Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Logical Fallacy in Rhetorical Analysis-Exploring and responding to resources

As we build on our exposure to the unit on Rhetorical Analysis, the concept of a Logical Fallacy is important. Examine the following resources. You may use your note-catcher to capture "Big Ideas" on the topic/concept as you prepare for your original blog posting.


1. In your understanding, how might you define a Logical Fallacy?
2. Are Logical Fallacies important or relevant in your understanding of an argument?
3. Which resource makes this concept clearest for you? Why? 
4. How might you provide your own everyday example of a Logical Fallacy?

Remember to edit your blog posting to correct common errors in writing. Also, do not forget to identify your post for peer editing and peer assessment purposes. Nonetheless, remember to hit "anonymous" in the posting option.

Here are the resources on Logical Fallacy:

Resource #1

Resource #2

Any other resource found on the topic? Include it or share the resource with the class.


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  2. Sebastian Marte
    I would define a logical fallacy is a tool that we can use to prove that their is an error in the piece of writing or person arguments. We use both validity and soundness to come prove that either the person or piece of writing has made an error.Logical fallacies are important and relevant to understanding an argument because it makes sure that we know that what the person is saying/writing is actually correct and not incorrect. The resource that made the concept most clearest to me was resource #1. I find that the way he broke down what a logical fallacy into two of the core concepts, those being soundness and validity, helped me more understand what a logical fallacy is. An example of a logical fallacy in my everyday life would be when i plug in my phone to the charger it should charge, this can sometimes be incorrect because my charger might not be plugged in correctly to the outlet or the cable is not correctly connected to the charging brick

    1. Alexander Malena- I agree with what you said that logical fallacy is a tool used to prove something is wrong or an error in a piece of writing. I also agree that its important because it helps us better understand in an argument what a person saying is correct or incorrect. I also agree that Resource #1 was the most clearest because it broke down what logical fallacy was but I also want to add on and say that logical fallacies take away the strength of your argument if you give off invalid information that doesn't contribute to backing up or persuading someone to agree to your point of view.

    2. Daniel Mohamed
      i agree that logical fallacy is used is use as an appeal to error and invalid reasoning.I like how you stated a real world connection that applies to everyone in their daily life.its a great example because it happens to all of us,and makes us think what you actually did.i also like to agree with you on resource number 1 because of its vague and valid explanation.

    3. Juan Reyes- I agree with Sebastian on how logical fallacy can be used as a tool to prove something wrong and also would like to add on how it can also be used to enhance a writers credibility. I also agree that resource #1 is the clearest as it really explains the concept.

    4. Ivan Lara

      I agree with you that we can use logical fallacy to prove something is wrong in an argument or a writing, and I also agree that resource 1 was the most helpful in making the concept of logical fallacy clear to me. But I feel the example you used is relevant to logical fallacy.

  3. Juan Reyes- After analyzing the resources provided I can now define logical fallacy as a strategy authors use to disprove and contradict a piece of writing. the author achieves this by identifying errors in reasoning, false cause, and etc... To me logical fallacy is very important in a your understanding of an argument because identifying these fallacies serve as a reference to the writing's validity and credibility and this ultimately will allow you the reader to fully experience and understand the argument. The resource that made the concept of logical fallacy clear to me was resource #1 as it explained how it is used and how we can apply it in depth. Now that I understand it I can use it to give validity to my argument and support a possible counter claim therefore further extending my argument

    1. Matthew Smith-I agree with you Juan resource one did explained it best and logical fallacy does help you determine whether the author of a story is credible or not.But I disagree with your last statement I feel that the use of logical fallacy actually makes your argument invalid.I believe this because appeal to invalid reasoning.

    2. Sebastian Marte
      I agree with Juan that resource #1 was the most useful in helping me understand what a logical fallacy is. I also agree with Juan's point that logical fallacy can be use to support ones counter claim and that logical fallacy can also help extend the argument.

  4. Daniel Mohamed
    Logical fallacy is an appeal to invalid or faulty reason that is not to persuade an audience of someone.It is a kind of error in reasoning.It is relevant in understanding an argument because it give someone an actual interpretation about there claim stating why there's are correct.Logical fallacy provides arguments that are used to provide a reason to persuade someone to accept a claim or the conclusion to be true.Resource number 1 was the most useful because it breakdown the term and provided specific examples about logical fallacy.It can be apply to my life because sometimes i can make interpretation about an event and it ending up not being how i wanted to be,like for instance it false advertisement,where they say taking there products will reach your goal,but in reality its your actions that are necessary to be reach your goal and not others.

