Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Summary Writing: Resources and Blog Activity

How to Write an Effective Summary: Do's and Don'ts

Examine the video resource below and take notes as you learn how to write an effective summary. You will be required to revisit your notes as you build your summary.

How to Write an effective summary

How does the advice in this resource help improve or change your perception of what a summary is and how to write an effective summary? Using the guidelines for class blogging, explain how the resource has helped you. You MUST give SPECIFIC evidence from the actual resources to explain how your knowledge of summary of summary writing has improved.

After you have posted your blog, you must respond to at LEAST ONE other classmate's blog posting by agreeing with his/her post and providing brief reasoning as to WHY you agree with what he/she has written. How might you further gain knowledge about summary writing from his/her post?
Remember to edit your writing and place your first name and FIRST Letter of your LAST NAME (for e.g Patricia J) so that your grade can be properly assigned. Review the blog rubric for how grades are assigned and check your response against the rubric to see how you might improve your piece BEFORE you submit it.  

Additional Resources on Summary:

Other resources on Summary Writing

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