentally. My controversial side of the argument will be social media and parents; Why is that? mainly because at a young age children are exposed to the world they learn new things and they experience it or will like to try it out. Parents should evaluate their kids to get used to the idea that playing video games all day will take time of their learning if parents would not allow them to play any games at all and the child do not compromise they can combine work with education. Parents should let their kids play education game for their age such as PBS KIDS or any other programs. Also each video games have their ratings guide M for mature 17+, E for everyone,E+10 everyone older than 10 and up,T for teens, and A for adults only these are specific rules and regulation parents should also check for their kids correct age requirement for gaming. I personally had Played PBS KIDS when I was small and was able to learn twice as much from the games and school. This topic is important because it gives others a chance to give a good discussion at school and home. It also gives those who is discussing or learning about this topic to give an eyesight on video gaming especially for those who is already addicted to gaming can learn the negative effects towards it and how it impact their lives.

    1. Kimberly Bueno - I agree with your statement Malikiya, and liked how you used text to self analysis to expand on your claim. I see that you focused on both sides of the argument, giving us insight of the pros of gaming like developing good tactics and critical thinking skills as well as the cons, such as reinforcing violence. I am more open to the idea of video games than I was at first.

    2. Travis Turner- I disagree with with your statement Malikiya due to the simple fact that the derive of aggressive behavior is still a factor that damages a teenager social capabilities by seeing others as a threat,but in rebuttal to your statement on social media being the source on social damage social media provides an insight into a person and who they hang around which people who don't use video games can be better off perceiving real life threats

    3. Matthew Smith-I disagree with you I feel like being part of the script might lead to a video game addiction which may cause you to start slipping in school and it may also cause you to gain weight due to all that extra time spent on your couch.

  18. Kimberly Bueno -
    I found resource #3 was the most useful because it was straightforward and had a lot of evidence to support and strengthen my claim. It used actual statistics (studies) as well as personal opinions. I also feel that it showed the two sides of the argument. It states that in many video games, “Players directly benefit from engaging in acts of violence.” and this is true for many popular games in the market right now. You basically control cartoon like characters (appealing to younger audiences), and compete with other players to win battles and level up. Seems harmless right? Surprisingly, these games are very addicting and could be detrimental, because you get rewarded for in theory, killing other players. The issue is when little kids are left unsupervised and are brainwashed into thinking that violence is good and that they're the best if they get the most kills in a match. Teenagers and adults have some level of maturity when it comes to understanding gaming vs reality, but hearing a puny 9 year old scream about wanting to murder everybody seems a bit excessive. The most controversial/challenging idea to my position on the topic is the idea that the issue of video game addiction/harm traces back to the upbringing of these children, and how strict each parent is. “ A 2010 survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that youth age 8 to 18 devote seven-and-a-half hours a day to entertainment media. Less than half of the kids surveyed said their parents have rules about the shows and games they can watch or play.” This is an alarming rate for children. This topic is of importance to people because in this day and age, almost every teenager (and even children) play video games. We are in a digital era with new games being released every month, it's inevitable for individuals to get their hands on these new forms of entertainment. We are huge consumers, and if something becomes popular, we are most likely drawn to download/buy it and test it out for ourselves. It’s good to be informed and aware of what's going on around us, and if video games (topic) benefit or harm us.

    1. Malikiya Richards- I agree with with your statement on how video games are addicting for children which takes time from their schoolwork. Also how new games are being developed and are more advanced which will attract kids to buy more games and a better version which will be more addicting.

  19. Seon Vaughn- I believe Resource #4 because it helps me strengthen my claim that video games are not bad for kids. Video games keeps kids from doing bad things on the streets, also video games makes you become a advanced thinker. According to the resource #4 Micheal states, "they are arguably the best technology based teaching tool we have you are not only being exposed to situations and people and concepts the way you with television or movies but you are a active player in them". I fully agree with this statement because video games not only gives you opportunities to explore different things but you are able to meet people all over the world and you could interact with them as well,video games could lead to a career such as becoming a game designer. People may say that video games are a negative impact because it can be a distraction and can cause mental and psychical damage.

