Thursday, October 20, 2016

Leadership Project 1: Blogs

Use your notes from the Glows and Grows evaluation to assess ONE of your peers' work on the presentation of the Leadership projects. You may not assess your own presentation and you must identify the presentation and the choice that the group presented so your blog posting can be properly credited. 

In your extended paragraph (8-10 sentences), write an analysis of the group in terms of:  
What worked? What didn't? Remember to check the language of the rubric so that you can utilize that as you assess or give an overview analysis of the presentation.

After you have posted, respond to another classmate. Use the rubric as your guide.



  1. Ralph J.
    Clement (Choice 3)
    Glows:Clement had good posture when speaking to the people.His back was not turned to the audience and had a good tone in his voice while talking.Also his teammate Keenan did a good job controlling the board and stating statistics.Also i enjoyed the HOT 97 video where "Ken Thompson" speaks to the radio host about issue black communities are facing.

    Grows:Kennan needs to face the audience when talking.

    1. Keenan D.D.
      I agree with Ralph with the presentation as i see my flaw of not looking directly at the audience and I will work on the idea of facing the audience.

    2. Carlos N.
      I strongly agree with Ralf with his oppinion on Clements presentation, it was well organized and had a very ineresting video that tied with the information. I also agree that Kennan needs to face the audience when talking and speak a little bit louder.

    3. Reanna G.

      I concur with everything that Ralph has said. Clement did an outstanding job with his presentation.. reading and explaining their research in detail, while Keenan controlled the changing of the slides and playing the video for us. I also agree that Keenan needs to work on facing the audience while presenting.

  2. Destiny S.
    Group:Ralph's group-Choice 2

    This group did very well presenting their content and i also like the fact that they used videos and music to make it interesting. I like that because it tied into everything that they presented having to deal with us minorities which are African Americans and Latinos. They tapped on each of the different major problems that us as minorities are facing still in present day society.The music video Crooked Smile had a meaning to it dealing with policy brutality and how many body counts cops have up to this day. A grow would be that they should have let Carlos summarize and remember some of his part instead of reading straight off the paper. Other than that they were prepared, made sure they had everything they needed, and was able to make it interesting adding new information and the 2 videos. The 3 major things that we as minorities face up to this day is racial profiling,economy and education standards for us,and police brutality in our mixed societies. This group did really well and I liked this presentation to so much it was the most interesting to me in my opinion.

    1. Nylobie Pierre Paul

      I agree with what Destiny has said about the presentation being very interesting. I also feel like they were very prepared, and it is shown in their work.

    2. Angie M

      I agree, Destiny. Carlos and his group created a presentation that was definitely interesting. I loved the videos and the fact that their choice of videos were relevant to the information made their presentation all the more impressive.

    3. Abdool G
      i agree with everyone that reply this group created a presentation that was very interesting especially the videos that they have included within the presentation. Good Job

  3. Nylobie Pierre Paul
    Abdool's Group Choice 2

    This group had may positives and a few things that they could've worked on. The information that they had was very relevant and it was intriguing to me. I feel like this was intriguing to me because of the type of person that I am, and because I am in programs for this type of stuff. Maybe to another they might not be as interested, although they should be beause this topic is pressing in our society and it has some type of effect on everyone. The biggest critique I have is the presentation. The way it was presented in the document was rather dull. The information was spectacular, but all of the words just made it hard to look at. I appreciate the chart, and all of the facts that you guys included. Also, next time try having cards or paper with tidbits of the main information instead of reading directly from the presentation. Aone more thing, make more eye contact with the audience.

    Thank You.

    1. Clement M.
      I strongly agree with Nylobie. Based on the work presented on the smartboard, it showed that the group placed time and dedication to their work. I thought that the cartoon was amusing. The structure of the presentation was not what I anticipated. I think that the group should present their work in a powerpoint. The group members should add more multimedia pieces into the work. My biggest problem was the eye contact. I strongly recommend that the group members should walk around and use hand gestures while talking.

  4. Carlos N.
    Clements group was very informative and really grabbed my attention with the interesting topic.
    The information they gave was well organized. Clement had lots of eye contact but sometimes shuddered a little. Their slides were pretty organized and the video was very informative and went really well with the other information. One grow was that a little too much information was given because i felt that i was loosing interest. Kennan lacked on eye contact and was mostly facing the board. But overall it was a very good presentation.

