Friday, July 7, 2017

A Penny for your Thoughts-Summer 2017

How to Blog?

Find a current issue or event in any area (music, clothing trend, politics, food, culture or cultural festivity, religion, history, community issue etc) that is resting on your mind or that is of interest to you. You must be specific with the issue when you choose it. Anything too broad will result in you being vague; for example, if you choose politics, do not speak about all political leaders in general; instead focus on ONE political figure, such as our president Trump  and discuss, in detail, the issue that intrigues or bothers you.
You must use a minimum of one paragraph (6-8 sentences) to highlight the issue; remember to include details around the three areas of the writing rubric: Focus, Organization and Elaboration 

You must write your first name and first initial of your last name for grading purposes (e.g Patricia J). You must respond to another student's blog posting by agreeing or disagreeing with some or most parts of what the student has posted. Be respectful. All Blog Posting MUST be written in Standard English (no expletive, no vernacular-no matter how passionate you feel about the subject! Failure to do so will result in no credit for the activity! Happy blogging!


  1. (Jeremy C.) A a problem i'm worried about is how the newest generation of humanity will be with these figet spinners or "memes" or even trends like water bottle flip and boneless pizza (yes that's a joke going around you can search it up if you'll like) in my honest opinion i think the world is doom to fall to the newer generation and their foolish way

  2. Quintaunh

    The other day i was working out with the Marines simply cause i want to be a marine. While working out a lady yells out froma cross a street "go back and get your money back. Your making a mistake". I have a problem with this cause this is not the first time a ignorant person said that to me or i should say said it far away so they wont have to say ut to my face. Like always i ignore it but why are there people out there who dishonor the people who protects them, who allow them to be free enough to say those hateful things or to even walk the street with no time curfew forced on the people. We as Marines go over and beyond to make sure that the American people are not in the control of someone else rule. We live in a democracy nation and i will like to keep it that way all i ask for back from the people is to keep they thoughts to themselves and not spit ignorance in public.

    1. Angel s

      I have never heard of anyone doing this but good post.

    2. (Jeremy C.)There are people like that for many reasons maybe they had family apart of the marines or maybe they just dont like how things are done but in the end they chose to be protected by them by being here

    3. Jose O

      I once had a problem like that with a teacher who works at transit tech when i told him i wanted to join the army.

    4. You were in the right sometimes people just talk to talk

  3. Noel R
    One current issue I have is a community issue about the amount of trash we have in our oceans. We have so much trash in our oceans that the animals are now staring to feel the negative effects of this. We have some animals dying or just getting stuck in plastic just because some people don't know or just don't care how to manage their garbage. I've seen people throw cans in the water after they finish not knowing the damage that can could do. A big fish like a whale or shark can easily swallow that can while eating other fish. That can cut the fish on the inside causing bad consequences. I think one way in which we can fix this issue is by dragging a big net grabbing the trash and maybe some fish but we throw the fish back into the water.

    1. Quintaunh

      Yeah i believe that this is a good idea cause it helps cleans up our waters nd helps the fishes at the same time. But the only problem i have with this is who gonna go out there and pick all that trash up? ����

    2. Taiyan D I feel like if people would stop being lazy they have the ability to throw their trash away.I remember watching a video on youtube where animals were swallowing trash and getting stuck to it.Animals wouldn't have to go through this if people would be normal and throw their trash away.I believe garbage cans were made for a reason.

    3. Emanuel M
      i agree with this idea because people are lazy to take care of their environment. And they dont see that animals are being effected, but good comment.!

    4. Jerod_M i agree with the lazy part but the other part i dont because there are issues that cannot be solved

  4. Rob.D
    Do you think slavery is really abolished in America? I don't really believe so, instead laws were created to target minority groups such as blacks and Hispanics/Latinos such as the classification of Marijuana as a schedule one drug in America. At the time the government used doctored studies and poorly designed scientific experiments to create the type of results they could rebuttle to the public claiming the healing plant is destrimental to health and the minority communities. While this was not neccesarily the case , when the law was first introduced, it holds true now. Addicts, entraprenurs, florists and the Mafia actually benefit from the law, since it is illegal to grow and sell, only criminals sell it, which means it goes untaxed and profits can be used for malicious purposes (Cartel Operations). The reason I bring this is up is because on the way home one day I saw a canine unit searching a car with the criminal already inside the car, he should not be charged and should be allowed to provide a healing plant to the patients he was supplying. Marijuana growers must be able to create a high quality product or enough of a low quality product to make profit. Since he was caught trafficing he will be spending a long time in prison which means he will become a modern day slave, most prisons are privately owned and you are given a job within prison far below minimum wage. Minorities are also targeted by police more, and statistically given longer prison sentences than white counterparts. This all adds up to build the American prison system, one of the most packed prison systems in the world. I perosnally believe police should focus on violent crime, and investigators should be more focused on large scale white collar crimes that probably pass unnoticed...

