Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Period 2 ONLY: The Story of An Hour by Kate Chopin

Copy of "The Story of an Hour" by Chopin
Having read the short story by Kate Chopin, develop a two paragraph blog posting in which you discuss the most interesting section of the story. Explain and discuss the specific technique that Chopin uses to develop this most interesting section of the story. Note that your response must NOT entail the ENTIRE story. The idea is to hone in on the author's CRAFT in developing the fiction.
In discussing craft, you may comment on the author's development of ANY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: narration, dialogue, syntax, diction, text structure, theme, moral etc.

Remember to respond to another student's posting in an very intuitive way. Responses that are merely summaries of what the person has written will result in a lower grade according to the Blog rubric.

Happy blogging!


  1. The most interesting part was when Mrs. Mallard felt free and joyful about her husband death. Normally we would feel let down, however Mrs. Mallard is given a sense of energy. Also, where Mr.Mallard return back home is an interesting as well. With the use of imagery Chopin was able to show the change. The imagery used also describe the weather. After going to her room she saw, " Patches of blue sky showing here and through the clouds " (20). The clouds seems to be opening, and the sunshine seems to shining. Instead of feeling the weather gloomy, it feel wonderful. The change in character is seen through the setting also.
    The thought of not loving her husband, also explains her feeling. According to Mrs. Mallard, "And yet she had loved him- sometimes. Often she had not" (59). Though it was her husband she never always loved him. There must be a reason why she never loved him. It could have been the way he treated her. Mrs. Mallard also add on, " there will be no powerful bending hers"(52). There will be no one to take away her liberty. She was able to live on her own. - Teresa S

  2. In “The Story of an Hour,” the author employs specific structural and stylistic techniques to heighten the drama of the hour. The structure Chopin has chosen for “The Story of an Hour” fits the subject matter perfectly. The story is short, made up of a series of short paragraphs, many of which consist of just two or three sentences. Likewise, the story covers only one hour in Louise Mallard’s life—from the moment she learns of her husband’s death to the moment he unexpectedly returns alive. The short, dense structure mirrors the intense hour Louise spends contemplating her new independence. Just as Louise is completely immersed in her wild thoughts of the moment, we are immersed along with her in this brief period of time. This story can be read quickly, but the impact it makes is powerful. Chopin surprises us first with Louise’s elated reaction when she first murmurs “free” to herself. She shocks us again at the conclusion when she dies upon Bentley’s return. The “heart disease” mentioned at the end of the story echoes the “heart trouble” discussed at the beginning, intensifying the twist ending and bringing the story to a satisfying close.

    -Bryan Kidd

  3. The most interesting part of the story "The Story of An Hour" was when Mrs. Mallard was told that her husband was dead by her sister Josephine. When She was told that her husband was dead she would keep on repeating the words " Free, Free, Free". Also in the store she said that she was " Free! Body and soul,free!". In addition earlier in the story the narrator in the story said Mrs. Mallard loved her husband but not all the time. This was interesting for me because it showed what a loveless marriage was and what some women had faced being oppressed by men before they got their rights.
    One literary device that the author used well was irony. Irony is the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect. The irony in the story is when she found out her husband wasn't dead at all but alive. When she found out she died because all the excitement made her weak heart give out.
    - Carnell Phillips

  4. In "Story of an Hour" the plot is about how a woman named Mrs Mallard had just lost her husband in a railroad accident(or she thinks he died) and at first she is depressed about it but then later on is overcoming this depression and is noticing the fact that she is now free and can do whatever she wants. One of the most interesting parts of the story was how the author, Kate Chopin describes Mrs Mallard as having a weak heart. Kate Chopin describes Mrs. Mallard as a weak character at first. By saying that Mrs Mallard has a weak heart, the reader can interpret that Mrs Mallard is a weak old woman. But it is later revealed that Mrs Mallard is a young woman. Throughout the story however, The reader starts to see through Kate Chopin's dialogue that Mrs Mallard starts to become a strong independent woman after her husband was presumably dead. That to me was interesting.
    I think that throughout the story, the mood of the story is that at first, Kate Chopin wanted us to feel sorry for Mrs Mallard because she just lost her husband. But as the story unfolds, Chopin wanted the reader to feel from being sorry to feeling proud for Mrs Mallard because Mrs Mallard now realizes she is free to do whatever she wants to do. - Levi.G