    1. Alexander Malena-I agree with what you said Daniel Mohammed on Logical fallacy being an appeal to invalid reasoning that is not used to persuade an audience. also Agree that its relevant and important in an argument to prove your claim is correct and I also want to add it can also help you in making sure you don't put invalid reasons or information in your argument so that people wont think it doesn't make sense or has nothing to do with what your writing.

    2. raleek
      i agree with Daniel because i agree that logical fallacy is invalid reasoning and that you ALWAYS NEED TO CHECK FOR LOGICAL FALLACY IN YOUR ARGUMENTS

    3. Anthony Bruce- I agree with you daniel saying that resource 1 being the most useful. Also i liked the way you defined logical fallacy by saying it is "an appeal to invalid or faulty reason that is not to persuade an audience of someone.

    4. Gavin Seebalack- I agree with Daniel saying that resource 1 was most helpful because of all the examples and the way it was broken down. I also agree with his definition of what a logical fallacy is saying that it is a kind of error in reasoning.

    5. Sean Yeribo- I agree with his definition of logical fallacy and his use of support from Resource 1. I also agree with his example of logical fallacy in real life.

  5. Alexander Malena- I would define Logical fallacy as an appeal to invalid or faulty reason that doesn't persuade an audience of someone. Its an error in reasoning that renders an argument invalid. Also called a fallacy, an informal logical fallacy, and an informal fallacy.In a broad sense, all logical fallacies are arguments in which an conclusion doesn't follow logically from what preceded it. logical fallacies are wrong and, simply put, dishonest if you use them knowingly, they take away from the strength of your argument, and The use of logical fallacies can make your readers feel that you do not consider them to be very intelligent. Logical Fallacy is relevant in understanding an argument because it helps us understand and tell what a person is saying/writing is actually correct and not incorrect. Logical Fallacies are a guide to point out when someone is being manipulative and trying to win and boost their ego consciously or subconsciously so they'll say anything that seems to make sense in order to prove to themselves they have an idea of what they're saying without checking if it's valid and sound. The Resource that made the concept Logical Fallacy most clearest to me was Resource #1 because it breaks down Logical Fallacy in order for us to better understand it talking about what a logical argument is a series of statements used to provide reason to persuade someone to accept a claim as true and talking about fallacy a kind of error in reasoning and coming together to say logical fallacy as a whole is a error in reasoning that is invalid in argument because it doesn't persuade an audience and provides specific examples about logical fallacy. Now that I understand Logical Fallacy I apply it to own everyday life in my writing to prove my claim or argument to valid and it persuades someone to believe what im saying/writing is correct or true. And plus it can help me extend my argument so anyone reading my writing can better understand why I write what I write.

    1. Ivan Lara-I disagree with you that logical fallacy doesn't persuade an audience or someone I believe it does even if you are not trying to. I do agree with you that resource number 1 is the best resource for making logical fallacy clear. I also like how in your response you put how resource 1 was helpful to you.

  6. Matthew Smith- i would define logical fallacy is an error in reasoning that renders an argument invalid. Logical Fallacy is relevant in understanding an argument because it helps us understand and tell whether the author is credible or not there logical fallacy may drastically changes your view of the author.The resource that explained this to me was resource one it explained in detail what a logical fallacy was and how authors use them.Here is one example of logical fallacy:He says that his internet is slow, but he is using a PC and not a mac, so that must be the real problem.

    1. Daniel Mohamed
      i totally agree with what you say on how logical fallacy is relevant in understanding an argument and could actually make you change your views of the author's point of view.I liked how you stated the example when he was trying to prove how a macbook internet speed is faster than a pc.That example alone sums up what a logical fallacy is

    2. Juan Reyes- I agree with Matthew Smith on how logical fallacy allows you further understand the argument and develop a clear view on the argument. I also like how you explained and provided an example of what logical fallacy is and how authors can use it.