    1. gregory d there are some laws and amendments that help'd the black community as a whole such as affirmative action

  5. Kareem.t

    Is it just is just me or do the birds of the city seem to be more hostile and gangsta nowadays than they ever were? They say it's suppose to be good luck if you get soiled on by a bird, but in my opinion if you were to recieve this punishment you just ended up a victim of a hostile attack. But what even worst than getting shat on by a bird is having a bird not move out of your way when your walking. Like nothing grinds my gears more than that. I mean it's the blatant disrespect that gets to me. The most common breed know for doing this is pigeons. They've done it to me so much times that I can't even count. The fact that they don't move? What? Like if I can't just kick them. They really do know how to test someone's patience. Seagulls are another species of birds that really get out of place. When I was a kid they used to fly away if I chased them. Can someone please tell me why i saw a little boy run at a seagull and ended up getting his @$$ chased back to his mother����. Smh something really needs to be done about these birds they really have no remorse����‍♀️✌��

    1. Alton M

      I recognize how passionate your are about this topic. You seem to have valid reasons and first hand experience with the "blatant disrespect" of pigeons and seagulls. You did a really good job giving details that relate well to the overall meaning of your topic. This writing piece is very detailed and well thought out with great supporting details. Great work.

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  7. Angel s

    Today i want to talk about this it is not so much of a issue but just a topic that i'm interested about.
    This is nanobots. I think a interest to this topic because it is a topic that at one point is kinda of common then it just dies down.
    These nanobots are basically robots that are really small and can enter the human body and eliminate threats for example cancer diabetes. I take interest to this because a lot of well known scientist are saying that we may be able to achieve this in the near future. I don't know but i think it is a pretty interesting topic and to think about. I Think If we were able to achieve this would people die of old age? Because you can just eliminate all threats from the body. But something else if we were able to achieve this how much would it cost?

    1. Quintaun h

      Man nanobots are fascinating cause of all the possibilities it can have on the human race. But one question i have is what happens when something goes wrong with the nanotechnology, not everything is perfect and with dealing with this level of medical science u can afford to mess up. If we have these things enter our bodys we cant do anything when it blows up or goes wrong cause well its embedded into our bodies. There is always a side-effect nothing is perfect.

    2. I don't think nanobots will stop old age since you'll need to replace their old cells and their worn-out organs to even consider to stopping old age.

  8. Leon B.

    Recently I witnessed racism and it really caught my eye. It is unbelievable that the color of your skin can really change society but anyway I was on my way to school and I was on the train. Some random white man had said something disrespectful to some random black man which started a huge argument on the train, however majority of the passengers on the train was black including my brother, his friend and myself. The white man began to call the black man a "MONKEY FACE N-WORD". This started a huge argument between the two gentlemen, which led to many threats being said between the two. The black man began to walk away, however the white man continued to call him a monkey face n-word and even said he'll kill any monkey face n-words, each and everyone. Both gentlemen got off the train at the same stop and continued their conflict. The white man began to yell "Bring it on you monkey face B-Word." As they got in each others faces however the train began to move and I was unable to watch the rest of the situation. I understand racism still exist, however seeing it first hand in person really is unbelievable and sad. To see one human being dislike another just cause of their skin color is really pathetic we are all equal, skin color shouldn't really change anything.

    1. Damn this is crazy that we still live in a generation where racism still exists. But as we live in a Democrat nation people like that will always be around. Sometimes freedom of speech is a two egde sword. U just have to remember that in order to beat racism is to not lower yourself to argue with ignorance but also remember if they get in your face show them the hands and walk away.

  9. Daivion L

    Majority of the world population likes, loves, and eats cereal, but there is news that there is something in all General Mills cereals that may not want anyone to even consume it.If you look in the info section on any General Mills cereal box, look at the ingredients and what you would see on each box is Trisodium Phosphate. TRisodium Phosphate is an organic compound that is white and highly soluble in water,so people is saying that trisodium phosphate is paint thinner and so this paint thinner is in these General Mills cereals. This can harm people and mostly children because children most likely eats cereal more than adults ,so i would not recommend eating these cereals anymore.

    1. Holy crap i didnt even know that. Wow this really made me change on how i feel about cereal. But im truly woreied if the beat cereal in the world has it in there. Oh the best cereal in the world is cinnamon toast crunch. Lml but this ia really good info. You got me looking at all my boxes of cereal for that chemical

    2. Daivion L

      Right, this would change people's perspectives on what they want to eat or what alternative of that food they prefer to consume. but yet some people would not care if their favorite foods have ingredients that can harm their body, if it takes good to them, they would continue to eat their life away lol.

