Monday, December 8, 2014

2nd Period Techniques in Literature

In preparation for your discussion of techniques used in writing and in preparation for successfully completing your writing on the Common Core piece "The Fundamental Principle of a Republic" use the links below to research key concepts relating to techniques in writing.

As you research, take copious notes that you can use for your blogging, for your group's discussion, as well as information you can draw on as you prepare your three paragraph textual analysis response.

Task for Blogging: Having concluded your research, write a short paragraph response in which you make a claim as to which technique is MOST readily used by Shaw in her writing. Provide at least one example from the piece as to where this was used and explain how effectively Shaw uses this technique in her writing.

The links are below. You are expected to research at least two links before you begin to blog. Every student must also read and notes on the link entitled "Mandatory Article on Text Analysis."

Write your first name and last INITIAL at the end of the blog BEFORE you post it. Unnamed blogs would not be regarded for further comments and assessment!

Structure and Parallel Structure

Video on Structure

Rhetorical Question in Language and Literature

Differences between a Metaphor and an Analogy

Analyzing Devices of Metaphors, Similes, Analogies etc

Syntax and Diction

Theme Analysis

Mandatory Article on Text Analysis


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  6. Shaw use diction in her speech, to convey her central idea. Shaw central idea is their inequality between gender. There tend to be more male, than female in the government. Diction is the choice of word used for an situation. For example, Shaw uses, "That male ignorance is so much less than female ignorance"(59). Shaw word of choice is "Ignorance" to explain the different reaction between gender. There tend to be no reaction to male attitude, however there is many reaction against female attitude. -Teresa S

    1. I agree. I also think diction is the major technique. Throughout history, the best speakers like Martin Luther King were great speakers. This is because of how they spoke. When they talked talked about subjects they didn't agree with they made sure listeners knew by using diction. They spoke in loud voices and put emphasis on certain words. Putting emphasis on words gets a points across better because it engages the listener or reader using a strong and serious tone and/or mood. Shaw also does this. She uses personal adjectives to describe the Republic.
      -Tyrese S.

  7. Syntax and diction is a technique that is readily used by Shaw. Without the diction in the writing, her point wouldn't get across as good. When she used diction, you can see the emphasis she is putting on what she believes in. If she didn't use strong words, then the reader wouldn't take her claim seriously. Line 8 states ' the thing that disturbs me more than anything...". You could see that there is reason she is using these words. She wants the readers to take action on November 2nd instead of just reading and walking away with information.
    - Tyrese S.

    1. Tyrese I enjoy reading your blog about syntax and diction. I agree with you upon your thoughts about diction. Diction is words used by the author, during a specific situation. Also, I agree that Shaw is able to take those words, and put them into sentence. These sentences tend to make Shaw speech much more stronger. I also agree, that with the use of words Shaw is able to make her central idea. Overall, I really like your blog
      (Teresa S.)

  8. The device she uses the most in my opinion is parallel structure. Parallel structure is repetition of words and and phrases. She uses this to show the importance of what she trying to say. For example, she repeatedly uses the word Republic to show the importance of that word. It is also one of the central ideas of the story. She also uses parallel structure in lines 6-10. Also in lines 18-20.
    Dakuan R.

    1. Dakuan R. I really enjoyed reading your comment. It was very interesting and informative piece. Also I found parallel lines in them same exact line good eye.
      Ismail M.

  9. I think the technique readily used by Shaw in the reading is Rhetorical Questions. One example of a rhetorical question is the article is in line 33 which is "Now when did the people of New York ever elect their own representative?". This was effective because it really makes you think about what a republic is and how is it supposed to be . Carnell P.

    1. I also agree with you. I think that the literary technique that Anna Shaw uses mostly in her speech is a rhetorical question. There are many times when Shaw uses a rhetorical question in her speech. The example that you put was a good example of a rhetorical question but you needed to explain more on how this was a rhetorical question on why did Shaw put this question in her speech.- Levi.G

  10. The technique that was most used in Shaw's writing is known as Parallel Structure. Parallel Structure is the repetition of the same pattern of words or phrases within a sentence or passage to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importance. Shaw shows evidence of Parallel structure in lines 4, 9, & 12 where she keeps repeating the date "November 2".

    Period 2 (Travis. W)

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  12. I think that the technique most readily used by Shaw in her writing is how she infuses subjective information into this objective piece of writing. She doesn't just say that the mean of new York has a decision to make on the second of December. Shaw states her point of view on this matter. "It is not merely a trifling matter; it is not a little thing that does not concern the state' it is the most vital problem we could have , and any man who goes to the polls on the second day of next November without thoroughly informing himself in regard to this subject is unworthy to be a citizen of this state, and unfit to cast s ballot.
    -Noah H.