  7. Aziera Khan- The term logical fallacy can be defined as a series of statements or propositions used to provide reason to persuade someone to accept a claim or conclusion. A logical is relevant or important to an argument because it is intentionally in order to deceive other people which means to believe something that is not true, typically in order to gain some personal advantage.When your in a person head you can make a person do something or believe certain topics, or in this case your argument. A resource that made this certain rhetorical appeal clearest was Resource #1 , this resource was a video that digs deeper on the mechanics of delivering a perfect a logical fallacy argument. This resource also tells me examples where we can compare to real life experiences. A time in my life where i might logical fallacy is when i need to convince my parents to buy something for me, i would use logical fallacy to convince them.

    1. Alliyah Jennings- I agree with your definition of logical fallacy and you used some good points to explain how logical fallacy works and I also used this resource to build my statement.

  8. Matthew Smith- I would define logical fallacy is an error in reasoning that renders an argument invalid. Logical Fallacy is relevant in understanding an argument because it helps us understand and tell whether the author is credible or not there logical fallacy may drastically changes your view of the author.The resource that explained this to me was resource one it explained in detail what a logical fallacy is, how a author use them and the different types of fallacy which are:appeal to popularity,No true Scotsman and Affirming the Consequences fallacy.Here are a few example of logical fallacy:He says that his internet is slow, but he is using a PC and not a mac, so that must be the real problem.Of Course,Donald Trump is a fool.If he wasn't,then there wouldn't be so many people who believe it-Appeal to Popularity.Person A:You mustn't be an a american because Americans don't eat healthy.Person B:But I am American.Person A: Well no true american would eat healthy-No true Scotsman. Johnny i told you a million times to stop playing video games because your grades will slip.I see that your grades have slipped so you must have been on the games-Affirming the Consequence.

    1. Sebastian Marte
      I agree with your definition of a logical fallacy. I also like how you talked about bandwagon and how people would reason only with things that they know but they are incorrect on their statement. Also like how you put examples of logical fallacy's and didn't just stick with the question that were asked.

    2. Ryan Sookraj-I agree with your definition of logical fallacy.I like how you included the different types of fallacies and provided examples to show what the look like when used in an argument.

  9. Akeem Olakunle

    Logical fallacy is a very important part of how arguments are viewed because it tells whenever or not someone's argument have use false logic or evidence to back up their claim because of being unintentionally uninformed and the purposefully appealing to ignorance which will lead to straw-mans, slippery slopes, false causes, bandwagon, and other false logical arguments types. What make Logical fallacies can appear true because of Popularity(Ethos), If-Then situations, and "Because I have done it, its true/ How would you know?" arguments. It is important to know logical fallacies in order to never use it in your claims or during a argument because someone can simple call that out and your whole or most of what you say goes down the drain, and people might not take what you say as true or think you are uneducated on the matter. Resource #1 help me the most to understand most of what logical fallacies are because the video explain and give very good examples of different types of logical fallacies. Logical fallacy for me in everyday life would be like when I talk about controversial topics with my friends or family and either one of us will create a argument to destroy easily with there argument and it not having anything to do with my argument(Straw man) or join on a side of a argument because most people are(Bandwagon).


    Logical fallacy is the use of invalid or otherwise faulty reasoning or wrong moves in the construction of an arguments. Logical fallacy is very important because it will help you develop the vocabulary and skills needed to better evaluate arguments. I found resource #1 most useful because it allowed to view logical fallacy step by step and show me connections of how logical fallacy is used today. A way for me to use logical fallacy today in the real world is by persuading a person to do something for me or give me something, that's where logical fallacy would come in.

    1. Seon Vaughn- I agree with your definition and I like how you provided that Logical Fallacy can help you develop skills to prove your argument. One thing you could've done better is explain more on how the resource helped you.

    2. Davi Gurcharran
      I agree with your definition on Logical Fallacy and I like how you used an example to show how you could use Logical Fallacy in your everyday life.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Jalen Jones- I agree with your definition of logical fallacy. I also agree that logical fallacies are very relevant when understanding an argument because it gives the audience an advantage to critically judge the author's work instead of being persuaded by the author's ideas. I wish you could have provided more information on which resource boarded your understanding of logical fallacy and an example of it in your everyday life to strengthen your argument.

    2. Seon Vaughn - I agree with your definition and that logical fallacies are relevant when understanding an argument because any important fact can change a persons point of view of the topic and make them think or say otherwise. One thing you could've done better is provide more information and explain how you use it in your everyday life.