    3. Rob.D
      I did not know about this and looked into it further, Trisodium phosphate is a natual and safe salt that just so happens to be used in products like antifreeze and paint thinner, but by itself it is considered safe. I did find information about a possible link for Red food Dye #40 and ADHD. It turns out many food dyes actually have some harmful effects but the FDA does not control them or mandate labels. Red Dye #2,3,40 are all found to be carcinogenic, These dyes have been linked to allergies and cancer and developmental problems. Yellow #5 used in pill production and foods/beverages is currently being studied under suspicion of it also being a carcinogen. Blue, #1, 2 cause kidney and brain tumors as well, be weary of the foods you eat, before you go for a doctor visit and find out you're dieing at 30 years old.

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  11. Today's rap music is changing the game. The new school rappers are making there own spin of rap music called mumble rapping. The old school rappers don't like the new schools ways of thing. They thing and the music should be about the actual lyrics not the beats and hooks. They think that the new school is just in it for the money not to add to the actual culture of rap.
    -Kimari M

    1. David W
      I agree with you very much.I also believe that the new generation of rapper forgot the true overall purpose of music. It's not about the money, fame, or fortune. It's about about relating to the audience and their everyday problems. It's to give them hope and let them know that they are not the only ones having a hard time. But new rappers don't care about that, they are to self centered.

    2. Gregory d I think people need to ad knowledge that with every new thing it would always change and you could not stop it so just accept it now and hope in the near future it would change for the better.

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  13. Taiyan D
    I been thinking about what happened for the past year.I remember when i was young and always wanted to go to wrestling.I always dreamed of going there one day.One day I asked my grandpa who also likes wrestling can we go and see it one day and he replied i don't know.There was a main event coming up in madison square garden.My grandpa said he didn't know if we were going but he had already bought them for me.I remember when the main event came and my grandpa told me that he had already bought the tickets it was the best moment of my life.I had went to the main event and finally my dream came true.

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  16. alexandro m am me and my friends are making this story and i think its going well. it does has some copy righted stuff though but when it all said and done we are going to change it. i do have one of my friends drawing up the story for us. which is very nice of him because he is a amazing drawer. i am taking about it with them right now as im typing. it should be fun hopefully a year or two from now the story will blow up and i can make money off it. speaking of which that would be nice.

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  18. Brooke D. My problem is with the Golden State Warriors as an organization.My problem with them is that their team just makes watching the playoffs pointless.I honestly believe that as long as the team they have now stays together there is no team that can beat them in the playoffs.Them having the team that they have takes all the excitement of watching the playoffs away because there's no challenge for them;I want to see close games where it all comes down to the last plays of the games not 21 point blowouts in the finals.Basically the Golden State Warriors should get rid of some the their players to bring back the excitement of watching the playoffs.

    1. I agree with your thought. The Golden State Warriors have a bunch of great people on their team. that team make the NBA rigged and boring , like if the warriors continue to do this in another season( consistent wins )then what is really the reason of watching basketball. If anything to make the NBA better they should create equal teams with equal stat players for it to really be competitive< like football.

    2. Keon Graham-I agree with your statement about the Golden State Warriors. They have made this postseason boring because every team they went against didn't stand a chance. The only teams that stood a chance was the Cavs and the Spurs. Teams are now trying to stack up to beat the warriors. Teams like the Timberwolves, rockets, OKC etc. With the addition of Kevin Durant, there was really no competition for the warriors. The year before he joined, the warriors had competition in the west. OKC was their main competition in the west. They almost beat them and went to the finals but, Kevin Durant started choking in the last few games and they blew a 3-1 lead. For Kevin Durant to join the warriors was a weak move. He left a championship team with Westbrook to join a 73-9 team with 3 other all-stars. Not to mention that he just lost to them. Hopefully, with the way that teams are stacking up in the west, there will probably be more competition for the warriors.

  19. David W
    Lately, it has been drawn to my attention that music is no longer the way it was. To be honest I believe that is just muffled and hidden inappropriate messages with a catchy tune. It distracts people( mainly children and young adults) and makes them uncivilized and barbaric. It gives people an unusual rage, and it influences them to carry the weight of the world upon their shoulders. But I often wonder why? Back in the day, music had the opposite effect, it was to lift your spirts
    and calm your anger, not enhance it. So why did it change? The new type of music kept one thing and I think that is why today's music is so addictive. It still relates to people's emotions, but only their anger, and its not to reduce peoples anger, but to enhance it.

    1. Noel R
      Yea I agree with you that music has changed and will continue to change. All you need now and days is a nice beat with a catchy hook. Even though there are artist who do make meaningful music and care what they put out, it is more rare than what it was years back.

    2. I agree music has changed through the years and before it was better.
      Julio s

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  21. Julio S
    I have a problem with nypd and the way they enforce law. They shouldnt be using force just to check somebody.Who are they to take someone elses life. Sometimes the police are the criminals. I say this because they have killed people for no reason .Then there isnt justice for the community.

