Sunday, July 22, 2018

July 23rd, 2018 Summer Blog #1 Teachers should be allowed to carry guns to schools (in light of the many recent school shootings)

Recently in our country, there have been many school shootings. As many people debate the issue of keeping our school surroundings safe, and to prepare you for today's blog:

Listen to the three videos below on: Should teachers be allowed to carry guns to school?

Video #1: Video #1

Blog Topic:

In order to protect our schools and make them safer from mass gun shootings, We should allow teachers to carry guns to school.

Guidelines BEFORE Posting:
1. Your blog posting must be in paragraph format (at least 6-8 sentences with examples to support your points. Use evidence from the videos as well to extend your thoughts/ideas)
2. You must post anonymously after writing your name and class period as the first thing in your blog.
3. Do not post using any google account! It would not be graded and would not show up under our class blog!
4. You must respond to at least 2 other students' posts. Not doing so, will severely lower your final grade.
5. Happy blogging!


  1. Craig Vaughan Period 1

    I agree that teachers should not be allowed to have access to guns in school. I agree that guns is just another way for gun violence to increase and expand because, teacher may be trained to use guns, but what happens if a student gets control of a teachers gun, or a teachers feel threatened then you have a few teachers who will also abuse this new power such as police. A teachers job is to teach and provide us with knowledge and information. I feel safe with just a security guards and a metal detector that scans you before you walk into the building. This way the most that can happen is a fight, this is why I feel that teachers should not have access to guns to “defend” the students and themselves.

    1. Aaron Simpson

      I agree with this post because I also feel that security should have guns and teachers should not.

    2. Akash Jungney Period 2:
      I agree with this post because the Department of Education doesn't pay teachers to protect the students. They pay them to teach students education. Plus, if they have a student with disabilities and if they injures someone, the teacher could be held responsible for the injuries of the person the disabled kid injured.

    3. Nicholas P. I agree with this post because he speaks about how the teacher might misuse this power and if they feel they are threatened they could use it against a student. One thing I disagree with is the part where he mentions he feels safe with only a metal detector and security which I don't believe can keep us safe. If someone comes in the building with a gun they can start shooting before they get to the scanners.The security guards do not have any way to protect us and they would run away to save themselves.

    4. mel neverson

      I agree that the teachers should not be allowed to have access to guns because that is not the job for the teacher. I think that this is for a security guard to handle.If the teaches is allowed to handle guns this means that the gonna need to be trained to deal with what ever happens next.A teacher is not suppose to be able to teach and be ready to shoot a student with the gun if they are coming to harm other students.I think the schools just need a more superior security system to not get guns into the schools to begin with because this would be better than giving guns to teachers because a teacher could also bring harm to students with a gun.In conclusion the schools not give the teachers guns and upgrade the security

    5. Christopher Griffiths P1

      I agree with this post because metal detectors and security guards are enough to keep students safe

    6. Rahi Rahman pd3

      I totally agree with this post because we need to arm security guards not arm teachers who are their to teach the students and build with them.

  2. James williams

    Teachers Carrying guns to school will not at all help the situation. In fact in may make it worse. For example in one of the videos it states having a gun means having influence and power, If teachers were giving guns think about the students who the teachers have no control over and normally misbehave. The teacher will most likely come to the conclusion that if he/she flashes the gun they will for sure have control. Out of retaliation possibly the student may have a weapon as well and feel threatened and may shoot the teacher. Giving teachers guns will not solve anything.

    1. I agree with this opinion that giving guns to teachers will not solve anything but will make things worse. Students will be under the influence that violence is the key.

    2. Damally Cain - period 2
      I agree with James for a fact. Most teachers can’t control their kids at all so if they see and inch of power they’re going to go a mile with it and just over use that power and I think that it is wrong.