  12. Anthony Bruce- Logical fallacy is an error in reasoning that renders an argument invalid. Logical fallacies are important in your understanding of an argument because then you would be able to fix an invalid argument that is not true. Also it makes sure that we know what the Author is talking about and whether it is true or not. The resource that made me understand logical fallacy the clearest was resource #1. The reason why I chose this resource because it provided the most information to me and also they gave me examples to make me understand logical fallacies more clear. My own everyday example of a logical fallacy is me trying to convince my parents not to go to school. This is logical fallacy because i am trying to convince them to make me stay home with a valid reason. Clearly logical fallacy can be used in different ways

    1. Travis Turner - I agree with Anthony explanation of logical fallacy because he gave good reasoning why it is important and how it could also take place in real life. I would've liked for him to give more details on the task because this explanation was great and it gave me a better understanding.

    2. Davi Gurcharran
      I agree with your defintion on Logical Fallacy also how you used evidence to prove your point and how you used an example of you using Logical Fallacy on a everyday basis.

  13. Kevin Martinez- I would define logical fallacy as the fault in the reasoning to get to a conclusion. Logical fallacies are important in an understanding in a argument because in an argument, you must understand peoples reasoning in order to spot their faults and correct them and also make your argument better and stronger and/or change the opposing sides argument into the same as yours. Resource 1 makes logical fallacies much clearer because it gives easy examples and gives visuals to help you understand. I can prove my everyday example of logical fallacy by explaining arguing with someone, they can have a different way of explaining something as me but we still come up with the same conclusion.

    1. Kimberly Bueno - I agree with Kevin's explanation of logical fallacy since it's similar to mines and he used examples of ways that it is unintentionally used in real life. He also explained why Resource #1 was helpful, and I also agree since it gave visual examples to make the definition clearer to us.

  14. Nathaniel Rodriguez- I define logical fallacy as false reasoning and facts that someone uses in a argument to persuade someone of something. They use this in order to get someone to agree with their conclusion. Logical fallacies are important because it helps someone to correct and fix a false argument in order to make it better. Resource 1 was the most helpful because it gave plenty of examples of what logical fallacies actually are and why they are so important. An everyday example of logical fallacy is when I'm in English class because there is a lot of stuff that we argue about, especially in philosophical chair.

    1. Gavin Seebalack
      I agree with Nathaniel because his definition was similar to my definition and we had the same understanding of what a logical fallacy was. Also we agreed upon the fact that resource 1 was most helpful because of all the examples given.

    2. Jalen Jones- I agree with your understanding of a logical fallacy and how the intended audience can use it as a tool to poke holes in the author's argument, requiring the author to put forth a stronger argument to persuade their audience of their argument. I also agree that Resource #1 was the most helpful because of the detailed breakdown in provided to its viewers on logical fallacy.

  15. Ivan Lara

    I would define a logical fallacy as an error in reasoning for persuading someone into agreement or acceptance of a claim or conclusion. Logical fallacy is very important in my understanding of an argument because in order to fully understand an argument you have to know all the arguments strong points and weak points which include false information it also lets me know if the author is creditable or not. The resource that made this concept the clearest for me is resource #1.I say this because I like the way the creator of the video laid out the information and how he explained what a logical fallacy is. An example of me using logical fallacy in everyday life is when I am in my Ela class we always have different arguments about different things and it is our job to find the weak spots in their argument to make ours even better.

    1. Sambhav Banstola

      I agree with you where you said that the logical fallacy is very important because how it helps you fully understand an argument by letting us know all the strong and weak points of the argument.

    2. Ryan Sookraj-I agree with the definition you have about logical fallacy and what you said on how it was important to fully understand the argument and the strong and weak points in it.

  16. Gavin Seebalack
    Logical fallacy would be defined as a tool that is used to prove that there is an error in a piece of writing or someone's argument. Logical fallacy is using false reasoning and false facts to persuade someone of something. Logical fallacy is important in my understanding of an argument because if you want to fully understand an argument you would need to know the strong points and weak points of the argument, that also has the false facts and it will lead us to justify if the author is credible or not. If the facts aren't correct, then we wouldn't be able to agree with the argument. The resource that made the concept most clearest to me was resource #1. Resource 1 was most clearest because he broke down what a logical fallacy into two of the core concepts, which were soundness and validity. By breaking it down into different concepts, it helped me understand what a logical fallacy was even more. An everyday example of logical fallacy would be when I would plug in my phone to charge thinking it will charge, but in reality the plug wasn't plugged into the wall, hence my phone being dead in the morning. This is an example of logical fallacy because I would argue that the it was plugged into the wall outlet but it wasn't and I would blame the charger and not the charger being plugged in.