  22. Shawn M

    One of the things I like is playing basketball. It keeps me focused and that way, I am able to stay out of problems. Basketball is not only about playing a sport, it is about making you a disciplined person and allowing you to get a better view of life. It helps you to get a better view of life because you are able to get better thoughts in terms of keeping your thoughts positive. When you play basketball, different coaches can see you and give you exposure to other states and other teams and help you to be better with your skill as well as meeting other people who can influence your life. Meeting new people from different teams helps you to be more popular and you get to compete with some of the best. I don't know why some people don't like basketball!

  23. Gregory D A lot of people today don't know how to keep private information to themselves.When they post something like inappropriate things like nudes in photos,videos,and etc or they doing something like committing a crime of some sort on their social media platforms they're just exposing themselves to the world to know.If you post inappropriate photos on social media,people that see it will antagonize you or someone based on their looks.Then the person that will see their comments on their photo and see a lot of people just roasting them because they look bad.When you commit a crime and post on YouTube or social media they'd be surprised to see police knocking on their door.Well the moral of this story is to know not to post things that you'll know that it will get you in trouble, stop self snitching.

  24. Keon Graham-Lately, Mumble Rap has became a popular style of rap in our generation. Now and days to become a successful rapper, you don't need skills. All you have to do is rap about money, guns & girls and you're automatically signed. Rappers like 21 savage, Lil Uzi Vert, Lil yachty are taking over the music industry by mumbling on their songs. rappers like J.Cole, Kendrick Lamar, Chance the rapper etc are being called boring rappers because they don't rap about money, girls, & guns. They rap about real world issues like racism, police brutality, poverty etc. Mumble Rappers basically say the same thing in every song. For example, Lil Uzi Vert say "yea" about 100 times in all of his songs. Their flow is not good. Their wordplay is trash. Their vocabulary is limited. Also, some of them don't pay respect to the legends of rap like The Notorious B.I.G, Tupac or Eminem. Mumble Rap is blinding us from real music. Desiigner song "panda" went triple or double platinum and you barely understood a word he said. XXL freshmen class gets downgraded every year with one hit wonders. Hopefully, the mumble rap era could end soon and the real artists could get the recognition they deserve.

  25. Alton M

    College basketball players should be mandated to do 2 years in college before declaring for the NBA draft. College players need to at least have a college degree before going to play in the NBA. College players need to understand that anything can happen. Some players get drafted then get a career ending injury. Some players don't even get drafted at all. It is always better to have a backup plan and there is no better backup than education. Players should have something to fall back on if basketball doesn't work out. In conclusion, college players should do 2 years of college because everyone should have something to fall back on.

    1. Jabary W

      I think that 2 years is too much and alot can happen in 2 years.If your NBA ready and coach thinks you are why wait? If thats what you really wanna be i consider you go for it cause alot of players did 1 year in college and went to the NBA

    2. I disagree because if that player has a lot of talent he can get hurt in 2 years in the nba so it is better for that person to just go to the nba...

    3. Brooke D.
      I see where your coming from that the college players that are entering the league should get their degree before going to the NBA but I disagree if you enter the NBA after your first year you could always go back to college after you retire.You never know if you might get the same chance to enter the league after your second year of college.

  26. Jabary W
    Running up the court going for the basket. BOOM a big collision just happened. I had twisted my ankle and fractured my hip, i was in so much pain. Didnt Know If I wanted to fight or just go home so i went home. The person who fouled me caught up to me to ask if i was good but i just kept it pushing. Didnt reallly feel like talking because i was so hurt so countinue limpong back home. Got home put some ice on my hip and ankle but it was too late for my ankle it had been swollen and fat when i reached home. It had to be rapped down and iced so i did just that.Took a long nap woke up was feeling a lil better but i was good and felt way better from when it happened

  27. Genesis R


    I'm well aware that it's a taboo topic so there's no religious beliefs to back this up, just common sense. What's your thoughts about it? Personally i'm against abortion. I believe that if you did the deed then you should take the responsibility. If you didn't use protection then that's your fault and now you got a baby, grow up and deal with it.

    1. Gregory d
      well I'm not really sure whether I'm against or not about Abortion,To be honest I think it should be in special cases that you'd get accepted to have abortions like if you were poor and cant raise a child like how would you raise a baby in that condition if you can't afford the need's for the baby and you'll also need to consider rape and such things like that.Also I think there's a lot of people that are idiots and can't raise a child if their lives depended on it.

    2. Kareem.T

      Personally i am against it as well but it's a woman's body and she has the right to do with her body as she pleases. One think we all have to keep in mind is the fact that with the personal freedom is very precious and everyone is entitled to it.

