Sunday, January 13, 2019

The Rhetorical Analysis Essay-Resources and Blog Prompt for January 14th, 2019

Either work with a buddy or work independently to explore the following resources that will help you to prepare for writing the Rhetorical Analysis Essay. Do some Note-Catching on your Cornell Note template as you explore the resources. Please feel free to research other resources especially the ones suggested as secondary sources in the videos you examined.

Having examined these, review the blog rubric as you prepare your responses on the following blog activity. Please remember the guidelines for posting the blogs which also includes meaningfully responses to at least one other student's blog posting. The blog task is at the end of the resource list.

Resource #1 Ideas on how to write the Rhetorical Essay

Resource #2 on how to Explain Rhetorical Strategies to prepare for writing the Rhetorical Essay

Resource #3 Approach or Strategy for analyzing the Rhetorical Device Prompt

Blog Task: ( All Blog postings and responses are due by Wednesday, Jan 16th, 2019 end of the period.

Having examined the resources on the Rhetorical Analysis essay, how are you better prepared to successfully attempt this task? What do you consider to be your strong points in approaching such a task? Where might you still require assistance in building your confidence? Which resource from the list works best for you? Explain why. Finally, some people believe that the AP tasks should be considered the tasks that students should work towards to show mastery of skills rather than the regents exams. What's your position on this? Why?  


  1. Alexander Malena- I am better prepared to successfully attempt this rhetorical analysis task because i know more information about the goal of this rhetorical analysis essay that its to analyze the purpose and choices of the author and develop your analysis with evidence and commentary and i know the structure of the essay of first the introduction background and thesis along with the overall claim and the body paragraphs which you describe the strategies the author uses with evidence of him using it in the text and explaining why uses it and conclusion.My strong points in approaching a task like this is im able to break down what each part of the text is about which is essential when writing an rhetorical analysis essay because you need to know how the author writes and another strong point is showing off my language skills basically showing what type of writer i am when writing a rhetorical analysis essay.I would require assistance in knowing why the author uses that strategy and avoiding explaining the evidence like he uses it "to get his point across" or "to just make a point".Resource#1 works best for me because it gives me a insight to what a rhetorical analysis essay is and the main goal for writing an rhetorical analysis essay and it gives me the information about it structure like how its set up so when your about to write an essay like this one you would already know what to do and be ready to what your writing about.I feel the same way that AP tasks should be considered the tasks that students should work towards to show mastery of skills rather than the regents exams because regents exams to me are considered to be basic tasks to work towards to gain skills for high school level work while AP tasks encourage students to work more harder and go beyond the work their doing already because AP is college level and requires you to be the best you can be applying yourself more to use your skills and to genrate new skills which is essential to be college and career ready and AP tasks requires you to step up to the plate when comes to do work like writing rhetorical analysis essays and learning how an author writes and strengthens your abilites to become a better student.

    1. Ivan Lara

      I agree with you that AP tasks require you to be the best you can be but I think you should add that it pushes the boundaries on how a student analyzes a text and writes an essay which will help them get to college level at a faster pace

    2. Matthew Smith
      I agree that the ap task requires a higher level of skill and hard work but I also belive that the regents exams are a good way to test the base line skills of students

    3. Bernaldo Scudder
      I agree with you that the AP Rhetorical analysis task requires a greater level of thinking and much more work to change a "good essay" to a "great essay". This allows students to push past their boundaries and reach a college level faster than most others. I also that because of this AP task it allows students to be more experienced for the regents exam they will have to take.

  2. Raleek brown
    I am prepared for this task of a rhetorical analysis due to the videos I watched and I now know how to write a good rhetorical analysis essay. after watching video #2 it talks about rhetorical strategies to help me prepare to write this essay. 1 thing I didn't know was that using different strategies has to not only affect the author/ reader but also has to get the audience to feel something. they had to feel a connection towards not just with the text nut with the devices used in the text such as examples, compare and contrast, and claim. these video has better prepare me not only for my essay but in the future for when I need to use this for college and to make me a better student.

    1. Sebastian Marte
      I agree with your point that only does the rhetorical device affect the reader/author but that it as well creates a connection between the reader and the piece of writing.

    2. Juan Reyes- I agree with your point that the rhetorical devices not only help the author explain but help build a connection with the reader and help you understand the authors reasoning.

