Thursday, August 3, 2017

Blog #3 A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Click on the links of THE THREE pictures below. Each presents an image that some people might embrace while others might find controversial OR PROBLEMATIC (SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUT). 




After you have examined the images beyond whether you like or dislike them, you will formulate a paragraph in which you:

a. Describe the images in your own words
b. Explain why some people might consider what the images represent to be controversial or a topic of conversation 
c. Describe whether or not you might agree with these people who might find the images something to talk about
d. Which image appears to be most controversial? Least Controversial? Why?
e. Provide your own thoughts about the images. What do they represent in a larger sense about people and how they think?
f. Why are pictures worth a thousand words?

Remember to follow all rules for blogging: Paragraph response using conventions of Standard English, being respective when you reply or comment on another blogger's response, editing your work to ensure that it makes sense, posting using ONLY your first name and First letter of your Last name, posting etc). 


  1. Angel S.

    Image 1 is of Kylie Jenner I think basically the only thing i can say is that she likes using the same filter...
    This image might be controversial Because i guess some people might not like the filter she uses...

    Image 2 is a picture of donald trump With a bill board and a nazi symbol.. I Guess This Can Be Controversial Because they are basically comparing donald trump to The Nazis.. Some people like donald trump so they might disagree with this and some people dont like him as a lot of people dont like the nazis and donald trump is not really liked right now so they are saying that he might be just as bad as the nazis or even worst.

    Image 3 Can for sure be controversial because kathy griffin is making fun of donald trump so this can cause both Kathy griffin and Donald Trump supporters to probaly just go full out and start attacking each otehr which can cause a lot of unneeded drama.

  2. Matthew M.

    Image 1 : This picture is cute and adorable. Kylie is really famous and really pretty, i see nothing wrong with this picture. And i dont know much about Kylie Jenner what i do know is that she has her show that stars her and her family, she has her own makeup line, and i think her own clothing line. And pictures are worth A Thousand Words to me because every picture can tell a story, real or fake.

    Image 2 : Now this picture is terrible. I've never seen this picture mostly because it is fake, Trump is a horrible person to Immigrants but he wouldn't do something as Racist and Cruel for everyone to see. This is most likely Photoshopped. My thought on this Photo is that this should be taken down and people should be more Responsible with the tools they have. If i knew how to Photoshop photos, i wouldn't use that to make other people look bad. Not even people i disagree with like Donald Trump. This photo is worth A Thousand Words because There are more than 1,000 mean and cruel words to call this picture.

    Image 3 : This is really creative but a little over the top. I can understand Kathy Griffin most likely doesn't like Donald Trump like most woman in the world because of the immature statement he made about woman and "grabbing them by the p***y*". My thoughts on this is that it is funny but i think there is another way to show the audience that you have negative feelings towards The President of The United States.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Kareem.Thomas

    A picture can be worth a thousand words, depending on how it is interpreted. Image #2 is an illustration of a trump billboard that has been defaced. The street artist who defaced the billboard did it with intentions of have trump resemble the infamous Adolf hitler. On a regular many people speak and discuss on how trumps campaign strategies resembles that of hitler, so for a person to deface a trump billboard and give him the appearance of hitler is not very surprising at all. This person also put the $ sign in place of the nazi sign to express how trump only cares about money.

    1. Alton M.

      I agree with you because a picture can be interpreted many different ways from many different people. People can see this image(image 2)as Donald trump as a photoshopped image or take it literal because of their personal dislike for trump. Your view of this billboard might be different from and mine might be different from the next person and so on. You gave great details to at least help me understand your point of view and help me see the image through your lens.

    2. Matthew M.

      I can see why the artist who defaced Trump's Billboard Sign did what he did. Adolf Hitler was a cruel man, especially to Jewish People. But trump isn't a great man himself, he treats Immigrants the same way Hitler did. But Trump is better than Hitler because he doesn't kill His people. Trump may be a liar and a little racist, but he is no killer. And i doubt Trump only cares about money because Trump clearly said he does not want the Salary. He also said he may have to for Family Purposes but he would not use it for his own greedy needs.