    3. Charlemagne Virgile Period 1&2
      I agree that using a weapon gives a person the need to always be in power, when students misbehave it is for certain that the teacher would use the weapon as a leverage to make controlling the class room easier and efficient, but that false knowledge would only give rise to violence and more school shootings

    4. Nicholas P. I agree with him all the way the power of a gun will get to the teachers head and make he problem worse than it already is

  3. Yahneira Hightower Period 2

    Teachers should not be armed while teaching classes due to many incidents that can occur. Some teachers may take advantage of the law of being armed while teaching. Also, the weapon can land into the wrong hands and many negative things can happen. Students will often get distracted with the fact that their teacher is armed and less work will be done in the classroom environment. Then there's students that may try to touch it and or play with it. School safety officers should be armed but not teachers. Many people would then want to become a teacher just so they can receive a weapon and if fallen into the wrong hands chaos can occur. According to Video Number 2, it states, "weapons should be banned and no civilian should have one." I agree with that opinion because innocent people are losing their lives due to senseless acts of violence when it can all be avoided if weapons were banned. Where and how would the teacher safe guard a firearm and is any time a good purpose to use it? That would be promoting violence throughout the school system. Teaching students that using weapons is the only way to make any environment safe. I do understand that the rate of active shooters within the public school system is going up but to shoot someone in front of students would be traumatic. Children would be afraid to go to school. How could you learn in a fearful environment.

    1. Charlemagne Virgile period 1&2
      I disagree with arming security gaurds with weapons, adding security gaurds would cause students to get a sense of what prison is like, being surrounded by guns and armored up security gaurds isn’t the way, I do agree with the effects of arming teachers because students would try to grab it and take control, and let’s be honest which teacher would wanna shoot their student

    2. I agree with everything especially the last sentence “HOW COULDNYOU LEARN IN A FEARFULL ENVIRONMENT”

    3. James Williams^

  4. Charlemagne Virgile Period 1

    Teacher should not be armed with weapons nor should there be armed gaurds. Having armed gaurds would cause students to feel uncomfortable in an learning environment. In the YouTube video of cnn, where cnn interviews some students. The interviewers asked the students should schools have armed gaurds, one of the students replied and said “adding arm gaurds would make the school feel like a prison”. In the first video, the question, “should teachers carry arms?” Was asked. The lady in the interview responded and said, “Teachers are not funded enough to be able to carry arms” she also said, “placing armed teachers in school wouldn’t work for every community due to the diversity in culture”. In conclusion schools should be gun free, the government should put more restrictions on weapons.

    1. Aaron Simpson

      I disagree with this post because having no armed guards can make them useless in a situation where there is a school shooter.

    2. Damally Cain- period 2
      I agree with this statement because teachers having a gun shouldn’t even be a thought. Where does the 2 two words Teacher and gun come in the same sentence? It just makes no sense.

  5. Damally Cain - Period 2
    I do not agree with teachers having guns. Just because you never know what you can get with a person. It could be one day that a teacher just flips out and becomes the “ School Shooter”. Then what’s going to happen ? Who is going to protect the students then?. I also disagree because imagine the student grabs the gun or tries to take it and it goes off accidentally hit a student or fellow teacher ?. Also in one of the videos a female student said “ if teachers have guns , security guards , has it as well it’s not going to feel like a school it’s going to feel like a prison . Who wants to send their child to a school that feels like a protection program having to look over their shoulder every minute instead of learning?. There is so much things that people have to take into consideration when it comes to stuff like this .

    1. David Walke Period 2
      I agree with this because it proves a great point that a teacher can easily flip out like any other student but the difference is the teacher will have a weapon.

  6. Aaron Simpson period 2

    Should we give lethal weapons to teachers with no experience? Teachers should not bare arms under the care of students. In video #2 a group of students were interviewed about their thoughts on him control. The high school students agreed that guards armed with a pistol are better than inexperienced teachers. Also extending the age requirement of owning a gun.All in all having teachers own a gun is a bad idea and should be handled by professionals.

