Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Interactive Technology Project done in Photopeach

Dear 9th grade class:

You have just completed a multi-media/technology-based project on your choice of African American Inventor. Although this was in recognition of National Black History Month, celebrated in the month of February, it was an opportunity to get you involved in working on something that you can call your own.

In light of your creation, write a paragraph of approximately 8-10 sentences in which you discuss how this project has better shaped your appreciation of the many contributions that people make to society. IN YOUR RESPONSE, you may mention the inventor you focused on, but you MUST NOT tell us everything again about the inventor. Instead, your initial post to the blog must be on how you have gained an insight into how you too can make contributions to your society.

In order to gain full credit for this activity, you must also respond meaningfully to two other students' postings after you have posted yours. WHEN YOU RESPOND TO YOUR CLASSMATES' WORK, YOU MUST IDENTIFY THEM. For example, you may begin, "I am moved or motivated by what Akeem and Germaine posted. Akeem metnioned that ... (Give a quick reference to the specific point and then make your comment on his posting; then work on the interesting point that Germaine made). Please be cordial and appreciative of other students' postings.


  1. In the project, I learned that it is important to make contributions is a nice way of helping other people. There are a lot of ways to helping people with their needs. For example, my project was about Madam C.J Walker. She invented the hair shampoo. She made it by looking through other products and natural resources to help make the first hair growing shampoo. Shampoo now helps people today. One example is by keeping away dandruff and keeping the hair clean and smelling fresh. I can be helpful through making contributions. The first thing I would do, would be to help making a type of device for people that smoke ciggarettes. The reason why is because there is a lot of air pollution because of cigarrettes.- David Mckoy

    1. David i think your is a well thought out paragraph but I see a couple of grammar mistakes. Also I think that the African American inventor you mentioned was good because without shampoo we won't be able to wash our hair correctly.
      -Clemente De La Cruz

    2. David your paragraph was a really good paragraph talking about African American inventors and doing a research about them. It was good but watch your grammar in the paragraph, for example in the second sentence you should of put '' there are a lot of ways to help people with their needs.'' To make your writing better, try to add more details about what the inventor used to make her invention and if she got help from someone or she did it all by herself. But overall it was a really well written paragraph. Keep up the good work!!!
      Mohamed Gomaa

    3. David you have a well written paragraph here and I loved it. To be honest i didnt know Madam C.J Walker did hair products but now I know that she did I learned something new about one of of the African American inventors of all time. I agree with u when u said about the danduff of girls hair and that is so true with out the hair products girls hair would be looking messy and smelly and all types of way. But with out shampoo I dont know what people could do. But over all you did a good paragraph.

      From: Briana Brunson

    4. David I think your paragraph was well written and i liked the fact that you picked an African American women inventor. Although, there are a couple of grammar mistakes that you need to look over. However, you did do a really good job and Madam C.J Walker did hair products to make a good contribution, so that's what she did to help others. Keep up the good work David , and look over your Gammar !

  2. David your paragraph was a really good paragraph talking about African American inventors and doing a research about them. It was good but watch your grammar in the paragraph, for example in the second sentence you should of put '' there are a lot of ways to help people with their needs.'' To make your writing better, try to add more details about what the inventor used to make her invention and if she got help from someone or she did it all by herself. But overall it was a really well written paragraph. Keep up the good work!!!
    Mohamed Gomaa

  3. African American inventors are the ones who made our lives easier. Any inventor no matter what color or what nationality some one have done something for people to make them happier. My inventor was Benjamin Banneker and he was the one who made us wake up in the morning. His invention was the clock and it became really famous and it got very helpful for people to get well organized. If I was to invent something for me to get me famous and to helpful for others will be a type of machine for cancer and to find a new way of medicine that could be made by the help of experts. If any one was to start an invention, you should think about something no just for fun but take it serious and invent something that is really good to others.
    Mohamed Gomaa

  4. African American inventors are among some of the best inventors the world has ever seen. They have contributed a vast amount of things to this world, and without them we would not have many things we have in this world today. The inventor that i am focusing on is Carter G. Woodson and without him we would not have a black history month, this is the reason why he is named the father of black history. Woodson struggled hard for blacks to make it in this world and even to go as far as becoming a doctor, something that not many African American people could accomplish. Some people today might not see his contribution that important but to me it is really important. Without it we would not be celebrating many famous African Americans that we know and love today. If i could contribute something to society I would invent something that could benefit other people and not just my self, such as something to help people with disabilities to make their life a little bit easier. If we all look up to the people who inspire us we can all become a better society. - Donnel Pelle

