Monday, February 23, 2015


Please click on this link below to arrive at PADLET.COM where you will write your goals for spring 2015. Follow the guidelines carefully as you develop your goals!


Having COMPLETED your Smart goal and having DETERMINED which goal best meets the requirements of a smart goal, you must now create a paragraph of at least 5-6 sentences in which you address the question:

Why is setting goals an important aspect of an individual's life.

In your response, write your definition of a goal, explain some of the things that must be considered when individuals set goals and determine/explain/justify how and why goals can help in shaping progress. Also, consider how failure to set goals can mean failure to succeed.

Having written your original post, you must respond to another classmate's post to complete your blog for grading.
Follow previous methods of blogging for classmate's reponses.


  1. Jomi Frances SMART goal stands out to me because the goal is specific. He wants to improve his annotating grade. He want to move his grade from a 65% to a 80%. And Jomi wants to complete his goal by the end of the second marking period.
    Teresa S

  2. The SMART goal that I find is written more succinctly than mines is Teresa's goal. Her SMART goal is timely, actionable, specific, relevant and measurable. SMART goals can help you focus for the semester because SMART goals give you something to strive for to complete.
    Carnell Phillips

  3. The SMART goal that stands out to me is Darron Panchoo because he was very specific in the goal he wants to accomplish. He gives the time frame when he wants to accomplish this goal which is by the end of the second marking period. He also states he wants to get at least a 80% GPA and improve his writing skills.

  4. Dear, Narindera
    your smart goal says that want to receive grades of 90% or higher i believe you can add to this because it sounds like you are just asking for a grade instead of working for it. So you can probably rephrase it

    - Travis Williams

  5. Anil Rampersaud's SMART goal stands out to me because his goal was similar to mine. His goal is on improving his annotation goal and at least receiving a grade of an 85%. he wants to improve his grade by the end of the 2nd marking period

  6. Noah Hoyte's SMART goal was interesting to me and stood out the most. It was a very basic goal,and even though it lacked in certain areas,it was still a very basic goal,and I believe that sometimes,basic is the best to stay on track and just focus on that one goal.
    Brandon Babb

  7. The SMART goal that stands out to me is Brandon Babb's as his goal is very specific in his regards to improve his annotation skills and overall grade for all his classes
    - Jomi Frances

  8. The SMART that stands out to me the most is MarcAntoine's goal. His goal very specific and explains itself very well. It shows the places he wants to improve in and it is a true SMART goal.
    Dakuan Reid

  9. My SMART goal is to do a better job when annotating a text. I at least want to achieve this goal by the end of the second marking period.And also,I want to get an 80% or higher GPA bye the last marking period in all of my classes.
    -Brandon Babb

  10. A goal is something that you want to achieve. When your making a goal you have to think about why you need to achieve this goal, by what time you have to achieve this goal, and how you are going to achieve this goal. Goals can help shape progress for yourself. If you have the right goals, its easy to go through since you know what to do mentally you just have to do it in reality. If you made the right goal and you are persistent in following it, you shouldn't have any problems going through with it. If you fail to make goals, you cannot succeed because you wouldn't know what your doing and would just be going with the flow which wouldn't give any time to get better if you start to fall off. Your goal must have a backup plan if you are not on track so that you could get back on your feet and get back to what you are trying to do.
    Tyrese S.

  11. The goal that stood out the most is Mr.Moody's. There is room for improvement because to me it didn't meet the criteria of the S.M.A.R.T. method. His goal is specific, measurable, actionable, and timely. It isn't relevant. This is because it is about math.
    ~Noah Hoyte

  12. The SMART that stood out to me was Bryan Kidd's goal it is very specific, understanding and is a relevant goal that can actually be accomplished. The reason Bryan's goal stood out to me was similar to mine.