  3. Ivan Lara

    After reviewing the resources on the rhetorical analysis assay I am better prepared to successfully attempt this task because I know what points I need to make sure are in the essay and how to use information from the text to back it up. I know how to analyze the rhetorical strategies and how to explain how it works how it was used in the text. My strong points in approaching this task is first explaining what rhetorical strategies are and then explaining which ones are used in the text. Another strong point I would use to approach this task is how the strategies helped the reader back up and explain his/her claim. Somewhere where I would require assistance is why the author used that certain strategy to explain that part of his claim. The resource that works best for me in that list is the 1st choice because the video goes straight to the point and shows me the things I must include and the most important parts to writing a rhetorical essay. I believe that AP tasks should be considered the tasks that students should work towards to show mastery of skills because they make you learn strategies to better analyze and explain the text and strengthens your ability to figure out the strategies or devices used in the text

  4. Alexander Malena-I agree with Ivan's statement that the strong points in approaching a rhetorical analysis task is first explaining what rhetorical strategies are and then explaining which ones are used and another strong point is how the strategies helped the reader back up and explain his/her claim. but i think you need to add that a strong point in approaching this task is to break down what each part of the text is about. I also agree that AP tasks should be considered the tasks that students should work on because it makes you learn strategies to better analyze and explain the text and strengthens your ability to figure out the strategies or devices used but i feel you need to add it encourages students to apply themselves to do college level work and go beyond their comfort zone in writing.

  5. Nailiya Johnson

    After examining the recourses giving on the rhetorical analysis essay I am better prepared for this takes because I now know what is expected in the essay as well as the structure. My strong points in approaching this task would be being able to Identify the author strategies used to appeal or persuade its readers as well as being able to analyze the author purpose and choice. I may still require assistance on understanding more better as to why the author chose that particular strategy to use. Resource #1 is best for me because it goes into detail and breaks down the structure of how to write an rhetorical essay as well as how point out the strategy the author is using. I agree that this AP task should be considered the task that students work towards to show mastery of the sills rather than the regents because it allow students to become more open and aware of the different types of strategies an author can use along with knowing how to use them where, when and how.

    1. I fully agree with you , looking at resource #1 it helps alot. It explains everything you need to know in order to ace a rhetorical analysis. I feel like your response hits your point, and we can understand were your coming from

    2. Jalen Jones- I agree with you that using Resource #1 is the best resource to use because the video went into full detail on how to write a rhetorical analysis essay and even gave an outline that listed each part of the rhetorical analysis essay. I also agree that AP task like this one should be considered the task that students work towards to show mastery of the sills rather than the regents because it allows students to become more aware of the strategies an author can use in the text.

  6. Matthew Smith
    I belive I am better prepared to successfully attempt this rhetorical analysis task because i know more information about the goal of this rhetorical analysis essay that its to analyze the purpose and choices of the author and develop your analysis with evidence and commentary.My strong points in approaching a task like this is that I am able to break down what each part of the text with the help of my template which essential when writing an rhetorical analysis essay because you need to know how the essay is supposed to be written.I would require assistance in knowing why the author uses that strategy and avoiding explaining the evidence like he uses it "to get his point across" or "to just make a point. I feel no resource was sufficient in explaining in detail and simply how to truly explain why the author uses the rhetorical device or what effect it has on the reader.I feel that AP tasks should be considered the tasks that students should work towards to show mastery of skills rather than the regents exams even though for most people working towards the regents exam is also a hard goal to achieve although AP is college level and requires you to be the best you can be applying yourself more to use your skills and to genrate new skills which is essential to be college and career ready and AP tasks requires you to step up to the plate when comes to do work like writing rhetorical analysis essays and learning how an author writes and strengthens your abilites to become a better student.

    1. Jalen Jones -I agree that AP tasks allows student to apply themselves more to generate new skills which is essential to be college and career ready but on the other hand, I feel that the video resources provided evidence that was very essential to understanding and writing this task.

    2. Daniel Mohamed
      i agree the ap task is necessary and pushes students more than the unnecessary regents.For the most part i agree with you Matthew

  7. Aziera Khan
    Reading, watching and rhetorical analysis task taking notes i feel like i know more information about the goal of this rhetorical analysis essay that its to analyze the purpose and choices of the author and develop your analysis with evidence and commentary. These videos has shown me how to organize an rhetorical essay so I can ace it the first time. My strong points in approaching a task is im able to break down what each part of the text.When i break down the text, it sends me the key points.I would require assistance in knowing why the author uses that strategy. And explaining the evidence like he uses it to give the main point.or "Resource#1 works best for me because it gives me what a rhetorical analysis essay is and the main goal. I feel the same way that AP tasks should be considered the tasks that students should work towards to show mastery of skills rather than the regents exams because AP work is work where we advance and it gives students a top notch of thinking and knowledge. It lets us students in english distinguish higher level of thinking and challenges.