    1. David Walke Period 2
      I agree with this because it shows that the teachers are dealing with children, not psychopaths or criminals.

    2. Giovani Carranza Period 1
      i agree teachers shouldn't bring guns. some teachers don't have any experience using a weapon. i do agree with the students, they said they rather have guards with weapons then teachers

    3. tyrick carmichael
      i agree with this because it shows that that the teachers realy care about are well being

    4. Yolanda Chang
      I agree with this because such power should be handle by professionals who is their jig to protect because and not teachers who is job is to educate them .

  7. David Walke Period 2

    I strongly disagree that teachers should not be allowed to wield guns in school. First of all it is not a teacher's job to do anything more than teach,they need to focus on their profession."It takes trained professionals to protect people" was said in the first video and I strongly agree, we have professionals to deal with this kind of situations, its the job of a policeman, military or even security to protect people and it's the teacher's job to teach. This shouldn't even be a suggestion it's outrageous to think hownthis is the solution we came to, fighting fire with fire. If the teachers were granted guns then they would be no better than a student with a gun, we already have innocent lives being lost to police, the people who are supposed to protect us are killing us and now we want to more guns to more people. Now student would be going to school in fear because any teacher can snap as easily as a student who choose to shoot a school, they are human with emotions just like a student and they can negatively act on it, just like a school shooter.

    1. Christopher Griffiths P1

      I agree with this post because it is outrageous to make teachers into guards and make them basically ditch their profession.

  8. I believe that teachers should be prohibited from using or bringing in guns at school. A reason why is because teachers are here to teach knowledge and information to help students prepare for the future, not show guns. As shown in the first video, the idea of having teachers use guns is the most ridicolous idea that's ever heard. The Department of Education doesn't pay teachers to protect, but to teach. People would think that it would be a good idea, but what if someone else like a student that is disabled or has a disorder takes the gun. That kid could injure someone and can also get the teacher into big trouble. It's better if you have security screening or security guards in school because they will actually find out if an unauthorized person enters the building. They are here to ensure safety to everyone.

  9. Akash Jungney Period 2:
    I believe that teachers should be prohibited from using or bringing in guns at school. A reason why is because teachers are here to teach knowledge and information to help students prepare for the future, not show guns. As shown in the first video, the idea of having teachers use guns is the most ridicolous idea that's ever heard. The Department of Education doesn't pay teachers to protect, but to teach. People would think that it would be a good idea, but what if someone else like a student that is disabled or has a disorder takes the gun. That kid could injure someone and can also get the teacher into big trouble. It's better if you have security screening or security guards in school because they will actually find out if an unauthorized person enters the building. They are here to ensure safety to everyone.

  10. Justin Clegg Period 1
    Teachers having guns to protect kids doesn't sound like a good outcome. If someone what to come to attack kids it would be a shooutout between the enemy and the teachers. The teachers would treat the weapon as a tool in class in case kids dont decide to listen. A teachers job is NOT to protect but to teach. If the teacher had a gun the kids would see the teacher having and they would want one too. Some kids would harm others and themselves. Other kids would use for power and control. Teachers with guns is a very bad idea.

    1. Akash Jungney Period 2:
      I agree with this statement because if a student has the gun, they may try to injure someone and the teacher would be held responsible. Also the Department of Education doesn't pay teachers to protect students, they pay teachers to teach.

    2. Genesis Romero Period 1

      you said that a if a teacher has a gun then the kids will want one too. I completely agree with this statement. a teachers job is to teach and influence. seeing a teacher with a gun will teach kids that guns are good to have or cool or that it makes them mature. having guns in a classrooms is absolutely a bad idea

  11. Tyrick Carmichael priod2

    I think teachers should be aloud to carry guns to protect themselves and the students in their school because being traumatized with mask shootings can affect kids an teachers with there learning prosses having too look over there shollder instead of looking at the board so i think if teachers have guns kids might feel safer

    1. Craig Vaughan

      I notice you said you think kids should be allowed to be carry guns because kids may be traumatized but I disagree with this because what happens if a student gets control of the teachers gun and decides to go on a rampage, now you have a kid running around the school with a teachers gun who probably will injure or end another kids life.