    -Marc Elien

  13. Setting goals are important because they give you challenges you want to accomplish. Also they give you something to strive for. My definition of a goal is a challenge you want to accomplish to better yourself as a person. Something that have to be taken in account when making a goal is that they have to be specific, measurable, timely, actionable, and relevant. failing to set goals can mean failure to succeed because you are not giving yourself something to do to make yourself better as a person.
    - Carnell Phillips

    1. I agree with Carnell's definition of a goal because i also believe that it is a challenge that a person may want to overcome or achieve to make themselves better.

      ~ Jamill Moody

  14. The SMART goal that stands out to me the most is Noah Hoyte's, I say that because his goal was specific, measurable, and it was actionable. However he could have used more detail and made his goal more relevant to ELA
    -Darron Panchoo

  15. Marcantoine SMART goal stood out to me the most because of the content.Marc goal is much different from my peers goal,he include that he need to work on using rigorous word and develop more on his constructing paragraphs.This goal is measurable ,achievable and actionable if you put your mind to it and set yourself on the right track.
    Bryan Kidd

  16. Goals are written down to achieve a desire. Setting a goal is important because it allow the person to see what they want to achieve. In order, to achieve this goal smaller goals are set. With these smaller goals it will help a person achieve the larger goal. Goals are important because they could also inspire us at time. With goals people, may be able to bring out the talent within them. Many fear that they may not become successful. Therefore, at these difficult times people do not bother to set goals. Without a goal that person may not know what they want to achieve in life. Being committed to the goal is also important. Without commitment to the goal, a person will not put their entire effort in to achieve what they want. - Teresa S

  17. ~Jamill Moody:To me a Smart Goal is a goal you set to achieve in order to better yourself, whether its for school, or even personal. Setting these type of goals are important because it allows you to maintain a certain focus and concentration on making yourself better at whatever it is. You want your goal to be relevant and something you can look forward to achieving, something that will make you happy. If you fail to set goals for yourself it can cause failure to succeed because than you will not have anything to achieve or satisfy yourself. A goal is like a plan and without a plan or some type of guidance how can you succeed in life ?

  18. Setting goals is an important aspect of an individuals life because goals help you to see where you are presently and where you want to end up to be. Google says that a goal is the object of a person's ambition or effort. Very enlightening indeed. Failure to set goals can end in just total failure in all aspects. If an individual has no goals then they have no meaning or moral. Goals are what guide you to where you need to be. So without a goal or goals your basically nothing, nobody, your existence has no meaning yoiur just taking up space on Earth
    -Travis Williams

  19. A goal that stood out to me is Teresa's goal. I like her goal because in her goal she sets the bar high for herself and doesn't choose something she can do with ease. She also makes it clear with what she wants to do by the end of the second marking period.
    Tyrese S.

  20. The SMART goal that stands out the most to me is Brandon Babb's goal he made his goal right to the point and shows how he wants to improve his annotation grade just like me however I wish he would've put a grade that he would like to receive on his annotation assignments.
    - Anil Rampersaud

  21. Setting goals for yourself and people setting goals for themselves is an important aspect of one's individual life because you want to set a challenge for yourself years on as you grow older in your life. When you complete the goals that you have set, you feel good about yourself completing these goals. you might even get a reward for completing your goals. People also set goals so that when they complete them, you can become a better person than you were before. Setting goals in your life help people get better in life. They help people work harder, stronger, smarter and better.- Levi Gomez

  22. An goal is something one wants to achieve or strive towards in a certain time frame. The reason goal is an important aspect in life is because if you have goals then you have something to work towards. Some of things that must be considered when setting goals is if this goal of your choice is attainable and a time period of when you want to achieve this goal. This meaning if this goal is achievable and you setting a time when you want to achieve this goal. In the goal you must also be specific, measurable, and relevant. An goal can help in shaping progress because you can check in and see if your actually achieving your goal. Lastly, failure to set goals can mean failure to succeed because if you do not set goals then you cant succeed. Also if you don't have a goal then you don't really know what you want to do next in life. - Narinedra Tejsingh
