Monday, February 23, 2015

The Stages of the Writing Process Period 1 Creative Writing

Review the stages of the Writing Process as found on the handout from class. Building on the discussion from your table,which stage of the Writing Process do you consider to be MOST CHALLENGING (that is which is most difficult for you or other writers to go through)? WRITE YOUR NAME ON THE BLOG FIRST TO IDENTIFY YOURSELF FOR GRADING.

Which stage do you consider to be the MOST IMPORTANT to writers? While there is no wrong or right response for this question, you must SUPPORT your reasoning with strong evidence. You may use some of the ideas from the actual handout to build your response.


All students must respond to one other student's response to complete this blog.

When you respond to your peer's blog, you must agree or disagree respectfully and SUPPORT (using a few sentences) WHY you are agreeing or disagreeing.

Review the Blog rubric to determine how your grades would be assigned for this blog activity.

Happy blogging!!!


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  6. ~Charlemagne Virgile~

    The most important part of the writing process is the editing stage. The editing stage is the most important because it fixing the passage up from mistakes. It also corrects wrong written words and spells them correctly. It also helps add statements that can make the passage sound, not only interesting but also make it more reliable. When you edit it will make the passage more punctuated. and misplaced letters and placement of thesis sentences will get fixed. identification, title, headings and etc will also get fixed to make the passage more reassuring. The most challenging writing process is the drafting stage. when you draft you can go threw countless drafts. the drafts are re-writing of the original to take out any unnecessary statements. It is the bridge between the original document to the editing stage of the document. some articles can go up to 3 drafts. This stage is difficult because you might constantly think of statements that you might want to add. In other words you we'll constantly keep changing, and cosntly keep creating drafts. This is why drafting is the most challenging and editing is the most important of the writing statement.

  7. James Williams

    The most important stage in The Stages of writing process to writers is the Drafting stage. In the the drafting stage one must put all ideas into one writing piece. The drafting stage consist of getting one's ideas on paper but in an organized way. During the drafting stage the writer must put their ideas on paper but while writing these ideas down and developing their topic they most likely will have more ideas to add or some to get rid of in order to make the writing piece more appealing to the audience, doing that is not an easy task because if the writer wants to get rid of an idea they will have to choose wisely so that they wont get rid of the one idea that would've made their writing piece spectacular! The most important and challenging stage in the The Stages of Writing Process is the Drafting stage.

    1. ~Charlemage Virgile~
      I agree completely. if it was like you was in my mind while i was writing. i Agree when you said "the writing task consist of take out idea's and replacing them with new one's". That is true and it is truly an important and a challenging task.

  8. Perry Housey - the most important part of the writing stage is the editing stage because once u write your rough draft its not time for u correct your mistakes as far as correcting your grammar to make your sure your writing make sense. also u begin to correct run on sentences u will be able put periods where they suppose to be and also commas. the most difficult part in the writing is the prewriting stage because once u receive the prompt u have start coming up with ideas its easy to put it on paper but to think of it is difficult. also u will be time to come up with ideas then begin wrtiting and certain ideas might sound good until u compare it to the prompt it would not fit so u would have to rethink it over its a lot of thinking it takes time that's the most difficult stage to me.

    1. Abraham Young
      i agree completely. i also feel that the editing stage is the most important stage in writing because this is the only stage where you cxan corrects errors that are made because there wouldnt be time doing a rough draft

  9. Barrington Spooner,
    The most important part of the writing stage is the pre-writing stage. The pre-writing stage is the most important stage because it deals with the researching of the question being asked or the topic given. Without this stage the other four stages could not exist nor can the writer write their first draft. The most challenging writing stage would be the revision stage because it deals with the editing of the work. This could be considered the most challenging stage because a lot of people has difficulties with editing their own or other peoples work. The difficulties in this stage could affect the writers writing and prevent them from reaching their full potential.

    1. imran khan
      i agree what you said about pre-writing stages because that's main root for master piece,the others parts are also defend on the pre-writing stages or brain storming.and another thng i want to say is the most challenging part is more easier then other one because now a days the editing part could be done by computer and and other devices, so its not that much challenging for some one out there who was computer or laptop.

    2. Kaya Peterson
      I agree with you because the pre-writing stage is the ost important stage because you have to know what you want to write about and get enough information to write about ir so you are write. They revision stage is hard because when you go over your work you dont want to change anything and you will think everything is right and you would end up getting a low grade so i agree that the revision stage is the hardest stage.

  10. Justin Mills:
    The most important part of the writing stage is the editing stage. The reason why I think this is the most important part in the writing stage is because this is probably where your grade comes from. For example when teachers check the students work they check for spelling errors, grammar errors, punctuation and so on. In the editing stage you check for those errors and then correct it. Even though the editing stage is the most important, the most challenging is the revision stage. The reason why the revision stage is so challenging is because it is the process where you add the necessary and take out the unnecessary.

