Thursday, March 21, 2019

Period 5: Exploring and Analyzing BIG IDEAS in "Down These Mean Streets" by Piri Thomas

In the novel, "Down These Mean Streets" Piri Thomas explores ideas relating to:

a. racial prejudice
d. sexual abuse
e. poverty
f. gangs and crimes
g. prison culture
h. other?

Based on your reading and analysis of the novel, in pairs, decide WHICH Big Idea above (or any OTHER you have suggested) appears to be the MOST important "Big Idea." Consider how this idea is important in the novel as well relevant to society.

Some of the concepts/Big Ideas above have been hyperlinked for you, so you may click on them to gain further definitions or ideas. You may conduct additional research if needed to help.

Here is an article that might provide additional context of the novel:

If you choose "Other" please ensure that your "Big Idea" is relevant to the novel and that you can find evidence of it.

Blog Task:
As you and your buddy write about this Big Idea, consider the following:
-Why have you chosen or settled on this "Big Idea" as number 1?
-What evidence from your reading or your class discussion supports this "Big Idea"?
-How is this idea relevant or important to our society today?
-Do you agree with the way Piri Thomas explores this "Big Idea", that is, is he biased in his presentation of the "Big Idea"? If so, how should the "Big Idea" be presented or explored?

Remember to write in paragraph format of no less than 8-10 sentences for your original post
You must respond to at least two other pairs of students' posts.
Remember the conventions of written English as you post
Write BOTH FIRST names ONLY in the dialogue box and post anonymously in the drop down box.

Happy Blogging!


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  2. Poverty is the state of being extremely poor. Me and my partner chose "poverty" because it is a big issue in today's society. Those living in poverty suffer disproportionately from hunger or even starvation and disease. The book drew on Thomas’s upbringing as the black son of Puerto Rican and Cuban parents during the Great Depression in El Barrio, East Harlem, the dehumanizing racism he even faced within his family, his youth as a gang member which led to seven years in prison, and ultimately, his transformation into an educator and writer. Poverty is important because it affects everyone, whether it is directly or indirectly. Those people who are affected directly are those people who are facing the problem themselves or have family members or friends that are living in poverty. On the other hand, those who are affected indirectly are those who have to pay taxes to help those who are living in poverty. We do not personally agree with the way Piri Thomas explores this big idea because his parents were facing the great depression negatively and they were struggling to maintain composure financially. Therefore, Piri didn't really have provision over him, so he did what he wanted to. Piri should've stayed in school and tried to get an after school job to help support his family instead of being in the streets with Italians and gang-bangers.
    Guilluga Phillip Michael Capers

    1. I agree with this bid idea because it another potent idea that is found within the text and can be connected with real life. Piri`s poor community has taken a toll on his life greatly and has put him in a negative disposition. Poverty is truly a problem that many people face in this day and age and a solution is still yet to be found.


  3. Mahadev & Felix
    The reason why we chose discrimination as our big ideas in today's society and the past lessons it reveals that people were being discriminated based on their skin color or race. According to the novel " Down These Mean Street's" by Piri Thomas it stated that the author Piri was discriminated in his neighborhood because in chapter four (4) when Piri and his family moved from 111th street to Italian turf on 114th street between second and third avenue he was feeling uncomfortable living with the Italians in his block because he is Puerto Rican. This is relevant to today's society because people that is new to a neighborhood would sometimes fail to be respected because of the other race that is currently residing in the neighborhood where there are more dominant. We agree with the way Piri explores this big idea because it show what can happen in today's society in which we lived where the people can be discriminated based on their race and nationality where sometimes this can cause conflict/ problems in the neighborhood that can result in brutal injures or death.

    1. Jordan

      I agree with this big idea because this is another bid idea that can be connected to real life. Piri has faced discrimination in his neighborhood/community and even his own parents. This received discrimination has lead to Piri questioning himself on whether or not he is worth something and loved or how he should just be an outcast and have no one care about him. Discrimination is still an ongoing problem in this society and has been for a long time. Discrimination affects peoples lives in a multitude of negative ways.

    2. Andrew & Devin.
      After reading our peers (Mahadev & Felix) post we agreed with what they said regarding skin color and discrimination but also with their point of view. We both stated that based on peoples skin color people either get discriminated or get advantaged and in this world after all we have been through like people getting beaten for their skin color this is one thing that many kids, teens, and adults go through on a day to day basis.

    3. Gameel, Alexis
      I agree with their statement because discrimination is also another problem in todays society which they explained why its is a big problem. We also agree on their statement because they uses evidence from the article that relates to the problems that are happening to this day.