  20. Travis Turner-Based off all the resources that reflect the influence of video games on a teen I believe that resource #2 was the best one that supprts my argument that video games have a negative influence on teenagers. The reasoning behind my argument is that video games replace the memories that a child must go through in order to succeed in life and is basically suppressed with childhood development by using “a screen as a pacifier” as it is stated in the video. Another reasoning resource #2 resonates with my argument is the fact that video games robs the child of the reality touch and monetary feeling of the world instead they are experiencing the world behind a screen. Although other resources such as resource #1 provides the evidence that video games increases dophamine levels and increases the work ethic of trying something in order to complete a challenge the results wouldn’t be as efficient as really going through the issue in person which can negatively impact a teenager’s life due to the basically fake life experiences a teenager has becoe with the fake memories they go through.

  21. Dimitri Laroche- Reflecting all the resources I respnate with resource #2 as Stephanie Kucharski fully backs up the reasoning I had that video games have a negative effect on a teenager due to the prolonged entertainment of video games robbing a teenager from actually chasing necessities in life. In other words teenagers that mostly experience challenges are through the screen which in reality don’t allow the childhood development to be as strong as it could be if they were to go through it real life.For example the average teenager plays 2k or gta but tht doesn’t mean everyone can be the best in basketball or a robber.However other might argue using in resource #1 that video games provide the ability to teenagers to have the work ethic of trying and being rewarded so that they gain more than the person who doesn’t try however the try and fail method is only influencential if it is applied in real life at first in order to fully cope the confidence a teenager has or obtain.In addition to the failed real life experience the distraction levels of video games has on a teenager is huger than anyone can imagine because if the average teenager isn’t playing games they are watching video on their phone which in our revolutionized world is a virus that teenagers have which eliminates the social skills that many don’t have because they spend half their time and brain space staring at a screen.

  22. Trayvion Adams- The resource that was the most useful which helped me to extent my claim was #3 because it gave strong and reasonable evidence to support/prove my position. After the philosophical chair I've come to the conclusion that video games have a negative impact on individuals. An example of this is in resource #3 where it says, "Today 97% of teens in the U.S. play video games, and sales of games are growing". This shows that most teens in our day and age decide to play video games in their free time instead of doing things like homework and simple things such as cleaning their room. The text then states, "Research has also found that, controlling for prior aggression, children who played more violent video games during the beginning of the school year showed more aggression than other children later in the school year". This proves the fact that there is a negative effect of video games on the youth because the students only became more violent/aggressive after them playing violent video games. Also from my personal experience i know that there are times where i avoid my homework in order to get time on the game that i'm interested in. Although others might say video games help you with things like hand to eye coordination this does nothing compared to the negative effects it has on you. Based on this resource and my prior knowledge i firmly believe that the negatives of playing video games greatly outweigh the positives. Video games are important to people because it brings a welcome feeling of community and fun. The most challenging part of this topic was the fact that i play video games but i know it has a negative impact on daily routine.

  23. Bernaldo Scudder

    I believe that Resource #1 is the most useful in extending or strengthening my claim because in this resource Tom Chatfield explains how video games are viewed in the minds of the people who play them. He says"...there are 2 different processes that are occurring while they are being engaged.on the one hand, there's The Wanting processes,This is a bit like ambition and Drive: I'm going to do that. I'm going to work hard. On the other hand, there's the Liking processes, fun, affection, and delight." I believe that this is true because they play it for a reason, either because they have fun playing it or because they have something to gain from playing it. The most controversial or challenging to my position is Resource #2 where it talks about kids lacking the real skills they need such as social interaction and being curious. In the video Stephanie states "Children who spend to much time staring into electronic screens can cause them to have physical changes in the brain that can lead to attention and behavior problems". I believe that is not true because I believe that when kids play games it allows them to increase their awareness of their surroundings and their reflexes to thing that happen near them. I believe this is a topic of importance to people because many people like teachers and parents think that video games are ruining children around the world by filling and destroying their brain with nonsense. Also i believe that this a topic that is on a lot of peoples minds but not really talked about to often because many don't know the importance of video games to a child's childhood.

    1. Sean Yeribo - I agree with your statement that video games keep people engaged and improves their ambition and delight because people are given reasons to play games whether it's for entertainment, relief or as determination to complete a certain task.