  28. Edgar R

    one of the things i like to do is play soccer because it helps me to not gain wait and entertain my self in something and not be thinking in bad things and i can meet new friends who play better than me and they can teach me how to play better and i said if you want to be one of the best playing you must have discipline from that moment you realized that without discipline you cant do anything and also if you like some sport play it does not the matter if you do not know play just try it.

    1. I agree. Soccer is one of the most fun sports and entertaining as well. You have to learn how to move the ball around with your legs. I used to play soccer everyday with my friends and it wasn't easy but it sure was fun. It is very challenging at times but practicing will get you better.
      -Kevin V.

  29. Jose.O

    I believe Donald Trump is the worst president in United States history. He is a bad president for many reasons. He moved in the white House in January 20, 2017 that's only 6 months and he's the most hated man in The United States. He makes racial comments about Mexicans like "there all rapist, they only come to the United States to sell narcotics". He wants to build a wall around Mexico and expect the the Mexican government to pay for the wall. He also fired the director of the FBI for failing to demonstrate personal loyalty to him. That's why i believe Donald Trump is the worst president in United States history

    1. I think Herbert Hoover is the worst president compared to Trump if you really think about it but yeah i don't think he's a good president either cause all the stuff he is doing.

  30. Aiden T.
    I think that the Paul George trade was a good trade.Reason why I think this is because of the fact that before it was Durant and westbuck, now it's just Westwick and Westwick couldn't do everything for the team by himself.I think now that Paul George was added to the team they would have a better outcome than the previous playoffs.


  31. Richard w

    College basketball players should be mandated to do 1 or 2 years in college before be drafted to the NBA . College players need to have a college degree before touching professional sports,therefore they can read there contact and know what there getting there self into. Some NBA players get to touch the court and got a terrible injury and can't come back to the NBA and they have nothing to fall back on. I feel like you should have something to fall back on just in case this don't go the way that you plan it, that why it's need to have about 1or 2 years of college education so if anything happen you have a plan b that you can work with.

    1. I agree strongly with this , mainly because education is important . Just because you play a sport does not mean that your automatically book smart . You should have some type of education just in case the sport does not work out you will always have another resource that you can lean on if everything does not work out

    2. Noah h.
      I agree with this post strongly but i believe that college players should do at least four years. What if they don't receive a contract, and become a free agent. Education is very important, and it can determine whether a person gets a good job or a bad job.

  32. John K

    The way the NYPD treat black people is a violation. For Example the way the cop will almost beat a black person to death but if a light skin person does the same thing a black person did they wouldn't be damaged at all. All people should get the same type of treatment and if we can get that New York should not have a police department.

  33. (Tyriek M)
    One thing that i have problems with is that companies like Sony always get hacked.When I try to play online the servers always seem go down when I'm in a 2k17 game.It's highly annoying when I'm on 2k17 shooting 3s and snapping ankles I get disconnected from the game. they need to focus more money into security for their servers.

    1. Salleh N

      I agree with you their servers security is really weak and for a huge company like Sony this shouldn't be an Issue. Although you, as of now, cant help the server's security you can always switch to Microsoft. They're more reliable with their network and servers plus better plays are there.

    2. (Charlemagne V.)
      Most of the time, it isn’t always the PSN Server’s that are lagging you out. I agree PSN do have some terrible servers, but sometimes it’s the users fault. Some PlayStation gamer's don’t realize that their internet connection isn’t as fast or on par as another gamer's connection. This cause your connection to the Host to migrate or since 2K isn’t allowed to have a single host player. It won’t allow the Gamer to connect to a different player successfully instead it would stop sending data all together by either lagging you out or crashing.

  34. (Charlemagne V.) One thing that bothers me is fashion labels with vague designs. Vlone is a fashion label that has risen above many other labels and became a new “Hype Beast” item. Vlone products often cost from $300 up to $1,000 Depending on which of the simple but intricate design you decide on getting. “Vlone is not a simple clothing brand, but a feeling to share, a lifestyle” this exert is From Asap Ferg and Asap Mob’s Interview on at “High Snobiety”. Vlone designs are quite simple, the simply Large V on the front or back, or the Friends in roman font on the front. Vlone also make jeans that are not awesome but weirder-cool. Vlone makes simply designs for an expensive shirt that’s low quality, supreme back in 2005-07 had better material than Vlone in this day and age, and was way cheaper and it’s still is. Asap Ferg and mob should rethink their designs and quality if they want it to sell like bape.

  35. The NBA off season is getting very exciting. many players are getting traded. Players like Chris Paul, Paul George and Jimmy Butler have been traded to teams in the west. Coaches are able to do this because of the teams salary cap. There is going to be a lot of competition in the west. The reigning champions, the Golden state warriors are going to have to play hard. There is still a lot of time before the trade deadline ends. that means a lot of players can still get traded.
    -Kevin V.