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  15. The technique that stands out the most in this article would be parallel structure. Basically a parallel structure is a repetition of the same pattern of words or phrase within a sentence or passage to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importance.The author used parallel structure frequently, for example, Shaw constantly repeats the month "November".In line 4 the author state ''opportunity on the second day of next November, in line 10 the author also stated November in the statement when she said problem they have to solve on November 2 ".......
    -Bryan Kidd

  16. The technique that is most readily used by Anna Howard Shaw in her story "The Fundamental Principle of a Republic" is the parallel structure. Parallel structure is when you repeat the same pattern of words at key points in the text. In this article she uses parallel structure to show the main point she is discussing by using the word Republic more than once in different sections in the text. Jamill.M

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  18. The literary technique that Anna Shaw uses in her speech is a rhetorical question. An example of a rhetorical question she uses in her speech is "Now when did the people of new york ever elect their own representatives?" This question is an example of a rhetorical question in her speech because Shaw is asking the woman of new york if they ever vote for their own representatives. Only the men of new york have voted for their representatives but not the woman. Levi G

    1. While I do agree about the use of rhetorical question I don't agree with your reason to why she uses it. the authors uses rhetorical questions to highlight the fact that the republic the state uses is not a true republic. Also she is highlighting one of the flaws of the so called republic that we use. The rhetorical question she makes not only applies to the women but men too. Carnell P.

    2. Levi I agree with your work to a point. Shaw uses rhetorical questions in different occasions,but I disagree with your example. For example, you should have used her rhetorical question "What is actually the meaning of a Republic?' This question had more meaning to the speech and would be alot easier to support. -Anil R.

    3. Im not sure if that was the actual question asked but if it isnt i apologize i dont have the speech with me at this time. -Anil R.

  19. The technique that is mostly used by Anna Shaw is Parallel Structure. Parallel Structure is when writers use the same pattern of words to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importance. An example of how Anna uses parallel structure is as i was reading I noticed that she repeated the date "November 2" in lines 4,9,and 12 . The reason why Shaw uses parallel structure in the text is to stress to the reader how important the date November 2 is. The date is important because it is the date that is symbolic of when the "men of New York" that is the people who are part of the decision-making process, go to the polls to cast their ballot.

    Darron Panchoo

    1. i STRONGLY agree with you because i also highlighted the same thing.I believe the author constantly repeats November 2 because this date is essentially to women suffrage. This date is also important because it is the turning point in vote getting the right to vote and by not letting the women vote it would go affect the republic ......BRYAN KIDD

  20. The technique which is used throughout Shaw writing is the parallel structure. An parallel structure is the repetition of the same word or phrases within a sentence or passage to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importance. An example of Shaw using parallel structure in her writing is where she repeats the date "November 2nd" frequently.In the text Anna Howard Shaw uses the month November in lines 4,9,11. In the text it states " the rare opportunity on the second day of November" the reason why the author frequently uses the date November second is because its election day and the time where people vote for the representatives.Another line where the month November is stated is line 9 it states "the thing that disturbs me more than anything else in connection with it is that so few people realize what a profound problem they have to solve on November 2" this quote is saying that people are not taking this problem seriously and they believe the problem isn't really a big deal but she is saying that this would be one of the most serious problem they would have to solve. - Narinedra Tejsingh

  21. Dear, Mr.Panchoo

    I really enjoyed reading your comment about Shaw's use of Parallel structure. But mainly because i agree with you on the fact that this was the writing technique that was primarily used in the provided text. However, I believe that there are some small adjustments that can be made to you response to truly make it an "A+" answer. For starters you should carefully go over your pieces before submitting. For example i none sentence you said " i was reading I noticed that she..." , when in fact they should both be a capital "I". Also relating to that note you use the word "I" too may times. But keep up the good work :)
    - Travis.W
    (Period 2)

  22. Shaw's speech had many different techniques to support her points,but parallel structure stood the most. Parallel structure is the repetition of a certain word or phrase to express the importance of two or more ideas. One example of parallel structure in Shaw's speech is the repetition of "November 2." She uses this date in lines 4,9,and 11. She repeats this date to show how only men will vote for representatives while women cant. This shows two important ideas 1.Their form of goverment is not a republic and 2.Women should get the right to vote because that is what will make their goverment a republic -Anil R.

  23. . The method Shaw mostly uses in my saying is parallel structure. Parallel structure is repetition of words and and phrases. She uses this to show the importance of what she trying to say.I state that because she repeatedly uses the word Republic to show the importance of that word. She uses parallel structure in lines 6-10,and in lines 18-20.
    Ismail M.

    1. Ismail,I agree with you about your definition of parallel structure. Shaw does use the word "Republic" numerous times throughout the her writing. I believe she uses that word as many times as she does to emphasize what she is saying,which is that our nation's system doesn't actually represent the word Republic. Likewise she also uses the word November in a parallel structure to drive home the point that this month is a month of importance,since this the time when Americans go to the polls to make changes in the law. She wanted everyone to understand the importance of such a time in making changes.
      Brandon B.

  24. In Anna Howard Shaw's piece "The Fundamental Principle of a Republic",the literature technique that she uses the most is parallel structure.In her piece,in lines 4,9,and 15.The word that she keeps on repeating the word "November."I believe that she continuously uses this word is because it is important to the piece of literature. Also,another literature technique that can be seen throughout Miss Shaw's piece is rhetorical question.This is seen numerous times,and I believe that the author does this to convey her message to to the readers,and to truly express the way she feels on this topic,and how much she truly believes in what she thinks.
    Brandon B.