    1. Kimberly Bueno - I agree with Gavin regarding the meaning of logical fallacy and how it might affect an argument. Logical fallacy helps readers to identify the weak points of an argument which could be used to their advantage, but it could also harm the writers in their claims (which affects their validity). I liked your example regarding resource #1 (on soundness and validity) but am kind of confused on the charger example. But that might just be me.

  17. Jalen Jones- In my understanding, a logical fallacy is a useful tool used to find an error of reasoning in an author’s writing piece or claim that was intended to persuade an audience into accepting their specific claim as the truth based on the details provided . Logical Fallacies are important in understanding an argument because it gives the intended audience an advantage to fully understand and critique the author’s reasoning for their claim such as the evidence and examples they provided to determine whether the author is a credible or incredible source.The resource that makes this concept most clearest to me is Resource #1 which is the video titled “ What is a Logical Fallacy?” by Chaosism. This resource was the most clearest to me because he gave a detailed breakdown on how to determine the worth of logical fallacy by looking at the validity and soundness of that argument. He executed this by providing definitions of the two words (soundness and validity), giving an example on how to identify the logical fallacy in an argument based on its soundness and validity and explaining the importance of soundness and validity in that specific argument in order for the audience to determine whether the argument is a logical fallacy. In my opinion, this resource gave me full clarity on logical fallacy and how it can be easily be overlooked when determining whether the author is a credible source or not because of the use of other rhetorical appeals in order to persuade the reader on that argument . An example of a logical fallacy in my everyday life is if I had blame someone for eating my leftover food that I intended to eat when I got home from school forgetting that I ate it the previous day. This is an example of logical fallacy because I would blame the person for eating my food that I left back disregarding the fact that I ate it the previous day.

    1. Alliyah Jennings
      I agree with your definition of logical fallacy and I also found resource #1 as a helpful and the most clearest one because it was a lot of good reasoning and it was broken down for a better understanding.

  18. Alliyah Jennings
    Logical fallacy is a tool that is used to find the error of reasoning which renders in an invalid argument.Logical fallacy is important from my understanding because it shows you need to have strong and weak points in a argument, it helps you develop the skills and vocabulary that is needed to build a better argument.The resource I used to help me get a better understanding was resource #1 it seemed to be the most clearest one. This resource was very detailed and he broke it down the point and definition of an logical fallacy into two concepts,which were soundness and validity.My own everyday logical fallacy will be convincing someone to do something for me and giving the some "okay points" that will be considered as logical fallacy.

    1. Kimberly Bueno - I agree with your explanation of what logical fallacy is and like how you used an everyday example in how logical fallacies occur in your own life. Maybe you could use more examples in the future (regarding your resources) to make your paragraph even stronger.

  19. Travis Turner
    In my understanding Logical fallacy is a tool used to find the error of reasoning or someone arguments.Logical fallacy is important in my understanding of an argument because if you want to fully understand an argument you would need to know the strong points and weak points of the argument, that also has the false facts and it will lead us to justify if the author is credible or not. This resource was the most clearest to me because he gave a detailed breakdown on how to determine the worth of logical fallacy by looking at the validity and soundness of that argument. An example of a logical fallacy in my everyday life is if someone drink my juice that I intended to drink later on when I'm home.

  20. Walisha William-I have the notion that Logical Fallacy(error in reasoning) is a technique created unintentionally or intentionally where people provide information to commit the act of persuading someone’s mind into believing something is true. Logical fallacies are Important in an argument because persuaders use facts, reasoning and logic to prove their points which require s all rhetorical devices to convince people that their arguments are valid even if it's not true.Understanding logical fallacies can help students evaluate the authors credibility. The resource that was the clearest to me was resource #1 because it made me realize everyone uses this technique unintentionally.Resource #1 helped me understand why authors also incorporate logical fallacy, authors use this technique to make you feel the way an author wants you to feel. I use logical fallacy almost daily without noticing.For example logical fallacy is used daily when we state things like "The Appeal to Nature. We hear all the time “that’s not natural” or “it is good for you because it’s natural.” This is an example of logical fallacy because not all things from nature are right or good.

