Sunday, October 26, 2014

Creative Writing Period 1: Audio Version of Cisneros' "A House on Mango Street" and Narrative Writing

A House on Mango Street-Audio Version

After the reading and the class discussion, please follow the guidelines below for writing your posts and commenting on your classmates' postings:

Guidelines for completing your Blogs:

You may use the same text chosen when they were exposed to Cisneros text or a new idea that is generated from your group or class discussion. You will follow the following steps for the posting of your blogs:
  1. What idea from “The House of Mango Street” I would like to include in my narrative. You must directly site the idea using direct speech or you  may paraphrase it using in-text citation.
  2. How does this idea relate to what I want to say? You must use 2-3 original sentences to say how the text applies to the idea that you want to build for your own narrative.
You must write your name at the bottom of the post and then send the post.
To complete your blog session, you must find one other posting from someone in the class (preferably someone who is NOT in your group).
  1. You must read this person’s POST in its entirety and THEN make a 1-2 sentence comment on the person’s post where you either ask a question of the person for further clarity or you give the person another angle or idea that they may consider to improve or strengthen their original idea
Be respectful. Be considerate. Use Standard American English at ALL times!
When you are finished blogging, return to your tables for completion of the Summary EXIT Ticket or a Posting for the class’s Parking Lot.

See the rubric for posting comments to guide the successful completion of this activity.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I think the main idea of this passage is that appreciate everything you have even though it is not what you wanted. I got this idea from the line "The house on mango street is ours, we don.t have to pay rent or share the yard with anybody, and there is not a land lord banging on the ceiling with a broom. But even so, its not the house wed thought we get." this connects to me because they have a house ton live in and they can do whatever they want but they still don't appreciate it. Even though the house is messed up and nobody is helping the fix it, I think they should at least make the best of what they have. jaggernauth

    1. I think you did really good you just made a mistake. One mistake that you made is that when you typed in '' I got this idea from from the line '' The house on mango street is ours...'' the letter m has to be capitalized because it is a name of a street. You could also describe more how it relates to you.

    2. I agree with what you are trying to say,because I also think you should appreciate what got because its the thought that counts.1 thing I that you could add is that there is people that can't afford what you got and will do anthing just get what you got.People should just appreciate what they got and not go around with an attitude just because they dont got the newest pair's of jordans. people cant always get what they want its' about what they need.DESHON C.

    3. Perfect ! Just a few minor errors and gramma but you did good. Just add alittle more details and a thesis and you will be set to go, good job.

    4. The quote i can related to is ''Everybody has to share a bedroom-Mama and Papa, Carlos and Kiki,me and Nenny.'' To me this relatable because back when i was young around 6 years old i use to share a bedroom with my parents and sister due to lack of space in DR.By;Nelson

    5. The House On Mango Street was completely theirs and they didn't have to worry about paying rent to the landlord, share the back yard with people from downstairs or be careful not to make to much noise. They basically had all the freedom they wouldn't have In any other place they will move to. Freedom in your home is the best feature you could have in a house.
      By: Carlos C.

  3. The passage I've chosen from " The House on Mango Street" that we lived on Loomis third floor,and before that we lived on Keller...By the time we got to Mango Street we were six- Mama, Papa, Carlos, Kiki, my sister Nenny and me." This idea relates to my because I was born in Guyana, and we migrated to America. It was my cousin and I, then we lived in a small building, Then my uncle was having a baby and we needed to move to a bigger place. So now we live in a house and our family is increasing. For example, since we moved my brother, my cousin, my baby brother that is going to be born today, and my cousin but not now but she is pregrant.