    1. Donnel your paragraph was great. I like how you talked about how Black history month is important today. I agree when you said that Carter G. Woodson struggled hard to suceed and he did. Also, i agree with all the contributions of society you talked about. This a very good paragraph. Awesome!
      -Joangel Ortiz

    2. Donnel you had a good paragraph. I liked the way how you talked about Black history Month and you telled us about your inventor Carter G. Woodson.Also, i agree with contrubtions of your society. You were really great out there showing your presentation. Keep up the good work.
      -Andrew Arthur

  5. Well first I would like to agree with Mohamed when he said that everyone have done something to make people happier. It's true because you might not notice it but someones going to be proud about what your doing. I also like what David said when he mentioned that there are a lot of ways to helping people with their needs, but inventing is not all about just helping people with needs. Inventing can be also be about entertainment. Such as video games, television, etc. Speaking of entertainment, I had to think of Robert L. Johnson. The African American founder and creator of BET(Black Entertainment Television). It is the home of Hip Hop and R&B music. Robert was not a racist man, but he made the media because there weren't any attention for black African Americans on television, and it was only fair if someone would've stepped up and did something about it. That's why I thank Robert L. Johnson and Cable vision for giving me something else to watch when there is nothing on television. Good Job Mohamed, David and Ms. Joseph for the good work!

    1. Rameek you wrote a pretty good paragraph. I liked the fact that you said " inventing is not all about just helping people with needs because there are other ways to invent something like through entertainment". I find this very true and i liked how you did your research on the man who created BET , because like you i also watch it when there is nothing on television. All and all good job.

    2. Rameek thanks for agreeing with me when I said, ''Everyone have done something to make people happier.'' All of the inventions that have been made was a starting point to the future. For example, My inventor Benjamin Banneker invented the clock. We know that he did invent the clock but that clock have became newer and it looks better. I am trying to say that when we think about something to invent, make sure it is not just for you, but for others who are having trouble. We try our best to make them happier because when they are happy,we think that we have done something that will help organize their life. Overall, your paragraph is wonderful and you have talked about really important details. I want you to think before you do anything in your life because it will make your life better like others... Mohamed Gomaa

  6. In todays' world we do have some very talented black Americans that have highly contributed to our society. My main topic was on Patricia Bath a black opthalmolgist who developed an equipment laser probe for the tratment of cataract. How i can contribute to society would be to become a physician or something in the health field that can benefit the black community in which I live. There are many sick people amongst which I live who are dependent on the health system to make them better. I beieve that I can contribute in some way or the other by finishing my education and going on to something bigger and better that can eventually lead to something great. I would focus on being a cardiologist helping people with heart problems.

  7. I think what David said about the shampoo invention was ideal.That is a good way to contribute to society, people would be able to walk around with hair that does not smell. By Ms. Walker inventing the shampoo other people can profit from that invention and also develop other things that can be beneficial for optimum hair growth.

  8. Mohamed Bannaker the man who invented the clock. Mohamed stated that the clock is something that makes life much easier. That is so true because not having a clock would make the world a chaotic world to live in. The little things that these inventors think about inventing turns out to be very important things in our everyday lives.

  9. We may take these contribution that people make to society for granted, but those contribution might help us in our everyday life.For example the traffic light, you may think of the traffic light when driving but otherwise some people might have no clue who invented the traffic light and how much it help us in our everyday life. Another example is Benjamin Banneker, some people might not know who he is and what contribution he made to society. He invented the first clock. See thanks to Benjamin Banneker we can know what time it is. Many people make contribution to society everyday. One way I can make a contribution to society is by recycling. That makes our society a cleaner place.

    - Daniel Baijnath

  10. George Alcom he invented the first Xray it change lives and it helps doctors to see whats is wrong with people, it is important to make contribution to society because you may not know if it makes a difference, you contribute to society by helping people who need help.

    1. Enjah your writing was good but you had to add more details to express your feelings towards your inventor. You also had to write about if you was to invent something, what would it be. If you really was to invent something, think about something that will help you and everyone else in the world. When you express your felling it shows others that you are thinking and that you really want to help them. Your paragraph was good but like I said add more details to your inventor and how would you help your society with something amazing to make their lives easier... Mohamed Gomaa