    1. Isaac B
      I agree with carlos. Clements group had very key information that went along with the topic at hand. The video corresponded with the presentation of clement's group. The structure of the power point was very eye grabbing.

  5. Abdool G
    Clement's group Choice 3
    Overall in my opinion this group did a really great job. The group focused on their topic on ken Thompson and created a well developed slide show explaining what they focused on. By creating a slide show,pictures and also adding a video based on ken Thompson help the audience visualize what they are really speaking about. I really liked that they added there source of where they found their information from. I feel some stronger details and going deeper into the topic will be something this group can work on basically focusing on main points not just about his life as in his biography.

    1. Jaruel G

      I agree with what Abdool said because they did focus only on Ken Thompson and had good points too, the video was a good add on to their power point. Which made me pay attention more to the information about Ken Thompson.

  6. Clement's Group:
    Clement's group utilized researched and information to create a report on Ken Thompson. This report was very informative on the life of Ken Thompson. They incorporated information that was essential to his importance in his society. They included information on his struggles and accomplishments. A few things that Clement's group should work on is delivery of speech. I felt that their words were dragged behind the report. Their voices need to be amplified to show emotion and feeling. Overall, I give their work an 8/10. This report met most of the prompts. The only area of improvement would be community -----------Mario Sugrim

  7. Timothy B.
    Clement groups had many different types of information such as information, bibliography, statics and videos to support there presentation. There group did choice 3 for there presentation. A glow that Clement has is that when they were presenting there slide, the information was on the smart board but, Clement did not re-read word for word from the smart board. He use is own words to explain the slide without reading the slide. Also while he was presenting he did not turn around to look at the board he gave the audience complete eye contact. Finally another grown they had was all the information they had such as the video on Ken Thompson where it related to so much to the audience because these was neighborhood that we know so well. While there information was there all the information was not needed to be put on the slide. Kennan could of have a better presentation if he gave eye contact instead of looking at the board. He also could of not re-read the slide to us.

  8. Jaruel G

    Brian's group had a good presentation with good points . He spoke loud for everybody to hear. But didn't had any eye contact with the audience. He kept his eyes on the paper which made me lose a little interest in it. I also, didn't like the fact that he was the only one up. It made it seem like he was the only one that contributed to the work. If everybody in his group contributed, then everybody should stand up and introduced themselves. But everything else they did well in, they had a good topic, good speech, and a spoke loud enough for everybody to hear which really had me paying attention and not day dreaming.

  9. Christian R.
    Ralph's group's presentation was immensely effective. They appealed to the interests of the audience with a music video by rapper J. Cole, which had a message of anti police brutality. The facts that they spoke about also aided their stand point that was to pay attention to police brutality as a whole and not just Black Lives Matter, although both are exceedingly serious matters. Their use of the real time website in which it displays the amount of killings due to police confrontation was also very effective. It demonstrates how urgent this epidemic of police brutality is, and just how oblivious we are to it. It allows the minds of the audience to view things from a different perspective. The perspective that the majority of Americans is what is shown to us by the media, but the media is corrupt, so our perception is distorted by them. The website let us see exactly what is going in the country today.

    1. Brian B.
      I agree that the forms in which Ralph's group presented the information was very effective in capturing and maintaining viewers attention.

  10. BasseimZhayre Hamilton
    Klament's group:Choice 3.

    This group of 3 did a very good job of there presentation on Ken Thompson. I found so many glows for this group, but only a little bit of grows, to start off I will say the glows I found.
    Glow #1)I really like the way this group organized their slide to show to the class.
    Glow #2)I like the way these speakers didn't just read what was on the slides but they read and summarized the text in their own words.
    Glow #3)I also really enjoyed the video they chose to present to the class.
    Now I will list the grows I have for this group,
    Grow #1)I think that Klament could have spoke a little more clearly

  11. Reynaldo G.

    Im speaking on clement and keenan presentation, overall i really liked te groups presentation ken thompson which was choice 1. I feel that they did a good job speaking out their main facs on ken thompson and the group gave a clear message on who ken was and a even better when telling us what excstly what ken was about. Some of the glows that this group was that while presenting they were speaking and facing towards the audience, gave a brief summary rather then reading word for word and finally included data that shows evidence and statistics that was relevent on what the discussion was on. All do respect clement did good but keenan even though he was managing the computer he needs to face the audience more and speak a little more louder.