    3. Jerod_M
      i agree with matthew because Trump's Billboard Sign did what he did Adolf Hitler was a cruel man, especially to Jewish People.

  5. Gregory D

    Image 1:is a picture of a famous woman named kylie Jenner using the dog filter on the popular social media app called Snap-chat.This is the least controversial picture out of the 3 because is just a celebrity taking a picture on snap-chat which other people and celebrities can do so its nothing special.

    Image 2:is a picture of Donald trump between 2 Nazi-dollar symbol hybrid.I think it presents that Donald is a Fascist president and only really cares about is money but I'm not sure.

    Image 3:is a picture of Kathy griffin holding a decapitated and bloody head of Donald trump.This is the most controversial picture out of the three because a lot of people on social media were outraged because they find the picture disgusting and offensive to the president of the united states and soon after that people were sending death threats to her and CNN fired her from the new years eve special because of the gruesome picture.

    A picture worth a thousand words is meant that a single image could convey its meaning more effectively than a description can.

    1. Matthew M.

      I agree with you with image 1 and 3 but image 2 is not Donald Trump's fault. That picture is Obviously photoshopped because Our president would never do something as horrible as to put up a Offensive and Racist Image on a Billboard sign for everyone to see. I'm not a Trump supporter, in fact i don't want anything to do with politics. But i know for a fact that that Billboard sign is not holding that picture, it is fake. Even if it was real, wouldn't you think somebody would have taken it down or That would be talked about on the news at this point? As for the other images i completely agree with you, but i don't think Kathy Griffin Deserved to get fired, all she did was make a harmless joke. She didn't hurt anyone and if you don't take the joke lightly then move on, If you don't like it don't comment hateful words or get mad. Just move on and let the people who think its funny laugh.

    2. Gregory d: no i meant that how it was presented not saying it is real its clearly fake but that's what it looks like

  6. Marc S

    Image 1 is a picture of Kylie Jenner using the dog filter on snapchat

    Image 2 is a picture of President Donald Trump with the nazi symbol on the left and right of him. i think it means that people are saying they hate both the nazi and donald so they are saying they are egual but i think the nazi are worst because they killed 6million people donald trump before he became president he just wanted to bild a wall that was huge so immagrants cant come to america and take our jobs (his words not mine)

    Image 3 is Kathy Griffin holding a decapitated head of President Donald Trump this can acually lead to a lot of drama with kathy griffin fans and donald trump fans(funniest picture out of the 3)

    For Image 1 it is not controversale because it is just some one using the dog filtter on snapchat

    For image 2 it is very controversale becuase those people who think donald trump is worst or better than the nazi can riots saying that donald trump shouldnt even be comared to the nazi becuase the 2 titles are so different

    i think the most controversale picture is the billboard with donald trump and the nazi symbol and the least convtroversale picture is Kylie Jenner using the dog filtter on snapchat

    i think pictures are worth a thosands words because lets say u try to apply for a collage but they cant accept u because during high school u posted unruly and nasty pictures on instagram and snapchat. that is y my mom always cheak what i post cuz she dont that happening to me plus if u think a picture is worth a thousdand words then imagine how many words r worth a video expecally when that video has u and ur friends getting drunk and smoking weed in it u will never ever be able to apply for a collage better yet a job

  7. Alton M.

    Image 1 is Kylie Jenner using the Snapchat dog filter. This image represents her having fun and taking a picture. Some people may have see the filter as pointless and stupid. I disagree that this picture is controversial because it is a picture filter meant only for fun. This is the least controversial picture of all because it is a picture of Kylie having fun on her phone. My thoughts about this image is simple, Kylie is taking a picture using the dog filter, plain and simple. Pictures are worth a thousand words because they can tell emotion and position on a particular topic. Image 2 is a picture of Donald Trump on a billboard with a nazi symbol. People might consider this controversial because the nazi symbol is associated with the hate for an entire race. I agree that this is something to talk about because the president is associating himself with such a controversial symbol. My thoughts on this image is that president Trump will do business with anybody, no matter the controversy it will cause. Image 3 is Kathy griffin holding a fake bloody head of Donald Trump. This picture is the most controversial because it is basically saying you would like to see someone dead. This is something to talk about because this is the president and that could very well be offensive and even taken as a threat to Trump. This represents more than what you see. The deeper meaning in my opinion is the deep hatred for Donald Trump that is so strong that it can turn into physical violence. A picture is definitely worth a thousand words in this case because it symbolizes the deep hatred Kathy Griffin has for Trump.