  36. T'Sha F

    Today's rap game has been changed dramatically not in a good way but in a bad way. Before the old school rappers used to rap about their life stories and uplifting the youth. Now a days its about who makes the most money how much girls a guy can bag in a night. Every kid listens to rap or the most popular rapper out .Is this influencing kids to go down the wrong path ? Maybe, maybe not . Today every child wants to be come the most popular rapper out . Is there anyway we can help ? Is always the question that is left unanswered but could be the answer to all the violence and scams that happens in our community today . Music plays a big role in our society today and influences a lot of our youth.

  37. (Vittorio A)
    Why every time i answer my phone in my job its always someone asking me for a boneless pizza they asked for that almost everyday.What is a boneless pizza and why they say let me get a boneless like pizza got a damn bone in it.Now im trying to figure out who created this god damn meme.First it was deez nuts then it was the weave challenge then it was male romper now its boneless pizza what next.Next i have a felling that orange is gonna be a new meme.Hey what you got there a boneless orange.

    1. Or boneless cucumber xD

    2. (Ivan T)
      Cool so that boneless pizza tho...

    3. (Vittorio A)


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  38. (Ivan T)
    Why arent there anymore toys in cereal boxes. I mean they werent that good when their were some were . But i mean i havent really seen any maybe theyll make a comeback im not sure. I remember loving that it was dumb (not reallY) maybe there is one i just dont know about. All i know is back then that was a littel thing but i really enjoyed it. Did i really write about this yes yes i did why cuz cant think of anything else. Plus think they may make a comeback so im not so off on something that may be like soemhting occuring event no i mean like the food area.

  39. Darion h

    an issue that I have been worried about is the teachers at this school. some of them is hard to deal with and if the teachers are hard to deal with then there wont be any progress of the students learning anything. if they are being hard on them then the student wont cooperate with the teacher. with no cooperation the student wont listen to the teacher and wont learn nothing and end up failing the class. failing that class means u missed out on that credit and could end up having a bad effect on the student in the long run. so they need to teach the teachers on how to handle a class properly and help out every student in the way they understand.

  40. Salleh N.
    This Years XXL freshman list was a major upgrade from last years list. This list has a lot of talent including, Kyle, Amine, Ugly God, Kap G, A Boogie, PnB Rock, Kamaiyah, And X. Although people were out raged about X being on the Freshman class of 2017, I believe his spot is well deserved. Almost everyone that doesn't like X's music is basing it off his major hit called "Look at me". I understand why they don't like him for making that song but you cant judge a book by its cover. X is a really talented rapper and he deserves to be on there. His cypher and his freestyle were amazing in the fact that he actually rapped about what he believed in and not what people want to hear. The people who I believe shouldn't be up there is Playboi Carti and madeintyo(Keep in mind im judging this based of their Freestyle.) Playboi Carti literally said a few lines over and over and they were from his hit song "Magnolia." Madeintyo wasn't anything exceptional but understanding the circumstances and the generation he's in I wouldn't blame XXL for placing him instead of placing a mumble rapper in their freshman class like they did last year. I believe Kyle's verse in the cypher was the best in the sense that he was himself and not potraying himself as someone a child would want to be when they grow up.

  41. Julio W

    All great players in sports are rewarded with huge checks that signifies their hardwork and dedication to the game. Recently on on social media Lebron James tweeted about the 2X NBA MVP Stephen Curry and how his NBA salary isnt high enough. Stephen Crry signed a 5 year $201 million dollar extension with the Golden State Warriors . For a player like he should at least get 5 million or better, especially with being the franchise of the Golden State Warriors.

  42. Noah H.
    Something that interests me is kids trying so hard to be like each other. Most kids lack individuality these days. I see a lot of people trying to become a rapper everyone wants to be a rapper. No one finds a way to be individual. Its very annoying seeing everyone do the same exact thing, and rap about foolishness. Most start rapping and end up nowhere. They would be better off rapping about something different.

  43. Matthew M

    Something that is on my mind is Video Games. Most adults would tell their kids how games ruin their brain and teach them violence and all games are inappropriate. But not all games are like that, yeah they might be a little gory and have curse words but video games teach me so much while entertaining me at the same time! One video game taught me How to survive in the woods and how to call for help. And that is really handy if that incident ever happens! But besides teaching me thing, Video games make me very happy and exited and i love the feeling i get when playing them. They make me so happy that they have inspired me to make my own video game when i get older. Also, I have met so many close friends online that have helped me through so many things. Those friends help me get through the day and they push me forward everyday so that i can succeed. So i don't think Video Games corrupt children and damage they're brains. I think video games are educational, fun, and Make you find friends just like i did.

    1. Marc S

      i love video games too bro but i cant get that much because my parents don't want me to get (those games) like call of duty, gta stuff like that so i just play 2k17, but this one time i was at game stop to get Ratchet & Clank but my parents said no because it is violent so she let me get Lego batman instead i was so mad because Lego Batman is mad boring.