  12. Nickolai Lyubin - Period 2

    I am biased with teachers being able to have guns in school. On one side, it does provide protection along with school safety. On the other side, it does build up the fear that said teachers will use them for other means in a school. Yes, they may get fired, but lives would still be lost or at stake.

    Pros: With all the recent school shootings that we had here in the United States, fear has increased tenfold. We as a country have been trying to figure out the best ways to avoid these shootings from both happening and spreading. Having teachers to use guns in school will maybe give us an advantage in "stopping the enemy". As for weapons, maybe have something like dart guns with sleep darts so that blood wouldn't have to be spilled across a school. Maybe also have tasers so that the person would be immobilized and not really be able to do anything else.

    Cons: Safety is important, but we don't want any backstabbers in a school. Say for example a teacher is harassed by another teacher or even a student (though that sounds a bit rhetorical). Next thing you know, they use the 9mm that they had in their locker and kill that person that harassed them and maybe even a couple of other people. Again, even though they would be fired, there would still be dead bodies or traumatized teachers and students. It might also raise the suspicion that teachers might use the guns that they had to kill their own students in the classroom. Shots will be heard and the students in that classroom would be dead. This is something that we should never let happen in a school.

    Conclusion: This is a very complicated topic and is best left for the US Government to answer. We do need protection, but we also need to make sure that said protection is used against us. Like with The Onion Router (TOR), the ability for teachers to be able to use guns in school can and will be used for licit and illicit purposes.

    1. Genesis Romero period 1

      I noticed that you made a point about using tasers or sleep darts to immobilize the enemy. I agree with your point. I wouldn't want to have to kill anymore people. I also wouldn't want there to be a bloody scene in the school because students and teachers will see it and that image will most likely be ingrained in their minds for a long time.

  13. I believe Teachers should not be able to carry guns in school. One reason being is teachers are under a lot of stress and pressure, so who's to stop them from using it on students if their not in the right mindset. Another reason is students that cant get their hands on a gun can try and disarm a teacher and the gun is basically being handed to the student because the teacher is bringing it to the classroom for them. In general, guns make people nervous its known, if you ever see someone on the street carrying a gun would you be worried? I would be worried if the person is going to start shooting. What im trying to say is keep the guns to the officers or have police posted outside of schools for our protection. Nicholas P.

    1. Germalle
      I agree with this because teachers can be going through something at home which could lead to them loosing their cool in class because of that 1 kid that cant be quite and the teacher start shooting.

    2. Craig Vaughan

      I notice how you said teachers can sometimes be stressed, and how they may use the gun on the student due to stress. I agree with your point because teachers can be overwhelmed with stress and probably be at a low point in their life, and may use the gun for their own purposes or taking the stress out on the kids.

  14. Germalle Grant-Period 2-3

    To start, guns are a very dangerous weapon that have had a big effect on my neighborhood. For anyone to own a gun must be planning on using it at some point in their life no matter if its for a good or bad reason. So that gets me to my point that teacher should not and should not have to carry a gun under any circumstances.For a teacher to carry a gun for protection against another human being is the same as a kid carrying a gun for protection against a bully. Also with weapons in the building any body can get their hands on one which can lead to some very bad things happening. If i was a parent sending my kids to a school where the teacher is carrying a gun I would feel very uncomfortable due to the fact that any tragic event I see on the news and in movies everyday can actually happen. To be honest, if no civilians was aloud to have a gun this topic wouldn't have even been thought of and lots of people would be alive now. Like said in video 1 " if the shooter didn't have a gun he would've never went to shoot anybody up ".