    1. quintaunh

      i disagree with the point of u saying that the Kylie Jenner photo was controversial cause its just a photo at the end of the day. it dosent matter cause shes always taking pics so this one wouldn't be a talked about issue. but i agree on the Donald trump one. anything associated with the Nazi is 95% bad so for people to even connect him to the Nazi group is bad itself. drawing him with the Nazi money signs and nukes in the background says that he may cause the next genocide. and i also agree with the 3rd image cause it is saying u want the president dead weather or not hes fit for that position is different but murder is murder

  8. Jerod_M I find Image #2 conseversal because it shows Donal trump wanting Natzi dollars. Other people will find it conserversal because it shoes that trump cannot be trusted because he might be making deals with the natzis. Some people will talk about it because thats kind of shows that trump dosent care about amercia. A picture is worth a thousand words because they show the whole picture and not the peice of the picture with words that people put. another reason i say that a picture is worth a thousand words is because no one want to find peices of the whole picture when you can study the whole picture. my final reason why i say this is because the fact that no one wants to keep looking for peices of a puzzle to find a answer

  9. John K

    Image 1 shows Kylie Jenner taking picures with the doggie filter on snapchat.

    Images 2 shows president Donald Trump on a billboard with clouds and swastikas in the shape of dollar signs.

    Images 3 show Kathy Griffin holding President Donald Trump that shows Kathy Griffin is disrespecting President Trump cause all his choices he made since he became president

  10. Quintaunh

    Image one is about a famous celebrity named kylie Jenner taking the infamous dog filter. Image 2 is the parody version of the Nazi symbol but with the money sign nd president Trump in the middle with the background of mushroom aftermath bombing. Image 3 is a women holding the fake head of trump as if she beheaded him nd holded it up all bloody. I dont see really a reason to talk about image 1 cause honestly its just a pic noting more nothing less. Image two is conversation wise cause one its about a president but also the fact that some compare his presidency to Hitler reign. They think he just doing it for money and with him have the nukes in his hand war will start from his carelessness of handling them. Image 3 is also conversation wise cause shes holding the head of the president maybe saying that shes gonna rebel and she dont accept him as president maybe cause she feels like hes not worthy to be a leader of billions of people. The one that is most talked about is the nazi trump. Everyone who went to school touch the topic of ww2 and the war crimes the Soviet Union caused the jews and other races there so when they she this billboard they may think the president of the United States which has nukes in his control can easily ipe out all of America just cause hes not leader worthy nd not cautious enough.

  11. Roberto D Image one is a picture of a Kylie Jenner SC filter. Image two is a picture of trump on a billboard with money signs next to him drawn to look similar to the Swatstika, in the background is a nuclear bomb blowing up. Image 3 is a picture of Kathy Griffin holding a fake trump's head, covered in blood. I don't see why the first image is controversial, it's just a snapchat filter and there are a bunch of them. This is probably the least controversial photo of the 3. I think the filter and photo were taken/created just for fun. The second photo is controversial simply because it's a political opinion and political debates would go on forever if we let them, I agree with the message that hes is only interested in money and his irresponsibility could cost many more American lives than we can expect. Tensions with countries like North Korea and the middle east are getting worse. This is probably the most controversial photo considering the money sign is drawn like a swatstika and the American public is too sensitive, Americans are in a constant state of debating politics that they have little to no control over. Picture 3 was intended as a joke but Kathy took it too far, she also never released the original image, it was obtained and leaked by TMZ by her photographer, although he stood up for her and see's nothing wrong with it. This reminds me of the music video where a fake gun is fired at trumps head and it caused a huge issue, another example would be when Eminem was investigated by the FBI for lyrics against the president (They took his lyrics as a death threat), none of these are very serious and we can see way worse in horror movie.