    1. Kimberly Bueno - I agree with you in the sense that logical fallacy could be used intentionally or unintentionally and that it can help readers analyze the author/speaker's credibility. It is good to know this rhetorical strategy to be more cautious when writing our own work and it also helps us identify if an author is credible or not. Also, I understand how Resource #1 can be more helpful to us than I originally thought, since we all use the technique unintentionally but never knew it.

  21. Seon Vaughn
    My understanding of Logical Fallacy is a kind of error in reasoning in a argument. People use this to get someone to get agree with there statement or conclusion. Logical Fallacies are important because it helps the person use facts and reasoning to prove their position, and helps develop many skills to construct a better argument. I used resource 1 as my source because it gave me a better understanding on what is Logical Fallacies and how it should be used in an argument.An example of Logical Fallacy in my everyday life is when I'm having an argument about something with someone but we end up having the same conclusion at the end.

  22. Davi Gurcharran
    Due to my understanding of a Logical Fallacy it is an error in reasoning that renders an argument invalid. Logical fallacies are problems in the way that a writer has constructed an argument. It is important is that you're able to spot and fix a flawed argument when you've made one. Resource #1 made this clear to me because the video stated what a logical fallacy is and what is it used for. An example of Logical Fallacy is "We can either come to an agreement with Tom's plan or just fail there is no other option".

  23. Kimberly Bueno ~
    Based on my understanding, I would define logical fallacy as an error in reasoning (argumentation) that renders an argument invalid. It weakens an argument so writers should steer clear from it and readers can use this as a tool to analyze the speaker's credibility. They are often persuasive though, so writers could also take advantage of that. Logical fallacies are important in my understanding of an argument because it shows the weak areas in an argument and where you can fix them if you're the writer. Resource #2 makes this concept clearest for me because in the video, the Jill Bearup uses many examples that are straightforward and easy to understand. I understand the context of this rhetorical strategy and how to avoid it. A common example of logical fallacy might be when you're having a discussion with someone and you disprove their argument because it's incorrect or they might fail to have facts to back it up.

  24. Sean Yeribo-
    Logical fallacy can be defined as an error in reasoning that causes an argument to be invalid or flawed. Logical fallacies are very important to my understanding of an argument because every detail of an argument is vital and the smallest bits of information can determine the complete outcome of a person's acceptance or viewpoint of that argument. Resource 2 makes this the most clear for me because in the video, there are many examples of common logical fallacies that determined an outcome that probably wasn't necessarily true and are explained in a very simple way. One everyday example of logical fallacy is when someone determines an argument is wrong because of who said it rather than getting into the facts of the argument.

  25. Ryan Sookraj-I would define logical fallacy as an error is reasoning that makes an argument invalid.Logical fallacies are important because it helps you understand the other persons argument and spot the strong and weak points in the argument.Resource 1 made the concept the clearest because it explains what a logical fallacy is and it shows different types of fallacies and how they could look in an argument.An example of a logical fallacy used in everyday life would be a bandwagon "everyone is wearing Air Jordans therefore I need to get them"

  26. Sambhav Banstola

    I believe that Logical Fallacy is a faulty reasoning or a breakdown in the logic of an argument. I think that Logical Fallacy is important in an argument because fallacies are a guide to point out when someone is being manipulative and trying to win and boost their ego (consciously or subconsciously) so they'll say anything that seems to make sense in order to prove to themselves they have an idea of what they're saying without checking if it's valid and sound. To me I think that resource#1 helped me the most because how the person breaks down the video and explains each part, that helped me understand what he was talking about easily. For example a fast food company advertising how many people consume their product everyday so you should also start eating their products.

  27. Trayvion Adams
    Id define a logical fallacy as a tool that we can be used to show that there is an error in a piece of writing which makes an argument invalid. Logical fallacies are important because it enables you to understand a persons strength and weakness in a piece of writing. Resource 1 in my opinion made the concept clearest because while explaining what logical fallacy is it also showed different examples of logical fallacy being used. A good example of a logical fallacy in everyday life is "designer clothing looks cool so i must have them".

  28. Malikiya Richards- Based on my knowledge Logical Fallacy is an error in reasoning that invalidate the argument. logic which is reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity. And fallacy is a mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound argument. In my understanding Logical Fallacy are relevant because it shows us the different effects of the person argument. Resource #1 was the most helpful because in the video they broke down what logical fallacy is and the different examples that came with it. An example of using logical fallacy in my everyday life would be discussing on wich colleges would be good for me and their negative and postive effects.