    1. I agree with him because I think its also this stage ass well

  11. Abraham Young,
    The most important part of the writing stage is the editing stage. The reason why i said this is because in this stage you look for errors like grammar and stuff. This is the last stage to check over your work because once you publish it there is no going back.
    The most challenging part of the writing stage is the pre-writing stage. The reason why i say this is because this is where you think about a topic you want to discuss about in your story. Sometimes its not easy to think of a topic unless it kind of relates to you. For example you would rather talk about good memories about your childhood then talking about how the sea is blue. This is why i belive this is the most challenging part of the writing stage

    1. I agree completely because i feel the same that the editing stage is the most important in writing. I believe so because at this stage you can correct your punctuation mistakes and anything else to that matter. If this stage is not completed, then your work wouldn't make sense to the person reading. That's how I feel about the editing stage being the most important part of the writing stage.

    2. I agree completely because i feel the same that the editing stage is the most important in writing. I believe so because at this stage you can correct your punctuation mistakes and anything else to that matter. If this stage is not completed, then your work wouldn't make sense to the person reading. That's how I feel about the editing stage being the most important part of the writing stage. ~GeJuan Kee~

  12. ~Junior Rodriguez~

    The most important part of the writing process is the thesis statement the end of your introduction, just write a one-sentence statement
    that is the basis for your entire paper. A good thesis statement lets the reader
    know what your paper will cover. For example, you might write this thesis
    statement: “There are four possible causes for alcoholism, yet not all alcoholics
    drink for these reasons.” The paragraphs that follow should support this
    statement, and each paragraph should focus on one of the possible causes. The most difficult writing process is editing because you got to read your whole work again and check it, check for spellings, but thats not really difficult is just the fact that im a lazy person and its difficult for me.

  13. kimari mcmillan
    I think that the most important part is the publishing because that is what everyone is going to see. I say that because if you mess it up it will stay that way forever. You can't undo it like in the first draft.I think that the most challenging is the first draft. I say that because thats when you have to come up with all your ideas. ideas don't just come to you it takes time. you also might not like it once you start and change it.

    1. This is a good writing. I agree this is truly a difficult writing stage. Because if you write a mistake that you did not realize. it will go out in the world with errors
      ~Charlemagne Virgile~

    2. Michael Watson,

      I completely, agree with kimari that the publishing stage is the most important stage because thats the stage where you don't want to mess up and if you do you can't undo it.

  14. Imran khan,

    The most important part of the of the writing stage is the publishing stage, because that's the part which will be given to the audience or other people. but others aren't that important because the audience will not get those copy.according to text it says "the final and most exiting stage is publishing stage". so, it mean that the most exiting part is publishing which will go to the audience.

    the most challenging one for me is that pre-writing stage, because for me its very difficult find out the idea to wite idea. i also fell it challenging to come out with ideas and write about the new idea. on the text the author tell us about how the author build his idea by working onlots of stuff, like music, listening to a person and all other technique.

    1. Barrington Spooner
      I understand why you say that the publishing stage is the most important stage however I have to disagree with your claim. I think that the pre-writing stage is the most important stage because without this stage you cannot perform the other four. I also say that the editing stage is the most challenging stage rather than the pre-writing because alot of people haven't developed the technique to edit their own or other peoples work.

  15. GeJuan Kee
    The most important part of writing is the editing stage. I think so because the editing stage involves fixing the whole essay or the whole writing. When you are at the editing stage, you must make sure everything is good. You must make sure your thesis statement is in its correct form and make sure that it makes sense to the topic of what your essay will be about. You would have to make sure that your conclusion is revised too. Editing your writing is important because it can make your writing sound better and it makes it look like you learned from your mistakes in your rough draft or your first writing piece. The most challenging is writing your thesis statement because you have to put it in its correct form and it has to be a clear statement.

    1. James Williams
      Gejaun Kee i do not agree with your statement. I disagree with it because before you can edit anything you have to have the writing piece done. The drafting stage is the stage in the stages of writing process where you put all of your ideas in one and after then you can edit, so therefore if there is no draft piece there will be no editing being done.

    2. James Williams
      Gejaun Kee i do not agree with your statement. I disagree with it because before you can edit anything you have to have the writing piece done. The drafting stage is the stage in the stages of writing process where you put all of your ideas in one and after then you can edit, so therefore if there is no draft piece there will be no editing being done.

  16. Devon Anderson
    The important stage final stage because when I type or write it, it seem that what I write for my first draft is not what I want to put on my final draft.When it is time for me to write final draft the ideas that I wrote on the first draft I always seem to change it up on the final draft.The most challenging is the final draft as well again because every time I write the final stage last draft my ideas change for what i am writing about.I consider the final draft a little challenging because my ideas always change.This happened to me in middle school a lot because I always change my writing ideas when writing my essay.

  17. To : Devon Anderson From: Perry Housey - i disagree about the the final draft being the most important stage in the writing process because if u edit correctly and fix up your grammar and puncuation and check your sentences for run on.the most difficult stage is not the final draft because the prewriting stage is difficult to come up with accurate ideas in a short period of time.

    1. I disagree with your statement because final draft is only the final copy from all your other stages. yeah its important but not the most important. Also i disagree when you said the prewriting stage is the most difficult because it is the most important, and its easy because all you have to do is just think of ideas you would like to write about. Then research to get more ideas for it.

