Monday, May 11, 2015

Period 1: Resources to guide your writing of the various vignettes and follow-up blog posting

Here are a few resources to assist you as you compose/write your various vignettes, staring with "My Name." Remember that these are guides. YOUR vignettes can include other forms of YOUR creativity.

Click on the resources below to assist you on producing your first vignette on "My Name." Your details for writing the vignette comes from your research-note taking worksheet!!

Having completed your FIRST assigned vignette, you must respond to the question:

What has been your greatest or most memorable experience researching and writing YOUR vignette?

Which resource/site on this blog as been the MOST helpful for you? Why?

Your response must be at least an extended paragraph of at least 10-12 sentences. You must also respond to at least two classmates' postings with meaningful comments. Please remember to use the Blog rubric to guide what you produce. 

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