  8. Jalen Jones - After reviewing the resources on the rhetorical analysis assay I am better prepared to successfully attempt this task because the videos gave me a better understanding of how a rhetorical essay is written and the key components in writing a rhetorical essay.My strong points in approaching this task would be being able to identify how the author uses persuasion methods to prove his/her standpoint throughout the text. I may still require assistance on understanding why the author uses this strategy to bring out his main points instead of having the readers formulating their own ideas. Resource #1 works best for me because it gave me an outline of the introduction and the body of the rhetorical essay and the main goal of writing a rhetorical essay . I feel the same way that AP task should be considered task that students should work towards to show mastery of skills rather than the regents exam because AP work allows students to become rigorous thinkers which allows students produce their best work and differentiate the different devices an author can use in a literary piece like this one.

    1. Malikiya Richards-I agree on how the video also provided me information on how rhetorical analysis essay works with providing me steps and the key components on writing the essay. video #1 also helped me which gave me an outline for what each paragraph needs such as introduction, body and claim

    2. jalen hiers i agree the video gave me the components needed in order for me to complete the rhetorical essay. and video 1 was the best video for giving information because it showed me a outline of the intro 3 bodys ans conclusion.

  9. Sebastian Marte
    Having examined the resources on the Rhetorical Analysis essay, i am better prepared to successfully attempt this task because now i have more knowledge on how to write the rhetorical essay. I have learned all the aspects that are necessary to write a rhetorical essay on the AP/college level. I learn about how to make the essay more interesting to the specific age group that it is intended towards. I believe that my strongest point in approaching such a task is being able to see what type of rhetorical device the author was using. This is helpful because it helps more deeply understand what the purpose of the story is and to better analyze the author intends. I believe that my point where i require some more assistance in better understanding how to lay out the paragraphs and making them more coherent with one another. From the resources that were provided to us, i found that the Resource #1 Ideas on how to write the Rhetorical Essay was the most useful for me.I found that this was the most helpful for me because i gave me a clear introduction on what a rhetorical essay is and it helped me understand it better.
    As far as my position on that some people believe that the AP tasks should be considered the tasks that students should work towards to show mastery of skills rather than the regents exams, i agree with it because i believe that it shows that a certain person actually understands the essay in a more deep way.

  10. Nailiya Johnson
    I agree with you that this AP task will encourage students more and help them become more comfortable with writing an rhetorical essay in the future. As well as helping students write on a college level with new skill.

  11. Anthony Bruce- After watching the videos on the rhetorical analysis essay i am better prepared to successfully attempt this task because the videos taught me new strategies that i didn't know before, for example it taught me how the author writes and also how to develop the analysis with evidence and commentary. My strongest point when doing this task was explaining my evidence that i wrote to support my claim and breaking down what each part of the text is about. One thing i need assistance in is finding evidence to support my claim and why the author uses the rhetorical strategies and how it affects the audience. The first video was best for me because it went into very much details to make me understand explaining strategies better. Lastly i agree that AP task are the task that students should use to gain mastery skills instead of regents exams because its helps students to apply themselves in doing college ready work.

  12. Gavin Seebalack

    After examining the resources on the rhetorical analysis essay, I am better prepared to write a rhetorical analysis essay. After reviewing the resources about the rhetorical analysis essay, i have gained the skills and knowledge needed to be able to write one of these essays in a proper manner. I know more about the goal of this rhetorical essay and I can analyze the purpose and choices of the author, then develop my analysis with evidence and commentary. My strong points in approaching this task would be what rhetorical strategies the author uses and how know what the strategies are in the story. I may still require assistance in knowing why the author uses that specific rhetorical strategy. Resource number 1 works the best for me because i learned how to structure my rhetorical analysis essay and i gained knowledge on what to put in every paragraph. it also helped me develop my analysis with evidence and commentary, and i also know not to summarize what the author says. I feel the same way that AP task should be considered task that students should work towards to show mastery of skills rather than the regents exam because in an AP task, the student gets to show the skills they mastered and the knowledge they have on the task. Unlike regents, students will have to distinguish a higher level of thinking and overcome the tougher challenges in the AP tasks.