  4. Alexis,Gameel
    We have chosen poverty as the "Big Idea" as number 1 because many people are extremely poor which many families have become homeless.Also,the reason why we have chosen poverty as the "Big Idea" is because this has become one of the bigger problems that people are dealing with.The evidence from our reading that supports this "Big Idea" is,"if a man was poor enough, he could dig a ditch for the government".This evidence shows that many people has become poor,which has to get help from the government.Poverty is important to our society today because many people are suffering by having low money,which we could show others how we could prevent poverty.We also think that poverty is important to our society because many people could get help from the government or other aid, which people won't have to suffer paying their rent or something that could help that person's live.I agree the way Piri Thomas explores poverty, because his family is suffering with no money to go to a decent apartment.He explored poverty by his dad losing his job and etc.As stated in the article,"Now Poppa was poor enough again."Also,as stated in the article,"I want you to go to the Home Relief Office and help me explain about your father losing his job with WPA".

    1. Devonte Garraway
      I don't agree with this because the example that was given was given about Piri's father being layed off his job doesn't correctly support the idea of poverty because not all people who have been fired / quit there job are poor afterwards. a better example would have been the part in the story when they spoke about the radiator in Piri's house broke and the mother took a hammer and started banging it. i was this because this shows that his mother couldn't afford to get the heating in house fixed so she had to try and fix it herself.

    2. me and my partner because poverty is the main reasons of the way people are in the real world and in the novel "down these mean streets". Facing these conditions causes the way people think about you or what they say about you.
      guilluga michael

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    4. Mahadev & Felix
      We agree on this groups claim which their big idea is poverty, because as reveal in the novel "Down These Mean Street" by Piri Thomas, this group show there textual evidence to support their claim by stating quote that support poverty.In a whole big idea that's demonstrated to show how Piri suffer poverty with his family, where they say that his father lost his job and he was poor again, but however they should have stated that the main reason why they suffer poverty was that the hold country was suffering from the great depression that lead to starvation and housing problem also the faced economic issues.+

  5. Vittorio Alvey-Erick Lema-Edgar Rojas

    We choose poverty is the most impacted subject in the novel "Down these mean streets-Another overview" In Page's 26&27 "My fist hit some face and i could wished i hadn't, 'cause then i stared getting kicked"," Ya scum bag , ya didn't have to fight the spic; you could've fucked up fair and square! i couldn't see". This idea show in poor communities in the nearest neighborhoods and how they are introduced to other's. In poor neighborhoods crime and violence are everyday problems, Piri had to face this problems because he was new to the neighborhood and the Italians kids dint wanna shared the same territory with piri. Yes but no because if he have to fight his way for respect in his neighborhood than he should because some people in poor communities will not let you pass unless you prove yourself that you have heart and no because its not the right way to settle their differences in poor communities.

    1. Mahadev & Felix
      We agree with this group big idea because they stated the evidence to support poverty which was a huge conflict in the novel "Down These Mean Street" where it was true that Piri had to fight to gain respect from the neighborhood, but however they should have mention about the "Great Hunger Called The Depression"
      which they were facing in 1941 that was mention as evidence of poverty in the novel where there was not enough job for people and they were facing financial problems.

    2. Alexis, Gameel
      We do not agree on their statement because most of their answers doesn't relate to their "Big Idea".For example, they chose poverty because it was the most impact problem in the novel, but then in the next sentence they would use evidence from the article that doesn't relate to the big idea, which the evidence is used for another problem,discrimination.

    3. juan and Edward
      I agree that this may be a reason for how piri's life developed. but I believe this is not the main reason because through the story poverty really did not make him feel as bad as he felt when people was racist to him.

    4. Edwin and Christopher
      we agree where your group said that in poor neighborhoods crime and violence are everyday problem. we think this is important because a lot of neighborhoods there always have poverty because due to the community around you that affects anyone gravely and that is why we agree that this is a good point and important.

    5. Quianna and kalifari
      We disagree with this group's idea on "poverty" because of the quote they used to explain. The quote this group chose to use with the big idea does not have to do with the big idea ON "poverty". Poor communities are not the only communities that go through crimes and violence. Rich communities go through crimes as well. People also commit crimes in rich communities such as robberies and murders. Because of the things that rich communities have that other communities don't, they feel they don't have enough of or just for themselves. The quote this group used is more likely to go with racial prejudice or discrimination.