  4. In the passage " The House On Mango Street " the part of the story that stands out to me is " You live there? There. I had to look to where she pointed—the third floor, the paint peeling, wooden bars Papa had nailed on the windows so we wouldn't fall out. You live there? The way she said it made me feel like nothing. There. I lived there. I nodded." . This piece of the passage stands out to me because I can very closely relate. I remember when I was a child the apartment building I lived in had paint peeling, I lived on the 3rd floor and some of the abandon apartments had boarded up windows. This part relates to what I want to say in my narrative because in my narrative I want to talk about my life as a child and how I grew up in my neighborhood. Shane Harris

    1. Very good job explaining why this relates to you and you were very specific good job. Dyshawn Burgess

    2. Very good explanation...

  5. In 'The House on Mango Street' the part that relates to me is the first paragraph sentence 4.It connects to me because it says 'each time it seemed there'd be one more of us'.what the author is trying to say isevery time they moved it seemed to be another brother or sister,It connects to me because every time we moved there was one or two more added to the family tree.she also say that 'By the time we got to mago street we were six'.What the author is saying is that when they moved to mango street there were six family members in there house. By;DESON C.

    1. I choose the same line so we can both relate. But i was born in Guyana. Also my family grew a lot. Alsoyou have so mistakes, For example you said isevery when its suppose to say is very. other than that your comment is good. George

    2. In the beginning of " The House On Mango Street" It said " Everyone has to share a bedroom " . When i lived in my first house i had to share a room with my brother. And then, my sister was born so her crib was in my room. When we got to the new house there was four bedrooms I got one my brother got his own room and my two sisters had to share there own room. - Terrel S

  6. In the beginning of the story ''The House On Mango Street'' it says that narrator talks about how every time her and her family moves there is a new person added to the family. According to story she says ''Each time it seemed there'd be one more of us''. This shows that more and more people have been added to the family every time they move. So then when the family moved to Mango Street there six members of the family. According to the story it says ''By the time we got to Mango Street we were six- Mama, Papa, Carlos, Kiki, my sister Nenny and me''. Although in this story the narrator also talk about where did the family lived before it says in the beginning ''We didn't always live on Mango Street. Before that we lived on Loomis on the third floor and before that we lived on Keeler. Before Keeler it was Paulina, and before that I can't remember''. The narrator says that all she remember is moving a lot. by Felix D.

    1. I agree with you because I almost have the same thing and you wrote it in correct way.

    2. I agree with you , but I didnt see you include how it relates to you.

  7. The sentence that I choice from the story "The house on mango street" that relate to me is "But what I remember most is moving a lot, Each time it seemed there be one more of us".This relate to me because when ever i move there is one brother or sister get it be added in my family.I think this sentence relate to me a lot because not everything i do i remember but when i move to another house i remember what i did. -Tanbirul H

    1. This is a very good reasoning for choosing this piece in the passage. However, you made a minor mistake. In your reasoning you said " one brother or sister get it be added in my family " , maybe you should have said getting added. Otherwise, this is a good reasoning. Shane Harris

    2. and i agree^ with this comment ~ Anonymous ;)

  8. In the beggining of "The House On Mango street" It said "We had to leave the flat on Loomis quick. The water pipes broke and the landlord wouldn't fix them because the house was too old. We had to leave fast." I choose this sentence because it related to me when I lived in my first house. Our floor where cracked so my mom wanted to try and fixed them but my mom couldn't find a flooring that would suite the house so my mom decided to move. We moved into a nice house where we had 3 rooms so all of us had our own room. I was finally able to have my own peace and quiet and not having to fight over the T.v . This is how the sentence from "The House On Mango Street". ~Charlemagne V.

    1. its supposed to be T.V. ~Anonymous

    2. T.V :Also the last sentence didn't make sense at all

    3. Kinda was typing fast bruh ~Anonymous

    4. I agree with you because first u gave an example then you explain whats that meaning mean but i didn't get the last sentence.-Tanbirul

  9. The sentence that i can relate to the most from the story ''The House On Mango Street'' is ''But the house on Mango Street is not the way they told it at all''.This sentence shows that the narrator is disappointed. I can relate to this sentence because i have once been disappointed like the narrator has. One day me and my parents go to see a new house,i was expecting the house to be amazing.I was expecting big rooms,big bathroom,and nice floors. However that was not the case. The house was all damaged with bad floors,tiny rooms,and tiny bathrooms. Even though we did not move into that house i felt what the narrator was feeling and that is disappointment. This is how i can relate to the narrator from the story ''The House On Mango Street'' Randy S