    1. Nathaniel Rodriguez- I agree with you that resource one is the best because it shows what rhetorical strategies are and what structures a rhetorical essay. I also agree that both regents and AP tasks require a higher level of skill

  13. Sambhav Banstola

    After reviewing the recourses on the rhetorical analysis assay now I know what is expected in a essay as well as the structure of it. My strong points in approaching this task
    would be being able to Identify the author strategies used to appeal or persuade its readers as well as being able to analyze the author purpose and choice.My another strong point
    is that I would use to approach this task is how the strategies helped the reader back up and explain his/her claim.Somewhere where I would require assistance is on knowing the
    strategy's purpose. I believe that AP and other advanced tasks should be considered the tasks that students should work towards to show mastery of skills because they make you
    learn strategies to better analyze and explain the text and strengthens your ability to figure out the strategies or devices used in the text.

    1. Travis Turner - I agree that you should always identify the author strategies because it will help you to understand the author's purpose."My strong points in approaching this task
      would be being able to Identify the author strategies used to appeal or persuade its readers as well as being able to analyze the author purpose and choice."

  14. Nathaniel Rodriguez- After examining the resources on the rhetorical analysis essay, I am better prepared to successfully attempt this task because I learned what rhetorical strategies are through the video. The videos helped me understand what rhetorical strategies are and how to use them in an essay. I understand that the professor uses strategies such as examples, claims, and compare and contrast to prove his point that television is ruining the youth. My strong points in this task is identifying the professor's claim and what he is trying to tell the audience. Another strong point in completing this task is that I am able to identify the strategy that the writer used. I may still need assistance in explaining why the writer used these points. The writer is not going to use a strategy just to use it. The resource that works best for me is the claim. This is the easiest resource for me is claim because its easier to see what the author is trying to say. Once you see what the author is trying to say, than this is the claim. Finally, I believe in the AP tasks claim. If a student does different AP tasks, than this will train the student into becoming a better writer and to better use rhetorical strategies in an essay. AP tasks require a higher level of skills, just as the regents. So if you excel in AP tasks, than you should be able to excel in the regents exam.

    1. Gavin Seebalack

      I agree with Nathaniel that after reviewing the resources that I am better prepared to write this rhetorical analysis essay because I also learned about rhetorical strategies. I've learned alot from these resources.

    2. Kimberly Bueno - I agree with your comment, the videos did help us learn more about rhetorical strategies and how to put them to use. It was easier to complete the essay with the knowledge of rhetorical strategies.

  15. jalen hiers- after watching the video based on the rhetorical essay im better equip to tactical the rhetorical analysis essay. because the video gave me better knowledge of how to write a rhetorical essay with the resources given. in the video it taught me to analyze the purpose and choice of the author.also to go in depth when explaining my questions as well interpret on how the strategy made the audience and reader react or respond. video 1 gave me a better understanding because it showed me the outline of the intro what needs to be done. as well as the body and the conclusion. i agree that the ap task should be the task students work towards instead of the regents because i believe rhetorical essay helps students think better work harder to analyze the the choices of the author and also differentiate the different devices the author uses in a literary piece as they tactical the task.

  16. Kimberly Bueno -

    After examining the resources provided, I am better prepared to attempt this task because I know what makes a strong college level essay and I also know what makes an essay worse (and what language to avoid). I know what teachers are looking for, such as detailed body paragraphs and I also learned how to effectively analyze the purpose and choices of the author. For example, video #1 shows us how a rhetorical essay should have at least 5 paragraphs and that the thesis could start with how the (author) backs up their (purpose) through the (writers decision). These resources help us students to understand how to analyze texts better, and how to work towards a college level response. I consider my strong points to be explaining evidence and developing it's meaning, to make a strong detailed essay. I still need to work on my time management skills during exams. In my case, resource 1 works the best for me because it is simple, straightforward, and has text (for visual learners) so it's easy for me to understand. I agree with the idea that AP tasks should be considered the tasks that students should work towards for their own enrichment instead of because they are legally forced to. Many students grow up despising school because they feel that they are manipulated to learn only to able to pass exams, instead of for their own personal growth. It doesn't matter if they if they try their best or if they have bad memory, if they don't pass these exam (State exams/Regents), they feel as if they have no value and the education system doesn't hesitate to leave them back. This doesn't prepare them for the real world, it prepares them for disappointment. In the "real world" there won't be regents exams to measure how much you've memorized in a subject. That is why agree with the concept that AP tasks (or any type of learning) should be for a student's self improvement for the future, and not just for an exam.

  17. Davi Gurcharran - By taking notes and watching videos I feel that I have more knowledge about Rhetorical essay and it also gave me a better understanding of how to write a rhetorical essay. One thing I consider in being a strong point in approaching a task is being organized in how I will write the essay and what points will be used. One place I still need improvement is explaining the main idea way more and elaborating more in my body paragraphs. Resource #1 works best for me only because organizing the ideas on how to write a rhetorical essay works best for me. The AP task wants you to be the best you can be at whatever you do regardless of any situatuion.