  6. Jordan

    I have chosen the the big idea of "identity" because throughout the story, Piri has been on a journey to truly find his true identity. He has done many things that make up who he is as a person and most of those things were negative. In the story it is seen that Piri has grown up in a poor community that has gang influence, he has grown up with discrimination, he has also witnessed drug abuse, and was even a victim of sexual abuse, and even has to deal with peer pressure. All of these things have been shown throughout the chapters and they have added up to take a negative effect on Piri trying to find his identity.This idea is relevant to our society today because many kids that are in the same situation as Piri struggle to find their true identities as well. Many kids grow up seeing the wrong thing being done so much to the point where they view it as a "normal" thing to do and follow in those negative footsteps.These negative choices hide a person from what they could truly be. I do agree with the way Piri is exploring the big idea because he does all of these things and shows us how he went through his life growing up in his neighborhood. Piri is on a skewed journey to truly find his true "identity"

    1. i agree with this because identity is important because it is what makes us who we are.The examples given in the text were good with supporting your big idea . for example were you said he does things throughout the story to find himself due to the lack of self confidence / lack of identity.

    2. juan and Edward
      we agree with you even tho I don't think that is the main idea of the story. I agree that many things that many things that happened was shaping him as a prson. but in my opinion is not about his identity but the main reason his identity was changing and how he was feeling that led him to do many bad things.

    3. Quianna and Kalifari
      We agree with your big idea of "identity" and we think that you are correct about one of the main ideas being "identity" because that was very important to the story. The examples that you used shows that "Piri has been on a journey to truly find his true identity" are correct and match your big idea. Piri needed to find himself so he can feel like he fits in.It is important for Piri to come to terms with who he is even though he looks different to his brothers and sisters. Although he is darker in skin complexion, that should not make him feel differently.

  7. Andrew and Devin.
    One "Big idea" that stands out the most in this novel in "Down These Mean Streets" is Racial prejudice, In Chapter 4 Because he was a Puerto Rican in a Italian block he had to go through Racial comments and actions, In the second page of chap 4 "alien turf" some Italian boys came up to Piri and said racial words like "Hey Spic" and like "I knew he was a nigg*r" This idea is very relevant to our society today because every where you go there are people all over discriminating each other because of there skin color and calling each other racial words and slurs. We chose Racial Prejudice as a main idea because piri has to deal with this big idea as much as an average person in America has to go through on a day to day or less bases.

    1. Vittorio Alvey-Erick - Edgar Rojas
      We agree with this because racial prejudice affected piri in the Italian neighborhood. This is very relevant to our society for example if someone has to be put in this position now during this time many young people discriminate each other cause of their color skin and race.

  8. Tafari Hall, Devonte Garraway
    The Big Idea that is most important in the novel, "Down these Mean Streets" by Piri Thomas is poverty. We chose this Big idea as number 1 because in the novel their are constant displays of poverty with the characters. As evidence in the text it states," Say, man, let's make it up to the f****** pad and cop some bread." This shows that poverty can affect people so negatively it can lead to you using your self or your body to try and make money. This idea is relevant to our society today because there are still people doing these things because of poverty. Things like prostitution, hookers ,and etc. I do not agree with Piri's Big idea of poverty.He is being biased because poverty should be presented as worldwide conflict, not just a specific group.

    1. We agree with this statement because they used efficient evidence to support the big idea "Poverty" even though explicit language from the book "Down these mean streets" was being used, also they used examples of effects of poverty such as "prostitution and hookers".
      Guilluga Michael

    2. Andrew & Devin
      We agree that poverty makes people do things that they wouldn't do if they had money. In our peers blog''Tafari and Devonte'' stated that because of poverty it let to piri using his body to make money.

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  10. Quianna, and Kalifari

    We choose sexual abuse because it was one of the most dangerous and serious out of all the topics. The evidence from the passage supports sexual abuse because in the passage Piri was forced to do things he didn't want to do but he had to because he wanted to remain in the gang and proved that he belonged. It is relevant to today's society because it informs people what goes on in gangs. We do not agree with the way Piri explores his big idea of sexual abuse. We think he could have dealt with it in a different way, He could have explored it and explained how to deal with it in a more detailed way to let the reader and others who may be going through what he went through how to deal with it. For example he could have provided the character Piri with strategies on how to cope with sexual abuse.