    2. What's your rep in 2k?

  44. Marc S

    I am not from this school i came from Stmarys and this school is crazy. Kids are cursing from left to right. The teachers have no control over the students. The cafeteria is mess the bathroom smells like crap and there is pee all over the floor and wall. This computers are so old retro i mean come my grandma has a MAC. I honestly hate this school there is metal detectors you have to go through every time you come here. i felt better when i was being bullied in my old school than i fell here. I mean the only reason why am i here is because my grades wasn't that good so i can go the school i wanted and my dad wanted to come here. That is my take on Transit Tech have a good day.

  45. Jerod M
    Something about the supernatural and paranormal activity interests me because seeing objects move on there own or seeing a supernatural being or creature is interesting to me because i want to study the supernatural and paranormal activity because the more you know the more you can better understand the weirdness of the creature. Being a victim or seeing a supernatural creature has been a passion for me because i want to be the first to discover it and see what it can do and find out is it possible for the creature to have a weakness that us humans have. People say im weird for liking this type of stuff but i dont care because i have a passion for weirdness and the paranormal activity and i want to study it as i get older.

    1. but you haven't been here that long

    2. That's stuff doesn't make you Paranoid at night? I watch paranormal Movies and stuff on Youtube but I regret watching it at night because I heard 3:00 is the devils hour and surprisingly I always wake up out my sleep at that time and I stay up until 4 because I get paranoid.. -Nicole

  46. Emma A
    Something that interest me is how Social Media is used?
    What is Social Media?
    Social Media was created so you can stay in contact with old friends.
    Also Social Media was created to meet new people.
    Now people are using Social Media to become "popular".
    I've recently deleted most of my social media because any time I'm on it all I see now is negative things.
    Social Media has turn to be the biggest cyberbully site.
    I don't know about you guys but we have to try to do better on social media because when its time to get a career or even jobs, your future boss can revisit your social media.
    After all this is NO such thing as "privacy" online.

  47. Junia C.

    What i wanna talk about is the cost of Cloths. I understand each piece of clothing is worth something because of it's Origin and its Difference from other clothing. But some Clothing are worth Hundreds or Thousands and it's nearly impossible for someone who desires that piece of clothing to even get near it. people shouldn't be spending so much money on something they were once a week. People could be buying more important stuff, but because they desire the clothing and want it so badly they spending they're entire bank account buying that Sparkling and Dazzling new Clothing. I understand how some piece of clothing Are only available one place and that's why it's so expensive but Nothing from a clothing store should have a price tag that says anything even near $1,000.

  48. issiah.o
    One thing i have problems with is iphones are easy to crack. one drop could leave a crack on your screen.i think its super annoying and apple should improve screen durability.

  49. Isaiah K

    Today im going to talk about a topic that I feel is important and that is the NCAA not wanting to pay college players. The NCAA is a multi billion dollar company and makes high revenue of the kids that play at there schools with basketball and football bringing in the most money. NCAA's reasoning for this is unfair and does not make any sense what so ever they say that they cannot receive money because they are amateurs, yet they don't give any reason as to why they are amateurs when you look up the definition of the word amateur it says "one lacking in experience and competence in an art or science" yet most of the kids that play in the NCAA have been playing the sport most of their life and move on to play in the pros. The NCAA compromise for not allowing kids to receive money is handing out thousand dollar scolorchips to students for their athletic ability. Majority of students that play for the NCAA don't even stay for the full 4 years to get their degree only because the NBA and NFL have rules that make college mandatory in order to play professionally. With all of this being said I think that the NCAA should allow their students to get paid as a reward for for all the money the kids bring in for them.

  50. today i would like to talk about why cannabis should be legal. Cannabis/weed has many medical benefits and doesn't have side affects. When to pain marijuana greatly reduce the need for narcotics and decrease the number deaths caused by painkiller overdoses. Cannabis has been smoked widely in many different countries for more than four decades there have been no reported cases of lung cancer or emphysema connected to smoking weed/cannabis. most people think that smoking weed/cannabis will give you lung cancer when on the contrary it helps people with cancer.cancer patients who have nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, pain, depression and insomnia nut weed is the only anti-nausea medicine that increases appetite.

  51. Emanuel M

    Today my topic is going to be about police brutality. Police brutality has been going on for many years now, for those who don't know about the term "police brutality" its when the cops/police officers uses physical force or verbal attacks on people that are under arrest. If you have been watching the news you would see that police brutality have been an big effect to our environments. The problem about police brutality is that it mostly happened to black people, in black communities. I understand that some people commit crimes and deserve to be in jail, but no one deserve to be beaten down to death while in handcuffs. It has reach to a point where people don't want to leave their house at certain times just because their scared of being beaten down by a cop even though they have done nothing wrong. With that being said I strongly believe that police officers should learn how to approach situations differently and let the judge decides the punishment.