  18. Alliyah Jennings- I am prepared to successfully to attempt this rhetorical task because after watching & reading resources on this topic I got a better understanding of what to do.My strong points in approaching this task is to identify the rhetorical devices,which the author uses to convey/persuade readers.I would still require assistance to get why this specific strategy was being used and does not use evidence to prove his argument/point.Resource #2 works best for me because it explain the strategy how it works & the goal of this strategy.I feel that the AP task should be consider a task that students work towards to show mastery skills rather than the regents exam because it give the students to strengthen writing skills and have a higher education.These skills can prepare you for college and career readiness.

    1. Jeremy Moranta- I agree with you because I also got a better understanding after watching and reading the videos. Also i say the AP is more important to because as time goes along you will get better at what you doing but the regent requires you to try to remember everything you learned throughout the year.

  19. Seon Vaughn-By reviewing and watching the resources on the Rhetorical analysis essay,i know more information to successfully accomplish this task because the videos gave me an idea and better understanding on how this essay should be well developed and written. My strong point in approaching this task would be being able to organize and break down parts of the text.By breaking it down, gives me better knowledge on what the text is about. The resource that helped me the most is Resource#1.It talked about organization and that's one of my strengths.

  20. Daniel Mohamed-after reviewing the videos and searching online for more information about rhetorical analysis essay,I"m prepared to attempt this task because i now know the steps and different approach on how to successfully write a rhetorical analysis essay.My strong points is being able to break each part of the essay into different section and being able to explain and inform what each part talks about.I may still need resistance on how the author try to use different techniques such as persuading the readers and being able to find the main goal to analyze the purpose and different choices written throughout the essay.The most helpful resources in my opinion was #1 because it provides basic information such as how the essay is set up and divided and most importantly the goal of the essay.i feel that AP task should be considered a task that students should work towards to show mastering of skills rather than regents exam because AP task allow students the dig deeper into different text and being able to have a better understanding by using different strategies to provide an efficient answer.

  21. Travis Turner - After reading and watching the resources on the rhetorical analysis essay, I am positive that I'm prepare to attempt this task because these resources gave me a better understanding of how a rhetorical essay is written and the key components on writing a rhetorical essay.One thing I learned was that using different strategies has to not only affect the author/ reader but also has to get the audience to feel something.My strong point in approaching a task that I'm able to break down by supporting it with evidence and elaborating on it. I feel the same way that AP task should be considered task that students should work towards to show mastery of skills rather than the regents exam because AP work allows students to become rigorous thinkers which helps them to write a stronger essay that actually makes sense.

    1. Sambhav Banstola

      I agree with Travis that using different strategies has to not only affect the author/ reader but also has to get the audience to feel something.

  22. Juan Reyes- After watching and taking notes on the resources provided i now understand the concept of writing a rhetorical analysis. The videos explained how to start and finish a analysis. And after taking notes I also understand how to find the rhetorical devices used. I now believe that i can successfully complete the task and analyze at an AP level. My strengths are finding the rhetorical devices used. My weakness is explaining the rhetorical devices purpose.

  23. Jeremy Moranta- I am better prepared to attempt this task because of the videos we saw on the blog. Also I learned some outside information out of class to have a better understanding of what really is a rhetorical analysis so I can do a much better job on this task.
    The videos helped me understand how a rhetorical strategy is used in a essay.
    I feel like my strong points in approaching the tasks are that im good at finding great supporting details and also I think i would be good at rhetorical analysis writing because i feel like i could convince people pretty good.
    I feel like i still need some assistance in using stronger vocabulary and finding a way to gain the audience attention.
    I feel like i can become better at explaining my details for a better understanding.
    I say examples would work best for me because im good at finding examples. I feel like the AP tasks are more important in showing your improvement because as time goes on you can see the improvement and you will understand things much better but when you take the regents you may forget alot of stuff because the regent is about everything you learned throughout the year.

  24. Malikiya richards - After watching the three Rhetorical Analysis essay i have a better understanding on the writing strategy.My strong points would be finding supportive details for my essay. I learned that they're different steps to the rhetorical analysis essay which is finding out what each paragraph will be about,How to find the rhetorical device, and the triangle. the triangle have three important points which is the Audience,Subject, and writer speaker.I also learned what commentary and how its important to the Rhetorical analysis essay as well. commentary is an expressions of opinions of offering of explanations about an even or situation. but during the exam i will need to work on my time managment