    1. I agree with your statement because sexual abuse is the most important topic that is facing people in our society

    2. Tristan Mighty:

      I agree that sexual abuse is one of the most of dangerous crimes and topics ever because in today's society some people are being sexually assaulted. Even though Piri was forced to prove his worth, I agree that he explores his idea of sexual abuse in the novel is completely unbiased

  11. juan Almonte and Edward pena.
    prejudice is an affective feeling towards a person or group member based on that persons group memebership.
    we have chosen racial prejudice because living in a racist environment can lead a person to depression or for people to be less confident. Piri faces a lot of racism throughout his life. the Quote from the book from chapter 4 "till one day I was on my way home from school and almost had reached my stoop when someone calle:'hey, you dirty f*** spic""this quote supports my claim because it shows what piri lived and this can probably lead to many things in pri's life, for example starting to do drugs or join gangs. this is important in todays society because you se this in many places in todays date, and many kids suffer from this.
    this can lead to kids to go through bad chapters in their life. yes I agree with the way piri shows this idea because he is explaining a real life issue that he lived himself with detail.

    1. Genesis & Angel
      We agree that prejudice is shown being used in the novel by Piri and we agree that living in a racist environment can lead a person to depression or make people have less confidence in themselves.

  12. Edwin R. and Christopher P.
    we choose'd sexual abuse because sexual abuse happens a lot piri Thomas and for us is one of the biggest in the story of Piri thomas "down these mean street". this relate to society today because in real life sexual abuse happens to many people and is a really bad experience for anyone.For example, like piri thomas when he woke up paralyzed and he saw a gay person giving him an unwanted sexual act, and he got raped. We do not agree the way piri thomas explore this sexual abuse because he got badly raped and he couldn't fight back because he was having sleeping paralysis.

  13. Derek keyes
    I choose discrimination because feel that it is one of the most important issue in the novel. For example in the novel "Down These Mean Streets" In chapter 4 it says "Hey you "he said" whats nationality are ya?" I looked at him and wondered which nationality to pick. And one of his friends said "Ah Rocky, he's black enuff to be a n@#$%8. Ain't that what you is kid".(pg 24).This piece of evidence is relevant to what people in our society are still facing today, people who are still facing discrimination.

    1. Genesis & Angel
      We agree with your post because we feel that discrimination as you said is an important issue when it comes to the novel a lot of discrimination is showing throughout the chapters

  14. Christian

    discrimination is Age
    Equal Pay/Compensation
    Genetic Information
    National Origin
    Sexual Harassment treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction towards, a person based on the group, class, or category to which the person is perceived to belong in new York central that ran right down the middle of the avenue making long gloomy tunnels each street corner The law forbids discrimination when it comes to any aspect of employment, including hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoff, training, fringe benefits, and any other term or condition of employment Race discrimination involves treating someone ''an applicant or employee'' unfavorably because he/she is of a certain race or because of personal characteristics associated with race ''such as hair texture, skin color, or certain facial features'' It is unlawful to harass a person because of that person's race or color

  15. Genesis & Angel "Discrimination"- Is treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction towards, a person based on the group, class, or category to which the person is perceived to belong.

    We have chosen discrimination because we feel like this is the most important one in the novel. For example in the novel "Down Theses Mean Streets" it says "There's all kinds of people born there.Colored people, Puerto Ricans like me, an even spaghetti-benders like you ", "That a dirty f****' lie -bash, i felt Rocky first smack into my mouth -"you dirty f*****' spic".(pg 25-26).This idea is relevant to our society today because we still see this happen in today's society , due to the fact that we still see racism and discrimination worldwide. or consideration of, or making a distinction towards, a person based on the group, class, or category to which the person is perceived to belong. We don't agree with Piri's big idea of discrimination. He is being biased because discrimination is a worldwide conflict, not a personal or specific person.

    1. Tristan Mighty:

      I agree with you guys about what you said about discrimination. You guys said that discrimination is one of the most important topics in a novel. This is so because all throughout the lives of African Americans, they have been discriminated against. For example, they have been constantly called the "N" word and they have always faced challenges with gaining jobs at white establishments. However, I do not agree with the idea that Piri is biased with the way he treated the idea of discrimination. I do believe that Piri exposes the readers to many instances of discrimination so that everyone an be aware of its negative effects.

  16. Tristan Mighty:

    I have chosen the "Big Idea" of prison cultures because people predominantly colored or Hispanics are the ones who are filling up the prisons and most of the time they are wrongly convicted of a charge or a crime they did not commit, but other times they are committing the crime in which they are not remorseful about it. In chapter 8 of "Down These Mean Streets" it demonstrates how prison life made Piri a different person than from what he was before because he had a rough past before getting arrested. This kind of idea relates to today's society because the prison life today helps prisoners realize their mistakes and helps them reflect on their choices that then leads them in the prison in the first place, but on the other hand prison turns them into even more violent people as they still commit more murders, join gangs, and get sexually assaulted.