  12. Leon B.

    Image 1 was a set of pictures with Kylie Jenner using her doggie filter which can be used on snapchat which is a social media app, these images to others might be considered a topic of conversation because she's always using that filter and she's very beautiful and part of the Khardashian legacy. I honestly do not agree with these people who think that would be a topic of conversation she's just a female using the snapchat filter like other beautiful females do, she's not the only one. Image 2 is a picture of Donald Trump's phoenix billboard, which has his face with an nuclear explosion in the background and Nazi-like dollar sign symbols on the sides. This would be a topic of conversation because as our 45th president you would think he's for the people and all the people but he's really a very corrupt person that's all about him and might even lead to America's destruction. I agree that this might be a topic of conversation because he might really lead us to a catastrophe. Image 3 is a picture of Kathy Griffin offensively disrespected our 45th president by having his severed head held high in her hand, this might be seen as a topic of discussion because many people will find it disrespectful to our 45th president. I do not agree, I mean it's disrespectful to the president and I understand that but I mean it's not the first time he was kind of disrespected. Image 2 would be more controversial and the least would be image 1 because it's Kylie Jenner using a snapchat filter like seriously compared to image 2 which has Donald Trump and Nazi-like dollar signs and nuclear explosions that probably supports that he can possibly lead us into catastrophe. Pictures are worth a thousand words because they have so many different meanings and people can see it in many different ways.

  13. Aiden T. image 1 shows how Kylie jenner loves to use the doggy filter on snapchat.i think she uses it more than any other snapchat filter.image 2 shows how people may believe that Donald Trump and the Nazi's may have a connnection with each other.coming for what's been happening for the pass months .image 3 shows how most people feel might happen to donald trump if he continue's on the path that he's going.i think people are starting to lose trust in him and soon things might turn for the worst in his case.and there is a saying pictures are worth a thousand words, so who know's the reason for the image.

    1. Julio S
      Yeah thats true and people can see these photos in many different ways and have another concept of the image .

  14. Image 1 is three people using the snapchat dog fliter it shows Kim Khardashianand and Kylie Jenner Image 2 shows president Donald Trump with money signs next to him and nuclear bombs blowing up image 3 shows Kathy Griffin holding a fake trump's head, covered in blood. i can say that she really doesnt like Donald Trump many people say that they found this really offensive i can see why they might find this really offensive but many people dont many people dont like the 45th president

  15. Daivion L.

    first image - i see a set of three pictures of Kylie Jennerwith a snapchat filter on. I have nothing to say about this because theres nothing wrong with these pictures. She is a beautiful woman but not more beautiful than my girlfriend .

    second image- i just dont like it at all and also the person that is on the billboard. Donald Trump is a horrible person, hes is racist to the max and wouldnt care if the whole world knows. Just the same way as Hitler which is exactly why the billboard has the swastika on the sides representing Hitler as Trump is the replacement of Hitler.

    image three - i see Kathy Griffin with a obviously fake trump head cut off with blood all over it . she wanted to do that to offend Donald Trump and that is actually the way she feels, and tbh i do too.

  16. lindsey P.

    the first image was of Kylie Jenner using her dog filter on snapchat which is a social media outlet. these pictures might be considered a topic of conversation because she's know for using it and becasue shs a kardashian's. I personally don't agree with these people who think this is a topic of conversation because she's just a female using the filter like other people these days are. Image 2 is a picture of Donald Trump's phoenix billboard, which has his face with an nuclear explosion in the background and Nazi-like dollar sign symbols on the sides. This would be a topic of conversation because as our 45th president you would think he's for the people and all the people but he's really a very corrupt person that's all about him and might even lead to America's destruction. I agree that this might be a topic of conversation because he might really lead us to a catastrophe. Image 3 is a picture of Kathy Griffin offensively disrespected our 45th president by having his severed head held high in her hand, this might be seen as a topic of discussion because many people will find it disrespectful to our 45th president. I do not agree, I mean it's disrespectful to the president and I understand that but I mean it's not the first time he was kind of disrespected. Image 2 would be more controversial and the least would be image 1 because it's Kylie Jenner using a snapchat filter like seriously compared to image 2 which has Donald Trump and Nazi signs and explosions that probably supports that he can possibly lead us into catastrophe. Pictures are worth a thousand words because they have so many different meanings and people can see it in many different ways.