  10. The quote I chose from "The House on Mango Street" is "The pipes broke and the landlord wouldn't fix them because the house was too old." This relates to me by when i was in my old house in Guyana.When the same thing happened but it was outside of my house in my yard the dog was chasing the chicken, and the dog ran into the pipe and burst it and the water started to run out rapidly so my uncle (Landlord) didn't want to fix it.So we had to move in 2 weeks.
    ~ Zwade W.

  11. In the story "The House On Mango Street," the line that relates to me is the third line in the fifth paragraph. "bricks are crumbling in places, and the front door is so swollen you have to push hard to get in." this line relates to me because when i was younger, the front door of my house was hard to push because it wasn't installed properly. A couple weeks after, my dad and uncle came to fix the door. After they fixed it, i was finally able to push the door without having trouble. - Kimberly

    1. maybe you were a little to young to be pushing doors by yourself in your house and it might have been pull ~ Anonymous

  12. In the passage "House on Mango Street" the line i choose that relates to me most is the line where it states " but what i remember most is moving a lot." This relates to me because i moved several times within the short life-time im living now. Throughout this story the narrator explains how she is in need of a house she can comfortably call hers. As result due to all the moving I finally have a house I can comfortably call mine Dyshawn Burgess

    1. Great quote. You did a great job, but i think you should add more details about why you chose this quote.

  13. One sentence that I can relate to from The House on Mango street is from the second paragraph when it said "The house on Mango Street is ours, and we don't have to pay rent to anybody, or share the yard with the people downstairs, or be careful not to make too much noise..." in this sentence the author is obviously stating the benefits of living in the house and loves it. I can relate to this because I used to live in a very small house which was fine till my brother was born and now I feel like I have more space.-Joshua C

  14. The quote in the story "The House On Mango Street" written by Sandra Cisneros that relates to someone in my family is in paragraph 5 lines 1-3 it states "It's small and red with tight steps in front and windows so small you'd think they were holding their breath. Bricks are crumbling in places, and the front door is so swollen you have to push hard to get in." This quote relates to someone in my family because my cousin's house was the same way it was described in the story.

  15. the quote i choose is "but what i remeber most is moving alot" ~ damally~

  16. In the story "The House On Mango Street" there were two sentences that I can relate to. I could even go as far as saying it is me. These two sentences can be found in the tenth paragraph on the end of the second line and the beginning of the third line. The sentences say "You live there? The way she said it made me feel like nothing. This is relatable to me because the same thing happened to me when I was younger. I was ashamed of where I lived and I was teased by other kids. Uryan

  17. One sentence that I can relate to from in “The House on Mango street” is “They always told us that one day we would move into a house, a real house that would be ours for always so we wouldn't have to move each year.” I currently live in a nice apartment, but my mother is sending money to my country to finish building a house. My mother would always tell me that one day we will move over there. She promises me and my brothers that the house will be ours to keep for our children. We actually went to visit the house last year , its very big. It like a dream house. This is why that quote relates to me. I want to talk about the reason which my mom even started to build a house in my country.
    ~ Dayana F.

  18. In the passage "House on Mango Street" the line i choose that relates to me most is the line where it states " but what i remember most is moving a lot." This relates to me because i moved several times with my family i had to get friend every time we moved. Throughout this story the narrator explains how she is in need of a house she can comfortably call hers. As result due to all the moving I finally have a house I can comfortably call mine ~damally~

  19. The line that I chose from ''The House on Mango street'' is ''what I remember the most is moving a lot'.' This relates to me because i used to move a lot because we always had trouble with the people we lived with so we had to move. We moved four times in five years but my family and I have found the perfect house. We even get along with owner of the house,and that's why I chose that line from "The House on Mango Street."

    ~Douglas T.