  24. Akeem Olakunle

    The two resources on video games that supports my position are Resource #1: "Seven Ways Video Games engage the brain"(Video) and Resource #3: "The Impact of Video Games" (Article). Resource #1 talks about how game developers use luring game mechanics to make people want to spend lots of their time and money on which make the person addicted to the game, then the man talk about how we can use those same game mechanics outside of video games for our benefit. He explain that in game we see something we like or want we will try our hardest to get that item, this is call The Ambition and Drive Process. So he also say that we can have a Level/EXP system in school which mean you do your work and get points for it, if you level up you get small rewards each time you level up. Also using a instant and informational feedback system for work people do online in order to learn what they could of done better. Finally they talk about skill people could develop from game like Better hand to eye coordination, better leader ship, notice little details, more strategically planned, can persevere, more creative.This evidence supports my positive view of games. However for the negative view of video games I use Resource #3. It talks about how there are some positives effects of playing video game such as dexterity and computer literacy but then it focuses on the negative impact of video games such as violent content are linked to more aggressive behavior in teens. It talk about how in most games today children rewarded for doing some kind of violence, and how less than half of parents are regulating what young children are playing and how long they are playing for. Lastly they tell tips and things that parents can do to make sure the child is addicted to video game, for example know the rating of the video games your child plays,o not install video game equipment in your child's bedroom, set limits on how often and how long your child is allowed to play video games.
    No resource was the most challenging because of my neutral view and I agree some points on both sides of the argument but the most controversial resource I found was to be Resource #2 "The Effects of Video Games on Children" (video) in this video the speaker talk about how games can affect children, i agree with a few point but the speaker says it like there is no benefit to playing games.
    I think the reason why this topic is important to me and anyone else because we care about the safety of ourselves and others and we care thing that give us joy
    and something that can relived stress.

  25. Sean Yeribo-

    I believe that Resource #3 was most useful in terms of strengthening my claim because the article says that video games help children improve their manual dexterity and computer literacy. To add, some video games give players benefits based on if they helped another player, proving themselves "pro-social" and causes children to be more empathetic and helpful towards other people in their everyday lives outside of gaming. Additionally, Resource #1 proves just as useful towards my claim because Tom Chatfield spoke highly about how video games have great value in today's society. People love these video games so much that they annually spend about $8 billion on these video games alone, which would help the economy even in the slightest way. Also, video games draw people's interest and keep them engaged based on how the game makes people want to play and why they'd like it. The most challenging resource towards my claim is Resource #2 because it firmly displays the negative aspects of video games and their impact on children. It says that too much video game exposure can lead to addiction and can cause children to believe that the real world is like what they've seen in their video games. Also, it says that continued game playing can lead to even more pressures for children in terms of schoolwork and studying. Resource #2 also shows that video game addiction can lead to lack of concentration. All of these points from this resource seem to show some insight on the opposite of my claim. This topic is of importance to people because there is a growing number of children who play games or want to play games. Depending on their environments and the games these children play or whatever games are currently popular, this exposure to video games can either deter a child's mindset or create the happiness of their childhoods and expand their imaginations. This information is also important for the parents who are buying the games for these children (sometimes playing these games themselves). The parents' knowledge of the effect of video games can decide whether or not the parents would regulate their child's gameplay, leave them to their own devices, or even buy the games at all.

  26. Matthew Smith-The resource that helped me further my argument is the first video that because it takes about about loot boxes and micro-transactions.This is because video games are toxic to children especially since children have not developed there impulse control so there are more likely to fall for loot boxes and fall into a type of gambling similar to casino gambling. This is because loot boxes have a small percent of giving the player something amazing like a new piece of shiny gear or maybe currency or it could be cosmetic but when you do get that reward from it it makes you want to keep going till you get every reward that you deem cool or trendy.But this behavior negatively effects the child and his family and it could lead to a real serious gambling addiction. video game also take up a lot of time which could cause children to ignore bonds and favor a more shut in type of life also video games can cause a child grades to drop in school.There is also a correlation between Aggressive behavior and aggressive video games that's because if you already have a aggressive personality you will be influenced negatively and become more aggressive.