  17. Noel R
    The first image is selfies of kilie Jenner using a snapchat filter. The reason why some people might consider this a topic of conversation is because of the difference in what can be done with a phone now then 5 years ago. Personally I do not find these Images something to talk about because this is very normal. Image number two is a billboard of Donald Trump with two explosions in the shape of a clown and two swastika like symbols with the money symbol instead. This is very controversial because Trump is the President of the United States of America but when I look at this, it looks like something I would see in a communist country. Putting images that look like swastikas is also very offensive. I agree with people who find this controversial or something to talk about. The third image is Kathy Griffin holding up a severed and bloody head of Donald Trump. This is controversial because of the fact that he is the president. I can see a lot of people agreeing with this image because of the reactions with the presidential election when Trump became president. I do agree that this is controversial because this is a very strong message and shows people aren't scared to show their opinions. Pictures are worth a thousand words because you can see a thousand words when you look at a picture. For example if u look at a picture of a crowded city you can see cars, buildings, people, stores, etc.

  18. Julio S
    I think the images are related to what is going on now a days. The first image shows a picture of what everybody is doing now with the filter. I dont think thats a issue because its just a picture people are taking same as before everybody in nyc wanted to take pictures by statue of liberty. furthermore, the second photo shows something dangerous in which puts many people in danger because its like trump wanting war as the president it concerns us. Many people would hate this photo and not want trump to be president.

  19. Ivan.T

    The first image is of kilie jenner using a filter i guess this can be contriversal becouse some may not like the filter she used um yeah sure ltes go witht hat next picture is of donold trump on a bilboard rese,bling a nazi sighn well this has contriversial all over it with may donald trump be a nazi like its rihgt there or is he really a good president to have here whats are hs plans for the future next is the of course and yeah this is along one sentence but whatver so next is the woman holding trumps head just being contreverstial because i guess how she may be influencing violence against trump showing what she wants and may do to him etc...

  20. Image 1 is of Kylie Jenner I think basically the only thing i can say is that she likes using the same filter...
    This image might be controversial Because i guess some people might not like the filter she uses...

    Image 2 is a picture of donald trump With a bill board and a nazi symbol.. I Guess This Can Be Controversial Because they are basically comparing donald trump to The Nazis.. Some people like donald trump so they might disagree with this and some people dont like him as a lot of people dont like the nazis and donald trump is not really liked right now so they are saying that he might be just as bad as the nazis or even worst.

    Image 3 Can for sure be controversial because kathy griffin is making fun of donald trump so this can cause both Kathy griffin and Donald Trump supporters to probaly just go full out and start attacking each otehr which can cause a lot of unneeded drama.

  21. Vittorio A.
    Image 1 is of Kylie Jenner I think basically the only thing i can say is that she likes using the same filter...
    This image might be controversial Because i guess some people might not like the filter she uses...

    Image 2 is a picture of donald trump With a bill board and a nazi symbol.. I Guess This Can Be Controversial Because they are basically comparing donald trump to The Nazis.. Some people like donald trump so they might disagree with this and some people dont like him as a lot of people dont like the nazis and donald trump is not really liked right now so they are saying that he might be just as bad as the nazis or even worst.

    Image 3 Can for sure be controversial because kathy griffin is making fun of donald trump so this can cause both Kathy griffin and Donald Trump supporters to probaly just go full out and start attacking each otehr which can cause a lot of unneeded drama.