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  16. Rahi Rahman period 3

    I don't think teachers should be allowed to carry guns in school. School isn't a war zone.  It is a place where kids should feel safe at and it's a place of learning. Some of these kids might be scared of their teachers because their teachers have a gun on them. Teachers should be building a relationship with their students instead of putting fear in their hearts. We need start putting in metal detectors and highly trained veterans and officers around school areas so kids know and feel safe,  knowing that they'll go home at the end of the day. We need more background checks and we need to keep guns away from the mentally ill people because they shouldn't be allowed to carry any guns at all. Mentally I'll people do not even understand their own mindset!

    1. I agree with this because people already fear guns and bringing more guns into the environment is not gonna do anything more than scare the kids . Because if the kids know the teacher has a gun under the desk they will be like statues and will be scared not to anger the teacher in any way

    2. Marlen Rodriguez period 2

      I agree with you because school is not a war zone, if teachers carry a gun with them I think that the kids will be in fear to come to class because if a teacher gets mad then they might think that she will the trigger and "accidently kill someone". I also agree that they need to do more background checks on those who buy guns.

  17. Marlen Rodriguez Period 1

    Teachers shouldn't be allowed to carry guns with them in class. It might just make the situation worse. In the first video resource, President Trump said that the teachers will go to training, but teachers will most likely panic when there's an actual school shooting. They will probably forget what they have learned during training. They should add metal detectors in schools and everyone that wants to get in the school they have to go through the metal detectors. I feel that parents already feel that there kids are in a safe place when the school has security guards and metal detectors.

  18. Aiden Thomas Period1
    I think teachers shouldnt be allow to carry guns in school.The teachers job isn't to carry a gun thou there school,its to educate the young people of this generation.In the first video,President Trump said that teachers will be trained on to how and when to use their gun.That to me isn't such a great idea,yes they'll be in training,but in a real event they'll probably forget because of the fact that they aren't trained enough for these situations.All the kids within the schools wouldn't feel as safe knowing that their teacher is carrying a gun.

  19. Genesis Romero period 1

    in America there is the debate of whether or not to arm teachers with guns. I think the intention behind it is great but actually doing it doesn't make sense to me. first of all, not all teachers will want to have a gun in the classroom. secondly, there has to be some kind of training for handling a gun. but my main concern are the students. what if a teacher gets overly upset with a student and just decides to shoot them? what if a student gets a hold of a gun? what about the trauma it'll have on the students, younger kids especially? do we really want the youngsters to be surrounded by guns on a daily basis? seems to me like that'll be teaching them that guns are the answer to their problems. somewhere in the first video, the man says "to stop a bad guy with a gun, there needs to be a good guy with a gun." that's just furthering the belief that adding more guns is going to get rid of the already existing gun problem. I understand the desire to keep yourself and others safe, however, I don't think arming teachers is the way to do it.

    1. Yolanda Chang
      I agree with Genesis, because she thinking how it would impact the little students , how can this be a bad influence in their environment as they grow up . Not just this will be unsafe but also it would ruin children’s childhood and their innoce as their kids .

  20. Christopher Griffiths period 1

    Teachers shouldn't be allowed to carry guns in school. A teacher armed with a gun will raise more danger for the students. A classroom is the last place a gun should be. School is a place of learning and it would be hard to learn knowing my teacher has a gun in his/her pocket. With strong metal detectors and well trained security guards schools would be safe. Banning assault rifles are also a great option because they are not needed.

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    2. Giovani Carranza Period 1
      I say teachers shouldn't be allow to carry a gun. Teachers are made to teach the kids they don't have any experience using a weapon. I don't agree with Trump saying they are going to train the teachers how to use a gun. It can bring more violence to the school, during a real event teachers will be to scare to shoot. Even other students disagree they said that they rather have experience people use a gun then teachers.