  27. Kevin Martinez- The resource that helped me the most was resource #3. This resource helped me strengthen my claim that video games has more of a positive impact on people than having a negative impact on people. One way video games has a positive impact on teens is that it can help improve your manual dexterity, meaning that you can use your hands in a skillful manner. By skillfully using your hands in video games, it can help you in industries that deal with building products. Also by learning these skills, many opportunities will open up to you because not many can do what you do. Another main point that shows video games have a great positive impact on teens lives is that when video games reward you for missions or tasks you do virtually, it can help increase your empathy in the real world and would make you want to do more in life to help those in need. The most challenging resource that goes against my claim is resource #2. This is because in this specific resource, Stephanie Kucharski stated that kids and teens use video games to escape from school, homework, their parents, and the outside world. This can cause a major problem because this means if there is a way kids and teens can avoid doing a certain task, they would take it in a heart beat and this way is video games. By playing video, they would ignore their parents and even ignore when their parents are telling them to do a chore and even a simple task like checking the mail. This causes a problem is parenting because this can cause both parties to react in a hostile manner. Another counter claim is that playing video games can expose you to so many vicious things and violence that can cause teens to think that violence is always the answer and always use violence in their everyday life. Obviously this causes a problem in a sense that more teens are being arrested because they are breaking laws and fighting. To be honest playing video games can have both negative and positive impact on teens but the pros outweigh the cons. Lastly, this topic can be very important because this an epidemic that occurs and most parents can not stop their kids from playing and some might want to see both sides of the argument to see if they should allow their kids to play.

    1. Dimitri Laroche

    2. i disagree because video game can hurt children mentally and physically.

    3. Kimberly B - I also disagree because video games can make players addicted which is detrimental to their mental health/wellbeing.

    4. Keon Graham- I agree with you. I like the way you used evidence from the video and bought up the counterclaim argument from the other side

  28. Gavin Seebalack- The resource that helped me the most was resource number 2 because in the video it explains the negative effects video games have on children. Video games are a distraction to younger people and can lead to bad grades in school. Because of many teachers giving a lot of homework for students to stress about, a major distraction for children are video games, and video games are a temporary stress reliever but if it occurs more often, younger kids would play video games before doing their homework. Stephanie Kucharski states that kids and teens would use video games to escape from school, homework, their parents, and the world outside. This shows that because of video games, the kids would ignore their parents, school work, and other responsibilities and would avoid doing the basic necessities they need to do to be successful in life. She also states that by playing a lot of video games it can lead to attention and behavior problems. If kids don't learn how to shut off or get rid of distractions, such as video games or a cell phone, research shows that they will have a much harder time succeeding in almost every area. Children are also spending more time indoors playing games rather than outside in their natural environment and engaging themselves in an outdoor activity. They don't see the outdoors or nature as something they don't want to protect and they don't care too much of nature. However, the most challenging resource to my claim was resource number 1. This resource counters my claim by saying that a teen would have the ability to have the work ethic of trying and being rewarded rather than someone to try and fail. The work ethic of trying and failing is influential in real life when it is first encountered, rather than while playing video games where you can try and fail until you finally try and get rewarded. Also, some might argue that by playing video games you can use your hands in a skillful manner at a job. By having skillful hands you can get many different job opportunities because not many people have the same skills that you have. In addition to how video games are a positive impact on kids and teens, games reward you for completing a mission or task you do virtually, and that can increase your empathy in the real world and could make you want to do more in life by helping those in need.

  29. The names you are not supposed to grade are as follows;
    Walisha Williams
    Daniel Mohammed

  30. everyone reply your name to the one you are grading so there is no doubling/ confusion of who is grading who on the 3-2-1 Protocol

  31. Malikiya Richards- Jalen J

  32. Keon Graham- I believe that resource 4 helped me strengthen my claim about video games having a positive imaact on teens lives rather that having negative impacts. One way that video games have a positive impact on teens, is that it teaches teens about real life situations. In the video, the speaker says,"In the game, if you behave good you get rewarded, but if you behave bad you get punished". This is true because when i play GTA 5 if i behave good they'll give me xp or money but if i behave bad, they'll put me in a bad sport lobby for some time. Another way video games have a positive impact on teens is that it helps you with real life strategy. "If you are learning how to play soccer well, you will learn soccer strategy. It won't help you kick a ball, but you will learn strategy". This statement is true because sports games teaches you plays that you can do in real life. For example, if I'm paying basketball, and I'm struggling with learning a play, 2k can help you if they have that same play in the game. Also some games have exercising in it. Some games like Wii fit, Zumba and dance dance revolution can be an easy workout from a game.