  22. First image are the Kardashians using a snapchat filter. Kendall, Kylie and Kim are in the picture.
    The second image is a billboard of Donald Trump with two explosion images next to him as well as a jewish symbol of some kind.
    The third image is Kathy griffin holding a Donald trump head with blood all over it.
    The photo that is the least controversial is the picture of the Kardashians because their just using a snapchat filter. The most controversial is the picture with kathy griffin holding Donald Trumps.
    Kevin V.

  23. jaquan.H

    The of donald trump and a a money shape swastika is the most controversial image .
    The image of kathy griffin
    With Trump's head can't be controversial to for the population way like trump as president like people say the second Hitler come a again and the image is Snapchat filters.

  24. Nicole F.
    Image 1-The first image is Kylie Jenner with the dog Snapchat Filter. This image isn't controversial but the person is.
    Image 2- This image is basically a picture of a billboard with The president Donald Trump with two Nazi-like dollar sign symbols on the sides. This image is very controversial because lots of people around the world doesn't like Donald Trump. A reason why is because he's Racist.
    Image 3- This image is a woman named Kathy Griffin holding a prop of a bloody Donald Trumps head. This image is also controversial because like i said, people don't like Donald Trump. Some even want him killed.

  25. Matthew N.

    Image 1:is a picture of a famous woman named kylie Jenner using the dog filter on the popular social media app called Snap-chat.This is the least controversial picture out of the 3 because is just a celebrity taking a picture on snap-chat which other people and celebrities can do so its nothing special.

    Image 2:is a picture of Donald trump between 2 Nazi-dollar symbol hybrid.I think it presents that Donald is a Fascist president and only really cares about is money but I'm not sure.

    Image 3:is a picture of Kathy griffin holding a decapitated and bloody head of Donald trump.This is the most controversial picture out of the three because a lot of people on social media were outraged because they find the picture disgusting and offensive to the president of the united states and soon after that people were sending death threats to her and CNN fired her from the new years eve special because of the gruesome picture.

  26. Emanuel M.

    Image#1:This image is kylie Jenner taking selfies with the snap-chat puppy filter. Some people may think these pictures are controversial because they don't like the filter or they just don't like the different makeup she has on, but me personally I think there's nothing wrong with these pictures, if you disagree your hating on her so this is the least controversial picture of all. This picture is worth a thousand words to explain how kylie likes dog filters.

    Image#2:The second image is a picture of Donald Trump on a billboard.This picture is definitely controversial, because it shows that the 45th president of the united states is corrupt. The background detail of the explosion is just showing us how vicious this man is, and the fake money sign that looks similar to the Nazi sign is saying he's trying to be the next Hitler or something like him, so I agree that this image is controversial but its not the worst. This picture is worth a thousand words, because theirs a lot of details,symbols and meaning to it.

    Image#3:The third image is an photo of Kathy griffin holding an bloody head of the president Donald Trump. I think this is the most controversial picture out of the three, because this is saying that she wants the president head which is very offensive. She's basically sending a threat to the president and I know a lot of people dislike Donald Trump but this is not the way to say it. This picture definitely worth a thousand word, because theirs a lot of meaning and hate to it.

  27. Image 1- I don't see why people find this controversial. It's just a doggy Snapchat filter that people use.

    Image 2- I can see why some people might find this controversial. Trump supporters might think that trump is a good person and shouldn't be compared to the Nazi. Anti-Trump supporters might think that trump is as bad as the Nazi with all the stuff he's trying to do.

    Image 3- I can see why people would think this is controversial. It's the kind of the same situation with image 2. Trump supporters will find this very offensive because it's a picture of the president with his head cut off.

    The least offensive photo is the Kylie Jenner Snapchat doggy filter because it's not nothing to take serious. It's just a filter that became very popular because of her use of it - Keon

  28. Mark G.
    I chose option b and in my opion I feel like the pictures are a topic to conversarte about because let alone the bill board picture of Donald trump and the swat Zika sign representing the comparison of him and Adolf hitler and that's a highly talked about argument a lot of people have in everyday life. The picture of Kylie Jenner with the snap chat filter is a controversial thing to be talked about mainly because mainly every young person in this society uses the same social media sites such Snapchat that has the "Kylie Jenner snap chat filter".