  11. In the past we were given somne great invetors that contributed the todays society that happen to be African American.One African American inventor that has contributed is Lewis Latimer who invented the light bulb. The light bulb is a contribution to todays society because it heps us see in darks places and areas, help us see cars and old vehicles that are passing and help us see things and objects more clearly. Following into Lewis's foot steps i would also make a contribution to society because it is important to me and to the world. It is important because if we dont help keep this world in shape there is no one else that can. One thing i would do to help with society would be holding the door for people as the enter a store,restaurant,etc.Another thing i would do to help is by recylcing bottles and paper. Last, i would try to collect money from my neighbors and people who live in my neighborhood and donate it to help find a cure for cancer,HIV and other diseases out there.So, as you can see it is very important to help with society and help create a better world to live in. -Anushka Shah

  12. Goerge washington Carver was the man who invented peunut butter. Goerge's peunut butter was very great. For example, you could of put it on many Objects, and also flavor it with other ingredients. That's so true because peunut butter is one of the best flavors in the world. Little things can be a great part in this world.

    1. I think that penut butter is a contribution to our society because we can eat peunut butter and that helps other people because if people eat peunut butter that means it is acontribution to our society
      -Clemente De La Cruz

    2. First off, I would like to say that was a good paragraph Donroy it was short but i liked the way you mellowed it out. Peanut Butter is one of the biggest contributions that my fellow classmates has been talking about. I really like the fact that you said " Little things can be a great part in this world " because it really can change things , and it did ... it changed society.

  13. elijah mccoy was an african american inventor. he was an machenical and engineer. he makes life much easier for person who drive trains or work on train. the little things elijah mccoy invented turns out to be very important thing in all of our lives. i think kendel said about clock invention was ideal. that is a good way to contribute in the society, people would be able to know the time whenever and whereever you go you can even check it on your phone also.

    1. I did this same person and I so agree with you on what you wrote in your paragraph everything that he did turned out to be important in our lives. Without all this it would be a mess everywhere but over all Elijah really made our live easier. So we can have trains to take us places and etc.

      From Briana Brunson

  14. Now a days, people are being even more careful and keep their eyes open just to be safe. In this time period, many things has been happening around such as murders, car crashing and more. An inventor named Garrett Morgan invented the traffic light. His invention helped those give time to cross the road and cause less traffic injuries. Some people has been making contribution to the society by respecting others while cross the road. I believe that crossing the road when your turn is upis the safer way. It's important to make contributions to the society because it make us feel great and safer. The contributions the Garret Morgan made to society has made us happy and him too.
    -Joangel Ortiz

  15. In the project i learned lots of things involving the class and also the black inventors that people dont give credit to.what i meant when i said involving you was when i saw how all my classmates became creative to show how that we are abler to do the work.Also i liked the fact that we was able to do a big project but as we was doing we had fun.Eventhough i didnt do the work i did understand what was needed to be done inorder to get full credit for the project.I am hoping that the class is able to visit the website so i can actually be able to get credit on something that is fun to me and that is easy to work on.

  16. A contribution is when someone does something to give to their society. Individuals make contributions to their society by doing something like helping anyone that needs it. In the past a person named Dr.Mark Dean made a computer. With the computer it help people around the world. The computer made life easier because people can talk to each other quicker and buy stuff faster. Making contribution is important because it helps the society. With each contribution the society improves little by little. I can contribute just by helping people in the streets.

  17. Today in 2012, we thank the African American inventors for their contributions and their inventions to make our lives easier and better. If these inventors didn't invent these useful materials, we wouldn't be organized and it would more harder for individuals. For example, my inventor was Elijah McCoy, a African American/Canadian inventor who was born in the year of 1844 and died in 1929 at the age of 86. McCoy was known for inventing the locomotive and the oil drip cup for the trains. McCoy's inventions helped the railroad service become more quicker and better service for less complaints from individuals. Mr.McCoy is well remembered for his contributions and dedications to the railroad system and the other African American inventors are also remembered for their contributions to make Black History Month successful. Orlando Garcia

  18. A contribution is the voluntary giving of money or gifts. an individual can contribute to the society by voluteering to a shelter or cleaning up his community.some contributions made by people is by making the street lamp.it's important to contribute so people can learn responsibility.I can contribute by cleaning up the community ,making it greener or by volunterring at a local shelter or by doing something positive.
    Leroy Flowers

  19. in the world today we have a lot of black african american that have high contribute to the society. my main topic was on elijah mccoy who was an machenical and engineering. how i can contribute to the society would be to become an engineering or something to do with machinical that can benifit the black community i live in. there are many people who have problem with their cars, trucks,and buses. i believe that i can contribute someway or the other if i have an good education in school

  20. A contribution is when you help people. One way that individuals can make contributions are, by giving to the poor, volunteering for comunitate serves. One contribution for a person from the past was Mark Dean. He inveted computers and that allowed people to search the web. That saved people time from there lives instead of going to the library. Its is very important to make contributions to the society because helping people is important and at the end of the day you'll feel good about yourself that you can make contributions to the society.
    -Clemente De La Cruz

  21. In this project I learned alot about African American inventors. I relize that we have alot of african american inventors of all times. They did wonderful things for us in our lives. There was this one inventor that I did and learned abut him and he go by the name of Elijah McCoy. Elijah Created lubricator for steam engines and steam engines for machines. So if we didnt have Elijah McCoy there wouldnt be working machines that we have today with. So im glad that he invented something wonderful.