  22. EAN Victoria period 1

    I personally disagree that teachers should be given guns. for example trump says in video #1 that teachers would go for special training and have concealed guns in school. I don't agree with that statement do to the fact that teachers would harass students to do their work while having a gun pointed at them. students would often steal guns from teachers increasing school shootings making schools chaotic and unsafe. The reason why there are so many school shootings will most likely be same reason why it would be a teacher pulling the trigger, for example if every student is messing around making fun of the teacher and being chaotic the teacher would " accidently " shoot a student . if we give teachers guns more lives would be at risk instead of lives being saved. teachers get tired of students and often lash out but with a sense of supremacy they will be pulling the trigger on a student that is just messing around.

  23. Lexroy Garrick Period 1

    I think that teachers shouldn't contradict their arguments with doing the same thing their trying to prevent.Trying to prevent gun violence & owning a firearm doesn't make sense, it defeats the purpose to stop gun violence.Imagine a school shooter walks in a classroom & starts shooting, then the teacher grabs his/her gun & shoots the threat, someone still ends up dead & guess what... that's gun violence.But if the government feels that's the way school needs to be safe then make sure whoever owns the firearm is experienced & professionally trained. Also, teachers would not be able to make an effect anyway, teachers would be allowed to own handguns, but school shooters can come in with high capacity magazines, semi automatic weapons, & can also kill 17 teenagers faster in less time than a handgun will. Overall i feel like its just a bad idea to bring more guns to stop guns as if it doesn't make it worse. Lastly, I also don't agree with what trump said teachers would be trained because it wouldn't better the purpose.

    1. I agree with your choice, because making teachers carry guns is just going to make the situation even worse and the president is prevent gun violence but want to have teachers carry guns

  24. CourtneyGraves Period 1
    I personally agree with teacher should be given guns.President Trump said that teachers will be trained on to how and when to use their gun.So i believe it would be ok to have teacher with guns just cause of the world it getting more dangerous>Lives could be in risk with teacher with out guns so more protection more live saved.

  25. Jamal Abdul Mubdi Period 1
    I feel that teachers should not have guns in school. One reason is that even if teacher shave military it can`t prepare them to protect a bunch of students from a shooter. Also having armed guards in the school will not help the problem. In the second video one of the students said that if will make school feel like a prison.Also in the first video, the lady said that teachers do not what to have guns because of them not being paid enough to educate kids and now having to worry about trying to protect them.Personally I feel that there should be a banned on semiautomatic weapons and stricter guidelines on trying to get a gun.

  26. Stop even Delorbe Period 3

    I believe teachers shouldn’t carry guns to school. One reason is teacher are not paid to carry guns, they are paid to teach students and prepare them for their future. Another reason teachers would be under pressure and accidently shoot one of the kids, instead of the shooter when the situation actually happens. In video 2 one of students said if the teachers carry guns it would just increase the violence. If teachers carry guns they going to think they could control the students.

    1. I agree with this teachers should not carry weapons. because school is already treated to much as a prison. I also think this is not solving the problem even if it makes students safer. This will not make students feel safer either way because most students do not believe in a teachers abilities.

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  28. Esteban Cortes period 2

    I believe that teachers shouldn't be allow to carry guns with them. The reason why I believe that is because students won't have the same trust they have. I would feel terrified to go to school. They should have more metal detectors.

  29. Joseph Pastrana Pd.2

    I believe that teachers shouldn't carry guns to school. One reason is that not all teachers are alike,what if a teacher and a student got in an argument and the teacher don't like the student and shoot him because of what he said and not self-defense. If teachers carry guns in schools they'll feel like they have more power than any one else in the building. If the shooter and the teacher got in a shootout, who's to say that each bullet is going to hit there target. Putting guns in the school is promoting guns instead of getting them off the street.

    1. I agree the last thing we should do is bring guns to schools this will do nothing but cause more problems. Just like every other person on this planet teachers have feelings too such as anger, and sorrow. For example if a student is arguing with a teacher and the teacher doesn't feel safe the teacher may pull a gun out on the student and this will only promote more gun violence.