  52. oh no K.
    My topic: money. If there's "so much" of it around why is it being used on idiotic things? for example, the government, what is a Tax and why? if it isn't bad enough they're somehow in debt they have to drag others down with them and force ppl to pay them for "classified" (idiotic) reasons.

  53. (Jharel L) Most likely Everyday, Night and morning i see homeless people. As i traveled home one night along with my mother and two brothers, a homeless women ran up to us, literally screaming, begging for money to get something to eat. I have no problem giving a homeless man or women money because its a kind thing to do. i sometime don't because its there fault that they live in the condition they do when they can go to a shelter. Seeing them wonder around the streets with nowhere to go especially in the winter time when its cold its sad. This is a government problem, everyday i see a different man or a different women.

  54. Nicole F My topic is Teachers. In my old school I had a Math teacher and He made Math seem so easy and fun to learn. I would observe other teachers and how they teach and it seemed so dead and boring. I feel as if Teachers should start making their lessons more appealing and not boring to learn. If they do this I think a bigger percentage of students would participate in class instead of taking naps, Going on their phone in class, etc.. At least try making games out of the lessons like my old teacher did. I had high grades and my Test scores were great in that class because of it.

  55. Nicholas P. My teachers always complain about me being tired in class but there is a reason to it.Right after school I have to go to work and i get out very late.At work its a lot of work to do which involves moving heavy boxes, helping customers,etc.Pretty much im on my feet all day and by the time i get home i have to shower and go to sleep and do it the next day.This means there is no time to relax because i have to go to school then work right after that,

  56. Emanuel U. my topic is about the work that we do today in class and how boring or uninteresting it seems. Because i believe that now and days that it is one of the main reasons a lot of kids are failing their classes now, Because we have to wake up early to go to school to learn something that has no interest or is boring to us.And when a student has no interest in their work,They produce low quality in their work thus creating failure in the class. In Conclusion, I think that some of the lessons or topics that we learn in school today should be more interesting and useful in life.

  57. Gameel

    A game of basketball is made up of four quarters each ten (or in the national basketball association 12) minutes long at the start of every game the referee throws the basketball up in the air and one player from each team tries to hit it to their teammates that is called a jump ball after the teammates hit the ball to his team they sort to play the game.

  58. Matthew N.

    I been thinking about what happened for the past year.I remember when i was young and always wanted to go to wrestling.I always dreamed of going there one day.One day I asked my grandpa who also likes wrestling can we go and see it one day and he replied i don't know.There was a main event coming up in madison square garden.My grandpa said he didn't know if we were going but he had already bought them for me.I remember when the main event came and my grandpa told me that he had already bought the tickets it was the best moment of my life.I had went to the main event and finally my dream came true.

  59. AGNIC P.
    One of the things I like is run track and field. It keeps me focused and that way, I am able to stay out of problems. track and field is not only about playing a sport, it is about making you a disciplined person and allowing you to get a better view of life. It helps you to get a better view of life because you are able to get better thoughts in terms of keeping your thoughts positive. When you run track you get to meet different coaches can see you and give you exposure to other states and other teams and help you to be better with your skill as well as meeting other people who can influence your life. Meeting new people from different teams helps you to be more popular and you get to compete with some of the best. I don't know why some people don't like track and field...

  60. Kevin s

    The topic i want to discuss is people's lack of care for the way politics our ran in America people will literally fight over sports but nobody cares about what's happening in the house or senate like a bill that will literally kill you (trump care).

    The frustrating part about this subject as that nobody knows why people don't care about things of such importance to their life that's why in America today most politicians don't talk about their policy in detail because nobody cares, today it is all about do i like him, he sounds like he knows what he is doing, he looks like he cares about the people but nobody thinks to look them up to see what they stand for, what legislation do they support which is what they should be doing, instead people just throw away their vote and that's how we end up with presidents like bush trump obama and clinton not that obama was a bad president he was one of the better presidents but the only reason he won was because he would have became the 1st black president, he was charismatic, he had the smile etc he didn't win because people cared about what type of policy he was going to push he won because of superficial features, and this is going to be one of the biggest problems of the millennial generation.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Mark G.
    Throughout my whole high school years I've always wanted to play football for any school that I've went to. One issue I've always had is that I've always had the erdge to play for my school but never had the opportunity in my new school that I'm about to graduate from to play football for only because my school doesn't offer football as a sport. When I used to live in Georgia I had a wonderful opportunity to play for a team but eventually right after I got the opportunity I had to move back to New York. Still till this day it still stands as one of my goals to play football for my school team but maybe after I graduate and go to college I can play for a school and maybe start a career in football.