  22. African American inventors are among some of the best inventors the world. They have contributed a grate amount of ideas to the world.One off the best inventor in the world is Carter G.Woodson.He is the reason we have black history month.Thats why people call him the father of black history. Woodson worked hard for blacks to make it in world.Some people today might not see his contribution that important but to others it is the most important thing in the world.If i could contribute something to society I would invent something that could benefit all yhe people of the world such as something to help people with reading disabilitie so their life can little bit easier.If their were more people in the world like Carter inspire us all.The world
    would be a better place.
    BY:Darren Bhadrasain

  23. In english class, we did a powerpoint for african american inventors.I really enjoyed seeing all the powerpoint.I like seeing madam cj walker powerpoint because if it wasn't for her girls wouldn't have shampoo.Alot of african american inventors have created great things for us and it would be great to give to the poor.

  24. In my opinion Carver's contribution to society was his invention of peanut butter. I think that his innvention serves lots of purposes ouside of the kitchen. You can contribute to society by cleaning up in your neighborhood park or other types of community service

  25. keii -i learned in this project that it is very conciderate to help contribute to society like for an example the man that invented penutbutter was a great ideal because every one world wide eats penutbutter,but 90% percent of america eats penutbutter with something like jelly or crackers.contributions made changes to the people in my past in alot of ways like cleaning and helping out with other things but i think people should be cintribute world wide and i think it would make the world a better place

  26. Leslie -For the past few weeks, in this project i've learned how to contribute. Throughout the society there are many people out there world wide that know how to contribute and use it well. For an example , Dr.Mark Dean made a computer. Dr.Mark Dean help develop the improvements in computers that allow IBM and compatible PCs to use high performance software. In addition to Dr.Mark Dean and his achievements, he put his all into it and children are still learning to this day on how he made a great contribution to the society today. Always remember that it is important to the society to make positive contributions and be a good neighbor and help out the community. Think positive and be positive , its never to late.

  27. Kezeiah Tyra Carson:

    My classmates and I did an assignment on African American Inventors. After doing this project and watching my classmates doing their presentations, I started to understand and appreciate these inventors even more. Without these inventions, things we use in everyday life now, we wouldn't have. For example, my inventor was Madam C.J Walker. She invented hair growth products for African Americans with "kinky" hair. Me loving my hair to always look proper, without Ms. C.J Walkers inventions I dont know what I would do. I really appreciate these inventors for inventing these inventions we now use in everyday life. Thank you.

  28. The classmates and i did a project assignment on African-American Inventors. I started on my inventoer named George Alcorn Jr.He invented the x-ray spectometer. It changes the lives of people by making sure the doctors waht was wrong to the patients. It is important to change society around the world when people needs help in the world. I can contribute society by helping and cleaning the community like recyling,doing chores, and becoming a little more responsible for every cause and damage.-Andrew Arthur

  29. In this project I learned alot about African American inventors. I relize that we have alot of african american inventors of all times. They did wonderful things for us in our lives. There was this one inventor that I did and learned abut him and he go by the name of Elijah McCoy. Elijah Created lubricator for steam engines and steam engines for machines. So if we didnt have Elijah McCoy there wouldnt be working machines that we have today with. So im glad that he invented something wonderful.Without him we would be walking and we be having problems getting somewhere. Sadly he had to died but im happy that we had him our life.

    From Briana Brunson

  30. Many African American inventors had invented something that makes lives easier.Inventors invent something that would make things easier and faster for people to do. Without them we wouldn't have what we have today such as colors in television, transportation and technology.Inventors can also add on to other inventions making it more advanced like Alexander Miles. He had added automatic doors to the elevators decreasing many accidents such as deaths or injuries in the elevators while traveling up or down the shaft . This had made it safe for everyone who rides it. If I can make contribution to society, I would try to add on to someones invention and making it more advanced and better for the people around who would use it. Example, if something I see isn't safe and I think that I would be able to fix it a little then I would try and help.
    -Christie Chen
