Sunday, July 5, 2015

Summer 2015 (MS. JOSEPH)

Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin

Having read the short story by Kate Chopin, develop a two paragraph blog posting in which you discuss the most interesting section of the story. Explain and discuss the specific technique that Chopin uses to develop this most interesting section of the story. Note that your response must NOT entail the ENTIRE story. The idea is to hone in on the author's CRAFT in developing the fiction.

In discussing craft, you may comment on the author's development of ANY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: narration, dialogue, syntax, diction, text structure, theme, moral etc.

If you need a refresher's course on any of the devices listed above, then conduct a Google search or click on the following link to review any of the devices.

Website to review Literary Devices and Elements

Remember to respond to another student's posting in a very intuitive way. Responses that are merely summaries of what the person has written will result in a lower grade according to the Blog rubric.


Happy blogging!


  1. The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin is about a woman named Mrs. Ballard who had a heart condition and learned about her husband's supposed death deals with these news. The most interesting section of the story that I find to be is the last part where Mrs.Ballard finds out that her husband is alive and she dies because of heart disease due to overjoy. A technique that Chopin uses to develop this interesting section is imagery. A good example where Chopin uses imagery is " There was a feverish triumph in her eyes, and she carried herself unwittingly like a goddess of Victory". The usage of imagery here uses the words feverish triumph, and "unwittingly like a goddess of Victory". A next example of imagery is "It was Brently Mallard who entered, a little travel-stained, composedly carrying his grip-sack and umbrella." The imagery here uses words such as travel-stained, and grip sack to show that Mr. Ballard just came back from traveling.

    The author uses imagery to develop this part for multiple reasons. The first reason is to make the story more "eye-pleasing" in the sense so the story can be more interesting and enjoyable to read. The next reason why the author uses imagery is to help set the mood of the story. An example of this is "She could see in the open square before her house the tops of trees that were all aquiver with
    the new spring life. The delicious breath of rain was in the air. In the street below a peddler was crying his wares. The notes of a distant song which some one was singing reached her faintly, and countless sparrows were twittering in the eaves." The imagery used here shows that mood here is a somewhat eerie or peaceful mood. The last reason why the author uses imagery is to help us as readers visualize the scenes in our mind. By using imagery to appeal to our senses, when can use this this to imagine the scenes in our heads to get a more in-depth view on what's going on.
    ~Abayomi Pollydore Period 2

    1. I like the fact that Abayomi explained everyuthing in nice order told the author his position by sayin what he felt throughout the story ! and also that the student wrote a decent amout of information for me to read . In this case ...... just like the other student , this student Abayomi Polleydore did'nt state or write down the Device he saw the most ..

      ~IMANI POWELL~ Third Period 3rd

    2. I think that both paragraphs was well written .I liked the fact that you used multiple examples from the story to make your statement more clearly.

      Stephane Fabre Period 3

  2. "The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin is regarding a lady who has heart issues. She was informed that her husband passed away. Her sister Josephine and her husband's friend Richards tried to break the news down in the best way possible. The most interesting section of the story that is interest to me is the beginning and the ending of the story. The beginning of the story when the author stated that the wife has a heart condition, i was expecting the wife to die when she heard the bad news. Apparently when she found out, she didn't die so i was looking forward to the rest of the story.

    The author uses irony to develop the ending of the story. The reason being is the author wanted so show how joyful the wife was that her husband didn't pass away. She was shocked and happy so with the help of her heart condition she was the one to pass away instead. The irony made at the ending of the story made the story more interesting and wanting readers or at least me to read more.
    - Jessica Andrew Period 1

    1. I think that your two paragraphs are pretty good. One thing you might is some examples from the story to add into your paragraph to make your points more clear.
      ~Abayomi Pollydore Period 2

    2. I think that your work was on point.But you forgot to write some examples from the story to make your statement.

      Stephane Fabre period 3

  3. in the short story "the story of an hour" josephine needs to tell mrs. mallard about the death of her husband. she needs to be careful on how she does this because of her condition. mrs. mallard then becomes depressed and sits in a chair. she then becomes possessed by something that she could not define. i found this very interesting because it was something that was very unexpected and i did not see it coming.

    another interesting moment in the story is when mrs mallard passes away from overjoy after hearing that her husband is still alive. i found this very strange and it shows that author used irony in this part of the text. she uses imagery very often in this text too. when she writes "there was a feverish triumph in her eyes" is an example of imagery. she uses these to make her short story more interesting and exciting.

    1. Reading this Anonymous profile i liked the way He/She jsut quickly broke the story down . Got straight to the point stated what He/She didnt expect , stated what made the story more interesting and exciting , and quickly stated what the story's gonna be about. But the again i didnt know what Device He/She saw alot in the story , the person didnt pull details out of the story or even Capitalize the very first letter of each stanza and even after the periods .

      ~IMANI POWELL~ 3RD Period ...

    2. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
      These 2 paragraphs are by Javier Malvido Period 2

  4. the story of an hour by kate is a story that is told in a third person view telling all the emotions and reaction of the main character in the story there is a problem that involeves the main character husband dieing and her friends and family try to console her but in the mix of all she goes and try to think on why these things are happening and she prays and hopes that death wont come her way

    the author also use irony in the story that use some forshadowing on why the main character does not care somewhat about her husbands death wat are some of these reasons are unknownand in some of the other post also hade good points on how the wife hade a heart condition and how they thought she would die and stuff and my most intrested part was towards the end were the sister finally came out to confront her problems

  5. The Story of an Hour ,by Kate is a story about a woman who's married and finds out the bad news of is death . In the Story the author use Irony alot. IRONY sometimes referes to and play around with words such which means the meaning implied by a word is Sarcastic ... diffrent from the literal meaning. Out of all of the devices that i could have choosen i choose IRONY because for example as i was reading the story i realized that the real reason Ms. Mallard passed was because of her bad heart problems 'cause she found that the good news of her husband being alive was bad news and had a heart attact the very moment .

    "Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart problem, great care was taken to break to her as gentle as posible the news of her husbands death" this quote from the passage is Ironic to me because Mrs.Mallard actually did die, but they knew all alone that this may or may not happen. Eventhough she died from the news that he was alive.

    "FREE,FREE,FREE" is another direct quote and also what Mrs. Mallard said repeatedly underneath her breath, this situation and these words are Ironic because Mrs. Mallard thought that she was free from all of her husbands abuse, and then the fact that she wanted to be free makes the situation worst and more ironic because she actually died after the news that was 'posta be good .


    1. I like how in this response the literary devices are clearly stated and explained thoroughly. I also liked how she went into detail with the parts of the story she found most interesting.

      Javier Malvido Period 2

  6. The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin is about a woman who had heart issues and had learned that her husband has passed away.The most interesting part of the story is when she found out that her husband wasn't really dead and she died of heart attack even though that was the most depressing part of the story.A technique that was used in the story is theme.One example where the author uses the theme is stated in the story "some one was opening the front door with a latchkey.It was Brently Millard who entered." another example is "he had been far from the scene of the accident, and did not even know there was one".One last example from the story is "when the doctors came they said she had died of heart disease- of joy that kills". What these quote means is that you shouldn't just jump into conclusion right away.You should wait and see the outcome.

    Authors use theme in their story for many reasons but without theme in their piece of literature it would just be meaningless words that has no message.

    Stephane Fabre period 3