  12. Reanna G.

    Last Group: Ralph Johnson, Kareem Thomas, Reynaldo Garcia, Carlos Nunez.
    Choice 2 on Black Lives Matter!

    Glows:Great Selection of music that came along with an amazing message behind it.
    Song Title: Crooked Smile
    Song Artist: J Cole
    I like the fact that the song was dedicated to a 7 year old girl Aiyana Stanely who was shot and killed during a police raid. The group presented an abundance of information which included, statistics of blacks who were killed by police from the beginning of this year to present day as well as another video from a scene in Fruitvale Station which portrayed the shooting and killing of Oscar Grant by the police. The speaker Ralph, articulated himself very well.

    Grows: At a very brief point in time the presenters back was not facing the audience.

  13. Isaac B
    Ralph's Group (choice 2)
    Ralph's group had a very interesting project. The vido they presented for the presentation was really a eye grabber, especially since the video was a situation of racial profiling since the little girl got shot. Also how each person presented a part of the project showed they had a part in the group. Also when Ralph spoke clearly, this showed that he had a interest in the project. One grow was that the other group members didn't really speak clearly

    1. thank you sir i hihly agree on that grow some of us would have to be more clear and more presentive

  14. 1st group: nylobie's and destiny's group provided a relevant presentation on Hispanic heritage and Mexican culture. the group did a great group job making eye contact gave full view to the audience and smiled. they showed great enthusiasm for the topic and even asked questions for the audience to answer. the grow part of their presentation very short, another problem was that in one of their questions was "what are 3 of Donald Trumps policies towards Hispanics?" one of the answers where not a policy they were an opinion of Donald trump, not making it a policy of his if he would be elected.
    -Keenan D.

    1. Nylobie

      We didn't give an opinion of him in the answer, it was something that Donald Trump said about it in his policy, but thank you keenan

  15. Clement M.
    Ralph’s group did an amazing job with the presentation of police brutality (choice 2). There were some things that I appreciated in the presentation. One of the things I liked was the video of J Cole at the beginning. I felt that the video gave an introduction to the presentation. I heard some students stated that the video touched them and I agree. That video grabbed my attention. Another thing that I liked was the black background on the slides. I thought it was creative to use that specific color for the topic. This showed that the group was creative. The third thing that I liked was the graphs and statistics of Blacks and Latinos being victims of police brutality. What shocked me was that there is a website that actually shows the number of people that died by police officers. I agree with some of the students in the class that the website showed a powerful message.
    Although, the presentation was wonderful, there were some things that the group should revise and work on. One of the problems that I had noticed in the presentation was one of the group members did not give the audience any eye contact. That particular group member looked at the paper while presenting. I understand that some people do not like reading on the stage. I recommend that the group member walk around and use some hand gestures in order to be confident while he or she is talking. One thing that I noticed was strange was the white highlighting on one of the slides. I initially thought that they plagiarized the work. I strongly recommend that they do not use the highlighter in order to for the audience not to make the wrong impression on the group. I agree with Angie when she had stated that the group members should add captions at the bottom of the graphs and figures. I believe that it shows the audience that the figures back up the topic. I strongly recommend some pictures or visual arts in the presentation next time.

  16. Donald Trump did Harambe

  17. Nylobie’s group’s presentation included an interactive trivia that engaged everyone in the audience. As the trivia was supposed to be a proposal for the Town Hall, the engagement of the audience by asking interesting questions, as well as providing a prize for each person that answered each question correctly. In addition, the delivery of each question by the presenter also assisted in the capturing of the audience’s attention. While this presentation for Town Hall proved to be successful with the audience, it could also be improved by adding more questions about other Hispanic countries as well. Additionally, there could have been another added activity to utilize as much time as possible for the Town Hall, which would likely have more of an effect on the audience’s understanding on the importance of Hispanic Heritage Month. However, the activity has proven nonetheless that it is an effective interactive activity for the town hall. This activity was well executed, and would go just as well in the town hall.
    Quamel L.