  18. Arrin George
    The most important stage of the writing stage is the prewriting stage because all of the other stages depend on that stage. Also it is the stage you gather and research your ideas so you have evidence to back up your essay or story. The prewriting stage is also called the brainstorming stage. The prewriting helps writers to be used to link work with the main topic by using a graphic organizers. if you are stuck and can't think of a topic you can use a strategy I like to use called making a list. You make a list of things you would like to write about then you do your research and see which one you would really like to do and get ideas on that topic.

  19. -Adriel Alvarado

    One of the most challenging tasks in the writing process is the editing stage .The editing stage is challenging because sometimes it is difficult for some to revise their own work .Sometimes one has to ask another person to review and spot one's mistakes .For example when one writes their story sometimes there are grammar issues that one for example some people get used to misspelling a certain word like "because" some people tend to spell it b-e-c-u-a-s-e instead of b-e-c-a-u-s-e .So when you revise you see the word “because” it's misspelled ,but since you got used to it spelling that way you think its correct .Thats why you need some else to review your work .This is why the editing stage is one of the most challenging stages .

    One of the most important stages in the writing process is the brainstorming stage .This stage is important because this is where the whole thing starts .If there is no brainstorming then their is no writing process .This stage is very important because every other stage depends on this stage .This is why the brainstorming stage is very important .

  20. Angel Ayala

    The most important stage of the Writing Process is the Editing stage. At the editing writers usually check for mistakes in misspelled words, errors m Grammar and Punctuation. This is the most important because it makes your writing better. Also, the most challenging stage is the Pre-Writing stage. At this stage, you brain storm and get ideas. This is important because the most ideas you gather at this stage the better you write.

  21. Nathaniel Martinez
    The most important stage is the revising stage. It is the most important stage because it helps correct any mistakes you created to make it better. To revise is to alter something already written or printed, in order to make corrections, improve, or update. The most challenging stage is the brainstorming stage. At this stage writers think of what to write and they gather ideas to strengthen their writing. This is the most challenging because you have to think of stuff in order to develop the topic.

    1. Angel Ayala
      I agree revising is a important stage because when you revise you want to make the writing look better.I agree that the brainstorming is the most challenging because you try gather the ideas that can think of.

  22. Samuel
    the pre-writing stage is most important because this is focused on the topic and does not contain extraneous or loosely related information;
    has an organizational pattern that enables the reader to follow the flow of ideas because it contains a beginning, middle, and end and uses transitional devices;
    contains supporting ideas that are developed through the use of details, examples, vivid language, and mature word choice; and
    follows the conventions of standard written English (i.e., punctuation, capitalization, and spelling) and has variation in sentence structure.

  23. Michael watson,

    I think that the most important part is the publishing because it is your final piece that you're going to share with everyone. I say that because if i make a mistake and i send it , i would not be able to fix it. You can't undo it.I think that the most challenging is the editing stage. I say that because sometimes it hard to edit your work especially when you don't know what you're doing. And that stage is where you don't want to mess up either.

  24. Kaya Peterson

    The most important stage in the writing process is the Brainstorming part because that's the part when you have to find ideas to know what you want to start writing about for your essay, but not only that you also have to find the good ideas that you brainstormed and the bad ideas so you can come down to one and final idea that you want to write about. The most challenging stage in the pre-writing stage because that's when you are starting the writing of your essay and you have to make sure that all of your ideas are in order and the essay is making sense when you are starting to write the essay, so when you draft later on your essay is in order correctly.

  25. Jose Moncada
    The most important stage in the writing process is the editing stage. It is important because in that stage you would have to re-read your writing and make sure it is good. Also so you may find if there are any mistakes that you would need to fix. Further more so you may able to find other errors that would need to be corrected. For example you may made a error in a sentence or a word.
    The most challenging stage in the writing process is the revising stage becasue when you do that step it would help you to make your work/writing better. Also it would help it to make it sronger and sound even better.

  26. Mohammed Uddin

    The most important part of writing stage is the editing stage because we edit to make sure there is no error.After Revising we are ready to edit.peer and self edting are helpful to most to us.It's good to edit by our self first then others bacause if you self edit and make an error then in the future

    The most challenging one for me is that pre-writing stage, because for me its very difficult find out the idea to wite idea. I also fell it challenging to come out with ideas and write about the new idea. on the text the author tell us about.It's difficult to write about the topic and explain the topic.

  27. Matthew Neptune

    The most important part of the writing process is the editing stage. I think this is the most important part of the writing process because without you editing your essay ,your final draft would be a total disaster and this stage would help you find out the grammar errors you made when writing your essay and things you are missing in your essay. This is why i think that the editing stage is the most important of the writing process.

  28. Julio Soto

    The most important part of the writing process is the editing stage . I think that because you have to re-read your writing to make sure it is good. When you edit you are looking for errors you have made in your first draft. When you edit your writing will be better because the grammar will be fixed. By editing you are getting ready to write your final draft and publish.