  30. Treveno Wright period 2

    i argee teachers should not carry guns to school because it will mess up the relationshilp between teachers and students. Teachers might feel over powered and kill kids for no reason and use it to make kids listen.


  31. I believe teachers should not have a gun. Many aspects of school are already treated like a prison having guns in the picture would ruin the school environment. Another thing is teachers are not used to hostile situations and will most likely not be able to handle or hesitate in times of need. Instead of targeting school shooters we should be trying to prevent them and solve the problem. Also how much would it cost to arm and train school teachers in a already low budget education syestem. Teachers already have enough power and privileges they abuse as it is so it would not be suitable for teachers to be armed.

    1. I agree with this because in my opinion adding guns will also cause a lot of confusion in many situations . For example if you add guns to school and a situation like a school shooting happens and the cops come and they see a black teacher holding a gun more than likely that teacher will be shot


  32. Close

    Beulah Blake period 2
    In my opinion teachers should not be able to carry guns. I say that because even if the teachers are trained with a weapon in their possession it increases danger for both the students and teachers. what if one day a teacher looses it from students being disrespectful or other causes what if that teacher pulls the gun out on a the students. further more what if a student gained access to a teachers weapon then causes a school shooting. Also some students wont feel safe with a gun in their face like Kirsten Evans said "its important for me to feel safe in my school and weither or not they think its important for me to feel safe in my school". even if their trained if a student was to gain access to their gun they wouldn't be able to control it.

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  33. Gregory deoleo P2 I believe teachers shouldn't need to have guns in school because there are security officers in the school. I also think that teachers may use their guns for other things such as forcing your authority and controlling a classroom. there's also a possibility that the shooter will go for the armed teacher first to take down any resistance.I also think that it will not solve much because it depends how close the teacher is to the shooter since a lot of schools are rather large and long.I think its pretty sad time that we need to actually need to arm teachers. I doubt a lot of teachers will have the guts to shoot there own student.

  34. Daunte Knight Period 3, I believe teachers shouldn't need to carry guns because its already other people who are required to. Adding more guns to respond to a situation that involves guns will only bring out a negative outcome. You cannot respond to violence with violence as said in video 3 because that's just defeating the purpose. A solution I can give like the solutions that are given in video 2 if u don't want to ban the use of all guns at least ban some . There shouldn't be any reason as to why a civilian should be walking around with a AR-15 like they are in the military that is extremely on call for and America is probably the only country to do this foolishness . How many more lives do we have to lose until we finally see a change in this country. Do you really want your kids waking up knowing or thinking that its a possibility they wont come home by just going to school. Kids shouldn't grow up or be susceptible to this type of environment, we need to see a change and we need to see it now .

  35. Yolanda Chang (period 1):
    In my opiniĆ³n teachers should not be allow to carry guns to school. President Trump is taking this as a opportunity to sell more guns and to make a profit out of it . He is not thinking of his people and the students safety. Teachers who will be allow to carry guns to school can have mental issues and if we allow that to happen ,it could lead to a caos. The president said he was going to do background checks and training for all the teachers to “ensure” the safety of students. It’s not about the mental background checks, we will be giving too much power to a teacher over any individual. Therefore, that’s not the best option , according to video #2 a student said, “ There is a lot of other ways to protect the school and the students and one of them is to take the gun away from people” and I agree because even the background checks can not ensure us that the teacher does not have mental issues, a lot of criminals who did not had mental issues backgrounds have done atrocities to people. Moreover, some students will not be focus on the work that has to be done and the things that they have to learn but maybe afraid of the teacher having a gun is his/her hands. Students will start growing up in a new environment where the answer to stop violence is more violence, this is ignorant and wrong and maybe like that will be creating more criminals in this world.

  36. On paper the idea of teachers having guns sounds like a good idea but there are far to many things that can go wrong if a teacher were to be left with the responsibility of having a gun in the classroom. We have been making an effort to get guns off the streets so having guns in a school will only make matters worst. Lorenzo.H pd 2
